Software engineering’s F word
I know of two conversation topics that are guaranteed to make software developers feel uncomfortable, and even walk away: 1) complaining about ChatGPT’s refusable to say anything nice about Adolf Hitler, 2) enquiring why so few people are willing to talk about software engineering’s three letter F word (I actually say the F word).
Academics don’t like to use the F word, preferring phrases such as recreational value (and then only for Open source; earlier this year, I used hedonistic activity in the title of a blog post). A 2012 review of motivation in open source development found 10, out of 40, papers listing the F word as a motivator (all published in management related venues).
The F word occurs in the title of a 1991 article in the newsletter The Software Practitioner, aimed at professional developers: “Torn Between Fun and Tedium” by Bruce Blum. The article appears to be lost, but is discussed in the book software creativity 2.0 by Robert Glass.
Blum assumes that software development work is either Fun or Tedium, and assigns a Fun/Tedium percentage to various phase of a Waterfall software lifecycle.
Selling the project concept is assigned 100/0 by Blum, (i.e., 100% Fun; me: 80/20), developing the requirements is 50/50 (me: 20/80), top level design is 40/60 (me: 80/20), detailed design 33/67 (me: no idea), programming 75/25 (me: agree), testing 33/67 (me: 75/25), and maintenance 0/100 (me: 25/75).
I regularly have younger developers tell me that they picked a particular new technology because it looked like fun to learn and use; older developers have been through this phase new technology phase, and sometimes other phases, and have moved onto being more interested in avoiding grief.
Where is the evidence for this fun seeking? Asking developers about fun in their software engineering day job is not socially acceptable, but it is ok to ask about fun in personal projects.
I suspect that managers who have had little contact with working developers would be shocked by the extent to which fun motivates developer decisions; managers who have had to deal with the practicalities of herding developers less so.
How much productive work does a developer do?
Measuring develop productivity is a nightmare issue that I do my best to avoid.
Study after study has found that workers organise their work to suit themselves. Why should software developers be any different?
Studies of worker performance invariably find that the rate of work is higher when workers are being watched by researchers/managers; this behavior is known as the Hawthorne effect. These studies invariably involve some form of production line work involving repetitive activities. Time is a performance metric that is easy to measure for repetitive activities, and directly relatable to management interests.
A study by Bernstein found that production line workers slowed down when observed by management. On the production line studied, it was not possible to get the work done in the allotted time using the management prescribed techniques, so workers found more efficient techniques that were used when management were not watching.
I have worked on projects where senior management decreed that development was to be done according to some latest project management technique. Developers quickly found that the decreed technique was preventing work being completed on time, so ignored it while keeping up a facade to keep management happy (who appeared to be well aware of what was going on). Other developers have told me of similar experiences.
Studies of software developer performance often implicitly assume that whatever the workers (i.e., developers) say must be so; there is no thought given to the possibility that the workers are promoting work processes that suits their interests and not managements.
Just like workers in other industries, software developers can be lazy, lack interest in doing a good job, unprofessional, a slacker, etc.
Hard-working, diligent developers can be just as likely as the slackers, to organise work to suit themselves. A good example of this is adding product features that the developer wants to add, rather than features that the customer wants to use, or working on features/performance that exceed the original requirements (known as gold plating in other industries).
Developers will lobby for projects to use the latest language/package/GUI/tools in their work. While issues around customer/employer cost/benefit might be cited as a consideration, evidence, in the form of a cost/benefit analysis, is not usually given.
Like most people, developers want others to have a good opinion of them. As writers, of code, developers can attach a lot of weight to how its quality will be perceived by other developer. One consequence of this is a willingness to regularly spend time polishing good-enough code. An economic cost/benefit of refactoring is rarely a consideration.
The first step of finding out if developers are doing productive work is finding out what they are doing, or even better, planning in some detail what they should be doing.
Developers are not alone in disliking having their activities constrained by detailed plans. Detailed plans imply some form of estimates, and people really hate making estimates.
My view of the rationale for estimating in story points (i.e., monopoly money) is that they relieve the major developer pushback on estimating, while allowing management to continue to create short-term (e.g., two weeks) plans. The assumption made is that the existence of detailed plans reduces worker wiggle-room for engaging in self-interest work.
Software engineering as a hedonistic activity
My discussions with both managers and developers on software development processes invariably end up on the topic of developer happiness. Managers want to keep their development teams happy, and there is a longstanding developer culture of entitlement to work that they find interesting.
Companies in general want to keep their employees happy, irrespective of the kind of work they do. What makes developers different, from management’s perspective, is that demand for good software developers far outstrips supply.
Many developers approach software engineering as a hedonistic activity; yes, there are those who only do it for the money.
The huge quantity of open source software, much of it written out of personal interest rather than paid employment, provides evidence for there being many people willing to create software because of the pleasure they get from doing it.
Software developers only get to indulge in hedonistic development activities (e.g., choosing which tools to use, how to structure their code, and not having to provide estimates) because of the relative ease with which competent developers can obtain another job. Replacing developers is time-consuming and expensive, which gives existing employees a lot of bargaining power with management.
Some of the consequences of managements’ desire to keep developers happy, or at least not unhappy include:
- Not pushing too hard for an estimate of the likely time needed to complete a task,
- giving developers a lot of say in which languages/tools/packages they use. This creates a downstream need to support a wider variety of development ecosystems than might otherwise have been necessary, and further siloing development teams,
- allowing developers to spend time beautifying their code to meet personal opinions about the visual appearance of source.
