
Posts Tagged ‘economics’

Relative sizes of computer companies

April 21, 2024 (6 days ago) No comments

How large are computer companies, compared to each other and to companies in other business areas?

Stock market valuation is a one measure of company size, another is a company’s total revenue (i.e., total amount of money brought in by a company’s operations). A company can have a huge revenue, but a low stock market valuation because it makes little profit (because it has to spend an almost equally huge amount to produce that income) and things are not expected to change.

The plot below shows the stock market valuation of IBM/Microsoft/Apple, over time, as a percentage of the valuation of tech companies on the US stock exchange (code+data on Github):

Valuation of IBM/Microsoft/Apple as a percentage of US tech stocks.

The growth of major tech companies, from the mid-1980s caused IBM’s dominant position to dramatically decline, while first Microsoft, and then Apple, grew to have more dominant market positions.

Is IBM’s decline in market valuation mirrored by a decline in its revenue?

The Fortune 500 was an annual list of the top 500 largest US companies, by total revenue (it’s now a global company list), and the lists from 1955 to 2012 are available via the Wayback Machine. Which of the 1,959 companies appearing in the top 500 lists should be classified as computer companies? Lacking a list of business classification codes for US companies, I asked Chat GPT-4 to classify these companies (responses, which include a summary of the business area). GPT-4 sometimes classified companies that were/are heavy users of computers, or suppliers of electronic components as a computer company. For instance, I consider Verizon Communications to be a communication company.

The plot below shows the ranking of those computer companies appearing within the top 100 of the Fortune 500, after removing companies not primarily in the computer business (code+data):

Fortune 500 ranking of major computer companies.

IBM is the uppermost blue line, ranking in the top-10 since the late-1960s. Microsoft and Apple are slowly working their way up from much lower ranks.

These contrasting plots illustrate the fact that while IBM continued to a large company by revenue, its low profitability (and major losses) and the perceived lack of a viable route to sustainable profitability resulted in it having a lower stock market valuation than computer companies with much lower revenues.

Why did organizations fund the creation of the first computers?

February 4, 2024 No comments

What were the events that drove organizations to fund the creation of the first computers?

I suspect that many readers do not appreciate how long scientific/engineering calculations took before electronic computers became available, or the huge number of clerical staff employed to process the paperwork associated with running any sizeable business.

If somebody wanted to know the logarithm of some value, or the sine/cosine of an angle, they looked up the answer in a table. Individuals owned small booklets of tables supplying some level of granularity and number of significant digits. My school boy booklet contains 60-pages of tables, all to five digits of output accuracy, with logarithm supporting four-digit input values and the sine/cosine/tangent tables having an input granularity of hundredth of a degree.

The values in these tables were calculated by human computers; with the following being among the most well known (for more details, see Calculation and Tabulation in the Nineteenth Century: Airy versus Babbage by Doron Swade, and The History of Mathematical Tables: from Sumer to Spreadsheets edited by Campbell-Kelly, Croarken, Flood, and Robson):

Logarithms and trigonometric functions are very widely used, creating incentives for investing in calculating and publishing tables. While it may be financially worthwhile investing in producing tables for some niche markets (e.g. Life tables for insurance companies), there is an unmet demand that will only be filled by a dramatic drop in the cost of computing simple expressions.

Babbage’s Difference engine was designed to evaluate polynomial expressions and print the results; perfect for publishing tables. While Babbage did not build a Difference engine, starting in 1837, engines based on Babbage’s design were built and sold commercially by the Swede Per Georg Scheutz.

Mechanical calculators improve accuracy and speed the process up. Vacuum tubes are invented in 1904 and become widely used to process analogue signals. World War II created an urgent demand for the results of a variety of time-consuming calculations, e.g., accurate ballistic tables, and valve computers were built. The plot below shows the cost per million operations for manual, mechanical and valve computers (code+data):

Change in cost per million operations for vacuum tube computers# .

To many observers at the start of the 1950s, the market for electronic computers appeared to be organizations who needed to perform large amounts of scientific/engineering calculation.

Most businesses perform simple calculations on many unrelated values, e.g., banks have to credit/debit the appropriate account when money is deposited/withdrawn. There is no benefit in having a machine that can perform hundreds of calculations per second unless it can be fed data fast enough to keep it busy.

It so happened that, at the start of the 1950s, the US banking system was facing a crisis, the growth in the number of cheques being written meant that it would soon take longer than one day to process all the cheques that arrived in one day. In 1950 Bank of America managed 4.6 million checking accounts, and were opening 23,000 new account per month. Bank of America was then the largest bank in the world, and had a keen interest in continued growth. They funded the development of a bespoke computer system for processing cheques, the ERMA Banking system, which went live in 1959. The plot below shows the number of cheques processed per year by US banks (code+data):

Number of cheques processed per year by US banks.

