
Posts Tagged ‘data analysis’

Workshop on data analysis for software developers

May 12, 2024 No comments

I’m teaching a workshop on data analysis for software engineers on 22 June. The workshop is organized by the British Computer Society’s SPA specialist group, and can be attended remotely.

Why is there a small registration charge (between £2 and £15)? Typically, 30% to 50% of those registered for a free event actually turn up. It is very frustrating when all the places are taken, people are turned away, and then only half those registered turn up. We decided to charge a minimal amount to deter the uncommitted, and include lunch. Why the variable pricing? The BCS have a rule that members have to get a discount, and HMRC does not allow paid+free options (I suspect this has more to do with the software the BCS are using).

It’s a hands-on workshop that aims to get people up and running with practical data analysis. As always, my data analysis hammer of choice is regression analysis.

A few things are being updated since I last gave this workshop?

While my completed book Evidence-based Software Engineering was not available when the last workshop was given, the second half containing the introductory statistics material was available for download. There has not been any major changes to the statistical material in this second half.

The one new statistical observation I plan to highlight is that in software engineering, there is a lot of data that does not have a normal distribution. Many data analysis are aimed at the social sciences (the biggest market), and they frequently just assume that all the data is normally distributed; software engineering data is different.

For a very long time I have known that most developers/managers do not collect and analyse measurements of their development processes. However, I had underestimated ‘most’, which I now think is at least 99%.

Given the motivation, developers/managers would measure and analyse processes. I plan to update the material to have a motivational theme, along with illustrating the statistical points being made. The purpose of the motivational examples is to give attendees something to take back and show their managers/coworkers: Look, we can find out where all our money/time is being wasted. I assume that attendees are already interested in analysing software engineering data (why else would they be spending a Saturday at the workshop).

I have come up with a great way of showing how many of software engineering’s cited ‘facts’ are simply folklore derived from repeating opinions from papers published long ago (or derived from pitifully small amounts of data). The workshop is hands-on, with attendees individually working through examples. The plan is for examples to be based on the data behind some of these ‘facts’, e.g., Halstead & McCabe metrics, and COCOMO.

Tips, and suggestions for topics to discuss welcome.

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Average lines added/deleted by commits across languages

April 14, 2024 No comments

Are programs written in some programming language shorter/longer, on average, than when written in other languages?

There is a lot of variation in the length of the same program written in the same language, across different developers. Comparing program length across different languages requires a large sample of programs, each implemented in different languages, and by many different developers. This sounds like a fantasy sample, given the rarity of finding the same specification implemented multiple times in the same language.

There is a possible alternative approach to answering this question: Compare the size of commits, in lines of code, for many different programs across a variety of languages. The paper: A Study of Bug Resolution Characteristics in Popular Programming Languages by Zhang, Li, Hao, Wang, Tang, Zhang, and Harman studied 3,232,937 commits across 585 projects and 10 programming languages (between 56 and 60 projects per language, with between 58,533 and 474,497 commits per language).

The data on each commit includes: lines added, lines deleted, files changed, language, project, type of commit, lines of code in project (at some point in time). The paper investigate bug resolution characteristics, but does not include any data on number of people available to fix reported issues; I focused on all lines added/deleted.

Different projects (programs) will have different characteristics. For instance, a smaller program provides more scope for adding lots of new functionality, and a larger program contains more code that can be deleted. Some projects/developers commit every change (i.e., many small commit), while others only commit when the change is completed (i.e., larger commits). There may also be algorithmic characteristics that affect the quantity of code written, e.g., availability of libraries or need for detailed bit twiddling.

It is not possible to include project-id directly in the model, because each project is written in a different language, i.e., language can be predicted from project-id. However, program size can be included as a continuous variable (only one LOC value is available, which is not ideal).

The following R code fits a basic model (the number of lines added/deleted is count data and usually small, so a Poisson distribution is assumed; given the wide range of commit sizes, quantile regression may be a better approach):

alang_mod=glm(additions ~ language+log(LOC), data=lc, family="poisson")
dlang_mod=glm(deletions ~ language+log(LOC), data=lc, family="poisson")

Some of the commits involve tens of thousands of lines (see plot below). This sounds rather extreme. So two sets of models are fitted, one with the original data and the other only including commits with additions/deletions containing less than 10,000 lines.

