Analysis of when refactoring becomes cost-effective

March 26, 2023 No comments

In a cost/benefit analysis of deciding when to refactor code, which variables are needed to calculate a good enough result?

This analysis compares the excess time-code of future work against the time-cost of refactoring the code. Refactoring is cost-effective when the reduction in future work time is less than the time spent refactoring. The analysis finds a relationship between work/refactoring time-costs and number of future coding sessions.

Linear, or supra-linear case

Let’s assume that the time needed to write new code grows at a linear, or supra-linear rate, as the amount of code increases (1 <= x):


where: B is the base time for writing new code on a freshly refactored code base, L_c is the number of lines of code that have been written since the last refactoring, and k_1 and x are constants to be decided.

The total time spent writing code over n sessions is:


If the same number of new lines is added in every coding session, L_s, and x is an integer constant, then the sum has a known closed form, e.g.:

x=1, sum{i=1}{n}{(nL_s)^1}={n(n+1)}/2L_s; x=2, sum{i=1}{n}{(nL_s)^2}={n(n+1)(2n+1)}/6{L_s}^2

Let’s assume that the time taken to refactor the code written after n sessions is:


where: k_2 and y are constants to be decided.

The reason for refactoring is to reduce the time-cost of subsequent work; if there are no subsequent coding sessions, there is no economic reason to refactor the code. If we assume that after refactoring, the time taken to write new code is reduced to the base cost, B, and that we believe that coding will continue at the same rate for at least another f sessions, then refactoring existing code after n sessions is cost-effective when:

k_2(nL_s)^y < k_1sum{i=n+1}{n+f}{(iL_s)^x}

assuming that f is much smaller than n, setting y=x+c, and rearranging we get:

k_2/k_1 < {L_s}^x/{{L_s}^x{L_s}^c}fn^x/{{n^x}n^c}

after rearranging we obtain a lower limit on the number of future coding sessions, f, that must be completed for refactoring to be cost-effective after session n::

k_2/k_1 {L_s}^c n^c< f

It is expected that k_1 < k_2; the contribution of code size, at the end of every session, in the calculation of C and R is equal (i.e., {L_c}^x=(nL_s)^y), and the overhead of adding new code is very unlikely to be less than refactoring all the newly written code.

With 1 < k_2/k_1, c must be close to zero; otherwise, the likely relatively large value of L_s (e.g., 100+) would produce surprisingly high values of f.

Sublinear case

What if the time overhead of writing new code grows at a sublinear rate, as the amount of code increases?

Various attributes have been found to strongly correlate with the log of lines of code. In this case, the expressions for C and R become:

C=B+k_1 log{L_c}
R=k_2 log(nL_s)

and the cost/benefit relationship becomes:

k_2 log(nL_s) < k_1sum{i=n+1}{n+f}{log(iL_s)}

applying Stirling’s approximation and simplifying (see Exact equations for sums at end of post for details) we get:

k_2(log{n} +log{L_s}) < k_1(f(log(n+f)-1)+f log{L_s})

{k_2}/{k_1} {log{n} +log{L_s}}/{log(n+f)+log{L_s}-1} < f

applying the series expansion (for 1<x): x/{x-1} right 1+1/x+1/{x^2}+1/{x^3}..., we get

{k_2}/{k_1} (1+1/{log{n} +log{L_s}}) < f


What does this analysis of the cost/benefit relationship show that was not obvious (i.e., the relationship {k_2}/{k_1} < f is obviously true)?

What the analysis shows is that when real-world values are plugged into the full equations, all but two factors have a relatively small impact on the result.

A factor not included in the analysis is that source code has a half-life (i.e., code is deleted during development), and the amount of code existing after n sessions is likely to be less than the nL_s used in the analysis (see Agile analysis).

As a project nears completion, the likelihood of there being f more coding sessions decreases; there is also the every present possibility that the project is shutdown.

The values of k_2 and k_1 encode information on the skill of the developer, the difficulty of writing code in the application domain, and other factors.

Exact equations for sums

The equations for the exact sums, for x=1,2,3,0.5, are:

sum{i=n+1}{n+f}{sqrt{i}}=zeta(-0.5,n+1)-zeta(-0.5, f+n+1), where zeta is the Hurwitz zeta function.