The ERMA system included electronic storage for holding account details, and data entry was speeded up by encoding account details on a magnetic strip included within every cheque.

Businesses are very interested in an integrated combination of input devices plus electronic storage plus compute. There are more commerce oriented businesses than scientific/engineering businesses, and commercial businesses usually have a lot more money to spend, i.e., the real money to be made by selling computers was the business data processing market.

The plot below shows the decreasing cost of hard disc storage (blue, right axis), along with the decreasing computing cost of valve based computers (red, left axis; code+data):

Cost per million operations (red, left axis), and dollars per MB (red, right axis).

There was a larger business demand to be able to store information electronically, and the hard disc was invented by IBM, roughly 15 years after the first electronic computers.

The very different application demands of data processing and scientific/engineering are reflected in the features supported by the two languages designed in the 1950s, and widely used for the rest of the century: Cobol and Fortran.

Data processing involves simple operations on large quantities of data stored in a potentially huge number of different combinations (the myriad of mechanical point-of-sale terminals stored data in a myriad of different formats, which evolved over time, and the demand for backward compatibility created spaghetti data well before spaghetti code existed). Cobol has extensive functionality supporting the layout and format of input and output data, and simplistic coding constructs.

Scientific/engineering code involves complex calculations on some amount of input. Fortran has extensive functionality supporting program control flow, and relatively basic support for data input/output.

A third major application domain is real-time processing, such as SAGE. However, data on this domain is very hard to find, so it is not discussed.

Analysis of when refactoring becomes cost-effective

March 26, 2023 No comments

In a cost/benefit analysis of deciding when to refactor code, which variables are needed to calculate a good enough result?

This analysis compares the excess time-code of future work against the time-cost of refactoring the code. Refactoring is cost-effective when the reduction in future work time is less than the time spent refactoring. The analysis finds a relationship between work/refactoring time-costs and number of future coding sessions.

Linear, or supra-linear case

Let’s assume that the time needed to write new code grows at a linear, or supra-linear rate, as the amount of code increases (1 <= x):


where: B is the base time for writing new code on a freshly refactored code base, L_c is the number of lines of code that have been written since the last refactoring, and k_1 and x are constants to be decided.

The total time spent writing code over n sessions is:


If the same number of new lines is added in every coding session, L_s, and x is an integer constant, then the sum has a known closed form, e.g.:

x=1, sum{i=1}{n}{(nL_s)^1}={n(n+1)}/2L_s; x=2, sum{i=1}{n}{(nL_s)^2}={n(n+1)(2n+1)}/6{L_s}^2

Let’s assume that the time taken to refactor the code written after n sessions is:


where: k_2 and y are constants to be decided.

The reason for refactoring is to reduce the time-cost of subsequent work; if there are no subsequent coding sessions, there is no economic reason to refactor the code. If we assume that after refactoring, the time taken to write new code is reduced to the base cost, B, and that we believe that coding will continue at the same rate for at least another f sessions, then refactoring existing code after n sessions is cost-effective when:

k_2(nL_s)^y < k_1sum{i=n+1}{n+f}{(iL_s)^x}

assuming that f is much smaller than n, setting y=x+c, and rearranging we get:

k_2/k_1 < {L_s}^x/{{L_s}^x{L_s}^c}fn^x/{{n^x}n^c}

after rearranging we obtain a lower limit on the number of future coding sessions, f, that must be completed for refactoring to be cost-effective after session n::

k_2/k_1 {L_s}^c n^c< f

It is expected that k_1 < k_2; the contribution of code size, at the end of every session, in the calculation of C and R is equal (i.e., {L_c}^x=(nL_s)^y), and the overhead of adding new code is very unlikely to be less than refactoring all the newly written code.

With 1 < k_2/k_1, c must be close to zero; otherwise, the likely relatively large value of L_s (e.g., 100+) would produce surprisingly high values of f.

Sublinear case

What if the time overhead of writing new code grows at a sublinear rate, as the amount of code increases?

Various attributes have been found to strongly correlate with the log of lines of code. In this case, the expressions for C and R become:

C=B+k_1 log{L_c}
R=k_2 log(nL_s)

and the cost/benefit relationship becomes:

k_2 log(nL_s) < k_1sum{i=n+1}{n+f}{log(iL_s)}

applying Stirling’s approximation and simplifying (see Exact equations for sums at end of post for details) we get:

k_2(log{n} +log{L_s}) < k_1(f(log(n+f)-1)+f log{L_s})

{k_2}/{k_1} {log{n} +log{L_s}}/{log(n+f)+log{L_s}-1} < f

applying the series expansion (for 1<x): x/{x-1} right 1+1/x+1/{x^2}+1/{x^3}..., we get

{k_2}/{k_1} (1+1/{log{n} +log{L_s}}) < f


What does this analysis of the cost/benefit relationship show that was not obvious (i.e., the relationship {k_2}/{k_1} < f is obviously true)?

