Motivation and software development
If people were not motivated to write software, computers would not have anything to do. What motivates a person to write software?
The source of human motivation may be intrinsic, as when pleasure is derived from performing the activity, or it may be extrinsic, such as being paid.
For some developers, writing software is a hedonistic activity. Intrinsic motivation continues to be the attractive force behind very many Open source projects.
People have to make a living, and being paid to write software creates an extrinsic motivation.
What do we know about human motivation?
The 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation introduced Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which is now often used as a structure for thinking about motivation. The image below, from Wikipedia, shows Maslow’s hierarchy:
Managers have long known that various kinds of carrots & sticks can be used to incentivize people to behave in a particular way, i.e., applying extrinsic motivation.
Incentives are actively researched in business and marketing departments. Unfortunately, sometimes more fashionable topics, such as cognitive biases, divert researcher’s interest.
Despite its fundamental importance, developer motivation is rarely considered, let alone a subject of research, within computing departments.
As purveyors of intangible goods, the software industry is aware of many issues around motivation. Managers of software teams appreciate the impact of team motivation on performance. Team motivation is a perennial topic of discussion for the Agile coaches and Scrum masters I meet. Companies selling products offering an API hire developer evangelists, whose job is to motivate third-party developers to use this API.
Software systems that continue to be used become part of the fabric of larger, more complex, systems. The motivations of the inhabitants of complex systems can have many unintended consequences.
Motivation is an intangible that cannot be measured directly; its effect has to be inferred from the results produced by the behaviors it drives. Distinguishing between two diametrically different motivations can present a conundrum, e.g., distinguishing between developers following Parkinson’s law or striving to meet a deadline.
Books don’t usually have much to say about the human side of software product management. A well-known exception is Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams.
My evidence-based software engineering book should have had a chapter devoted to motivation, but given its focus on publicly available data, I had to make do with several 1-page subsections.
Accuracy of Function Point estimates
The number of Function points, FP, contained in the implementation of a software system are counted by following a specified counting process. The number of FP counted for a project is mapped to a cost estimate by multiplying the number of FP by the predetermined cost value of one FP; the predetermined value is based on cost data from similar previous projects within the company. The FP process is so popular as a unit of cost estimation that there are six different ISO standards specifying six different Function point measurement processes.
TL;DR: Estimated cost is not as accurate as traditional time based estimating, although the estimation process may produce consistent FP counts.
The FP certification schemes run by various organizations require applicants to pass exams that check they are consistently following the specified processes to produce consistent FP counts, i.e., that certified practitioners give very similar answers for the same implementation problem. Experiments where subjects used different counting processes to count FP for the same task, have found what looks like a linear relationship between various pairs of FP counting processes.
Having certified FP employees/consultants produce similar counts is all well and good, but what management actually wants is a close correspondence between estimated and actual costs. What does the available data show with regard to FP cost estimation accuracy?
I know of two FP/Cost datasets, one containing 149 points from one company (actual costs have been normalised), and the other 492 points from three companies (actual costs in Euros; FP used is IFPUG); this dataset also includes additional context information and is used in this post’s analysis.
What is the relationship between an estimate based on FP and actual cost? The plot below show FP against actual cost, the red line is the fitted regression equation , the grey line shows
The power law exponent, 0.8, is slightly smaller than the 0.85 value found when fitting time estimates to actual times.
The dataset includes information specifying: anonymous organization ID, development method (78.5% plan driven and 21.5% Scrum), business domain (e.g., Call center, Mortgages, Front office), and various 0/1 flags each denoting a particular characteristic.
Including this information in a regression model finds that some of them have an impact on the FP to actual cost mapping. This is not surprising, since the FP/cost mapping is intended to be based on similar previous projects. The fitted model has the form:
where: ,
, and
are constants for the corresponding items from the fitted regression model.
The fitted value for the scrum the development method is , and
for plan based (i.e., waterfall), i.e., Agile FP are cheaper than Waterfall FP. The idea of using both FP and scrum had not crossed my mind. Estimating via FP requires a detailed breakdown of the work to be done, while scrum is a process that discovers the work to be done. Perhaps a scrum like methodology was used to implement the detailed breakdown used to count FPs. The apparent lower cost of scrum FPs could just be a result of discovering that some planned functionality was not required.