These models fit the mean number of lines added/deleted over all projects written in a particular language, and the models are multiplicative. As expected, the variance explained by these two factors is small, at around 5%. The two models fitted are (code+data):

meanLinesAdded=78*language*LOC^{0.11} or meanLinesAdded=17*language*LOC^{0.13}, and meanLinesDeleted=57*language*LOC^{0.09} or meanLinesDeleted=8*language*LOC^{0.15}, where the value of language is listed in the following table, and LOC is the number of lines of code in the project:

                    Original          0 < lines < 10000
    Language     Added     Deleted     Added   Deleted
    C              1.0       1.0         1.0     1.0
    C#             1.7       1.6         1.5     1.5
    C++            1.9       2.1         1.3     1.4
    Go             1.4       1.2         1.3     1.2
    Java           0.9       1.0         1.5     1.5
    Javascript     1.1       1.1         1.3     1.6
    Objective-C    1.2       1.4         2.0     2.4
    PHP            2.5       2.6         1.7     1.9
    Python         0.7       0.7         0.8     0.8
    Ruby           0.3       0.3         0.7     0.7

These fitted models suggest that commit addition/deletion both increase as project size increases, by around LOC^{0.1}, and that, for instance, a commit in Go adds 1.4 times as many lines as C, and delete 1.2 as many lines (averaged over all commits). Comparing adds/deletes for the same language: on average, a Go commit adds 78*1.4=109.2*LOC^{0.11} lines, and deletes 57*1.2=68.4*LOC^{0.09} lines.

There is a strong connection between the number of lines added/deleted in each commit. The plot below shows the lines added/deleted by each commit, with the red line showing a fitted regression model deleted approx added^{0.82} (code+data):

Number of lines added/deleted by each of 3 million commits, with fitted regression line.

What other information can be included in a model? It is possible that project specific behavior(s) create a correlation between the size of commits; the algorithm used to fit this model assumes zero correlation. The glmer function, in the R package lme4, can take account of correlation between commits. The model component (language | project) in the following code adds project as a random effect on the language variable:

del_lmod=glmer(deletions ~ language+log(LOC)+(language | project), data=lc_loc, family=poisson)

It takes around 24hr of cpu time to fit this model, which means I have not done much experimentation…

Software companies in the UK

April 7, 2024 No comments

How many software companies are there in the UK, and where are they concentrated?

This question begs the question of what kinds of organization should be counted as a software company. My answer to this question is driven by the available data. Companies House is the executive agency of the British Government that maintains the register of UK companies, and basic information on 5,562,234 live companies is freely available.

The Companies House data does not include all software companies. A very small company (e.g., one or two people) might decide to save on costs and paperwork by forming a partnership (companies registered at Companies House are required to file audited accounts, once a year).

When registering, companies have to specify the business domain in which they operate by selecting the appropriate Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code, e.g., Section J: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION, Division 62: Computer programming, consultancy and related activities, Class 62.01: Computer programming activities, Sub-class 62.01/2: Business and domestic software development. A company’s SIC code can change over time, as the business evolves.

Searching the description associated with each SIC code, I selected the following list of SIC codes for companies likely to be considered a ‘software company’:

   62011 Ready-made interactive leisure and entertainment
                                                 software development
   62012 Business and domestic software development
   62020 Information technology consultancy activities
   62030 Computer facilities management activities
   62090 Other information technology service activities
   63110 Data processing, hosting and related activities
   63120 Web portals

There are 287,165 companies having one of these seven SIC codes (out of the 1,161 SIC codes currently used); 5.2% of all currently live companies. The breakdown is:

All         62011   62012   62020   62030   62090   63110   63120 
5,562,234   7,217  68,834 134,461   3,457  57,132   7,839   8,225
  100%      0.15%   1.2%    2.4%    0.06%   1.0%    0.14%   0.15%

Only one kind of software company (SIC 62020) appears in the top ten of company SIC codes appearing in the data:

Rank  SIC  Companies
1    68209  232,089   Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate
2    82990  213,054   Other business support service activities n.e.c.
3    70229  211,452   Management consultancy activities other than financial management
4    68100  194,840   Buying and selling of own real estate
5    47910  165,227   Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
6    96090  134,992   Other service activities n.e.c.
7    62020  134,461   Information technology consultancy activities
8    99999  130,176   Dormant Company
9    98000  118,433   Residents property management
10   41100  117,264   Development of building projects

Is the main business of a company reflected in its registered SIC code?

Perhaps a company started out mostly selling hardware with a little software, registered the appropriate non-software SIC code, but over time there was a shift to most of the income being derived from software (or the process ran in reverse). How likely is it that the SIC code will change to reflect the change of dominant income stream? I have no idea.

