Software engineering research problems having worthwhile benefits
Which software engineering research problems are likely to yield good-enough solutions that provide worthwhile benefits to professional software developers?
I can think of two (hopefully there are more):
- what is the lifecycle of software? For instance, the expected time-span of the active use of its various components, and the evolution of its dependency ecosystem,
- a model of the main processes involved in a software development project.
Solving problems requires data, and I think it is practical to collect the data needed to solve these two problems; here is some: application lifetime data, and detailed project data (a lot more is needed).
Once a good-enough solution is available, its practical application needs to provide a worthwhile benefit to the customer (when I was in the optimizing compiler business, I found that many customers were not interested in more compact code unless the executable was at least a 10% smaller; this was the era of computer memory often measured in kilobytes).
Investment decisions require information about what is likely to happen in the future, and an understanding of common software lifecycles is needed. The fact that most source code has a brief existence (a few years) and is rarely modified by somebody other than the original author, has obvious implications for investment decisions intended to reduce future maintenance costs.
Running a software development project requires an understanding of the processes involved. This knowledge is currently acquired by working on projects managed by people who have successfully done it before. A good-enough model is not going to replace the need for previous experience, some amount of experience is always going to be needed, but it will provide an effective way of understanding what is going on. There are probably lots of different good-enough ways of running a project, and I’m not expecting there to be a one-true-way of optimally running a project.
Perhaps the defining characteristic of the solution to both of these problems is lots of replication data.
Applications are developed in many ecosystems, and there is likely to be variations between the lifecycles that occur in different ecosystems. Researchers tend to focus on Github because it is easily accessible, which is no good when replications from many ecosystems are needed (an analysis of Github source lifetime has been done).
Projects come in various shapes and sizes, and a good-enough model needs to handle all the combinations that regularly occur. Project level data is not really present on Github, so researchers need to get out from behind their computers and visit real companies.
Given the payback time-frame for software engineering research, there are problems which are not cost-effective to attempt to answer. Suggestions for other software engineering problems likely to be worthwhile trying to solve welcome.
Research software code is likely to remain a tangled mess
Research software (i.e., software written to support research in engineering or the sciences) is usually a tangled mess of spaghetti code that only the author knows how to use. Very occasionally I encounter well organized research software that can be used without having an email conversation with the author (who has invariably spent years iterating through many versions).
Spaghetti code is not unique to academia, there is plenty to be found in industry.
Structural differences between academia and industry make it likely that research software will always be a tangled mess, only usable by the person who wrote it. These structural differences include:
- writing software is a low status academic activity; it is a low status activity in some companies, but those involved don’t commonly have other higher status tasks available to work on. Why would a researcher want to invest in becoming proficient in a low status activity? Why would the principal investigator spend lots of their grant money hiring a proficient developer to work on a low status activity?
I think the lack of status is rooted in researchers’ lack of appreciation of the effort and skill needed to become a proficient developer of software. Software differs from that other essential tool, mathematics, in that most researchers have spent many years studying mathematics and understand that effort/skill is needed to be able to use it.
Academic performance is often measured using citations, and there is a growing move towards citing software,
- many of those writing software know very little about how to do it, and don’t have daily contact with people who do. Recent graduates are the pool from which many new researchers are drawn. People in industry are intimately familiar with the software development skills of recent graduates, i.e., the majority are essentially beginners; most developers in industry were once recent graduates, and the stream of new employees reminds them of the skill level of such people. Academics see a constant stream of people new to software development, this group forms the norm they have to work within, and many don’t appreciate the skill gulf that exists between a recent graduate and an experienced software developer,
- paid a lot less. The handful of very competent software developers I know working in engineering/scientific research are doing it for their love of the engineering/scientific field in which they are active. Take this love away, and they will find that not only does industry pay better, but it also provides lots of interesting projects for them to work on (academics often have the idea that all work in industry is dull).
I have met people who have taken jobs writing research software to learn about software development, to make themselves more employable outside academia.
Does it matter that the source code of research software is a tangled mess?