How accurate were the FP estimates?
It is not possible to answer this question between we don’t know the cost assigned to one FP; in the above plot, the grey lines shows .
We can calculate an estimate accuracy relative to the fitted model (the red line above). The mapping from FP to cost can vary between organizations, and the following analysis is based on the data for each distinct organization. The plot below shows the points, and associated fitted regression line, for the three organizations (code+data):
Each organization’s fitted regression model can be used to calculate confidence intervals. Approximately 68% of FP estimates could be off by over a factor two (between 2.3 and 2.5) from the mean actual cost, while for the 95% interval FP estimates could be off by over a factor five (it varied between 5.0 and 5.8); code+data. The corresponding factors for traditional developer time estimation are two and four.
The exponent varies between 0.72 and 0.84, with Beltel and Bank B having very similar values (the exponent for time estimates is often close to 0.85). The FP/Cost mapping is likely to be similar for the two banks, but lower for the telecoms company.
Does slicing the data by organization and business domain reduce the width of the confidence intervals, i.e., smaller multiplication factor? In some cases the width is reduced, but in other cases the width is increased; the 68% factor is between 1.9 and 3.1, the 95% factor is between 3.2 and 9.4.
Who are the famous academics in software engineering?
Who are today’s ‘famous’ academics in software engineering?
Famous as in, you can mention their name when chatting with general software developers, and expect those present to have heard of them, or you have heard their names dropped into a conversation, say, at least 3+ times this year (I’m excluding academics who are famous within one specific niche of software engineering). Academic, as in, works in an institution of secondary or tertiary higher learning.
When I started out in industry, the works of Knuth and Dijkstra were cited (not always accurately), people would talk about Ted Codd’s latest position on how best to structure a database. Tony Hoare later became known through his books, and Leslie Lamport for distributed systems and perhaps LaTeX. In very large niches, William Kahan for numerical analysis, and Barbara Liskov for the Liskov substitution principle.
Anyone suggesting Kernighan and Ritchie, of C and Unix fame, is overlooking the fact they worked in an industrial research lab.
A book series continues to maintain Knuth’s fame, while Dijkstra kept himself in the news by being a source of controversial quotes for industry journalists, and for kicking off the Go-To statement considered harmful debate (the latter is likely the reason that anybody has heard of him today). Has Kahan escaped his niche, even though use of floating-point arithmetic is now perhaps even more niche than it used to be?
How might academics become famous?
Widely used algorithms/metrics/techniques named after a person generates a kind of anonymous name recognition. For instance, Halstead complexity metric and McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity metric, and from the 1990s Shor’s algorithm.
Some people achieve fame through their association with a language. Academic name/language pairs include: McCarthy/Lisp, Wirth/Pascal, Stroustrup/C++ (worked in industry, university, industry, university), Peyton Jones/Haskell (university, industrial research, industry), Leroy/OCaml, Meyer/Eiffel.
An influential book, or widely read blog can generate a kind of fame.
Many academics have written an ‘algorithms’ book, and readers may have fond memories of the particular book they used as an undergraduate. Barry Boehm wrote “Software Engineering Economics”, but is more likely to be known for the model he spent his life promoting, i.e., the COCOMO model.
Fred Brooks, author of one of the most famous books in software engineering The Mythical Man Month, was not an academic worked in industry and then academia.
I have always been surprised by how many Turing award winners I have never heard of, or while recognizing a name am completely unfamiliar with their work. I am less surprised by my failure to recognise around half the names in the Wikipedia category software engineering researchers.
A few people are known because of the widespread use of their software (Linus Torvalds has never been an academic). Richard Stallman, employed as an academic, originally became famous as the author of the GNU version of emacs and gcc; the fame from the Free Software Foundation came after copyleft took off.
Are there academics who have become ‘famous’ in software engineering this century? I’m not in a position to answer this because I don’t read introductory software books, and generally avoid bike-shed discussions.