What the analysis shows is that when real-world values are plugged into the full equations, all but two factors have a relatively small impact on the result.

A factor not included in the analysis is that source code has a half-life (i.e., code is deleted during development), and the amount of code existing after n sessions is likely to be less than the nL_s used in the analysis (see Agile analysis).

As a project nears completion, the likelihood of there being f more coding sessions decreases; there is also the every present possibility that the project is shutdown.

The values of k_2 and k_1 encode information on the skill of the developer, the difficulty of writing code in the application domain, and other factors.

Exact equations for sums

The equations for the exact sums, for x=1,2,3,0.5, are:

sum{i=n+1}{n+f}{sqrt{i}}=zeta(-0.5,n+1)-zeta(-0.5, f+n+1), where zeta is the Hurwitz zeta function.

Sum of a log series: sum{i=n+1}{n+f}{log{iL_s}}=log{{(n+f)!}/{n!}}+f log{L_s}
using Stirling’s approximation we get
log{((n+f)!)}-log(n!) approx (n+f-0.5)log(n+f)-(n+f)-((n-0.5)log n-n)
log{((n+f)!)}-log(n!) approx (n-0.5)log(1+f/n)+f log(n+f)-f
and assuming that f is much smaller than n gives
log{((n+f)!)}-log(n!) approx f(log(n+f)-1)

Unneeded requirements implemented in Waterfall & Agile

November 27, 2022 No comments

Software does not wear out, but the world in which it runs evolves. Time and money is lost when, after implementing a feature in software, customer feedback is that the feature is not needed.

How do Waterfall and Agile implementation processes compare in the number of unneeded feature/requirements that they implement?

In a Waterfall process, a list of requirements is created and then implemented. The identity of ‘dead’ requirements is not known until customers start using the software, which is not until it is released at the end of development.

In an Agile process, a list of requirements is used to create a Minimal Viable Product, which is released to customers. An iterative development processes, driven by customer feedback, implements requirements, and makes frequent releases to customers, which reduces the likelihood of implementing known to be ‘dead’ requirements. Previously implemented requirements may be discovered to have become ‘dead’.

An analysis of the number of ‘dead’ requirements implemented by the two approaches appears at the end of this post.

The plot below shows the number of ‘dead’ requirements implemented in a project lasting a given number of working days (blue/red) and the difference between them (green), assuming that one requirement is implemented per working day, with the discovery after 100 working days that a given fraction of implemented requirements are not needed, and the number of requirements in the MVP is assumed to be small (fractions 0.5, 0.1, and 0.05 shown; code):

Dead requirements for Waterfall and Agile projects running for a given number of days, along with difference between them.

The values calculated using one requirement implemented per day scales linearly with requirements implemented per day.

By implementing fewer ‘dead’ requirements, an Agile project will finish earlier (assuming it only implements all the needed requirements of a Waterfall approach, and some subset of the ‘dead’ requirements). However, unless a project is long-running, or has a high requirements’ ‘death’ rate, the difference may not be compelling.

I’m not aware of any data on rate of discovery of ‘dead’ implemented requirements (there is some on rate of discovery of new requirements); as always, pointers to data most welcome.

The Waterfall projects I am familiar with, plus those where data is available, include some amount of requirement discovery during implementation. This has the potential to reduce the number of ‘dead’ implemented requirements, but who knows by how much.

As the size of Minimal Viable Product increases to become a significant fraction of the final software system, the number of fraction of ‘dead’ requirements will approach that of the Waterfall approach.

There are other factors that favor either Waterfall or Agile, which are left to be discussed in future posts.

The following is an analysis of Waterfall/Agile requirements’ implementation.


F_{live} is the fraction of requirements per day that remain relevant to customers. This value is likely to be very close to one, e.g., 0.999.
R_{done} requirements implemented per working day.


The implementation of R_{total} requirements takes I_{days}=R_{total}/R_{done}days, and the number of implemented ‘dead’ requirements is (assuming that the no ‘dead’ requirements were present at the end of the requirements gathering phase):


As I_{days} right infty effectively all implemented requirements are ‘dead’.


The number of implemented ‘live’ requirements on day n is given by:


with the initial condition that the number of implemented requirements at the start of the first day of iterative development is the number of requirements implemented in the Minimum Viable Product, i.e., R_0=R_{mvp}.

