Repo of software estimation datasets
I have finally gotten around to creating a GitHub repository for the publicly available software estimation datasets. My reasons for doing this include increasing the visibility of the large datasets, having something to reference when I tell people about the miniscule size of most of the datasets modeled in research papers (one of my most popular posts explains why software estimation is mostly fake research), and to help me remember what datasets I do have.
There is a huge disparity in dataset sizes. The main reason for this is that some datasets contain one row for each task within a project, while others contain one row for the whole project.
The Albrecht dataset from 1983 contains 24 rows, and I’m treating it as the minimum size for a dataset to be included in this repo. Smaller datasets have been published, but I don’t see any value including them. Albrecht is only included because it is used by earlier papers.
The current state of knowledge about the characteristics of individual task estimates is discussed in an earlier post.
What of the row per project datasets? Other than overestimates being common, there is not enough data to reliably spot/claim recurring project patterns across datasets. The estimates have probably occurred in a competitive environment, i.e., there is an incentive to bid low. The common techniques used to estimate projects are either based on counting Function points, or on estimating the number of lines of code contained in the delivered system (this value, plus other values, is plugged in to a cost estimation model, e.g., COCOMO).
The problem with estimating using LOC (which is itself estimated) is that there can be large differences in the number of LOC written by different developers to implement the same functionality.
The datasets in the initial upload include those that are commonly cited in research papers, and those analysed on this blog. I will probably discover (i.e., remember) more datasets in the coming weeks, as happened for the repository of reliability datasets created a few months ago.
What is known about software effort estimation in 2024
It’s three years since my 2021 post summarizing what I knew about estimating software tasks. While no major new public datasets have appeared (there have been smaller finds), I have talked to lots of developers/managers about the findings from the 2019/2021 data avalanche, and some data dots have been connected.
A common response from managers, when I outline the patterns found, is some variation of: “That sounds about right.” While it’s great to have this confirmation, it’s disappointing to be telling people what they already know, even if I can put numbers to the patterns.
Some of the developer behavior patterns look, to me, to be actionable, e.g., send developers on a course to unbias their estimates. In practice, managers are worried about upsetting developers or destabilising teams. It’s easy for an unhappy developer to find another job (the speakers at the meetups I attend often end by saying: “and we’re hiring.”)
This post summarizes a talk I gave recently on what is known about software estimating; a video will eventually appear on the British Computer Society‘s Software Practice Advancement group’s YouTube channel, and the slides are on Github.
What I call the historical estimation models contain source code, measured in lines, as a substantial component, e.g., COCOMO which overfits a miniscule dataset. The problem with this approach is that estimates of the LOC needed to implement some functionality LOC are very inaccurate, and different developers use different LOC to implement the same functionality.
Most academic research in software effort estimation continues to be based on miniscule datasets; it’s essentially fake research. Who is doing good research in software estimating? One person: Magne Jørgensen.
Almost all the short internal task estimate/actual datasets contain all the following patterns:
- use of round-numbers (known as heaping in some fields). The ratios of the most frequently used round numbers, when estimating time, are close to the ratios of the Fibonacci sequence,
- short tasks tend to be under-estimated and long tasks over-estimate. Surprisingly, the following equation is a good fit for many time-based datasets:
- individuals tend to either consistently over or under estimate (this appears to be connected with the individual’s risk profile),
- around 30% of estimates are accurate, 68% within a factor of two, and 95% within a factor of four; one function point dataset, one story point dataset, many time datasets,
- developer estimation accuracy does not change with practice. Possible reasons for this include: variability in the world prevents more accurate estimates, developers choose to spend their learning resources on other topics (such as learning more about the application domain).
I have a new ChatGPT generated image for my slide covering the #Noestimates movement:
My 2022 search for software engineering data
At the start of this year, 2022, I announced a crowdsourced search for software engineering data, in May, as part of this search I created the evidenceSE account on Twitter, once a week, on average, I attended an in-person Meetup somewhere in London, I gave one talk and a handful of lightening talks.
What software engineering data did all this effort uncover?
Thanks to Diomidis Spinellis the crowdsource search did not have a zero outcome (the company who provided some data has been rather busy, so progress on iterating on the data analysis has been glacial).
My time spent of Twitter did not even come close to finding a decent sized dataset (a couple of tiny ones were found). When I encountered a tweet claiming to involve evidence in software engineering, I replied asking for a reference to the evidence. Sometimes the original tweet was deleted, sometimes the user blocked me, and sometimes an exchange on the difficulty of obtaining data ensued.
I am a member of 87 meetup groups; essentially any software related group holding an in-person event in London in 2022, plus pre-COVID memberships. Event cadence was erratic, dramatically picking up before Christmas, and I’m expecting it to pick up again in the New Year. I learned some interesting stuff, and spoke to many interesting people, mostly working at large companies (i.e., they have lawyers, so little chance of obtaining data). The idea of an evidence-based approach to software engineering was new to a surprising number of people; the non-recent graduates all agreed that software engineering was driven by fashion/opinions/folklore. I spoke to several people who planned to spend time researching software development in 2023, and one person who ticked all the boxes as somebody who has data and might be willing to release it.
My ‘tradition’ method of finding data (i.e., reading papers and blogs) has continued to uncover new data, but at a slower rate than previous years. Is this a case of diminishing returns (my 2020 book does claim to discuss all the publicly available data), my not reading as many papers as in previous years, or the collateral damage from COVID?