Does the resurgence of interest in AI mean that Judea Pearl’s fame is no longer niche?
I do read recent academic papers, and the only person on the list of most frequently cited authors in my evidence-based software engineering book with any claim to fame, researches cognitive neuroscience, i.e., Stanislas Dehaene.
Is software engineering a field where it is possible for a person, academic or otherwise, to become famous?
If there are fame worthy discoveries waiting to be made, or fame worthy software engineering book waiting to be written, how likely is it that the people responsible will be academics? A lot of the advances in software engineering have been made and continue to be made by those working in industry.
Suggestions relating to (in)famous academics welcome.
Benchmarking fuzzers
Fuzzing has become a popular area of research in the reliability & testing community, with a stream of papers claiming to have created a better tool/algorithm. The claims of ‘betterness’, made by the authors, often derive from the number of previously unreported faults discovered in some collection of widely used programs.
Developers in industry will be interested in using fuzzing if it provides a cost-effective means of discovering coding mistakes that are likely to result in customers experiencing a serious fault. This requirement roughly translates to: minimal cost for finding maximal distinct mistakes (finding the same mistake more than once is wasted effort); whether a particular coding mistake is likely to produce a serious customer fault is a decision decided by people.
How do different fuzzing tools compare, when benchmarking the number of distinct mistakes they each find, for a given amount of cpu time?
TL;DR: I don’t know, and this approach is probably not a useful way of comparing fuzzers.
Fuzzing researchers are currently competing on the number of previously unreported faults discovered, i.e., not listed in the fuzzed program’s database of fault reports. Most research papers only report the number of distinct faults discovered in each program fuzzed, the amount of wall clock hours/days used (sometimes weeks), and the characteristics of the computer/cluster on which the campaign was run. This may be enough information to estimate an upper bound on faults per unit of cpu time; more detailed data is rarely available (I have emailed the authors of around a dozen papers asking for more detailed data).
A benchmark based on comparing faults discovered per unit of cpu time only makes sense when the new fault discovery rate is roughly constant. Experience shows that discovery time can vary by orders of magnitude.
Code coverage is a fuzzer performance metric that is starting to be widely used by researchers. Measures of coverage include: statements/basic blocks, conditions, or some object code metric. Coverage has the advantage of providing defined fuzzer objectives (e.g., generate input that causes uncovered code to be executed), and is independent of the number of coding mistakes present in the code.
How is a fuzzer likely to be used in industry?
The fuzzing process may be incremental, discovering a few coding mistakes, fixing them, rinse and repeat; or, perhaps fuzzing is run in a batch over, say, a weekend when the test machine is available.
The current research approach is batch based, not fixing any of the faults discovered (earlier researchers fixed faults).
Not fixing discovered faults means that underlying coding mistakes may be repeatedly encountered, which wastes cpu time because many fuzzers terminate the run when the program they are testing crashes (a program crash is a commonly encountered fuzzing fault experience). The plot below shows the number of occurrences of the same underlying coding mistake, when running eight fuzzers on the program JasPer; 77 distinct coding mistakes were discovered, with three fuzzers run over 3,000 times, four run over 1,500 times, and one run 62 times (see Green Fuzzing: A Saturation-based Stopping Criterion using Vulnerability Prediction by Lipp, Elsner, Kacianka, Pretschner, Böhme, and Banescu; code+data):
I have not seen any paper where the researchers attempt to reduce the number of times the same root cause coding mistake is discovered. Researchers are focused on discovering unreported faults; and with around 98% of fault discoveries being duplicates, appear to have resources to squander.
If developers primarily use a find/fix iterative process, then duplicate discoveries will be an annoying drag on cpu time. However, duplicate discoveries are going to make it difficult to effectively benchmark fuzzers.
Research ideas for 2023/2024
Students sometimes ask me for suggestions of interesting research problems in software engineering. A summary of my two recurring suggestions, for this year, appears below; 2016/2017 and 2019/2020 versions.
How many active users does a program or application have?