Solving this difference equation gives the number of ‘live’ requirements on day n:


as n right infty, R_n approaches to its maximum value of {R_{done}}/{1-F_{live}}

Subtracting the number of ‘live’ requirements from the total number of requirements implemented gives:




as n right infty effectively all implemented requirements are ‘dead’, because the number of ‘live’ requirements cannot exceed a known maximum.


The paper A software evolution experiment found that in a waterfall project, 40% of modules in the delivered system were not required.

Optimal sizing of a product backlog

September 18, 2022 No comments

Developers working on the implementation of a software system will have a list of work that needs to be done, a to-do list, known as the product backlog in Agile.

The Agile development process differs from the Waterfall process in that the list of work items is intentionally incomplete when coding starts (discovery of new work items is an integral part of the Agile process). In a Waterfall process, it is intended that all work items are known before coding starts (as work progresses, new items are invariably discovered).

Complaints are sometimes expressed about the size of a team’s backlog, measured in number of items waiting to be implemented. Are these complaints just grumblings about the amount of work outstanding, or is there an economic cost that increases with the size of the backlog?

If the number of items in the backlog is too low, developers may be left twiddling their expensive thumbs because they have run out of work items to implement.

A parallel is sometimes drawn between items waiting to be implemented in a product backlog and hardware items in a manufacturer’s store waiting to be checked-out for the production line. Hardware occupies space on a shelf, a cost in that the manufacturer has to pay for the building to hold it; another cost is the interest on the money spent to purchase the items sitting in the store.

For over 100 years, people have been analyzing the problem of the optimum number of stock items to order, and at what stock level to place an order. The economic order quantity gives the optimum number of items to reorder, Q (the derivation assumes that the average quantity in stock is Q/2), it is given by:

Q=sqrt{{2DK}/h}, where D is the quantity consumed per year, K is the fixed cost per order (e.g., cost of ordering, shipping and handling; not the actual cost of the goods), h is the annual holding cost per item.

What is the likely range of these values for software?

  • D is around 1,000 per year for a team of ten’ish people working on multiple (related) projects; based on one dataset,
  • K is the cost associated with the time taken to gather the requirements, i.e., the items to add to the backlog. If we assume that the time taken to gather an item is less than the time taken to implement it (the estimated time taken to implement varies from hours to days), then the average should be less than an hour or two,
  • h: While the cost of a post-it note on a board, or an entry in an online issue tracking system, is effectively zero, there is the time cost of deciding which backlog items should be implemented next, or added to the next Sprint.

    If the backlog starts with n items, and it takes t seconds to decide whether a given item should be implemented next, and f is the fraction of items scanned before one is selected: the average decision time per item is: avDecideTime={f*n*(f*n+1)/2}*t seconds. For example, if n=50, pulling some numbers out of the air, f=0.5, and t=10, then avDecideTime=325, or 5.4 minutes.

    The Scrum approach of selecting a subset of backlog items to completely implement in a Sprint has a much lower overhead than the one-at-a-time approach.

If we assume that K/h==1, then Q=sqrt{2*1000}=44.7.

An ‘order’ for 45 work items might make sense when dealing with clients who have formal processes in place and are not able to be as proactive as an Agile developer might like, e.g., meetings have to be scheduled in advance, with minutes circulated for agreement.

In a more informal environment, with close client contacts, work items are more likely to trickle in or appear in small batches. The SiP dataset came from such an environment. The plot below shows the number of tasks in the backlog of the SiP dataset, for each day (blue/green) and seven-day rolling average (red) (code+data):

Tasks waiting to be implemented, per day, over duration of SiP projects.

Evolution of the DORA metrics

July 24, 2022 No comments

There is a growing buzz around the DORA metrics. Where did the DORA metrics come from, what are they, and are they useful?

The company DevOps Research and Assessment LLC (DORA) was founded by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim in 2016, and acquired by Google in 2018. DevOps is a role that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops).

The original ideas behind the DORA metrics are described in the 2015 paper DevOps: Profiles in ITSM Performance and Contributing Factors, by Forsgren and Humble. The more well known Accelerate book, published in 2018, is an evangelistic reworking of the material, plus some business platitudes extolling the benefits of using a lean process.

The 2015 paper approaches the metric selection process from the perspective of reducing business costs, and uses a data driven approach. This is how metric selection should be done, and for the first seven or eight pages I was cheering the authors on. The validity of a data driven approaches depends on the reliability of the data and its applicability to the questions being addressed. I don’t think that the reliability of the data used is sufficient to support the conclusions being drawn from it. The data used is the survey results behind the Puppet Labs 2015 State of DevOps Report; the 2018 book included data from the 2016 and 2017 State of DevOps reports.