A feature of working as an individual contractor in the UK is that there were/are tax benefits to setting up a company, say A Ltd, and be employed by this company which invoices the company, say B Ltd, where the work is actually performed (rather than have the individual invoice B Ltd directly). IR35 is the tax legislation dealing with so-called ‘disguised’ employees (individuals who work like payroll staff, but operate and provide services via their own limited company). The effect of this practice is that what appears to be a software company in the Companies House data is actually a person attempting to be tax efficient. Unfortunately, the bulk downloadable data does not include information that might be used to filter out these cases (e.g., number of employees).

Are software companies concentrated in particular locations?

The data includes a registered address for each company. This address may be the primary business location, or its headquarters, or the location of accountants/lawyers working for the business, or a P.O. Box address. The latitude/longitude of the center of each address postcode is available. The first half of the current postcode, known as the outcode, divides the country into 2,951 areas; these outcode areas are the bins I used to count companies.

Are there areas where the probability of a company being a software company is much higher than the national average (5.265%)? The plot below shows a heat map of outcode areas having a higher than average percentage of software companies (36 out of 2,277 outcodes were at least a factor of two greater than the national average; BH7 is top with 5.9 times more companies, then RG6 with 3.7 times, BH21 with 3.6); outcodes having fewer than 10 software companies were excluded (red is highest, green lowest; code+data):

Heatmap of relative percentage of computer companies in respective outcodes.

The higher concentrations are centered around the country’s traditional industrial towns and cities, with a cluster sprawling out from London. Cambridge is often cited as a high-tech region, but its highest outcode, CB4, is ranked 39th, at twice the national average (presumably the local high-tech is primarily non-software oriented).

Which outcode areas contain the most software companies? The following list shows the top ten outcodes, by number of registered companies (only BN3 and CF14 are outside London):

   Rank Outcode  Software companies
    1     WC2H      10,860
    2     EC1V       7,449
    3     N1         6,244
    4     EC2A       3,705
    5     W1W        3,205
    6     BN3        2,410
    7     CF14       2,326
    8     WC1N       2,223
    9     E14        2,192
   10     SW19       1,516

I’m surprised to see west-central London with so many software companies. Perhaps these companies are registered at their accountants/lawyers, or they are highly paid contractors who earn enough to afford accommodation in WC2. East-central London is the location of nearly all the computer companies I know in London.

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Local variable naming: some previously unexplored factors

August 20, 2023 No comments

Naming is a complicated topic, with factors including the semantic associations triggered by a name in the developer’s mind (e.g., arithmetic or bitwise operand), visual similarity to other identifiers, and usability (e.g., fewer characters).

Within a method, local variables coexist with other local variables that are visible over some number of lines of code.

Does the size of a method, in lines of code, or number of local variables have an impact on the names chosen (e.g., does the need to think up many different names affect the length of the name chosen)?

The paper A Large-Scale Investigation of Local Variable Names in Java Programs: Is Longer Name Better for Broader Scope Variable? appears to address this question, but the paper is not freely available (although its data is available). I learned about it, and its data, while reading another paper: Reanalysis of Empirical Data on Java Local Variables with Narrow and Broad Scope by Dror Feitelson.

The data was extracted from 1,000 popular Java projects, whose 46,283 files contained 637,077 local variables. The collected information includes: source filename, name, line variable defined, and line last used. Additional columns include the number of characters in the name, and a classification of the components of the name (e.g., dictionary word, abbreviation, number).

For the following analysis, I mapped each variable to a most likely associated method by coalescing overlapping variable defined/last-used ranges. A total of 204,503 methods were formed.

To analyse the impact of other local variables and method size on naming, we first need some information on the number of local variables defined in Java methods, and the number of lines contained in Java methods.

Approximately 50% of Java methods define five or fewer local variables. The plot below shows the number of Java methods defining a given number of local variables; the fitted regression equation, red line, has the form e^{-3.3root{3}{lv}}, where lv is the number of local variables (code+data):

Number of Java methods defining a given number of local variables; red line is a fitted regression equation.

The reason most method define few local variables is that most methods only contain a few lines. The plot below shows the number of Java methods containing an estimated number of lines of code; the fitted regression equation, red line, has the form e^{-2.8root{3.6}{loc}}, where loc is estimated lines of code (code+data):

Number of Java methods an estimates number of lines of code; red line is a fitted regression equation.

The plot below shows the number of local variables against estimated lines of code in the corresponding method; the fitted regression equation, red line, has the form lv^{1.13}, where lv is the number of local variables (code+data):

Number of local variables against estimated lines of code in each Java method; red line is a fitted regression equation.