The greater the number of users, the greater the number of reported faults. Estimates of program reliability have to include volume of usage as an integral part of the calculation.
Non-trivial amounts of public data on program usage is non-existent (in a few commercial environments, users are charged for using software on a per-usage basis, but this data is confidential). Usage has to be estimated by indirect means.
A popular indirect technique for estimating the popularity of Github repos is to count the number of stars it has; however, stars have a variety of interpretations. The extent to which Github stars tracks usage of the repo’s software is not known.
Other indirect techniques include: web server logs, installs of the application, or the operating system.
One technique that has not yet been researched is to make use of the identity of those reporting faults. A parallel can be drawn with the fish population in lakes, which is not directly visible. Ecologists have developed techniques for indirectly estimating the population size of distinct creatures using information about a subset of the population, and some of the population models developed for ecology can be adapted to estimating program user populations.
Estimates of population size can be obtained by plugging information on the number of different people reporting faults, and the number of reports from the same person into these models. This approach is not as easy as it sounds because sometimes the same person has multiple identities, reported faults also need to be deduplicated and cleaned (30-40% of reports have been found to be requests for enhancements).
Nested if-statement
As if-statement
nesting depth increases, the number of conditions controlling the execution of the enclosed code increases.
Being able to estimate the likelihood of executing the code controlled by an if-statement
is of interest to: compilers wanting to target optimizations along the most frequently executed paths, special handling for error paths, testing along the least/most likely paths (e.g., fuzzers wanting to know the conditions needed to reach a given block), those wanting to organize code for ease of understanding, by reducing cognitive effort to understand.
Possible techniques for analysing the likelihood of executing code controlled by one or more nested if-statement
s include:
- Compiler writers have discovered various heuristics for predicting the likely outcome of a branch, and there are probably more to be discovered. Statement coverage counts provides a ground truth against which to compare ideas,
- analysis of the conditional expression,
- mathematical analysis of the distribution of values of variables in conditional expressions.
The lifetime of performance coding issues
Coding activities that a developer might spend time on include: adding new functionality, fixing a reported fault, or fiddling with existing code with the intent of making it ‘better’ in some sense (which these days goes by the catch-all name of refactoring).
Improving performance, e.g., changing software to use less cpu/memory is considered, by developers, to make it ‘better’ (whether users are likely to notice the difference, or management see a ROI is for another article). There is a breed of developer whose DNA encodes for pleasure receptors that are only fire when working to reduce the amount of cpu/memory used by a program.
The paper Characterizing the evolution of statically-detectable performance issues of Android Apps by Das, Di Penta, and Malavolta studied the creation/removal of nine distinct performance coding issues in the source of 316 Android Apps (118 Apps contained five or more issues); a total of 2,408 performance issues were tracked.
What patterns might be present in the paper’s performance issues data?
I would expect there to be more creations in Apps containing more code, and more removals the longer an App is maintained; both very obvious. With more developers working on an App, there are going to be more creations and removals; do they cancel out? Management might decide to invest time in performance improvements for the next release, which would cause a spike in the number of removals per unit time.
How long do the nine performance issues survive in code, before being removed? The plot below shows the Kaplan Meier survival curve for Apps containing at least five issues (dotted blue/green are the 95% confidence intervals, code+data):
Around 15% of issues were removed on the day they are created, and by the eighth day around 30% had been removed. The roughly steady decline lasts for two-years, followed by almost stasis. Is two-years the active development lifetime of a successful Android App?
In isolation, the slope of the survival curve between eight days and two-years is not that interesting (it could be used to rule out models of the issue discovery process, e.g., happenstance discovery while working on other tasks). However, comparing it against the corresponding survival curve for reported faults tells us something about developer/management investment priorities for the two kinds of tasks, as measured by time to fix (which is a proxy for effort invested).
Unfortunately, this study did not collect information on coding mistake lifetimes, or time between a fault being reported and fixed. There have been studies investigating the survival time of coding mistakes. Reported faults should have the lowest survival rate, while the survival of coding mistakes will depend on the number of users (i.e., more users creates more opportunities to experience a fault and report it).
What factors influence performance issue time-to-fix?