Between 2015-2018, DORA is more a way of doing DevOps than a collection of metrics to calculate. The theory is based on ideas from the Economic Order Quantity model; this model is used in inventory management to calculate the number of items that should be held in stock, to meet production demand, such that stock holding costs plus item reordering costs are minimised (when the number of items in stock falls below some value, there is an optimum number of items to reorder to replenish stocks).

The DORA mapping of the Economic Order Quantity model to DevOps employs a rather liberal interpretation of the concepts involved. There are three fundamental variables:

  • Batch size: the quantity of additions, modifications and deletions of anything that could have an effect on IT services, e.g., changes to code or configuration files,
  • Holding cost: the lost opportunity cost of not deploying work that has been done, e.g., lost business because a feature is not available or waste because an efficiency improvement is not used. Cognitive capitalism also has the lost opportunity cost of not learning about the impact of an update on the ecosystem,
  • Transaction cost: the cost of building, testing and deploying to production a completed batch.

The aim is to minimise TotalCost=HoldingCost+TransationCost.

So far, so good and reasonable.

Now the details; how do we measure batch size, holding cost and transaction cost?

DORA does not measure these quantities (the paper points out that deployment frequency could be treated as a proxy for batch size, in that as deployment frequency goes to infinity batch size goes to zero). The terms holding cost and transaction cost do not appear in the 2018 book.

Having mapped Economic Order Quantity variables to software, the 2015 paper pivots and maps these variables to a Lean manufacturing process (the 2018 book focuses on Lean). Batch size is now deployment frequency, and higher is better.

Ok, let’s follow the pivoted analysis of Lean ideas applied to software. The 2015 paper uses cluster analysis to find patterns in the 2015 State of DevOps survey data. I have not seen any of the data, or even the questions asked; the description of the analysis is rather sketchy (I imagine it is similar to that used by Forsgren in her PhD thesis on a different dataset). The report published by Puppet Labs analyses the data using linear regression and partial least squares.

Three IT performance profiles are characterized (High, Medium and Low). Why three and not, say, four or five? The papers simply says that three ’emerged’.

The analysis of the Puppet Labs 2015 survey data (6k+ responses) essentially takes the form of listing differences in values of various characteristics between High/Medium/Low teams; responses came from “technical professionals of all specialities involved in DevOps”. The analysis in the 2018 book discussed some of the between year differences.

My experience of asking hundreds of people for data is that most don’t have any. I suspect this is true of those who answered the Puppet Labs surveys, and that answers are guestimates.

The fact that the accuracy of analysis of the survey data is poor does not really matter, because DORA pivots again.

This pivot switches to organizational metrics (from team metrics), becomes purely production focused (very appropriate for DevOps), introduces an Elite profile, and focuses on four key metrics; the following is adapted from Google:

  • Deployment Frequency: How often an organization successfully releases to production,
  • Lead Time for Changes: The amount of time it takes a commit to get into production,
  • Change Failure Rate: The percentage of deployments causing a failure in production,
  • Mean time to repair (MTTR): How long it takes an organization to recover from a failure in production.

Are these four metrics useful?

To somebody with zero DevOps experience (i.e., me) they look useful. The few DevOps people I have spoken to are talking about them but not using them (not least because they don’t have the data required).

The characteristics of the Elite/High/Medium/Low profiles reflects Google’s DevOps business interests. Companies offering an online service at a national scale want to quickly respond to customer demand, continuously deploy, and quickly recover from service outages.

There are companies where it makes business sense for DevOps deployments to occur much less frequently than at Google. I also know companies who would love to have deployment rates within an order of magnitude of Google’s, but cannot even get close without a significant restructuring of their build and deployment infrastructure.

Complex software makes economic sense

May 22, 2022 No comments

Economic incentives motivate complexity as the common case for software systems.

When building or maintaining existing software, often the quickest/cheapest approach is to focus on the features/functionality being added, ignoring the existing code as much as possible. Yes, the new code may have some impact on the behavior of the existing code, and as new features/functionality are added it becomes harder and harder to predict the impact of the new code on the behavior of the existing code; in particular, is the existing behavior unchanged.

Software is said to have an attribute known as complexity; what is complexity? Many definitions have been proposed, and it’s not unusual for people to use multiple definitions in a discussion. The widely used measures of software complexity all involve counting various attributes of the source code contained within individual functions/methods (e.g., McCabe cyclomatic complexity, and Halstead); they are all highly correlated with lines of code. For the purpose of this post, the technical details of a definition are glossed over.

Complexity is often given as the reason that software is difficult to understand; difficult in the sense that lots of effort is required to figure out what is going on. Other causes of complexity, such as the domain problem being solved, or the design of the system, usually go unmentioned.

