Agile and Waterfall as community norms
While rapidly evolving computer hardware has been a topic of frequent public discussion since the first electronic computer, it has taken over 40 years for the issue of rapidly evolving customer requirements to become a frequent topic of public discussion (thanks to the Internet).
The following quote is from the Opening Address, by Andrew Booth, of the 1959 Working Conference on Automatic Programming of Digital Computers (published as the first “Annual Review in Automatic Programming”):
'Users do not know what they wish to do.' This is a profound truth. Anyone who has had the running of a computing machine, and, especially, the running of such a machine when machines were rare and computing time was of extreme value, will know, with exasperation, of the user who presents a likely problem and who, after a considerable time both of machine and of programmer, is presented with an answer. He then either has lost interest in the problem altogether, or alternatively has decided that he wants something else. |
Why did the issue of evolving customer requirements lurk in the shadows for so long?
Some of the reasons include:
- established production techniques were applied to the process of building software systems. What is now known in software circles as the Waterfall model was/is an established technique. The figure below is from the 1956 paper Production of Large Computer Programs by Herbert Benington (Winston Royce’s 1970 paper has become known as the paper that introduced Waterfall, but the contents actually propose adding iterations to what Royce treats as an established process):
- management do not appreciate how quickly requirements can change (at least until they have experience of application development). In the 1980s, when microcomputers were first being adopted by businesses, I had many conversations with domain experts who were novice programmers building their first application for their business/customers. They were invariably surprised by the rate at which requirements changed, as development progressed.
While in public the issue lurked in the shadows, my experience is that projects claiming to be using Waterfall invariably had back-channel iterations, and requirements were traded, i.e., drop those and add these. Pre-Internet, any schedule involving more than two releases a year could be claimed to be making frequent releases.
Managers claimed to be using Waterfall because it was what everybody else did (yes, some used it because it was the most effective technique for their situation, and on some new projects it may still be the most effective technique).
Now that the issue of rapidly evolving requirements is out of the closet, what’s to stop Agile, in some form, being widely used when ‘rapidly evolving’ needs to be handled?
Discussion around Agile focuses on customers and developers, with middle management not getting much of a look-in. Companies using Agile don’t have many layers of management. Switching to Agile results in a lot of power shifting from middle management to development teams, in fact, these middle managers now look surplus to requirements. No manager is going to support switching to a development approach that makes them redundant.
Adam Yuret has another theory for why Agile won’t spread within enterprises. Making developers the arbiters of maximizing customer value prevents executives mandating new product features that further their own agenda, e.g., adding features that their boss likes, but have little customer demand.
The management incentives against using Agile in practice does not prevent claims being made about using Agile.
Now that Agile is what everybody claims to be using, managers who don’t want to stand out from the crowd find a way of being part of the community.
How did Agile become the product development zeitgeist?
From the earliest days of computing, people/groups have proposed software development techniques, and claiming them to be effective/productive ways of building software systems. Agile escaped this well of widely unknowns to become the dominant umbrella term for a variety of widely used software development methodologies (I’m talking about the term Agile, not any of the multitude of techniques claiming to be the true Agile way). How did this happen?
The Agile Manifesto was published in 2001, just as commercial use of the Internet was going through its exponential growth phase.
During the creation of a new market, as the Internet then was, there are no established companies filling the various product niches; being first to market provides an opportunity for a company to capture and maintain a dominate market share. Having a minimal viable product, for customers to use today, is critical.
In a fast-growing market, product functionality is likely to be fluid until good enough practices are figure out, i.e., there is a lack of established products whose functionality new entrants need to match or exceed.
The Agile Manifesto’s principles of early, continuous delivery, and welcoming of changing requirements are great strategic advice for building products in a new fast-growing market.
Now, I’m not saying that the early Internet based companies were following a heavy process driven approach, discovered Agile and switched to this new technique. No.
I’m claiming that the early Internet based companies were releasing whatever they had, with a few attracting enough customers to fund further product development. Based on customer feedback, or not, support was added for what were thought to be useful new features. If the new features kept/attracted customers, the evolution of the product could continue. Did these companies describe their development process as throw it at the wall and see what sticks? Claiming to be following sound practices, such as doing Agile, enables a company to appear to be in control of what they are doing.