Sum of a log series: sum{i=n+1}{n+f}{log{iL_s}}=log{{(n+f)!}/{n!}}+f log{L_s}
using Stirling’s approximation we get
log{((n+f)!)}-log(n!) approx (n+f-0.5)log(n+f)-(n+f)-((n-0.5)log n-n)
log{((n+f)!)}-log(n!) approx (n-0.5)log(1+f/n)+f log(n+f)-f
and assuming that f is much smaller than n gives
log{((n+f)!)}-log(n!) approx f(log(n+f)-1)

My new laptop

March 19, 2023 No comments

I have been using the same MacBook Pro for almost nine years; yes, I’m a sporadic user of laptops, much preferring to work on a decent desktop system. I’ve had zero hardware problems, and have often been able to install programs (often by compiling from source) from the weird and wonderful ecosystems I frequent. Performance does seem to have gotten slower with every OS upgrade (it ‘only’ has 8G of memory). I’m very happy with the eight years of software support provided by Apple; while I’m usually happy to stay with older versions of software, package vendors eventually stop supporting them, ‘forcing’ me to upgrade.

My decision about which laptop to buy next is software driven: Over the next, say, five years which of Apple’s OS X or Linux is most likely to best support the software ecosystems containing the kind of programs I am going to want to run (given a Windows laptop, my first action would be to install the Linux subsystem)?

Diehard Mac fans complain that Apple has lost its way, with regard to Mac upgrades; this does not bother me too much. I am more concerned with the increasing number of features that smack of a walled garden approach to software that is permitted to run on Apple hardware.

My need for a new laptop has not been urgent, and for the last 18-months I have been keeping an eye out for the hardware options that are available for a laptop running Linux.

The most obvious option is buying a Windows laptop from a major supplier, and doing a clean Linux installation; yes, some larger suppliers offer laptops with Linux preinstalled.

About a year ago, I saw a review for the StarBook, which is essentially a hackers’ 14″ laptop built by a bunch of hackers for a living. The hardware specs looked good, with plenty of upgrade options, and choice of preinstalled Linux distribution. While I continue to build desktop systems, I don’t plan to get involved with laptop hardware; however, it’s good to see that Starlab Systems publish complete disassembly instructions.

Around a month ago I finally had had enough with my sluggish MacBook and ordered a StarBook (32G memory, 960G SSD). I initially specified Ubuntu as the installed distribution, but on learning that some Ubuntu tools now produced promotional messages, I switched to Linux Mint.

The StarBook arrived a couple of weeks ago, and is certainly a lot faster than my 2013 MacBook (Geekbench cpu results). There has been the usual period of installing packages and configuring the system (I have yet to spend the time need to figure out how to get Cinnamon (the desktop environment) to save/restore the terminal windows across shutdown (the one OSX feature I miss).

All being well, I may be writing again about my new laptop in 2032.

My MacBook, StarBook and Samsung 32-inch curved monitor. While the laptops have very similar length/width, the screen size of the StarBook is 1-inch greater.

MacBook, StarBook and Samsung 32inch curved monitor.

Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language systems

March 12, 2023 No comments

The spectrum of models of the human mind run from it being a general purpose computer to it being a collection of integrated specialist modules (each performing one function, e.g., speech or language). The Modularity of mind hypothesis offers a halfway house.

ChatGPT sits at the general purpose computer end of the spectrum; there is a single ‘processor’ that accepts a particular kind of input and produces a particular kind of output.

While predict-the-next-token systems like ChatGTP have proven to be good at analysing and constructing sentences, they are often unable to carry out the actions described by these sentences; for instance, they are capable of describing mathematical operations that they are incapable of performing (unless the answer happens to be in their training).

A Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language system (MRKL; the suggested pronunciation is miracle), is, as the name suggests, a system built from specialist modules. In this approach, a large language model (LLM), such as ChatGTP, is the language processing module.

In a MRKL system, the input is processed (by an LLM) to figure out which specialist modules have to be queried to obtain the information needed to answer the question, the appropriate text (generated by an LLM) is fed as input to the corresponding modules, and the module outputs are collected and fed to an LLM to generate an answer to the question.

