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Survey papers: LLMs will restore some level of usefulness

May 5, 2024 (2 weeks ago) Leave a comment Go to comments

Scientific papers are like soap operas, in that understanding them requires readers to have some degree of familiarity with the ongoing plot.

How can people new to an opera quickly get up to speed with the ongoing story lines, without reading hundreds of papers?

The survey paper is intended to be the answer to this question. Traditionally written by an established researcher in the field, the 100+ pages aim to be an authoritative overview of the progress and setbacks of research on a particular topic within the last 5/10/15 years (depending on the rate/lack of progress since the last major survey paper).

These days research papers are often written by PhD students, with the professor doing the supervising, and getting their name tacked on to the end of the list of authors (professors can spend more time writing grant applications than writing research papers). Writing a single 100+ page survey paper is not a cost-effective use of an experienced person’s time, given the pressure to pump out papers, even when the ACM Computing Surveys is one of the highest ranked journals in computing. The short lifecycle of fields driven by the next fashionable topic is another disincentive.

Given the incentives, why are survey papers still being published?

In software engineering there are now two kinds of survey papers: 1) the traditional kind, written by people who see it as a service, or are not on the publish/perish treadmill, or early stage researchers surveying a niche topic, 2) PhD students using what we now call a Large language model summary approach, soon to be replaced by real LLMs.

So-called survey papers (at least in software engineering) are now regularly being written by members of the intended audience of traditional survey papers, i.e., PhD students who are new to the field and want a map of the territory showing the routes to the frontiers.

How does a person who knows almost nothing about a field write a (20-40 page, rarely 100+) survey paper about it?

A survey is based on the list of all the appropriate papers. In theory, appropriate papers have to meet some quality criteria, e.g., be published in a reputable journal/conference/blog. In practice, the list is created by searching various academic publication search engines (e.g., web of science, or the ACM digital library) using a targeted regular expression; for instance:

(agile OR waterfall OR software OR "story points" OR
 "story point" OR "user stories" OR "function points" OR
 "planning poker" OR "pomodoros" OR "use case" OR
 "source code" OR "DORA metrics" OR scrum)
(predict OR prediction OR quantify OR dataset OR
 schedule OR lifecycle OR "life cycle" OR estimate OR
 estimates OR estimating OR estimation OR estimated OR
 #noestimates OR "evidence" OR empirical OR evolution OR
 ecosystems OR cognitive OR economics OR reliability OR
 metrics OR experiment)

The list of papers returned may be filtered further, depending on how many there are (a hundred or two does not look too lightweight, and does not require an excessive amount of work).

Next, what to say about these papers, and how many of them actually need to be read?

The bottom of the barrel, vacant ideas, survey paper tabulates easily calculated metrics (e.g., number of papers per year, number of authors per paper, clusters of keywords), and babble on about paper selection criteria, keyword growth and diversity, and more research is needed.

For a survey paper to appear in a layer above the vacant ideas level, the authors have to process some amount of the paper contents. The paper A Systematic Literature Review on Reasons and Approaches for Accurate Effort Estimations in Agile by Pasuksmit, Thongtanunam, and Karunasekera is a recent example of one such survey. The search criteria returned 519 papers, of which 82 were selected for inclusion, i.e., cited. The first 10, of the 42 pages, covered the selection process and the process used to answer the two research questions; RQ1: What are the discovered reasons for inaccurate estimations in Agile iterative development? and RQ2: What are the approaches proposed to improve effort estimation in Agile iterative development?

The main answers to the research questions appeared in: 1) tables which listed attributes relating to the question and the papers that had something to say about that attribute, and 2) sections containing a few paragraphs highlighting various points made by papers about some attribute.

My primary interest was Table 11, which listed the papers/dataset used. A few were new to me, but unfortunately all confidential.

A survey can only be as good as the papers it is based on. The regular expression approach can miss important papers and include unimportant papers. The Pasuksmit et al paper only included one paper by the leading researcher in Agile effort estimation, and included papers that I wouldn’t waste disk space on a pdf file.

I would not recommend these ‘LLM’ style surveys to newcomers to a field. They don’t connect the lines of research, call out the successes/failures, and they don’t provide a map of the territory.

The readership of these survey papers are the experienced researchers, who will scan the list of cited papers looking for anything they might have missed.

I’m not expecting LLMs to be capable of producing experienced professor level survey papers any time soon. In a year or two, LLMs will surely be doing a better job than PhD students.

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