The author of a published paper is supposed to provide enough information to enable their work to be reproduced. It is very unlikely that I would be able to reproduce the results in a chemistry or genetics paper, because I don’t know enough about the subject, i.e., I am not skilled in the art. Given a tangled mess of source code, I think I could reproduce the results in the associated paper (assuming the author was shipping the code associated with the paper; I have encountered cases where this was not true). If the code failed to build correctly, I could figure out (eventually) what needed to be fixed. I think people have an unrealistic expectation that research code should just build out of the box. It takes a lot of work by a skilled person to create to build portable software that just builds.
Is it really cost-effective to insist on even a medium-degree of buildability for research software?
I suspect that the lifetime of source code used in research is just as short and lonely as it is in other domains. One study of 214 packages associated with papers published between 2001-2015 found that 73% had not been updated since publication.
I would argue that a more useful investment would be in testing that the software behaves as expected. Many researchers I have spoken to have not appreciated the importance of testing. A common misconception is that because the mathematics is correct, the software must be correct (completely ignoring the possibility of silly coding mistakes, which everybody makes). Commercial software has the benefit of user feedback, for detecting some incorrect failures. Research software may only ever have one user.
Research software engineer is the fancy title now being applied to people who write the software used in research. Originally this struck me as an example of what companies do when they cannot pay people more, they give them a fancy title. Recently the Society of Research Software Engineering was setup. This society could certainly help with training, but I don’t see it making much difference with regard status and salary.
This post generated a lot of discussion on the research software mailing list, and Peter Schmidt invited me to do a podcast with him. Here it is.
Researching programming languages
What useful things might be learned from evidence-based research into programming languages?
A common answer is researching how to design a programming language having a collection of desirable characteristics; with desirable characteristics including one or more of: supporting the creation of reliable, maintainable, readable, code, or being easy to learn, or easy to understand, etc.
Building a theory of, say, code readability is an iterative process. A theory is proposed, experiments are run, results are analysed; rinse and repeat until a theory having a good enough match to human behavior is found. One iteration will take many years: once a theory is proposed, an implementation has to be built, developers have to learn it, and spend lots of time using it to enable longer term readability data to be obtained. This iterative process is likely to take many decades.
Running one iteration will require 100+ developers using the language over several years. Why 100+? Lots of subjects are needed to obtain statistically meaningful results, people differ in their characteristics and previous software experience, and some will drop out of the experiment. Just one iteration is going to cost a lot of money.
If researchers do succeed in being funded and eventually discovering some good enough theories, will there be a mass migration of developers to using languages based on the results of the research findings? The huge investment in existing languages (both in terms of existing code and developer know-how) means that to stand any chance of being widely adopted these new language(s) are going to have to deliver a substantial benefit.
I don’t see a high cost multi-decade research project being funded, and based on the performance improvements seen in studies of programming constructs I don’t see the benefits being that great (benefits in use of particular constructs may be large, but I don’t see an overall factor of two improvement).
I think that creating new programming languages will continue to be a popular activity (it is vanity research), and I’m sure that the creators of these languages will continue to claim that their language has some collection of desirable characteristics without any evidence.
What programming research might be useful and practical to do?
One potentially practical and useful question is the lifecycle of programming languages. Where the components of the lifecycle includes developers who can code in the language, source code written in the language, and companies dependent on programs written in the language (who are therefore interested in hiring people fluent in the language).
Many languages come and go without many people noticing, a few become popular for a few years, and a handful continue to be widely used over decades. What are the stages of life for a programming language, what factors have the largest influence on how widely a language is used, and for how long it continues to be used?
Sixty years worth of data is waiting to be collected and collated; enough to keep researchers busy for many years.
The uses of a lifecycle model, that I can thinkk of, all involve the future of a language, e.g., how much of a future does it have and how might it be extended.
Some recent work looking at the rate of adoption of new language features includes: On the adoption, usage and evolution of Kotlin Features on Android development, and Understanding the use of lambda expressions in Java; also see section 7.3.1 of Evidence-based software engineering.
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