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The difference is significant

A statement that invariably appears in the published results of empirical studies comparing some property of two or more sets of numbers is that the difference is significant (if the difference is not significant, the paper is unlikely to be published). Here, the use of the word significant is the shortened form of the term statistically significant.

It is possible that two sets of measurements just so happen to have, for instance, the same/different mean value. Statistical significance is an estimate of the likelihood that an observed result is unlikely to have occurred by chance. The mechanics of calculating a numeric value for statistical significance can be complicated; the commonly seen p-value applies to a particular kind of statistical significance.

The fact that a difference is unlikely to have occurred by chance does not mean that the magnitude of the difference is of any practical use, or of any theoretical interest.

How large must a difference be to make it of practical use?

When I was in the business of selling code optimization tools for microcomputer software, a speed/code size improvement of at least 10% was needed before a worthwhile number of people were likely to pay for the software (a few would pay for less, and a few wanted more improvements before they would pay). I would not be surprised to find that very different percentages were applicable in other developer ecosystems.

In software engineering research papers, presentation of the practical use of work is often nothing more than a marketing pitch by the authors, not a list of estimated usefulness for different software ecosystems.

These days the presentation of material in empirical software engineering papers is often organized around a series of research questions, e.g., “How does X vary across projects?”, “Does the presence of X significantly impact the issue resolution time?”. One or more of these research questions are pitched as having practical relevance, and the statistical significance of the results is presented as vindication of this claimed relevance. Getting a paper published requires that those asked to review agree that the questions it asks and answers are interesting.

This method of paper organization and presentation is not unique to researchers in software engineering. To attract funding, all researchers need to actively promote the value of their wares.

The problem I have with software engineering papers is the widespread use of simplistic techniques (e.g., a Wilcoxon signed-rank test to check the significance of the difference between the means of two samples), and reporting little more than p-value significance; yes, included plots may sometimes be visually appealing, but other times just confused.

If researchers fitted regression models to their data, it becomes possible to estimate the contribution made by each of the attributes measured to the observed behavior. Surprisingly often, the size of the contribution is relatively small, while still being statistically significant.

By not building regression models, software researchers are cluttering up the list of known statistically significant behaviors with findings about factors whose small actual contribution makes it unlikely that they will be of practical interest.

    May 8, 2023 12:44 | #1

    In academia, generating lots of papers from small results is a feature, not a bug

  2. May 8, 2023 14:21 | #2

    I look forward to the day when a ChatGPT variant can provide an impartial estimate of the worthiness of a paper, along with suggestions about more advanced techniques the authors might use to discover something interesting.

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