A user question may involve querying multiple modules in some sequence. For instance, the question “What is the average age of the last five British Prime ministers?” might involve querying Google/Alexa answers to obtain a list of previous Prime ministers, followed by extracting individual ages from Wikipedia, followed by querying a maths module to obtain the average of the five ages obtained.

The extent to which an application using an LLM might be said to be a MRKL system is a matter of degree. The following shell script is unlikely to qualify:

  curl \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer '{$OPENAI_API_KEY} \
    -d '{
       "model": "text-davinci-003",
       "prompt": "Say I found The Shape of Code to be an interesting blog",
       "temperature": 0

The OpenAI API focuses on how to drive their various language models, along with lots of examples. There is no API offering a higher level abstraction or functionality.

An API designed for building MRKL systems, that is starting to gain traction, is langchain; a collection of Python packages, with JavaScript libraries playing catchup.

langchain Module categories include: LLM interaction (e.g., specifying which LLM to use, API keys, and changing default values), document loaders (e.g., readers for pdf, HTML, Gitbook, and Microsoft Word), Agents (these use an LLM to process the input text to find out what actions need to be performed, and to create the input actions that the selected modules need to perform), Memory (store information from previous interactions; other modules can be stateless), and Chat (handle the mechanics of holding a conversation).

What does langchain offer that is making it attractive to a growing number of developers?

  • Making use of an LLM within an application will involve some subset of the functionality provided by langchain. The advantage of using langchain is that it provides a framework, MRKL, along with a (sometimes skeleton) existing implementation,
  • first mover advantage for an Open source implementation has enabled langchain to attract a growing number of active contributors; it also helps that the core developers have been making regular updates (almost daily), and half-decent documentation is available.

Given the current volume of discussion around LLMs, why has there been so little written about MRKL systems?

Building a MRKL system requires coding ability, and developers are a small percentage of those contributing to the discussion avalanche.

Building a MRML system takes a lot of time and work. Being able to break down a question into subcomponents that can be answered by the available modules, and sequencing them appropriately is a non-trivial problem.

Once Apps solving real-world problems start becoming widely used, and the novelty of generic chat systems wears off, the discussion will switch to more grounded issues.

2023 in the programming language standards’ world

March 5, 2023 No comments

Two weeks ago I was on a virtual meeting of IST/5, the committee responsible for programming language standards in the UK. IST/5 has a new chairman, Guy Davidson, whose efficiency is very unstandard’s like.

It’s been 18 months since I last reported on the programming language standards’ world, what has been going on?

2023 is going to be a bumper year for the publication of revised Standards of long-established programming language: COBOL, Fortran, C, and C++ (a revised Standard for Ada was published last year).

Yes, COBOL; a new COBOL Standard was published in January. Reports of its death were premature, e.g., my 2014 post suggesting that the latest version would be the last version of the Standard, and the closing of PL22.4, the US Cobol group, in 2017. There has even been progress on the COBOL front end for gcc, which now supports COBOL 85.

The size of the COBOL Standard has leapt from 955 to 1,229 pages (around new 200 pages in the normative text, 100 in the annexes). Comparing the 2014/2023 documents, I could not see any major additions, just lots of small changes spread throughout the document.

Every Standard has a project editor, the person tasked with creating a document that reflects the wishes/votes of its committee; the project editor sends the agreed upon document to ISO to be published as the official ISO Standard. The ISO editors would invariably request that the project editor make tiresome organizational changes to the document, and then add a front page and ISO copyright notice; from time to time an ISO editor took it upon themselves to reformat a document, sometimes completely mangling its contents. The latest diktat from ISO requires that submitted documents use the Cambria font. Why Cambria? What else other than it is the font used by the Microsoft Word template promoted by ISO as the standard format for Standard’s documents.

All project editors have stories to tell about shepherding their document through the ISO editing process. With three Standards (COBOL lives in a disjoint ecosystem) up for publication this year, ISO editorial issues have become a widespread topic of discussion in the bubble that is language standards.

Traditionally, anybody wanting to be actively involved with a language standard in the UK had to find the contact details of the convenor of the corresponding language panel, and then ask to be added to the panel mailing list. My, and others, understanding was that provided the person was a UK citizen or worked for a UK domiciled company, their application could not be turned down (not that people were/are banging on the door to join). BSI have slowly been computerizing everything, and, as of a few years ago, people can apply to join a panel via a web page; panel members are emailed the CV of applicants and asked if “… applicant’s knowledge would be beneficial to the work programme and panel…”. In the US, people pay an annual fee for membership of a language committee ($1,340/$2,275). Nobody seems to have asked whether the criteria for being accepted as a panel member has changed. Given that BSI had recently rejected somebodies application to join the C++ panel, the C++ panel convenor accepted the action to find out if the rules have changed.

