My 2024 in software engineering
Readers are unlikely to have noticed something that has not been happening during the last few years. The plot below shows, by year of publication, the number of papers cited (green) and datasets used (red) in my 2020 book Evidence-Based Software Engineering. The fitted red regression lines suggest that the 20s were going to be a period of abundant software engineering data; this has not (yet?) happened (the blue line is a local regression fit, i.e., loess). In 2020 COVID struck, and towards the end of 2022 Large Language Models appeared and sucked up all the attention in the software research ecosystem, and there is lots of funding; data gathering now looks worse than boring (code+data):
LLMs are showing great potential as research tools, but researchers are still playing with them in the sandpit.
How many AI startups are there in London? I thought maybe one/two hundred. A recruiter specializing in AI staffing told me that he would estimate around four hundred; this was around the middle of the year.
What did I learn/discover about software engineering this year?
Regular readers may have noticed a more than usual number of posts discussing papers/reports from the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s. There is a night and day difference between software engineering papers from this start-up period and post mid-1980s papers. The start-up period papers address industry problems using sophisticated mathematical techniques, while post mid-1980s papers pay lip service to industrial interests, decorating papers with marketing speak, such as maintainability, readability, etc. Mathematical orgasms via the study of algorithms could be said to be the focus of post mid-1980s researchers. So-called software engineering departments ought to be renamed as Algorithms department.
Greg Wilson thinks that the shift happened in the 1980s because this was the decade during which the first generation of ‘trained in software’ people (i.e., emphasis on mathematics and abstract ideas) became influential academics. Prior generations had received a practical training in physics/engineering, and been taught the skills and problem-solving skills that those disciplines had refined over centuries.
My research is a continuation of the search for answers to the same industrial problems addressed by the start-up researchers.
In the second half of the year I discovered the mathematical abilities of LLMs, and started using them to work through the equations for various models I had in mind. Sometimes the final model turned out to be trivial, but at least going through the process cleared away the complications in my mind. According to reports, OpenAI’s next, as yet unreleased, model has super-power maths abilities. It will still need a human to specify the equations to solve, so I am not expecting to have nothing to blog about.
Analysis/data in the following blog posts, from the last 12-months, belongs in my book Evidence-Based Software Engineering, in some form or other:
Small business programs: A dataset in the research void
Putnam’s software equation debunked (the book is non-committal).
if statement conditions, some basic measurements
Number of statement sequences possible using N if-statements; perhaps.
A new NASA software dataset from the 1970s
A surprising retrospective task estimation dataset
Average lines added/deleted by commits across languages
Census of general purpose computers installed in the 1960s
Some information on story point estimates for 16 projects
Agile and Waterfall as community norms
Median system cpu clock frequency over last 15 years
The evidence-based software engineering Discord channel continues to tick over (invitation), with sporadic interesting exchanges.
Small business programs: A dataset in the research void
My experience is that most of the programs created within organizations are very short, i.e., around 50–100 lines. Sometimes entire businesses are run using many short programs strung together in various ways. These short programs invariably make extensive use of the functionality provided by a much larger package that handles all the complicated stuff.
In the software development world, these short programs are likely to be shell scripts, but in the much larger ecosystem that is the business world these programs will be written in what used to be called a fourth generation language (4GL). These 4GLs are essentially domain specific languages for specific business tasks, such as report generation, or database query products, and for some time now spreadsheets.
The business software ecosystem is usually only studied by researchers in business schools, but short programs, business or otherwise, are rarely studied by any researchers. The source of such short programs is rarely publicly available; even if the information is not commercially confidential, the program likely addresses one group’s niche problem which is of no interest to anybody else, i.e., there is no rationale to publishing it. If source were available, there might not be enough of it to do any significant analysis.
I recently came across Clive Wrigley’s 1988 PhD thesis, which attempts to build a software estimation model. It contains summary data of 26 transaction processing systems written in the FOCUS language (an automated code generator).
For many organizations, there is a fundamental difference between business related problems and scientific/engineering problems, in that business problems tend to involve simple operations on lots of distinct data items (e.g., payroll calculation for each company employee), while scientific/engineering often involves a complicated formula operating on one set of data. There are exceptions.
4GLs enable technically proficient business users to create and maintain good enough applications without needing software engineering skills (yes, many do create spaghetti code), because they are not writing thousands of lines of code. The applications often contain many semi-self-contained subcomponents, which can be shared or swapped in/out. The small size makes it easier to change quickly, and there is direct access to the business users, it’s an agile process decades before this process took off in the world of non-4GL languages.
A major claim made by fans of 4GL is that it is much cheaper to create applications equivalent to those created using a 3GL, e.g., Cobol/C/C++/Java/Python/etc. I would agree that this true for small applications that fit the use-case addressed by a particular 4GL, but I think the domain specific nature of a 4GL will limit what can be done and likely need to be done in larger applications.