The data includes information on the kind of performance issue, the number of times the App has been downloaded from the Google Play Store, and the number of contributors to the App.
Using these variables, a Cox proportional hazards model was fitted to model the survival time. In a proportional hazards model, the model coefficients are not absolute values, but provide ratio information. For instance, the following table shows the coefficients of the fitted model (code+data). Using these coefficients, we can compare the time taken to fix, say, a FloatMath
issue relative to a ViewTag
issue. The coefficient ratio is the estimated ratio of fix times of the two respective issues.
Coefficient Standard error Performance issue FloatMath 0.64445 0.14175 HandlerLeak 0.69958 0.12736 Recycle 0.83041 0.11386 UseSparseArrays 0.73471 0.12493 UseValueOf 0.64263 0.11827 ViewHolder 0.87253 0.14951 ViewTag 5.24257 0.46500 Wakelock 3.34665 0.72014 Downloads 50-100 0.62490 0.26245 100-500 0.64699 0.22494 500-1000 0.56768 0.23505 1000-5000 0.50707 0.22225 5000-10000 0.53432 0.22486 10000-50000 0.62449 0.21626 50000-100000 0.42214 0.23402 100000-500000 0.21479 0.25358 1000000-5000000 0.40593 0.21851 10000000-50000000 0.03474 0.61827 100000000-500000000 0.30693 0.39868 1000000000-5000000000 0.41522 0.61599 NA 0.03868 1.02076 Contributors 1.04996 0.01265 |
There is not a lot of difference in the coefficients for the number of downloads (the model fit is poor when the Standard error is close to the Coefficient value).
The paper Investigating Types and Survivability of Performance Bugs in Mobile Apps analyses a smaller dataset of performance issue lifetimes.
Predicting the size of the Linux kernel binary
How big is the binary for the Linux kernel? Depending on the value of around 15,000 configuration options, the size of the version 5.8 binary could be anywhere between 7.3Mb and 2,134 Mb.
Who is interested in the size of the Linux kernel binary?
We are not in the early 1980s, when memory for a desktop microcomputer often topped out at 64K, and software was distributed on 360K floppies (720K when double density arrived; my companies first product was a code optimizer which reduced program size by around 10%).
While desktop systems usually have oodles of memory (disk and RAM), developers targeting embedded systems seek to reduce costs by minimizing storage requirements, security conscious organizations want to minimise the attack surface of the programs they run, and performance critical systems might want a kernel that fits within a processors’ L2/L3 cache.
When management want to maximise the functionality supported by a kernel within given hardware resource constraints, somebody gets the job of building kernels supporting various functionality to find out the size of the binaries.
At around 4+ minutes per kernel build, it’s going to take a lot of time (or cloud costs) to compare lots of options.
The paper Transfer Learning Across Variants and Versions: The Case of Linux Kernel Size by Martin, Acher, Pereira, Lesoil, Jézéquel, and Khelladi describes an attempt to build a predictive model for the size of the kernel binary. This paper includes an extensive list of references.
The author’s approach was to first obtain lots of kernel binary sizes by building lots of kernels using random permutations of on/off options (only on/off options were changed). Seven kernel versions between 4.13 and 5.8 were used, producing 243,323 size/option setting combinations (complete dataset). This data was used to train a machine learning model.
The accuracy of the predictions made by models trained on a single kernel version were accurate within that kernel version, but the accuracy of single version trained models dropped dramatically when used to predict the binary size of later kernel versions, e.g., a model trained on 4.13 had an accuracy of 5% MAPE predicting 4.13, when predicting 4.15 the accuracy is 20%, and 32% accurate predicting 5.7.
I think that the authors’ attempt to use this data to build a model that is accurate across versions is doomed to failure. The rate of change of kernel features (whose conditional compilation is supported by one or more build options) supported by Linux is too high to be accurately modelled based purely on information of past binary sizes/options. The plot below shows the total number of features, newly added, and deleted features in the modelled version of the kernel (code+data):
What is the range of impacts of each build option, on binary size?