The strong connection between the number of lines of code and number of local variables in a method means that these two factors are effectively interchangeable in a regression model.

A local variable name is likely to be chosen before all, or even any, of the code that uses it is written. The hypothesis that the choice of a variable name is influenced by the length of a method, or the span of lines over which the variable is used, assumes some degree of foresight on the part of the developer.

The cited papers posed the question at the start of this post, and I built a variety of regression models looking to find those factors that are the best predictors of the length of the name (measured in characters or number of subcomponents), or the extent to which the length of the name predicted the amount of code over which it was used (either as a percentage or actual number of lines). Factors used include: order of variable definition in function, percentage of method code over which variable was used. See code+data.

The better models explained up to around 5% of the variance in the data. So there is an effect, but it’s very small. For instance, the modelrange=5 nChar^{0.33}, where range is the number of lines between variable definition and its last use, and nChar is the number of characters in its name, is effectively a relationship between the mean value of these two factors that captures some of the variance around their means.

The difference is significant

May 7, 2023 2 comments

A statement that invariably appears in the published results of empirical studies comparing some property of two or more sets of numbers is that the difference is significant (if the difference is not significant, the paper is unlikely to be published). Here, the use of the word significant is the shortened form of the term statistically significant.

It is possible that two sets of measurements just so happen to have, for instance, the same/different mean value. Statistical significance is an estimate of the likelihood that an observed result is unlikely to have occurred by chance. The mechanics of calculating a numeric value for statistical significance can be complicated; the commonly seen p-value applies to a particular kind of statistical significance.

The fact that a difference is unlikely to have occurred by chance does not mean that the magnitude of the difference is of any practical use, or of any theoretical interest.

How large must a difference be to make it of practical use?

When I was in the business of selling code optimization tools for microcomputer software, a speed/code size improvement of at least 10% was needed before a worthwhile number of people were likely to pay for the software (a few would pay for less, and a few wanted more improvements before they would pay). I would not be surprised to find that very different percentages were applicable in other developer ecosystems.

In software engineering research papers, presentation of the practical use of work is often nothing more than a marketing pitch by the authors, not a list of estimated usefulness for different software ecosystems.

These days the presentation of material in empirical software engineering papers is often organized around a series of research questions, e.g., “How does X vary across projects?”, “Does the presence of X significantly impact the issue resolution time?”. One or more of these research questions are pitched as having practical relevance, and the statistical significance of the results is presented as vindication of this claimed relevance. Getting a paper published requires that those asked to review agree that the questions it asks and answers are interesting.

This method of paper organization and presentation is not unique to researchers in software engineering. To attract funding, all researchers need to actively promote the value of their wares.

The problem I have with software engineering papers is the widespread use of simplistic techniques (e.g., a Wilcoxon signed-rank test to check the significance of the difference between the means of two samples), and reporting little more than p-value significance; yes, included plots may sometimes be visually appealing, but other times just confused.

If researchers fitted regression models to their data, it becomes possible to estimate the contribution made by each of the attributes measured to the observed behavior. Surprisingly often, the size of the contribution is relatively small, while still being statistically significant.

By not building regression models, software researchers are cluttering up the list of known statistically significant behaviors with findings about factors whose small actual contribution makes it unlikely that they will be of practical interest.

Small team estimating in story points; a project dataset

February 26, 2023 No comments

Just before the end of last year a regular reader, Mr A., emailed to ask if I would be interested in analysing the software project data for the company he worked for. The wishing to be anonymous company sold physical products, and bespoke software that supported the business was written by a team of three.

Two factors made this dataset interesting, 1) it was for a small team, 2) story points were used for estimating tasks and actual time was recorded (I had not seen such data before).

There are probably hundreds of thousands of small software teams working in companies whose main line of business is far removed from software (a significant percentage of developers work within a small team supporting the activities of non-software companies; I cannot find the bls page listing developer employment across industry codes). These small teams are rarely studied. Software engineering research usually focuses on the practices of software based companies, or large software development projects, i.e., groups likely to be easily visible to external researchers.

To be widely applicable, evidence-based software engineering has to be of practical use to small development teams, not just large development groups.

The wide variety of opinions on the accuracy of story point estimates are unsupported by data; at least I have not yet been able to find any. Here was an opportunity to analyse story point estimates against actual hours.