How do 4GL applications written in FOCUS compare against application written in Cobol? A 1987 paper by Chris Kemerer provides some manpower/LOC data for Cobol applications. I have no information on the amount of functionality in any of the applications. The plot below shows developer hours consumed creating 26 systems containing a given number of lines of code for FOCUS (green) and 15 COBOL (blue) programs, with fitted regression models in red (code+data):
The two samples of applications differ by two orders of magnitude in LOC and developer hours, however, there is no information on the functionality provided by the applications.
Good enough reliability models: still an unknown
Estimating the likelihood that a software system will operate as intended, for some period of time, is one of the big problems within the field of software reliability research. When software does not operate as intended, a fault, or bug, or hallucination is said to have occurred.
Three events need to occur for a user of a software system to experience a fault:
- a developer writes code that does not always behave as intended, i.e., a coding mistake,
- the user of the software feeds it input that causes the coding mistake to produce unintended behavior,
- the unintended behavior percolates through the system to produce a visible fault (sometimes an unintended behavior does not percolate very far, and does not produce any change of visible behavior).
Modelling each kind of event and their interaction is a huge undertaking. Researchers in one of the major subfields of software reliability take a global approach, e.g., they model time to next fault experience, using data on the number of faults experienced per given amount of cpu/elapsed time (often obtained during testing). Modelling the fault data obtained during testing results in a model of the likelihood of the next fault experienced using that particular test process. This is useful for doing a return-on-investment calculation to decide whether to do more testing. If the distribution of inputs used during testing is similar to the distribution of customer inputs, then the model can be of use in estimating the rate of customer fault experiences.
Is it possible to use a model whose design was driven by data from testing one or more software systems to estimate the rate of fault experiences likely when testing other software systems?
The number of coding mistakes will differ between systems (because they have different sizes, and/or different developer abilities), and the testers’ ability will be different, and the extent to which mistaken behavior percolates through code will differ. However, it is possible for there to be a general model for rate of fault experiences that contains various parameters that need to be fitted for each situation.
Since that start of the 1970s, researchers have been searching for this general model (the first software reliability model is thought to be: “Program errors as a birth-and-death process” by G. R. Hudson, Report SP-3011, System Development Corp., 1967 Dec 4; please send me a copy, if you have one).
The image below shows the 18 models discussed in the 1987 book “Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application” by Musa, Iannino, and Okumoto (later editions have seriously watered down the technical contents, and lack most of the tables/plots). It’s to be expected that during the early years of a new field, many different models will be proposed and discussed.

Did researchers discover a good-enough general model for rate of fault experiences?
It’s hard to say. There is not enough reliability data to be confident that any of the umpteen proposed models is consistently better at predicting than any other. I believe that the evidence-based state of the art has not yet progressed beyond the 1982 report Software Reliability: Repetitive Run Experimentation and Modeling by Nagel and Skrivan.
Fitting slightly modified versions of existing models to a small number of tiny datasets has become standard practice in this corner of software engineering research (the same pattern of behavior has occurred in software effort estimation). The image below shows 16 models from a 2021 paper.
Nearly all the reliability data used to create these models is from systems built in the 1960s and 1970s. During these decades, software systems were paid for organizations that appreciated the benefits of collecting data to build models, and funding the necessary research. My experience is that few academics make an effort to talk to people in industry, which means they are unlikely to acquire new datasets. But then researchers are judged by papers published, and the ecosystem they work within is willing to publish papers extolling the virtues of another variant of an existing model.
The various software fault datasets used to create reliability models tends to be scattered in sometimes hard to find papers (yes, it is small enough to be printed in papers). I have finally gotten around to organizing all the public data that I have in one place, a Reliability data repo on GitHub.
If you have a public fault dataset that does not appear in this repo, please send me a copy.
Christmas books for 2024
My rate of book reading has picked up significantly this year. The following are the really interesting books I read, as is usually the case, most were not published in this year.
I have enjoyed Grayson Perry’s TV programs on the art world, so I bought his book “Playing to the Gallery: Helping Contemporary Art in its Struggle to Be Understood“. It’s a fun, mischievous look at the art world by somebody working as a traditional artist, in the sense of creating work that they believe means/says something, rather than works that are only considered art because they are displayed in an art gallery.
“The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann” by H. H. Goldstine. This history of computing from the mid-1600s (the time of Blaise Pascal) to the mid-1900s (von Neumann died in 1957) told by a mathematician who was first involved in calculating artillery firing tables during World War II, and then worked with early computers and von Neumann. This book is full of insights that only a technical person could provide and is a joy to read.