If each build option is independent of the others (around 44% of conditional compilation directives in the kernel source contain one option), then the fitted coefficients of a simple regression model gives the build size increment when the corresponding option is enabled. After several cpu hours, the 92,562 builds involving 9,469 options in the version 4.13 build data were fitted. The plot below shows a sorted list of the size contribution of each option; the model is 0.72, i.e., quite a good fit (code+data):
While the mean size increment for an enabled option is 75K, around 40% of enabled options decreases the size of the kernel binary. Modelling pairs of options (around 38% of conditional compilation directives in the kernel source contain two options) will have some impact on the pattern of behavior seen in the plot, but given the quality of the current model ( is 0.72) the change is unlikely to be dramatic. However, the simplistic approach of regression fitting the 90 million pairs of option interactions is not practical.
What might be a practical way of estimating binary size for any kernel version?
The size of a binary is essentially the quantity of code+static data it contains.
An estimate of the quantity of conditionally compiled source code dependent on a given option is likely to be a good proxy for that option’s incremental impact on binary size.
It’s trivial to scan source code for occurrences of options in conditional compilation directives, and with a bit more work, the number of lines controlled by the directive can be counted.
There has been a lot of evidence-based research on software product lines, and feature macros in particular. I was expecting to find a dataset listing the amount of code controlled by build options in Linux, but the data I can find does not measure Linux.
The Martin et al. build data is perfectfor creating a model linking quantity of conditionally compiled source code to change of binary size.
Anthropology and building software systems
Software systems are built by people, who are usually a member of one or more teams. While a lot of research effort has gone into studying the software/hardware used to build these systems, almost no effort has been invested in studying the activities of the people involved.
The study of human behaviors and cultures, in the broadest sense, sits within the field of Anthropology. The traditional image of an Anthropologist is someone who spends an extended period living with some remote tribe, publishing a monograph about their experiences on return to ‘civilisation’. In practice, anthropologists also study local tribes, such as professional workers.
Studies of the computer industry, by anthropologists, include: Global “Body Shopping” An Indian Labor System in the Information Technology Industry by Xiang Biao, and Cultures@SiliconValley by J. A. English-Lueck.
Reporters and professional authors sometimes write popular books for a general audience, which might be labelled pop anthropology. For instance, Kidder’s The Soul of a New Machine.
These academic/reporter publications are usually written by outsiders for an audience of outsiders. They are not intended to provide insights for insiders (Kidder’s book strikes me as reporting on the chaos that ensues when dysfunctional teams have to work together, which is not how it is described on its back cover).
If insiders want to learn about their community, some degree of insider knowledge is needed; exploring culture from the point of view of the subject of the study is known as Ethnography. Acquiring this knowledge can take years, an investment that will deter most researchers. Insightful insider commentary is most likely to come from insiders.
These days, insiders who write usually have blogs. Gerald Weinberg was an insider of times gone by, who wrote popular books for insiders about consulting in the software business; perhaps the most well known being “The Psychology of Computer Programming” (which really ought to be titled “The Sociology of Computer Programming”).
Who might be the consumers of research by anthropologists of software system development (assuming that a non-trivial amount eventually gets done)?
There are important outsiders, such as lawmakers looking to regulate.
Insiders only ever get to experience a sliver of the culture of software communities. The considered experiences of others can provide interesting insights, in particular learning about how teams working within other application domains operate.
Those seeking to change company culture ought to be looking to anthropology as a source of ideas for things that might work, or not.
History deals with the outcomes of past human behavior and culture, and there are a handful of historians of computing.
WebAssembly vs JavaScript performance: 2023 edition
WebAssembly is an assembly-like language intended to be executed by web browsers on an internal stack machine. The intent is that compilers for high-level languages (i.e., C, Cobol, and C#) treat WebAssembly just like they would the assembly language of a cpu. Some substantial applications have been ported, e.g., the R statistical environment, which is written in C and Fortran.
Some people claim that WebAssembly based applications will run faster, and consume less power, than those written in JavaScript or PHP. Now, one virtual machine is as much like any other. Performance differences are driven by compiler optimizations, the ease with which particular language features can be mapped to the available instructions, and an application’s use of easy/hard to map high-level language features.