The fact that complexity, as a cause of requiring more effort to understand, has economic benefits is rarely mentioned, e.g., the effort needed to actively use a codebase is a barrier to entry which allows those already familiar with the code to charge higher prices or increases the demand for training courses.

One technique for reducing the complexity of a system is to redesign/rework its implementation, from a system/major component perspective; known as refactoring in the software world.

What benefit is expected to be obtained by investing in refactoring? The expected benefit of investing in redesign/rework is that a reduction in the complexity of a system will reduce the subsequent costs incurred, when adding new features/functionality.

What conditions need to be met to make it worthwhile making an investment, I, to reduce the complexity, C, of a software system?

Let’s assume that complexity increases the cost of adding a feature by some multiple (greater than one). The total cost of adding n features is:

K=C_1*F_1+C_2*F_2 ...+C_n*F_n

where: C_i is the system complexity when feature i is added, and F_i is the cost of adding this feature if no complexity is present.

C_2=C_B+C_1, C_3=C_B+C_1+C_2, … C_n=C_B+sum{i=1}{n}{C_i}

where: C_B is the base complexity before adding any new features.

Let’s assume that an investment, I, is made to reduce the complexity from C_b+C_N (with C_N=sum{i=1}{n}{C_i}) to C_B+C_N-C_R, where C_R is the reduction in the complexity achieved. The minimum condition for this investment to be worthwhile is that:

I+K_{r2} < K_{r1} or I < K_{r1}-K_{r2}

where: K_{r2} is the total cost of adding new features to the source code after the investment, and K_{r1} is the total cost of adding the same new features to the source code as it existed immediately prior to the investment.

Resetting the feature count back to 1, we have:


and the above condition becomes:

I < ((C_B+C_N+C_1)-(C_B+C_N-C_R+C_1))*F_1+...+((C_B+C_N+C_m)-(C_B+C_N-C_R+C_m))*F_m

I < C_R*F_1 ...+C_R*F_m

I < C_R*sum{i=1}{m}{F_i}

The decision on whether to invest in refactoring boils down to estimating the reduction in complexity likely to be achieved (as measured by effort), and the expected cost of future additions to the system.

Software systems eventually stop being used. If it looks like the software will continue to be used for years to come (software that is actively used will have users who want new features), it may be cost-effective to refactor the code to returning it to a less complex state; rinse and repeat for as long as it appears cost-effective.

Investing in software that is unlikely to be modified again is a waste of money (unless the code is intended to be admired in a book or course notes).

Study of developers for the cost of a phase I clinical drug trial

March 20, 2022 2 comments

For many years now, I have been telling people that software researchers need to be more ambitious and apply for multi-million pound/dollar grants to run experiments in software engineering. After all, NASA spends a billion or so sending a probe to take some snaps of a planet and astronomers lobby for $100million funding for a new telescope.

What kind of experimental study might be run for a few million pounds (e.g., the cost of a Phase I clinical drug trial)?

Let’s say that each experiment involves a team of professional developers implementing a software system; call this a Project. We want the Project to be long enough to be realistic, say a week.

Different people exhibit different performance characteristics, and the experimental technique used to handle this is to have multiple teams independently implement the same software system. How many teams are needed? Fifteen ought to be enough, but more is better.

Different software systems contain different components that make implementation easier/harder for those involved. To remove single system bias, a variety of software systems need to be used as Projects. Fifteen distinct Projects would be great, but perhaps we can get away with five.

How many developers are on a team? Agile task estimation data shows that most teams are small, i.e., mostly single person, with two and three people teams making up almost all the rest.

If we have five teams of one person, five of two people, and five of three people, then there are 15 teams and 30 people.

How many people will be needed over all Projects?

15 teams (30 people) each implementing one Project
 5 Projects, which will require 5*30=150 people (5*15=75 teams)

How many person days are likely to be needed?

If a 3-person team takes a week (5 days), a 2-person team will take perhaps 7-8 days. A 1-person team might take 9-10 days.

The 15 teams will consume 5*3*5+5*2*7+5*1*9=190 person days
The  5 Projects will consume              5*190=950 person days

How much is this likely to cost?

The current average daily rate for a contractor in the UK is around £500, giving an expected cost of 190*500=£475,000 to hire the experimental subjects. Venue hire is around £40K (we want members of each team to be co-located).

The above analysis involves subjects implementing one Project. If, say, each subject implements two, three or four Projects, one after the other, the cost is around £2million, i.e., the cost of a Phase I clinical drug trial.

What might we learn from having subjects implement multiple Projects?

