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How did Agile become the product development zeitgeist?

From the earliest days of computing, people/groups have proposed software development techniques, and claiming them to be effective/productive ways of building software systems. Agile escaped this well of widely unknowns to become the dominant umbrella term for a variety of widely used software development methodologies (I’m talking about the term Agile, not any of the multitude of techniques claiming to be the true Agile way). How did this happen?

The Agile Manifesto was published in 2001, just as commercial use of the Internet was going through its exponential growth phase.

During the creation of a new market, as the Internet then was, there are no established companies filling the various product niches; being first to market provides an opportunity for a company to capture and maintain a dominate market share. Having a minimal viable product, for customers to use today, is critical.

In a fast-growing market, product functionality is likely to be fluid until good enough practices are figure out, i.e., there is a lack of established products whose functionality new entrants need to match or exceed.

The Agile Manifesto’s principles of early, continuous delivery, and welcoming of changing requirements are great strategic advice for building products in a new fast-growing market.

Now, I’m not saying that the early Internet based companies were following a heavy process driven approach, discovered Agile and switched to this new technique. No.

I’m claiming that the early Internet based companies were releasing whatever they had, with a few attracting enough customers to fund further product development. Based on customer feedback, or not, support was added for what were thought to be useful new features. If the new features kept/attracted customers, the evolution of the product could continue. Did these companies describe their development process as throw it at the wall and see what sticks? Claiming to be following sound practices, such as doing Agile, enables a company to appear to be in control of what they are doing.

The Internet did more than just provide a new market, it also provided a mechanism for near instantaneous zero cost product updates. The time/cost of burning thousands of CDs and shipping them to customers made continuous updates unrealistic, pre-Internet. Low volume shipments used to be made to important customers (when developing a code generator for a new computer, I sometimes used to receive OS updates on a tape, via the post-office).

The Agile zeitgeist comes from its association with many, mostly Internet related, successful software projects.

While an Agile process works well in some environments (e.g., when the development company can decide to update the software, because they run the servers), it can be problematic in others.

Agile processes are dependent on customer feedback, and making updates available via the Internet does not guarantee that customers will always install the latest version. Building software systems under contract, using an Agile process, only stands a chance of reaping any benefits when the customer is a partner in the same process, e.g., not using a Waterfall approach like the customer did in the Surrey police SIREN project.

Agile was in the right place at the right time.

  1. Nemo
    January 22, 2024 16:47 | #1

    Agile is certainly not suited to embedded systems. Companies that do — or are forced to — use it have modified it to the point that one canned call it “Agile” anymore.

    (The following enjoyable book offers counterpoint: “Extreme Programming Refactored” https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4302-0810-5)

  2. January 23, 2024 13:40 | #2

    A continuous stream of updates does make Agile problematic for embedded systems. There are companies doing over the air updates, e.g., Tesla.

    How many embedded products are sufficiently compelling that customers will buy a minimum viable product and wait for the updates?

    How does the vendor get customer feedback from an embedded product?

    Thanks for the book reference, which I had not seen before.

  3. Nemo
    January 25, 2024 17:13 | #3

    @Derek Jones
    The embedded world is vast (from washing machines to avionics). OTA updates are not common on the smaller end, despite the US pushing for IOT updates.

    I would guess that most customers are not even aware that they buying embedded systems. The s/w in a product may not even have been written in-house but farmed out.

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