Researchers have run benchmarks to compare the runtime performance and power consumption of Wasm against other browser based languages, and this post analyses the runtime performance results from two papers.
TL;DR: Relative performance for Wasm/JavaScript varies across browsers and programs. Everything interacts with everything else, which makes analysis complicated.
As is the case with most data analysis in software engineering, the researchers used rudimentary statistical techniques (which is a shame given the huge effort that went into collecting the data). The conclusions of both papers is that for WebAssembly/JavaScript, relative performance issues are complicated, but the techniques they used did not enable them to understand why.
What kind of statistical techniques are applicable for analysing these benchmarks?
Use of different languages/browsers might be expected to have some percentage impact on performance, e.g., programs written in language X will be p%
faster/slower. The following equation is one modelling approach, and this equation can be fitted using nonlinear regression:
, where:
is a constant,
is the fitted constant for language
, and
is the fitted constant for browser
The problem with this equation is that it involves a separate equation for each combination of language/browser (assuming that all benchmarks are bundled together in the value of ). It is possible to use a single equation when there are just two languages/two browsers, by mapping them to the values 0/1.
All languages/browsers/benchmarks can be included in a single linear regression model by treating them as factors in a log transformed model; the equation is: , where:
is the fitted constant for benchmark
. The values of
, and
are zero, or one for the corresponding fitted constant. All the factors on the right-hand-side are discrete, so a log transform has nothing to distort.
The fitted equation can then be transformed to:
This model assumes that each factor is independent of the others, i.e., the relative performance of each language does not depend on the browser, and that relative performance does not significantly vary between benchmarks, e.g., if runs 10% faster when implemented in
, then
also runs close to 10% faster when implemented in
How well did the benchmark data from the two papers fit this model, and what were the performance numbers?
The study WebAssembly versus JavaScript: Energy and Runtime Performance by De Macedo, Abreu, Pereira, and Saraiva ran a wide range of benchmarks. It compared C/Wasm/JavaScript running on Chrome/Firefox/Edge. One set of benchmarks were 10 small compute-intensive programs (in Wasm/JavaScript), which were executed with small/medium/large amounts of input data; the other set of benchmarks were two large applications WasmBoy is a Game-boy/Gameboy Color Emulator (written in Typescript and compiled to Wasm), and PSPDFKit supporting viewing, annotating, and filling in forms in PDF documents (written in C/C++ and compiled to a both a subset of JavaScript and Wasm).
Results from the 10 small benchmarks showed strong interactions between browser and language (i.e., Wasm performance relative to JavaScript, varied between browsers; with Edge being faster and Firefox being slower), and a lot of interaction between benchmark and input data size. Support for Wasm is relatively new, relative to the much more mature JavaScript, so it’s not surprising that different browsers have different performance; I’m arm waving when I say that the input size dependency may be related to JIT issues (code).
When interactions are included, the fitted equation has the form:
Analysing the results for the two applications, we find that:
- WasmBoy: the factors were independent, and WebAssembly was faster than JavaScript. The
factor was 0.84 for Wasm and 1 for JavaScript,
- PSPDFKit: there was interaction between the language and browser, with behavior similar to that seen for the small benchmarks.
The study Comparing the Energy Efficiency of WebAssembly and JavaScript in Web Applications on Android Mobile Devices by van Hasselt, Huijzendveld, Noort, de Ruijter, Islam, and Malavolta compared the performance of WebAssembly/JavaScript running compute intensive benchmarks on Firefox/Chrome.
Fitting a regression model to the data from the eight benchmarks showed strong interactions between benchmark programs and language, with each language being faster for some programs (code).
It’s not surprising that the results failed to show a conclusive performance advantage for either WebAssembly or JavaScript, across benchmarks. The situation might change as the wasm virtual machine is tuned, and compilers targetting wasm implement a wider range of optimizations.