Team performance depends on the knowledge and skill of its members, and their ability to work together. Data from these experiments would be the first of their kind, and would provide realistic guidance on performance factors such as: impact of team size; impact of practice; impact of prior experience working together; impact of existing Project experience. The multiple implementations of the same Project created provide a foundation for measuring expected reliability and theories of N-version programming.

A team of 1 developer will take longer to implement a Project than a team of 2, who will take longer than a team of 3.

If 20 working days is taken as the ballpark period over which a group of subjects are hired (i.e., a month), there are six team size sequences that one subject could work (A to F below); where individual elapsed time is close to 20 days (team size 1 is 10 days elapsed, team size 2 is 7.5 days, team size 3 is 5 days).

Team size    A      B      C      D      E      F
    1      twice   once   once  
    2                     once  thrice  once
    3             twice                twice   four

The cost of hiring subjects+venue+equipment+support for such a study is likely to be at least £1,900,000.

If the cost of beta testing, venue hire and research assistants (needed during experimental runs) is included, the cost is close to £2.75 million.

Might it be cheaper and simpler to hire, say, 20-30 staff from a medium size development company? I chose a medium-sized company because we would be able to exert some influence over developer selection and keeping the same developers involved. The profit from 20-30 people for a month is not enough to create much influence within a large company, and a small company would not want to dedicate a large percentage of its staff for a solid month.

Beta testing is needed to validate both the specifications for each Project and that it is possible to schedule individuals to work in a sequence of teams over a month (individual variations in performance create a scheduling nightmare).

Growth in FLOPs used to train ML models

March 13, 2022 No comments

AI (a.k.a. machine learning) is a compute intensive activity, with the performance of trained models being dependent on the quantity of compute used to train the model.

Given the ongoing history of continually increasing compute power, what is the maximum compute power that might be available to train ML models in the coming years?

How might the compute resources used to train an ML model be measured?
One obvious answer is to specify the computers used and the numbers of days used they were occupied training the model. The problem with this approach is that the differences between the computers used can be substantial. How is compute power measured in other domains?

Supercomputers are ranked using FLOPS (floating-point operations per second), or GigFLOPS or PetaFLOPS (10^{15}). The Top500 list gives values for R_{max} (based on benchmark performance, i.e., LINNPACK) and R_{peak} (what the hardware is theoretically capable of, which is sometimes more than twice R_{max}).

A ballpark approach to measuring the FLOPs consumed by an application is to estimate the FLOPS consumed by the computers involved and multiply by the number of seconds each computer was involved in training. The huge assumption made with this calculation is that the application actually consumes all the FLOPS that the hardware is capable of supplying. In some cases this appears to be the metric used to estimate the compute resources used to train an ML model. Some published papers just list a FLOPs value, while others list the number of GPUs used (e.g., 2,128).

A few papers attempt a more refined approach. For instance, the paper describing the GPT-3 models derives its FLOPs values from quantities such as the number of parameters in each model and number of training tokens used. Presumably, the research group built a calibration model that provided the information needed to estimate FLOPS in this way.

How does one get to be able to use PetaFLOPS of compute to train a model (training the GPT-3 175B model consumed 3,640 PetaFLOP days, or around a few days on a top 8 supercomputer)?

Pay what it costs. Money buys cloud compute or bespoke supercomputers (which are more cost-effective for large scale tasks, if you have around £100million to spend plus £10million or so for the annual electricity bill). While the amount paid to train a model might have lots of practical value (e.g., can I afford to train such a model), researchers might not be keen to let everybody know how much they spent. For instance, if a research team have a deal with a major cloud provider to soak up any unused capacity, those involved probably have no interest in calculating compute cost.

How has the compute power used to train ML models increased over time? A recent paper includes data on the training of 493 models, of which 129 include estimated FLOPs, and 106 contain date and model parameter data. The data comes from published papers, and there are many thousands of papers that train ML models. The authors used various notability criteria to select papers, and my take on the selection is that it represents the high-end of compute resources used over time (which is what I’m interested in). While they did a great job of extracting data, there is no real analysis (apart from fitting equations).

The plot below shows the FLOPs training budget used/claimed/estimated for ML models described in papers published on given dates; lines are fitted regression models, and the colors are explained below (code+data):

FLOPs consumed training ML models over time.

My interpretation of the data is based on the economics of accessing compute resources. I see three periods of development:

  1. do-it yourself (18 data points): During this period most model builders only had access to a university computer, desktop machines, or a compute cluster they had self-built,
  2. cloud (74 data points): Huge on demand compute resources are now just a credit card away. Researchers no longer have to wait for congested university computers to become available, or build their own systems.

    AWS launched in 2006, and the above plot shows a distinct increase in compute resources around 2008.