The Internet did more than just provide a new market, it also provided a mechanism for near instantaneous zero cost product updates. The time/cost of burning thousands of CDs and shipping them to customers made continuous updates unrealistic, pre-Internet. Low volume shipments used to be made to important customers (when developing a code generator for a new computer, I sometimes used to receive OS updates on a tape, via the post-office).
The Agile zeitgeist comes from its association with many, mostly Internet related, successful software projects.
While an Agile process works well in some environments (e.g., when the development company can decide to update the software, because they run the servers), it can be problematic in others.
Agile processes are dependent on customer feedback, and making updates available via the Internet does not guarantee that customers will always install the latest version. Building software systems under contract, using an Agile process, only stands a chance of reaping any benefits when the customer is a partner in the same process, e.g., not using a Waterfall approach like the customer did in the Surrey police SIREN project.
Agile was in the right place at the right time.
Unneeded requirements implemented in Waterfall & Agile
Software does not wear out, but the world in which it runs evolves. Time and money is lost when, after implementing a feature in software, customer feedback is that the feature is not needed.
How do Waterfall and Agile implementation processes compare in the number of unneeded feature/requirements that they implement?
In a Waterfall process, a list of requirements is created and then implemented. The identity of ‘dead’ requirements is not known until customers start using the software, which is not until it is released at the end of development.
In an Agile process, a list of requirements is used to create a Minimal Viable Product, which is released to customers. An iterative development processes, driven by customer feedback, implements requirements, and makes frequent releases to customers, which reduces the likelihood of implementing known to be ‘dead’ requirements. Previously implemented requirements may be discovered to have become ‘dead’.
An analysis of the number of ‘dead’ requirements implemented by the two approaches appears at the end of this post.
The plot below shows the number of ‘dead’ requirements implemented in a project lasting a given number of working days (blue/red) and the difference between them (green), assuming that one requirement is implemented per working day, with the discovery after 100 working days that a given fraction of implemented requirements are not needed, and the number of requirements in the MVP is assumed to be small (fractions 0.5, 0.1, and 0.05 shown; code):
The values calculated using one requirement implemented per day scales linearly with requirements implemented per day.
By implementing fewer ‘dead’ requirements, an Agile project will finish earlier (assuming it only implements all the needed requirements of a Waterfall approach, and some subset of the ‘dead’ requirements). However, unless a project is long-running, or has a high requirements’ ‘death’ rate, the difference may not be compelling.
I’m not aware of any data on rate of discovery of ‘dead’ implemented requirements (there is some on rate of discovery of new requirements); as always, pointers to data most welcome.
The Waterfall projects I am familiar with, plus those where data is available, include some amount of requirement discovery during implementation. This has the potential to reduce the number of ‘dead’ implemented requirements, but who knows by how much.
As the size of Minimal Viable Product increases to become a significant fraction of the final software system, the number of fraction of ‘dead’ requirements will approach that of the Waterfall approach.
There are other factors that favor either Waterfall or Agile, which are left to be discussed in future posts.
The following is an analysis of Waterfall/Agile requirements’ implementation.
is the fraction of requirements per day that remain relevant to customers. This value is likely to be very close to one, e.g.,
requirements implemented per working day.
The implementation of requirements takes
days, and the number of implemented ‘dead’ requirements is (assuming that the no ‘dead’ requirements were present at the end of the requirements gathering phase):
As effectively all implemented requirements are ‘dead’.
The number of implemented ‘live’ requirements on day is given by:
with the initial condition that the number of implemented requirements at the start of the first day of iterative development is the number of requirements implemented in the Minimum Viable Product, i.e., .
Solving this difference equation gives the number of ‘live’ requirements on day :
as ,
approaches to its maximum value of
Subtracting the number of ‘live’ requirements from the total number of requirements implemented gives:
as effectively all implemented requirements are ‘dead’, because the number of ‘live’ requirements cannot exceed a known maximum.
The paper A software evolution experiment found that in a waterfall project, 40% of modules in the delivered system were not required.
Optimal sizing of a product backlog
Developers working on the implementation of a software system will have a list of work that needs to be done, a to-do list, known as the product backlog in Agile.
The Agile development process differs from the Waterfall process in that the list of work items is intentionally incomplete when coding starts (discovery of new work items is an integral part of the Agile process). In a Waterfall process, it is intended that all work items are known before coding starts (as work progresses, new items are invariably discovered).