The reason for analysing task implementation data is to help those involved understand what is going on, with the intent of improving processes. A small team presents two major challenges:

  • relatively high levels of variability in the data. When there are only a few people working on a project, the impact of individual events can have a dramatic impact on project metrics, e.g., somebody going on holiday results in a big drop in work performed. Statistical analysis looks for general patterns in data, and small sample sizes have a higher variance than large sample sizes. With a large team, the impact of individual events tends to be smoothed out by the activities of many other events,
  • the project lead of a small team is likely to have a good understanding of what is going on. Mr A. was always able to give me detailed explanations behind the patterns I found in the data. There is a lot more going on in a large team, and the team lead is unlikely to have a detailed understanding of everything.

The dataset contained some of the usual patterns found in other datasets (code+data):

  • Round numbers. Actual task time finishing on 15/10/30/20 minute boundaries. With stories estimated at between one and five story points, there was little scope for round number use here.
  • Consistent under/over estimation. A small sample size limited the chances of seeing both under and over estimation, and only under estimation was seen.
  • Estimation accuracy. The factor of two/four accuracy pattern seen is close to that seen in data from other companies.

What did I learn from the analysis of this dataset?

I was pleased to see that the multiplication factors around estimation accuracy were similar to those seen with time-based estimates. I had no feel for how estimation accuracy might compare. We will have to wait and see whether the same pattern is found in other projects using story point estimates.

The analysis conversation for other project datasets had involved exchange of emails. Updating a Markdown formatted project analysis file has proved to be a more usable approach for the conversation between me and the domain expert. I used Visual Studio Code to edit this file and generate a pdf.

I asked Mr A. what would he thought was the most useful part of the analysis, for him.

Mr A. “The most useful part of the analysis? I think it was great to get an outsider’s perspective on the data.”

I hope that this dataset is the first of many from small team projects. With enough experience, it ought to be possible to create a template spreadsheet/markdown file that is generally usable for non-experts.

Patterns in the LSST:DM Sprint/Story-point/Story ‘done’ issues

August 21, 2022 No comments

Projects that use Scrum as their project management framework estimate tasks (known as a user story, or just story) in units of Story-points. A collection of User stories are grouped together to be implemented during a Sprint (a time-boxed interval, often lasting 2-weeks).

What are Story-points, and how do they map to time (in hours and minutes)? For this post, let’s ignore these questions, simply assuming that the people who assign a story-point value to a story have some mapping in their head.

What is the average number of story-points in a story, and how does this average vary across teams? What is the distribution of number of stories estimated per sprint, how many are actually implemented, and how does this vary across teams?

The data required to answer these questions has not been publicly available, or rather public data is not known to me. Until this week, I had only known of a few public Jira repos where story-points were given for at most a few hundred stories.

The LSST Corporation, a not-for-profit involved in astronomy and physics research, has a Data Management (DM) project. The Jira repo for this project contains 26,671 ‘Done’ issues (as of Aug 2022), of which 11,082 (41.5%) have assigned story-points; there have been 469 sprints, which involved 33% of the issues. The start/end implementation date/time for stories is mostly rather granular, and not fine enough to be used to attempt to correlate individual stories with hours. I found this repo, and a couple of others, via the paper Story points changes in agile iterative development, and downloaded all available issues.

What patterns are present in the story-point and sprint data?

Story points are commonly thought of as being integer valued, but 28% of the values are non-integer. If any developers are using the Fibonacci scale, there are not enough to have a noticeable impact. The plot below shows the number of stories estimated to involve a given number of story-points (black pluses are non-integer values, which have been rounded to fit the regression model). The green curved line is a fitted biexponential (sum of two exponentials), with the two straight lines being the two component exponentials (code+data):

Number of stories estimated to involve a given number of story-points.

One exponential is dominant for stories assigned up to 10 story-points, and the second exponential for higher story-point values.

The development team decides to implement a story and allocates it to a sprint. A story may be reallocated to another sprint before the start of the original sprint, or after the sprint is finished when its implementation is incomplete or not yet started (the data does not allow for these cases to be distinguished). How many sprints is a story allocated to, before the story implementation is complete?

The plot below shows the number of stories allocated to a given number of sprints, with a fitted regression line of the form Stories approx Sprints^{-2.8} (code+data):

Number of stories assigned to a given number of distinct sprints.

So around 14% of stories are allocated to two sprints, 5% to three and 2% to four.

How many stories are assigned to a sprint? The plot below shows the number of sprints having a given number of stories assigned to them, and the number of sprints implementing a given number of stories; lines are fitted loess models (code+data):

Number of sprints assigned a given number of stories, and implementing a given number of stories.

Are the Story/Story-point/Sprint patterns found in the DM project likely to occur in other projects using Scrum?