In December, BSI emailed language panel members asking them to confirm that they were actively participating. One outcome of this review of active panel membership was the disbanding of panels with ‘few’ active members (‘few’ might be one or two, IST/5 members were not sure). The panels that I know to have survived this cull are: Fortran, C, Ada, and C++. I did not receive any email relating to two panels that I thought I was a member of; one or more panel convenors may be appealing their panel being culled.

Some language panels have been moribund for years, being little more than bullet points on the IST/5 agenda (those involved having retired or otherwise moved on).

Small team estimating in story points; a project dataset

February 26, 2023 No comments

Just before the end of last year a regular reader, Mr A., emailed to ask if I would be interested in analysing the software project data for the company he worked for. The wishing to be anonymous company sold physical products, and bespoke software that supported the business was written by a team of three.

Two factors made this dataset interesting, 1) it was for a small team, 2) story points were used for estimating tasks and actual time was recorded (I had not seen such data before).

There are probably hundreds of thousands of small software teams working in companies whose main line of business is far removed from software (a significant percentage of developers work within a small team supporting the activities of non-software companies; I cannot find the bls page listing developer employment across industry codes). These small teams are rarely studied. Software engineering research usually focuses on the practices of software based companies, or large software development projects, i.e., groups likely to be easily visible to external researchers.

To be widely applicable, evidence-based software engineering has to be of practical use to small development teams, not just large development groups.

The wide variety of opinions on the accuracy of story point estimates are unsupported by data; at least I have not yet been able to find any. Here was an opportunity to analyse story point estimates against actual hours.

The reason for analysing task implementation data is to help those involved understand what is going on, with the intent of improving processes. A small team presents two major challenges:

  • relatively high levels of variability in the data. When there are only a few people working on a project, the impact of individual events can have a dramatic impact on project metrics, e.g., somebody going on holiday results in a big drop in work performed. Statistical analysis looks for general patterns in data, and small sample sizes have a higher variance than large sample sizes. With a large team, the impact of individual events tends to be smoothed out by the activities of many other events,
  • the project lead of a small team is likely to have a good understanding of what is going on. Mr A. was always able to give me detailed explanations behind the patterns I found in the data. There is a lot more going on in a large team, and the team lead is unlikely to have a detailed understanding of everything.

The dataset contained some of the usual patterns found in other datasets (code+data):

  • Round numbers. Actual task time finishing on 15/10/30/20 minute boundaries. With stories estimated at between one and five story points, there was little scope for round number use here.
  • Consistent under/over estimation. A small sample size limited the chances of seeing both under and over estimation, and only under estimation was seen.
  • Estimation accuracy. The factor of two/four accuracy pattern seen is close to that seen in data from other companies.

What did I learn from the analysis of this dataset?

I was pleased to see that the multiplication factors around estimation accuracy were similar to those seen with time-based estimates. I had no feel for how estimation accuracy might compare. We will have to wait and see whether the same pattern is found in other projects using story point estimates.

The analysis conversation for other project datasets had involved exchange of emails. Updating a Markdown formatted project analysis file has proved to be a more usable approach for the conversation between me and the domain expert. I used Visual Studio Code to edit this file and generate a pdf.

I asked Mr A. what would he thought was the most useful part of the analysis, for him.

Mr A. “The most useful part of the analysis? I think it was great to get an outsider’s perspective on the data.”

I hope that this dataset is the first of many from small team projects. With enough experience, it ought to be possible to create a template spreadsheet/markdown file that is generally usable for non-experts.

Human reasoning is generally not logic based

February 19, 2023 No comments

From around 350 BC until the 1960s, the students were taught that people reasoned using logic, and teachers believed this to be true. In the 1960s psychologists started running experiments that asked subjects to solve reasoning problems, the results showed that people often failed to give the answers dictated by logic.