A performance analysis of C, Rust, Go, and Javascript compiled to Webassembler
Perturbed expressions may ‘recover’
This week I have been investigating the impact of perturbing the evaluation of random floating-point expressions. In particular, the impact of adding 1 (and larger values) at a random point in an expression containing many binary operators (simply some combination of add/multiply).
What mechanisms make it possible for the evaluation of an expression to be unchanged by a perturbation of +1.0 (and much larger values)? There are two possible mechanisms:
- the evaluated value at the perturbation point is ‘watered down’ by subsequent operations, such that the original perturbed value makes no contribution to the final result. For instance, the IEEE single precision float mantissa is capable of representing 6-significant digits; starting with, say, the value
, perturbing by adding1.0
, followed by a sequence of many multiplications by values between zero and one could produce, say, the value6.7e-8
, which when added to, say,0.45
, gives0.45
, i.e., the perturbed value is too small to affect the result of the add, - the perturbed branch of the expression evaluation is eventually multiplied by zero (either because the evaluation of the other branch produces zero, or the operand happens to be zero). The exponent of an IEEE single precision float can represent values as small as
, before underflowing to zero (ignoring subnormals); something that is likely to require many more multiplies than required to lose 6-significant digits.
The impact of a perturbation disappears when its value is involved in a sufficiently long sequence of repeated multiplications.
The probability that the evaluation of a sequence of multiplications of random values uniformly distributed between zero and one produces a result less than
is given by
, where
is the incomplete gamma function, and
is the upper bounds (1 in our case). The plot below shows this cumulative distribution function for various
Looking at this plot, a sequence of 10 multiplications has around a 1-in-10 chance of evaluating to a value less than 1e-6
In practice, the presence of add operations will increase the range of operands values to be greater than one. The expected distribution of result values for expressions containing various percentages of add/multiply operators is covered in an earlier post.
The probability that the evaluation of an expression involves a sequence of multiplications depends on the percentage of multiply operators it contains, and the shape of the expression tree. The average number of binary operator evaluations in a path from leaf to root node in a randomly generated tree of
operands is proportional to
When an expression has a ‘bushy’ balanced form, there are many relatively distinct evaluation paths, the expected number of operations along a path is proportional to . The plot below shows a randomly generated ‘bushy’ expression tree containing 25 binary operators, with 80% multiply, and randomly selected values (perturbation in red, additions in green; code+data):
When an expression has a ‘tall’ form, there is one long evaluation path, with a few short paths hanging off it, the expected number of operations along the long path is proportional to . The plot below shows a randomly generated ‘tall’ expression tree containing 25 binary operators, with 80% multiply, and randomly selected values (perturbation in red, additions in green; code+data):
If, one by one, the result of every operator in an expression is systematically perturbed (by adding some value to it), it is known that in some cases the value of the perturbed expression is the same as the original.
The following results were obtained by generating 200 random C expressions containing some percentage of add/multiply, some number of operands (i.e., 25, 50, 75, 100, 150), one-by-one perturbing every operator in every expression, and comparing the perturbed result value to the original value. This process was repeated 200 times, each time randomly selecting operand values from a uniform distribution between -1 and 1. The perturbation values used were: 1e0
, 1e2
, 1e4
, 1e8
, 1e16
. A 32-bit float type was used throughout.
Depending on the shape of the expression tree, with 80% multiplications and 100 operands, the fraction of perturbed expressions returning an unchanged value can vary from 1% to 40%.
The regression model fitted to the fraction of unchanged expressions contains lots of interactions (the simple version is that the fraction unchanged increases with more multiplications, decreases as the log of the perturbation value, the square root of the number of operands is involved; code+data):
where: is the fraction of perturbed expressions returning the original value,
the percentage of add operators (not multiply),
the number of operands in the expression, and
the perturbation value.
There is a strong interaction with the shape of the expression tree, but I have not found a way of integrating this into the model.
The following plot shows the fraction of expressions unchanged by adding one, as the perturbation point moves up a tall tree, x-axis, for expressions containing 50 and 100 operands, and various percentages of multiplications (code+data):
No attempt was made to count the number of expression evaluations where the perturbed value was eventually multiplied by zero (the second bullet point discussed at the start).
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