Interesting sources of general data that popped-up in 2022.
- After years away, Carlos returned with his weekly digest Data Machina (now on substack),
- I discovered Data Is Plural, a weekly newsletter of useful/curious datasets.
The CESAW dataset: a brief introduction
I have found that the secret for discovering data treasure troves is persistently following any leads that appear. For instance, if a researcher publishes a data driven paper, then check all their other papers. The paper: Composing Effective Software Security Assurance Workflows contains a lot of graphs and tables, but no links to data, however, one of the authors (William R. Nichols) published The Cost and Benefits of Static Analysis During Development which links to an amazing treasure trove of project data.
My first encounter with this data was this time last year, as I was focusing on completing my Evidence-based software engineering book. Apart from a few brief exchanges with Bill Nichols the technical lead member of the team who obtained and originally analysed the data, I did not have time for any detailed analysis. Bill was also busy, and we agreed to wait until the end of the year. Bill’s and my paper: The CESAW dataset: a conversation is now out, and focuses on an analysis of the 61,817 task and 203,621 time facts recorded for the 45 projects in the CESAW dataset.
Our paper is really an introduction to the CESAW dataset; I’m sure there is a lot more to be discovered. Some of the interesting characteristics of the CESAW dataset include:
- it is the largest publicly available project dataset currently available, with six times as many tasks as the next largest, the SiP dataset. The CESAW dataset involves the kind of data that is usually encountered, i.e., one off project data. The SiP dataset involves the long term evolution of one company’s 20 projects over 10-years,
- it includes a lot of information I have not seen elsewhere, such as: task interruption time and task stop/start {date/time}s (e.g., waiting on some dependency to become available)
- four of the largest projects involve safety critical software, for a total of 28,899 tasks (this probably more than two orders of magnitude more than what currently exists). Given all the claims made about the development about safety critical software being different from other kinds of development, here is a resource for checking some of the claims,
- the tasks to be done, to implement a project, are organized using a work-breakdown structure. WBS is not software specific, and the US Department of Defense require it to be used across all projects; see MIL-STD-881. I will probably annoy those in software management by suggesting the one line definition of WBS as: Agile+structure (WBS supports iteration). This was my first time analyzing WBS project data, and never having used it myself, I was not really sure how to approach the analysis. Hopefully somebody familiar with WBS will extract useful patterns from the data,
- while software inspections are frequently talked about, public data involving them is rarely available. The WBS process has inspections coming out of its ears, and for some projects inspections of one kind or another represent the majority of tasks,
- data on the kinds of tasks that are rarely seen in public data, e.g., testing, documentation, and design,
- the 1,324 defect-facts include information on: the phase where the mistake was made, the phase where it was discovered, and the time taken to fix.
As you can see, there is lots of interesting project data, and I look forward to reading about what people do with it.
Once you have downloaded the data, there are two other sources of information about its structure and contents: the code+data used to produce the plots in the paper (plus my fishing expedition code), and a CESAW channel on the Evidence-based software engineering Slack channel (no guarantees about response time).
Program optimization given 1,000 datasets
A recent paper reminded me of a consequence of widespread availability of multi-processor systems I had failed to mention in a previous post on compiler writing in the next decade. The wide spread availability of systems containing large numbers of processors opens up opportunities for both end users of compilers and compiler writers.
Some compiler optimizations involve making decisions about what parts of a program will be executed more frequently than other parts; usually speeding up the frequently executed at the expense of slowing down the less frequently executed. The flow of control through a program is often effected by the input it has been given.
Traditionally optimization tuning has been done by feeding a small number of input datasets into a small number of programs, with the lazy using only the SPEC benchmarks and the more conscientious (or perhaps driven by one very important customer) using a few more acquired over time. A few years ago the iterative compiler tuning community started to address this lack of input benchmark datasets by creating 20 datasets for each of their benchmark programs.
Twenty datasets was certainly a step up from a few. Now one group (Evaluating Iterative Optimization Across 1000 Data Sets; written by a team of six people) has used 1,000 different input data sets to evaluate the runtime performance of a program; in fact they test 32 different programs each having their own 1,000 data sets. Oh, one fact they forgot to mention in the abstract was that each of these 32 programs was compiled with 300 different combinations of compiler options before being fed the 1,000 datasets (another post talks about the problem of selecting which optimizations to perform and the order in which to perform them); so each program is executed 300,000 times.
Standing back from this one could ask why optimizers have to be ‘pre-tuned’ using fixed datasets and programs. For any program the best optimization results are obtained by profiling it processing large amounts of real life data and then feeding this profile data back to a recompilation of the original source. The problem with this form of optimization is that most users are not willing to invest the time and effort needed to collect the profile data.
Some people might ask if 1,000 datasets is too many, I would ask if it is enough. Optimization often involves trade-offs and benchmark datasets need to provide enough information to compiler writers that they can reliably tune their products. The authors of the paper are still analyzing their data and I imagine that reducing redundancy in their dataset is one area they are looking at. One topic not covered in their first paper, which I hope they plan to address, is how program power consumption varies across the different datasets.
Where next with the large multi-processor systems compiler writers now have available to them? Well, 32 programs is not really enough to claim reasonable coverage of all program characteristics that compilers are likely to encounter. A benchmark containing 1,000 different programs is the obvious next step. One major hurdle, apart from the people time involved, is finding 1,000 programs that have usable datasets associated with them.
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