I don’t know, but I hope so. Developing theories of software development processes requires that there be consistent patterns of behavior.

Not knowing what stories were assigned to a sprint at the start of the sprint, rather assigned earlier and then moved to another sprint, potentially undermines the sprint patterns. We will have to wait and see.

If anybody knows of any public Jira repos where a high percentage (say 40%) of the issues have been assigned story-points, please let me know (all the ones I know of on the Atlassian site contain a tiny percentage of story-points).

Analysis of a subset of the Linux Counter data

August 7, 2022 No comments

The Linux Counter project was started in 1993, with the aim of tracking the growth of Linux users (the kernel was first released two years earlier). Anybody could register any of their machines running Linux; a user ran a script that gathered basic information about a machine, and the output was emailed to the project. Once registered, users received an annual reminder to update information in their entry (despite using Linux since before the 1.0 release, user #46406 didn’t register until 2001).

When it closed (reopened/closed/coming back) it had 120K+ registered users. That’s a lot of information about computers, which unfortunately is not publicly available. I have not had any replies to my emails to those involved, asking for a copy that could be released in anonymized form.

This week I found 15,906 rows of what looks like a subset of the Linux counter data, most entries are post-2005. What did I learn from this data?

An obvious use is the pattern to check is changes over time. While the data does not include any explicit date, it does include the Kernel version, from which the earliest date can be inferred.

An earlier post used SPEC data to estimate the growth in installed memory over time; it has been doubling every 840 days, give or take. That data contains one data point per distinct vendor computer; the Linux counter data contains one entry per computer in use. There is around thirty pairs of entries for updated systems, i.e., a user updated the entry for an existing system.

The plot below shows memory installed in each registered computer, over time, for servers, laptops and workstations, with fitted regression lines. The memory size doubling times are: servers 4,000 days, laptops 2,000 days, and workstations 1,300 days (code+data):

Memory reported for system owned by Linux counter users, from 1995 to 2015.

A regression model using dates is a good fit in the statistical sense, but explain very little of the variance in the data. The actual date on which the memory size was selected may have been earlier (because the kernel has been updated to a later release), or later (because memory was added, but the kernel was not updated).

Why is the memory doubling time so long?

Has memory size now reached the big-enough boundary, do Linux counter users keep the same system for many years without upgrading, are Linux counter systems retired Windows boxes that have been repurposed (data on installed memory Windows boxes would answer this point)?

Suggestions welcome.

When memory capacity is limited, it may be useful to swap least recently used memory contents to disc; Linux setup includes the specification of a swap partition. What is the optimal size of the size partition? A common recommendation is: if memory is less than 2G swap size is twice memory; if between 2-8G swap size is the same as memory, and for greater than 8G, half of memory size. The table below shows the percentage of particular system classes having a given swap/memory ratio (rounding the list of ratios to contain one decimal digit produces a list of over 100 ratio values).

swap/memory   Server  Workstation   Laptop 
   1.0         15.2       19.9       25.9
   2.0         10.3        9.6        8.6
   0.5          9.5        7.7        8.4

The plot below shows memory against swap partition size, for the system classes laptop, server and workstation, with fitted regression line (code+data):

Memory and swap size reported for system owned by Linux counter users.

The available disk space also has a (small) impact on swap partition size; the following model explains 46% of the variance in the data: swapSize approx memory^{0.65}diskSpace^{0.08}.

I was hoping to confirm the rate of installed memory growth suggested by the SPEC data, with installed systems lagging a few years behind the latest releases. This Linux counter data tells a very different growth story. Perhaps pre-2005 data will tell another story (I just need to find it).

I’m not sure if the swap/memory ratio analysis is of any use to systems people. It was something of a fishing expedition on my part.

Other counting projects have included the Ubuntu counter project, and Hardware for Linux which is still active and goes back to August 2014.

I’m interested in hearing about the availability of any other Linux counter data, or data from other computer counting projects.

Finding patterns in construction project drawing creation dates

February 6, 2022 No comments

I took part in Projecting Success‘s 13th hackathon last Thursday and Friday, at CodeNode (host to many weekend hackathons and meetups); around 200 people turned up for the first day. Team Designing-Success included Imogen, Ryan, Dillan, Mo, Zeshan (all building construction domain experts) and yours truly (a data analysis monkey who knows nothing about construction).

One of the challenges came with lots of real multi-million pound building construction project data (two csv files containing 60K+ rows and one containing 15K+ rows), provided by SISK. The data contained information on project construction drawings and RFIs (request for information) from 97 projects.