Some recurring patterns were present in the answers given, and small changes in the wording of the question asked were found to produce different answer patterns. Very few researchers were willing to give up the idea that subjects were reasoning using logic, there must be another explanation, e.g., subjects must be interpreting the experimental questions asked in a way that differed from that assumed by the researchers. The social context of reasoning was one of the early drivers of evolutionary psychology; reasoning must provide some survival benefit by solving problems that regularly occur in natural human environments.

After a myriad of detailed theories did little more than predict small subsets of subject responses, mainstream reasoning research finally gave up the belief that logic is the default technique used by people to solve reasoning problems. Theories of reasoning behavior are now based around people estimating probabilities and picking the answer with the highest probability; this approach does a much better job of predicting common patterns in subject answers.

Experimental studies of reasoning often use psychology undergraduates as subjects (the historical norm, with Mechanical Turk workers becoming more common). While researchers may be concerned about how well undergraduate behavior mimics the general population, my concern is the extent to which these results apply to software developers. Is a necessary condition for being a professional software developer that a person, by default, uses logic to solve reasoning problems?

Of course, software developers claim that their reasoning is logic based, but then so do people in the general population (or at least the non-developers I interact with do). The dual-process theory of reasoning contains two reasoning systems, one unconscious/intuitive and the second a conscious/deliberate system; it has been said that the purpose of the second system is to come up with reasons to justify the answers produced by the first system.

Until reasoning experiments are run with professional developer subjects, we won’t know the extent to which existing results in reasoning research apply to this specialist subset of the population.

The Wason selection task is to studies of reasoning, like the fruit fly is to studies of genetics. What pattern of behavior do you show on this task (code)?

The plot below shows a set of four cards, of which you can see only the exposed face but not the hidden back. On each card, there is a number on one side and a letter on the other.

The four card in the Wason selection task.

  1. Given the statement: “If there is a vowel on one side, then there is an even number on the other side.”
    Your task is to decide, which, if any, of these four cards must be turned over to decide whether this statement is true.
  2. Specify the cards you would turn over. Don’t turn unnecessary cards.


Most people correct specify that the card showing a vowel must be turned over to verify that an even number appears on the other side. A common mistake is to specify that the card showing an even number also has to be turned over. However, there is no requirement on the letter appearing on the other side of a card showing an even number. A second necessary condition involves a negative test (something that developers are known to overlook); for the statement to hold, a vowel must not appear on the other side of the card showing an odd number, this is the second card that must be turned over.

Software engineering as a hedonistic activity

February 12, 2023 No comments

My discussions with both managers and developers on software development processes invariably end up on the topic of developer happiness. Managers want to keep their development teams happy, and there is a longstanding developer culture of entitlement to work that they find interesting.

Companies in general want to keep their employees happy, irrespective of the kind of work they do. What makes developers different, from management’s perspective, is that demand for good software developers far outstrips supply.

Many developers approach software engineering as a hedonistic activity; yes, there are those who only do it for the money.

The huge quantity of open source software, much of it written out of personal interest rather than paid employment, provides evidence for there being many people willing to create software because of the pleasure they get from doing it.

Software developers only get to indulge in hedonistic development activities (e.g., choosing which tools to use, how to structure their code, and not having to provide estimates) because of the relative ease with which competent developers can obtain another job. Replacing developers is time-consuming and expensive, which gives existing employees a lot of bargaining power with management.

Some of the consequences of managements’ desire to keep developers happy, or at least not unhappy include:

  • Not pushing too hard for an estimate of the likely time needed to complete a task,
  • giving developers a lot of say in which languages/tools/packages they use. This creates a downstream need to support a wider variety of development ecosystems than might otherwise have been necessary, and further siloing development teams,
  • allowing developers to spend time beautifying their code to meet personal opinions about the visual appearance of source.

The balance of power that facilitates hedonism driven development is determined by the relative size of the employment market in the supply and demand for software developers. Once demand falls below the available supply, finding a new job becomes more difficult, shifting the balance of power away from developers to managers.

I am not expecting supply to exceed demand any time soon. While International computer companies have been laying off lots of staff, demand from small companies appears to be strong (based on the ever-present ‘We’re hiring’ slides I regularly see at London meetups), but things may change. Tools such as ChatGPT are far from good enough to replace developers in the near term.