I saw a poster advertising a guided tour of the trees in my local park, organized by Trees for Cities. It was a very interesting lunchtime; I had not appreciated how many different trees were growing there, including three different kinds of Oak tree. Trees for Cities run events all over the UK, and abroad. Of course, I had to buy some books to improve my tree recognition skills. I found “Collins tree guide” by O. Johnson and D. More to be the most useful and full of information. Various organizations have created maps of trees in cities around the world. The London Tree Map shows the location and species information for over 880,000 of trees growing on streets (not parks), New York also has a map. For a general analysis of patterns of tree growth, see “How to Read a Tree” by T. Gooley.
“Medieval Horizons: Why the Middle Ages Matter” by I. Mortimer. This book takes the reader through the social, cultural and economic changes that happened in England during the Middle Ages, which the author specifies as the period 1000 to 1600. I knew that many people were surfs, but did not know that slaves accounted for around 10% of the population, dropping to zero percent during this period. Changes, at least for the well-off, included moving from living in longhouses to living in what we would call a house, art works moved from two-dimensional representations to life-like images (e.g., renaissance quality), printing enables an explosion of books, non-poor people travelled more, ate better, and individualism started to take-off.
Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails: Real World Preasymptotics, Epistemology, and Applications by N. N. Taleb is a mathematically dense book (while the pdf is in color, I was disappointed that the printed version is black/white; this is the one I read while travelling). This book tells you a lot more than you need to know about the consequences of fat tail distributions. Why might you be interested in the problems of fat tails? Taleb starts by showing how little noise it takes for the comforting assumptions implied by the Normal/Gaussian distribution to fly out the window. The primary comforting assumptions are that the mean and variance of a small sample are representative of the larger population. A world of fat tail distributions is one where the unexpected is to be expected, where a single event can wipe out an organization or industry (banks are said to have lost more in the 2008 financial crisis than they had made in the previous many decades). This book is hard going, and I kept at it to get a feel for the answers to some of the objections to the bad news conveyed. There are a couple of places where I should have been more circumspect in my Evidence-based software engineering book.
I have previously reviewed General Relativity: The Theoretical Minimum by Susskind and Cabannes.
“Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II” by John W. Dower describes in harrowing detail the dire circumstances of the population of Japan immediately after World War II and what they had to endure to survive.
For more detailed book reviews, see: Mr. and Mrs. Psmith’s Bookshelf with some excellent and insightful long book reviews, and the annual Astral Codex Ten book review contest usually has a few excellent reviews/books.
For those of you who think that civilization is about to collapse, or at least like talking about the possibility, a reading list. At the practical level, I think sword fighting and archery skills are more likely to be useful in the longer term.
21 Algol 60 compilers in 1962
The specification of ALGOL 60 was published in May 1960. Unlike today, where the creators of a new language release the source of a corresponding compiler, people were expected to write their own compiler. The June 1962 paper: The Replies to the AB14 Questionnaire lists implementation details on 21’ish compilers (it’s not clear whether some are dialects or languages very similar to Algol 60; 1963: list of 32 Algol compilers/versions).
Compiler writing was a hot leading edge research topic in the 1960s; at the start of this decade all the techniques we take for granted today had not yet been invented (Knuth invented LR parsing in 1965, and algorithms for optimal code generation started appearing in 1970). The 1960s was the period of the Cambrian explosion for programming languages.
Implementors not only had to deal with all the unknowns of writing a compiler, they also had to do the work using systems whose memory was measured in tens of kilobytes, computer interaction probably via punched card or punched tape, or if lucky, the luxury of teletype input/output. It’s no surprise that fourteen of the implementations considered themselves to be a “true subset” (which I take to mean that everything implemented was as per the specification). Compilers for earlier languages probably had the benefit of the language not supporting anything that was hard to implement.
Compiler implementation know-how received a major boost in 1964 with the publication of the book ALGOL 60 Implementation.
The plot below shows the number of compilers having a given reported implementation time (code+data):
The median implementation effort is 2 man-years. Is this the result of a few good people working off the clock to create software, or management supporting the creation of a product that customers are not clamouring for?
The 0.25 man-year implementation looks like a port of an existing compiler to a different version of the same hardware. The 10 man-year implementation time was for what looks like a full implementation, plus extensions. The 80 man-year implementation time was reported by SDC (a large defence contractor) for a range of JOVIAL compilers (derived from Algol 58) targetting five different hardware platforms.
Were the implementors of Algol compilers different from the implementors of other languages? It’s not possible to say, although the language was created by a distinct group of people. The definition of Algol 60 was created by a committee composed of computing academics and like-minded people, while Fortran was dominated by the major computer company of the day, IBM (1963: list of 51 Fortran compilers; 1964: at least 43 Fortran compilers/versions), and COBOL was designed to be used by those strange business people (1963: list of 37 COBOL implementations/versions).
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