The construction industry is years ahead of the software industry in terms of collecting data, in that lots of companies actually collect data (for some, accumulate might be a better description) rather than not collecting/accumulating data. While they have data, they don’t seem to be making good use of it (so I am told).

Nearly all the discussions I have had with domain experts about the patterns found in their data have been iterative, brief email exchanges, sometimes running over many months. In this hack, everybody involved is sitting around the same table for two days, i.e., the conversation is happening in real-time and there is a cut-off time for delivery of results.

I got the impression that my fellow team-mates were new to this kind of data analysis, which is my usual experience when discussing patterns recently found in data. My standard approach is to start highlighting visual patterns present in the data (e.g., plot foo against bar), and hope that somebody says “That’s interesting” or suggests potentially more interesting items to plot.

After several dead-end iterations (i.e., plots that failed to invoke a “that’s interesting” response), drawings created per day against project duration (as a percentage of known duration) turned out to be of great interest to the domain experts.

Building construction uses a waterfall process; all the drawings (i.e., a kind of detailed requirements) are supposed to be created at the beginning of the project.

Hmm, many individual project drawing plots were showing quite a few drawings being created close to the end of the project. How could this be? It turns out that there are lots of different reasons for creating a drawing (74 reasons in the data), and that it is to be expected that some kinds of drawings are likely to be created late in the day, e.g., specific landscaping details. The 74 reasons were mapped to three drawing categories (As built, Construction, and Design Development), then project drawings were recounted and plotted in three colors (see below).

The domain experts (i.e., everybody except me) enjoyed themselves interpreting these plots. I nodded sagely, and occasionally blew my cover by asking about an acronym that everybody in the construction obviously knew.

The project meta-data includes a measure of project performance (a value between one and five, derived from profitability and other confidential values) and type of business contract (a value between one and four). The data from the 97 projects was combined by performance and contract to give 20 aggregated plots. The evolution of the number of drawings created per day might vary by contract, and the hypothesis was that projects at different performance levels would exhibit undesirable patterns in the evolution of the number of drawings created.

The plots below contain patterns in the quantity of drawings created by percentage of project completion, that are: (left) considered a good project for contract type 1 (level 5 are best performing projects), and (right) considered a bad project for contract type 1 (level 1 is the worst performing project). Contact the domain experts for details (code+data):

Number of drawings created at percentage project completion times.

The path to the above plot is a common one: discover an interesting pattern in data, notice that something does not look right, use domain knowledge to refine the data analysis (e.g., kinds of drawing or contract), rinse and repeat.

My particular interest is using data to understand software engineering processes. How do these patterns in construction drawings compare with patterns in the software project equivalents, e.g., detailed requirements?

I am not aware of any detailed public data on requirements produced using a waterfall process. So the answer is, I don’t know; but the rationales I heard for the various kinds of drawings sound as-if they would have equivalents in the software requirements world.

What about the other data provided by the challenge sponsor?

I plotted various quantities for the RFI data, but there wasn’t any “that’s interesting” response from the domain experts. Perhaps the genius behind the plot ideas will be recognized later, or perhaps one of the domain experts will suddenly realize what patterns should be present in RFI data on high performance projects (nobody is allowed to consider the possibility that the data has no practical use). It can take time for the consequences of data analysis to sink in, or for new ideas to surface, which is why I am happy for analysis conversations to stretch out over time. Our presentation deck included some RFI plots because there was RFI data in the challenge.

What is the software equivalent of construction RFIs? Perhaps issues in a tracking system, or Jira tickets? I did not think to talk more about RFIs with the domain experts.

How did team Designing-Success do?

In most hackathons, the teams that stay the course present at the end of the hack. For these ProjectHacks, submission deadline is the following day; the judging is all done later, electronically, based on the submitted slide deck and video presentation. The end of this hack was something of an anti-climax.

Did team Designing-Success discover anything of practical use?

I think that finding patterns in the drawing data converted the domain experts from a theoretical to a practical understanding that it was possible to extract interesting patterns from construction data. They each said that they planned to attend the next hack (in about four months), and I suggested that they try to bring some of their own data.

Can these drawing creation patterns be used to help monitor project performance, as it progressed? The domain experts thought so. I suspect that the users of these patterns will be those not closely associated with a project (those close to a project are usually well aware of that fact that things are not going well).