Many Butterfly collections are worthless

February 5, 2023 No comments

Github based Butterfly collecting continues to dominate research in evidence-based software engineering.

The term Butterfly collecting was first applied to Zoology researchers who spent their time amassing huge collections of various kinds of insects, with Butterfly collections being widely displayed (Butterfly collecting was once a common hobby). Theoretically oriented researchers, in many disciplines, often disparage what they consider to be pointless experimental work as Butterfly collecting.

While some of the data from software engineering Butterfly collections may turn out to be very useful in validating theories of software processes, I suspect that many of the data collections are intrinsically worthless. My two main reasons for suspecting they are worthless are:

  • the collection is the publishable output from a series of data analysis fishing expeditions, i.e., researchers iterate over: 1) create a hypothesis, 2) look for data that validates it, 3) rinse and repeat until something is found that looks interesting enough to be accepted for publication.

    The problem is the focus of the fishing expedition (as a regular fisher of data, I am not anti-fishing). Simply looking for something that can be published strips off the research aspect of the work. The aim of software engineering research (from the funders’ perspective) is to build a body of knowledge that makes practical connections to industrial practices.

    Researchers running a medical trial are required to preregister their research aims, i.e., specify what data they plan to collect and how they are going to analyse it, before they collect any data. Preregistration does not prevent fishing expeditions, but it does make them very visible; providing extra information for readers to evaluate the significance of any findings.

    Conference organizers could ask the authors of submitted papers to provide some evidence that the paper is not the product of a fishing expedition. Some form of light-weight preregistration is one source of evidence (some data repositories offer preregistration functionality, e.g., Figshare).

  • the use of simplistic statistical analysis techniques, whose results are then used to justify claims that something of note has been discovered.

    The simplistic analysis usually tests the hypothesis: “Is there a difference?” A more sophisticated analysis would ask about the size of any difference. My experience from analysing data from these studies is that while a difference exists, it is often so small that it is of little practical interest.

    The non-trivial number of papers containing effectively null results could easily be reduced by conferences and Journals requiring the authors of submitted papers to estimate the size of any claimed difference, i.e., use non-simplistic analysis techniques.

Github is an obvious place to mine for software engineering data; it offers a huge volume of code, along with many support tools and processes to mine it. When I tell people that I’m looking for software engineering data, Github is invariably their first suggestion. Jira repos are occasionally analysed, it’s a question of finding a selection that make their data public.

Github contains so much code, it’s hard to argue that it is not representative of a decent amount of industrial code. There’s lots of software data that is rarely publicly available on Github (e.g., schedules and estimates), but this is a separate issue.

I see Github being the primary site for mining software engineering related data for many years to come.

A comparison of C++ and Rust compiler performance

January 29, 2023 2 comments

Large code bases take a long time to compile and build. How much impact does the choice of programming language have on compiler/build times?

The small number of industrial strength compilers available for the widely used languages makes the discussion as much about distinct implementations as distinct languages. And then there is the issue of different versions of the same compiler having different performance characteristics; for instance, the performance of Microsoft’s C++ Visual Studio compiler depends on the release of the compiler and the version of the standard specified.

Implementation details can have a significant impact on compile time. Compile time may be dominated by lexical analysis, while support for lots of fancy optimization shifts the time costs to code generation, and poorly chosen algorithms can result in symbol table lookup being a time sink (especially for large programs). For short programs, compile time may be dominated by start-up costs. These days, developers rarely have to worry about small memory size causing occurring when compiling a large source file.

A recent blog post compared the compile/build time performance of Rust and C++ on Linux and Apple’s OS X, and strager kindly made the data available.

The most obvious problem with attempting to compare the performance of compilers for different languages is that the amount of code contained in programs implementing the same functionality will differ (this is also true when the programs are written in the same language).

strager’s solution was to take a C++ program containing 9.3k LOC, plus 7.3K LOC of tests, and convert everything to Rust (9.5K LOC, plus 7.6K LOC of tests). In total, the benchmark consisted of compiling/building three C++ source files and three equivalent Rust source files.

The performance impact of number of lines of source code was measured by taking the largest file and copy-pasting it 8, 16, and 32 times, to create three every larger versions.

The OS X benchmarks did not include multiple file sizes, and are not included in the following analysis.