The balance of power that facilitates hedonism driven development is determined by the relative size of the employment market in the supply and demand for software developers. Once demand falls below the available supply, finding a new job becomes more difficult, shifting the balance of power away from developers to managers.
I am not expecting supply to exceed demand any time soon. While International computer companies have been laying off lots of staff, demand from small companies appears to be strong (based on the ever-present ‘We’re hiring’ slides I regularly see at London meetups), but things may change. Tools such as ChatGPT are far from good enough to replace developers in the near term.
Creating and evolving a programming language: funding
The funding for artists and designers/implementors of programming languages shares some similarities.
Rich patrons used to sponsor a few talented painters/sculptors/etc, although many artists had no sponsors and worked for little or no money. Designers of programming languages sometimes have a rich patron, in the form of a company looking to gain some commercial advantage, with most language designers have a day job and work on their side project that might have a connection to their job (e.g., researchers).
Why would a rich patron sponsor the creation of an art work/language?
Possible reasons include: Enhancing the patron’s reputation within the culture in which they move (attracting followers, social or commercial), and influencing people’s thinking (to have views that are more in line with those of the patron).
The during 2009-2012 it suddenly became fashionable for major tech companies to have their own home-grown corporate language: Go, Rust, Dart and Typescript are some of the languages that achieved a notable level of brand recognition. Microsoft, with its long-standing focus on developers, was ahead of the game, with the introduction of F# in 2005 (and other languages in earlier and later years). The introduction of Swift and Hack in 2014 were driven by solid commercial motives (i.e., control of developers and reduced maintenance costs respectively); Google’s adoption of Kotlin, introduced by a minor patron in 2011, was driven by their losing of the Oracle Java lawsuit.
Less rich patrons also sponsor languages, with the idiosyncratic Ivor Tiefenbrun even sponsoring the creation of a bespoke cpu to speed up the execution of programs written in the company language.
The benefits of having a rich sponsor is the opportunity it provides to continue working on what has been created, evolving it into something new.
Self sponsored individuals and groups also create new languages, with recent more well known examples including Clojure and Julia.
What opportunities are available for initially self sponsored individuals to support themselves, while they continue to work on what has been created?
The growth of the middle class, and its interest in art, provided a means for artists to fund their work by attracting smaller sums from a wider audience.
In the last 10-15 years, some language creators have fostered a community driven approach to evolving and promoting their work. As well as being directly involved in working on the language and its infrastructure, members of a community may also contribute or help raise funds. There has been a tiny trickle of developers leaving their day job to work full time on ‘their’ language.
The term Hedonism driven development is a good description of this kind of community development.
People have been creating new languages since computers were invented, and I don’t expect this desire to create new languages to stop anytime soon. How long might a language community be expected to last?
Having lots of commercially important code implemented in a language creates an incentive for that language’s continual existence, e.g., companies paying for support. When little or co commercial important code is available to create an external incentive, a language community will continue to be active for as long as its members invest in it. The plot below shows the lifetime of 32 secular and 19 religious 19th century American utopian communities, based on their size at foundation; lines are fitted loess regression (code+data):
How many self-sustaining language communities are there, and how many might the world’s population support?
My tracking of new language communities is a side effect of the blogs I follow and the few community sites a visit regularly; so a tiny subset of the possibilities. I know of a handful of ‘new’ language communities; with ‘new’ as in not having a Wikipedia page (yet).
One list contains, up until 2005, 7,446 languages. I would not be surprised if this was off by almost an order of magnitude. Wikipedia has a very idiosyncratic and brief timeline of programming languages, and a very incomplete list of programming languages.
I await a future social science PhD thesis for a more thorough analysis of current numbers.
Hedonism: The future economics of compiler development
In the past developers paid for compilers, then gcc came along (followed by llvm) and now a few companies pay money to have a bunch of people maintain/enhance/support a new cpu; developers get a free compiler. What will happen once the number of companies paying money shrinks below some critical value?
The current social structure has an authority figure (ISO committees for C and C++, individuals or companies for other languages) specifying the language, gcc/llvm people implementing the specification and everybody else going along for the ride.
Looking after an industrial strength compiler is hard work and requires lots of know-how; hobbyists have little chance of competing against those paid to work full time. But as the number of companies paying for support declines, the number of people working full-time on the compilers will shrink. Compiler support will become a part-time job or hobby.
What are the incentives for a bunch of people to get together and spend their own time maintaining a compiler? One very powerful incentive is being able to decide what new language features the compiler will support. Why spend several years going to ISO meetings arguing with everybody about whether the next version of the standard should support your beloved language construct, it’s quicker and easier to add it directly to the compiler (if somebody else wants their construct implemented, let them write the code).
The C++ committee is populated by bored consultants looking for an outlet for their creative urges (the production of 1,600 page documents and six extension projects is driven by the 100+ people who attend meetings; a lot fewer people would produce a simpler C++). What is the incentive for those 100+ (many highly skilled) people to attend meetings, if the compilers are not going to support the specification they produce? Cut out the middle man (ISO) and organize to support direct implementation in the compiler (one downside is not getting to go to Hawaii).
The future of compiler development is groups of like-minded hedonists (in the sense of agreeing what features should be in a language) supporting a compiler for the bragging rights of having created/designed the languages features used by hundreds of thousands of developers.
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