Complaints are sometimes expressed about the size of a team’s backlog, measured in number of items waiting to be implemented. Are these complaints just grumblings about the amount of work outstanding, or is there an economic cost that increases with the size of the backlog?
If the number of items in the backlog is too low, developers may be left twiddling their expensive thumbs because they have run out of work items to implement.
A parallel is sometimes drawn between items waiting to be implemented in a product backlog and hardware items in a manufacturer’s store waiting to be checked-out for the production line. Hardware occupies space on a shelf, a cost in that the manufacturer has to pay for the building to hold it; another cost is the interest on the money spent to purchase the items sitting in the store.
For over 100 years, people have been analyzing the problem of the optimum number of stock items to order, and at what stock level to place an order. The economic order quantity gives the optimum number of items to reorder, (the derivation assumes that the average quantity in stock is
), it is given by:
, where
is the quantity consumed per year,
is the fixed cost per order (e.g., cost of ordering, shipping and handling; not the actual cost of the goods),
is the annual holding cost per item.
What is the likely range of these values for software?
is around 1,000 per year for a team of ten’ish people working on multiple (related) projects; based on one dataset,
is the cost associated with the time taken to gather the requirements, i.e., the items to add to the backlog. If we assume that the time taken to gather an item is less than the time taken to implement it (the estimated time taken to implement varies from hours to days), then the average should be less than an hour or two,
: While the cost of a post-it note on a board, or an entry in an online issue tracking system, is effectively zero, there is the time cost of deciding which backlog items should be implemented next, or added to the next Sprint.
If the backlog starts with
items, and it takes
seconds to decide whether a given item should be implemented next, and
is the fraction of items scanned before one is selected: the average decision time per item is:
seconds. For example, if
, pulling some numbers out of the air,
, and
, then
, or 5.4 minutes.
The Scrum approach of selecting a subset of backlog items to completely implement in a Sprint has a much lower overhead than the one-at-a-time approach.
If we assume that , then
An ‘order’ for 45 work items might make sense when dealing with clients who have formal processes in place and are not able to be as proactive as an Agile developer might like, e.g., meetings have to be scheduled in advance, with minutes circulated for agreement.
In a more informal environment, with close client contacts, work items are more likely to trickle in or appear in small batches. The SiP dataset came from such an environment. The plot below shows the number of tasks in the backlog of the SiP dataset, for each day (blue/green) and seven-day rolling average (red) (code+data):
Agile and the sound of one hand clapping
There is an interesting report out on Surrey Police’s SIREN project (Surrey Integrated Reporting Enterprise Network; a crime record storage and a data analytics software system).
The system was to be produced using an Agile methodology. The Notes in Appendix 1 highlight that one party in the development was not using Agile: “Modules are delivered in accordance with schedule and agreed Agile development methodology. However, no modules undergo formal acceptance (nether now or at any future point in the project).”
If you are the supplier on a £3.3 million software development project (the total project was £14.86 million) and the customer is not doing the work that Agile assumes will happen (e.g., use the software, provide feedback, etc) what do you do? One thing you are unlikely to do is to stop work. But what do you do?
What happened on the customer side? I imagine that those involved in software procurement at the Police did the usual thing of nodding as the buzz words were thrown at them, not really paying attention and not noticing that Agile requires them to do a lot of work throughout the development process. If I was working for Surrey Police and somebody sent me a load of software to install and beta test, without giving me the funding to do it, I would just ignore what I had been sent.
Paragraph 31 lists the grisly details of what happens when a customer has no interest in signing up to the Agile way of doing things. Or to be exact, (paragraph 91) “The Force’s corporate change and project management structures were based on the PRINCE 2 methodology.”
Paragraph 81 says something surprising “The Agile development process did not have all the necessary checks and balances to control a growth in scope as the products progressed.” Presumably this is referring to a consequence of using Agile on a fixed price contract.
Would the Police have gone down an Agile route if they had understood the work needed from them? I don’t have any figures for the customer costs of using Agile, but I suspect that initial costs will be a lot higher than a deliver everything in one installment at the end approach (the benefits being a system tuned to requirements). Also finding customer champions with the time and expertise to make new systems a success is always hard.
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