A variety of toolchain options were included in different runs, and for Rust various command line options; most distinct benchmarks were run 10 times each. On Linux, there were a total of 360 C++ runs, and for Rust 1,066 runs (code+data).

The model duration=K_1*benchmark_i, where K_1 is a fitted regression constant, and benchmark_i is the fitted regression coefficient for the i‘th benchmark, explains just over 50% of the variance. The language is implicit in the benchmark information.

The model duration=K_2*benchmark_j e^{copies*(0.028+0.035L)-0.84L}, where copies is the number of copies, L is 0 for C++ and 1 for Rust, explains 92% of the variance, i.e., it is a very good fit.

The expression e^{copies*(0.028+0.035L)-0.84L} is a language and source code size multiplication factor. The numeric values are:

             1      8      16      32
   C++     1.03   1.25    1.57    2.45
   Rust    0.98   1.52    2.52    6.90

showing that while Rust compilation is faster than C++, for ‘shorter’ files, it becomes much relatively slower as the quantity of source increases.

The size factor for Rust is growing quadratically, while it is much closer to linear for C++.

What are the threats to the validity of this benchmark comparison?

The most obvious is the small number of files benchmarked. I don’t have any ideas for creating a larger sample.

How representative is the benchmark of typical projects? An explicit goal in benchmark selection was to minimise external dependencies (to reduce the effort likely to be needed to translate to Rust). Typically, projects contain many dependencies, with compilers sometimes spending more time processing dependency information than compiling the actual top-level source, e.g., header files in C++.

A less obvious threat is the fact that the benchmarks for each language were run in contiguous time intervals, i.e., all Rust, then all C++, then all Rust (see plot below; code+data):

Point in time when each benchmark was run, stratified by language.

It is possible that one or more background processes were running while one set of language benchmarks was being run, which would skew the results. One solution is to intermix the runs for each language (switching off all background tasks is much harder).

I was surprised by how well the regression model fitted the data; the fit is rarely this good. Perhaps a larger set of benchmarks would increase the variance.

Frequency of non-linear relationships in software engineering data

January 22, 2023 No comments

Causality is an integral part of the developer mindset, and correlation is a common hammer that developers use for the analysis of data (usually the Pearson correlation coefficient).

The problem with using Pearson correlation to analyse software engineering data is that it calculates a measure of linear relationships, and software data is often non-linear. Using a more powerful technique would not only enable any non-linearity to be handled, it would also extract more information, e.g., regression analysis.

My impression is that power laws and exponential relationships abound in software engineering data, but exactly how common are they (and let’s not forget polynomial relationships, e.g., quadratics)?

I claim that my Evidence-based Software Engineering analyses all the publicly available software engineering data. How often do non-linear relationships occur in this data?

The data is invariably plotted, and often a regression model is fitted. A search of the data analysis code (written in R) located 996 calls to plot and 446 calls to glm (used to fit a regression model; shell script).

In calls to plot, the log argument can be used to specify that a log-scale be used for a given axis. When the data has an exponential distribution, I specified the appropriate axis to be log-scaled (18% of cases); for a power law, both axis were log-scaled (11% of cases).

In calls to glm, one or more of the formula variables may be log transformed within the formula. When the data has an exponential distribution, either the left-hand side of the formula is log transformed (20% of cases), or one of the variables on the right-hand side (9% of cases, giving 29% in total); for a power law both sides of the formula are log transformed (12% of cases).

Within a glm formula, variables can be raised to a power by enclosing the expression in the I function (the ^ operator has a special meaning within a formula, but its usual meaning inside I). The most common operation appearing inside I is ^2, i.e., squaring a value. In the following table, only formula that did not log transform any variable were searched for calls to I.

The analysis code contained 54 calls to the nls function, whose purpose is to fit non-linear regression models.

    plot   log="x"  log="y"       log="xy"
    996      4%       14%            11%
    glm    log(x)   log(y)    log(y) ~ log(x)   I()
    446      9%       20%            12%        12%

Based on these figures (shell script), at least 50% of software engineering data contains non-linear relationships; the values in this table are a lower bound, because variables may have been transformed outside the call to plot or glm.

The at least 50% estimate is based on all software engineering, some corners will have higher/lower likelihood of encountering non-linear data; for instance, estimation data often contains power law relationships.