  3. bespoke (14 data points): if the ML training budget is large enough, it becomes cost-effective to build a bespoke system, e.g., a supercomputer. As well as being more cost-effective, a bespoke system can also be specifically designed to handle the characteristics of the kinds of applications run.

    How might models trained using a bespoke system be distinguished from those trained using cloud compute? The plot below shows the number of parameters in each trained model, over time, and there is a distinct gap between 10^{10} and 10^{11} parameters, which I assume is the result of bespoke systems having the memory capacity to handle more parameters (code+data):

    Number of parameters in ML models over time.

The rise in FLOPs growth rate during the Cloud period comes from several sources: 1) the exponential decline in the prices charged by providers delivers researchers an exponentially increasing compute for the same price, 2) researchers obtaining larger grants to work on what is considered to be an important topic, 3) researchers doing deals with providers to make use of excess capacity.

The rate of growth of Cloud usage is capped by the cost of building a bespoke system. The future growth of Cloud training FLOPs will be constrained by the rate at which the prices charged for a FLOP decreases (grants are unlikely to continually increase substantially).

The rate of growth of the Top500 list is probably a good indicator of the rate of growth of bespoke system performance (and this does appear to be slowing down). Perhaps specialist ML training chips will provide performance that exceeds that of the GPU chips currently being used.

The maximum compute that can be used by an application is set by the reliability of the hardware and the percentage of resources used to recover from hard errors that occur during a calculation. Supercomputer users have been facing the possibility of hitting the wall of maximum compute for over a decade. ML training is still a minnow in the supercomputer world, where calculations run for months, rather than a few days.

Cost-effectiveness decision for fixing a known coding mistake

March 6, 2022 No comments

If a mistake is spotted in the source code of a shipping software system, is it more cost-effective to fix the mistake, or to wait for a customer to report a fault whose root cause turns out to be that particular coding mistake?

The naive answer is don’t wait for a customer fault report, based on the following simplistic argument: C_{fix} < C_{find}+C_{fix}.

where: C_{fix} is the cost of fixing the mistake in the code (including testing etc), and C_{find} is the cost of finding the mistake in the code based on a customer fault report (i.e., the sum on the right is the total cost of fixing a fault reported by a customer).

If the mistake is spotted in the code for ‘free’, then C_{find}==0, e.g., a developer reading the code for another reason, or flagged by a static analysis tool.

This answer is naive because it fails to take into account the possibility that the code containing the mistake is deleted/modified before any customers experience a fault caused by the mistake; let M_{gone} be the likelihood that the coding mistake ceases to exist in the next unit of time.

The more often the software is used, the more likely a fault experience based on the coding mistake occurs; let F_{experience} be the likelihood that a fault is reported in the next time unit.

A more realistic analysis takes into account both the likelihood of the coding mistake disappearing and a corresponding fault being reported, modifying the relationship to: C_{fix} < (C_{find}+C_{fix})*{F_{experience}/M_{gone}}

Software systems are eventually retired from service; the likelihood that the software is maintained during the next unit of time, S_{maintained}, is slightly less than one.

Giving the relationship: C_{fix} < (C_{find}+C_{fix})*{F_{experience}/M_{gone}}*S_{maintained}

which simplifies to: 1 < (C_{find}/C_{fix}+1)*{F_{experience}/M_{gone}}*S_{maintained}

What is the likely range of values for the ratio: C_{find}/C_{fix}?

I have no find/fix cost data, although detailed total time is available, i.e., find+fix time (with time probably being a good proxy for cost). My personal experience of find often taking a lot longer than fix probably suffers from survival of memorable cases; I can think of cases where the opposite was true.

The two values in the ratio F_{experience}/M_{gone} are likely to change as a system evolves, e.g., high code turnover during early releases that slows as the system matures. The value of F_{experience} should decrease over time, but increase with a large influx of new users.

A study by Penta, Cerulo and Aversano investigated the lifetime of coding mistakes (detected by several tools), tracking them over three years from creation to possible removal (either fixed because of a fault report, or simply a change to the code).

Of the 2,388 coding mistakes detected in code developed over 3-years, 41 were removed as reported faults and 416 disappeared through changes to the code: F_{experience}/M_{gone} = 41/416 = 0.1

The plot below shows the survival curve for memory related coding mistakes detected in Samba, based on reported faults (red) and all other changes to the code (blue/green, code+data):

Survival curves of coding mistakes in Samba.

Coding mistakes are obviously being removed much more rapidly due to changes to the source, compared to customer fault reports.

For it to be cost-effective to fix coding mistakes in Samba, flagged by the tools used in this study (S_{maintained} is essentially one), requires: 10 < C_{find}/C_{fix}+1.

Meeting this requirement does not look that implausible to me, but obviously data is needed.