Pomodoros worked during a day: an analysis of Alex’s data

May 30, 2021 No comments

Regular readers know that I am always on the lookout for software engineering data. One search technique is to feed a ‘magic’ phrase into a search engine, this can locate data hiding in plain sight. This week the magic phrase: “record of pomodoros” returned pages discussing two collections of daily Pomodoros worked, each over a year, plus several possible collections, i.e., not explicitly stated. My email requests for data have so far returned one of the collections, kindly made available by Alex Altair, and this post discusses Alex’s data (I have not discussed the data with Alex, who I’m hoping won’t laugh too loud at the conclusions I have reached).

Before analyzing data I always make predictions about what I expect to see. I know from the email containing the data that it consisted of two columns: date and Pomodoro’s worked, i.e., no record of task names. The first two predictions for this data were the two most common patterns seen in estimation data, i.e., use of round numbers, and a weekend-effect (most people don’t work during the weekend and the autocorrelation of the daily counts contain peaks at lags of 6 and 7). The third prediction was that over time the daily total Pomodoro counts would refine into counts for each of the daily tasks (I had looked at the first few lines of the data and seen totals for the daily Pomodoros worked.

The Renzo Pomodoro dataset is my only previous experience analysing Pomodoro data. Renzo created a list of tasks for the day, estimated the number of Pomodoros for each task would take, and recorded how many it actually took. For comparison, the SiP effort estimation dataset estimates software engineering tasks in hours.

Alex uses Pomodoros as a means of focusing his attention on the work to be done, and the recorded data is a measure of daily Pomodoro work done.

I quickly discovered that all my predictions were wrong, i.e., no obvious peaks showing use of round numbers, no weekend effect, and always daily totals. Ho-hum.

The round number effect is very prominent in estimates, but is not always visible in actuals; unless people are aiming to meet targets or following Parkinson’s law.

How many days had one Pomodoro worked, how many two Pomodoro, etc? The plot below shows the number of days for which a given number of Pomodoros were worked (the number of days with zero Pomodoros is not shown); note the axis are log scaled. The blue points are for all days in 2020, and the green points are all days in 2020+178 days of 2021. The red lines are two sets of two fitted power laws (code+data):

Number of days on which a given number of Pomodoros were worked, with fitted power laws.

Why the sudden change of behavior after seven Pomodoro? Given a Pomodoro of 25-minutes (Alex says he often used this), seven of them is just under 3-hours, say half a day. Perhaps Alex works half a day, for every day of the week.

Why the change of behavior since the end of 2020 (i.e., exponent of left line changes from 0.3 to -0.1, exponent of right line is -3.0 in both cases)? Perhaps Alex is trying out another technique. The initial upward trend is consistent with the Renzo Pomodoro dataset.

The daily average Pomodoros worked is unchanged at around 5.6. The following plot shows daily Pomodoros worked over the 543 days, red line is a fitted loess model.

Daily Pomodoros worked over 543 days.

The weekend effect might not be present, but there is a strong correlation between adjacent days (code+data). The best fitting ARIMA model gives the equation: P_t=0.37+0.93*P_{t-1}+w_t-0.74*w_{t-1}, where: P_t is the Pomodoros worked on day t, P_{t-1} Pomodoros worked on the previous day, w_t is white noise (e.g., a Normal distribution) with a zero mean and a standard deviation of 4 (in this case) on day t, and w_{t-1} the previous day’s noise (see section 11.10 of my book for technical time series details).

This model is saying that the number of Pomodoros worked today is strongly influenced by yesterday’s Pomodoro worked, modulated by a large random component that could be large enough to wipe out the previous days influence. Is this likely to be news to Alex, or to anybody looking at the plot of Pomodoros over time? Probably not.

For me, the purpose of data analysis is to find patterns of behavior that are of use to those involved in the processes that generated the data (for many academics, at least in software engineering, the purpose appears to be to find patterns that can be used to publish papers, and given enough searching, it is always possible to find patterns in data). What patterns of behavior might Alex be interested in?

Does more Pomodoro work get done at the start of the week, compared to the end of the week? The following heatmap is based on the number of week days on which a given number of Pomodoros were worked. The redder the region, the more likely that value is likely to occur (code+data):

Heatmap of number of days on which a given number of Pomodoros were worked on a given day of the week.

There are certainly more days near the end of the week having little or no Pomodoro work, and the high Pomodoro work days appear to be nearer the start of the week. I need to find a statistical technique that quantifies these observations.

I think that the middle plot is the most generally useful, it illustrates how variable the work done during a day can be.

Is Alex’s Pomodoro work typical or unusual? We will have to wait for a lot more data before that question can be addressed.

If you are a Pomodoro user, and have ideas for possible patterns in the data, please let me know.

As always, pointers to more data, Pomodoro or otherwise, most welcome.