Some data on the size of Cobol programs/paragraphs
Before the internet took off in the 1990s, COBOL was the most popular language, measured in lines of code in production use. People who program in Cobol often have a strong business focus, and don’t hang out on sites used aggregated by surveys of programming language use; use of the language is almost completely invisible to those outside the traditional data processing community. So who knows how popular Cobol is today.
Despite the enormous quantity of Cobol code that has been written, very little Cobol source is publicly available (Open source or otherwise; the NIST compiler validation suite is not representative). The reason for the sparsity of source code is that Cobol programs are used to process business data, and the code is useless without the appropriate data (even with the data, the output is only likely to be of interest to a handful of people).
Program and function/method size (in LOC) are basic units of source code measurement. Until open source happened, published papers containing these measurements were based on small sample sizes and the languages covered was somewhat spotty. Cobol oriented research usually has a business orientation, rather than being programming oriented, and now there is a plentiful supply of source code written in non-Cobol languages.
I recently discovered appendix B of 1st Lt Richard E. Boone’s Master’s thesis An investigation into the use of software product metrics for COBOL systems (it’s post Rome period). Several days/awk scripts and editor macros later, LOC data for 178 programs containing 2,682 paragraphs containing 53,255 statements is now online (code+data).
A note on terminology: Cobol functions/methods are called paragraphs.
A paragraph is created by attaching a label to the first statement of the paragraph (there are no variables local to a paragraph; all variables are global). The statement PERFORM NAME-OF-PARAGRAPH
‘calls’ the paragraph labelled by NAME-OF-PARAGRAPH
, somewhat like gosub number
It is possible to specify a sequence of paragraphs to be executed, in a PERFORM statement. The statement PERFORM NAME-OF-P1 THRU NAME-OF-P99
causes all paragraphs appearing textually in the code between the start of paragraph NAME-1
and the end of paragraph NAME-99
to be executed.
As far as I can tell, Boone’s measurements are based on individual paragraphs, not any sequences of paragraphs that are PERFORM
ed (it is likely that some labelled paragraphs are never PERFORM
ed in isolation).
Appendix B lists for each program: the paragraphs it contains, and for each paragraph the number of statements, McCabe’s complexity, maximum nesting, and Henry and Kafura’s Information flow metric
There are, based on naming, many EXIT paragraphs (711 or 26%); these are single statement paragraphs containing the statement EXIT
. When encountered as the last paragraph of a PERFORM THU
statement, the EXIT effectively acts like a procedure return
statement; in other contexts, the EXIT statement acts like a continue
In the following code the developer could have written PERFORM PARA-1 THRU PARA-4
, but if a related paragraph was added between PARA-4
s explicitly referencing PARA-4
would need to be checked to see if they needed updating to the new last paragraph.
The plot below shows the number of paragraphs containing a given number of statements, the red dot shows the count with EXIT paragraphs are ignored (code+data):
How does this distribution compare with that seen in C and Java? The plot below shows the Cobol data (in black, with frequency scaled-up by 1,000) superimposed on the same counts for C and Java (C/Java code+data):
The distribution of statements per paragraph/function distribution for Cobol/C appears to be very similar, at least over the range 10-100. For less than 10-LOC the two languages have very different distributions. Is this behavior particular to the small number of Cobol programs measured? As always, more data is needed.
How many paragraphs does a Cobol program contain? The plot below shows programs ranked by the number of paragraphs they contain, including and excluding EXIT
statements (code+data):
If you squint, it’s possible to imagine two distinct exponential declines, with the switch happening around the 100th program.
It’s tempting to draw some conclusions, but the sample size is too small.
Pointers to large quantities of Cobol source welcome.
Clustering source code within functions
The question of how best to cluster source code into functions is a perennial debate that has been ongoing since functions were first created.
Beginner programmers are told that clustering code into functions is good, for a variety of reasons (none of the claims are backed up by experimental evidence). Structuring code based on clustering the implementation of a single feature is a common recommendation; this rationale can be applied at both the function/method and file/class level.
The idea of an optimal function length (measured in statements) continues to appeal to developers/researchers, but lacks supporting evidence (despite a cottage industry of research papers). The observation that most reported fault appear in short functions is a consequence of most of a program’s code appearing in short functions.
I have had to deal with code that has not been clustered into functions. When microcomputers took off, some businessmen taught themselves to code, wrote software for their line of work and started selling it. If the software was a success, more functionality was needed, and the businessman (never encountered a woman doing this) struggled to keep on top of things. A common theme was a few thousand lines of unstructured code in one function in a single file (keeping everything in one file is also a trait of highly focus developers).
Adding structural bureaucracy (e.g., functions and multiple files) reduced the effort needed to maintain and enhance the code.
The problem with ‘born flat’ source is that the code for unrelated functionality is often intermixed, and global variables are freely used to communicate state. I have seen the same problems in structured function code, but instances are nowhere near as pervasive.
When implementing the same program, do different developers create functions implementing essentially the same functionality?
I am aware of two datasets relating to this question: 1) when implementing the same small specification (average length program 46.3 lines), a surprising number of variants (6,301) are created, 2) an experiment that asked developers to reintroduce functions into ‘flattened’ code.
The experiment (Alexey Braver’s MSc thesis) took an existing Python program, ‘flattened’ it by inlining functions (parameters were replaced by the corresponding call arguments), and asked subjects to “… partition it into functions in order to achieve what you consider to be a good design.”
The 23 rows in the plot below show the start/end (green/brown delimited by blue lines) of each function created by the 23 subjects; red shows code not within a function, and right axis is percentage of each subjects’ code contained in functions. Blue line shows original (currently plotted incorrectly; patched original code+data):
There are many possible reasons for the high level of agreement between subjects, including: 1) the particular example chosen, 2) the code was already well-structured, 3) subjects were explicitly asked to create functions, 4) the iterative process of discovering code that needs to be written did not occur, 5) no incentive to leave existing working code as-is.
Given that most source has a short and lonely existence, is too much time being spent bike-shedding function contents?
Given how often lower level design time happens at code implementation time, perhaps discussion of function contents ought to be viewed as more about thinking how things fit together and interact, than about each function in isolation.
Analyzing each function in isolation can create perverse incentives.
Impact of function size on number of reported faults
Are longer functions more likely to contain more coding mistakes than shorter functions?
Well, yes. Longer functions contain more code, and the more code developers write the more mistakes they are likely to make.
But wait, the evidence shows that most reported faults occur in short functions.
This is true, at least in Java. It is also true that most of a Java program’s code appears in short methods (in C 50% of the code is contained in functions containing 114 or fewer lines, while in Java 50% of code is contained in methods containing 4 or fewer lines). It is to be expected that most reported faults appear in short functions. The plot below shows, left: the percentage of code contained in functions/methods containing a given number of lines, and right: the cumulative percentage of lines contained in functions/methods containing less than a given number of lines (code+data):
Does percentage of program source really explain all those reported faults in short methods/functions? Or are shorter functions more likely to contain more coding mistakes per line of code, than longer functions?
Reported faults per line of code is often referred to as: defect density.
If defect density was independent of function length, the plot of reported faults against function length (in lines of code) would be horizontal; red line below. If every function contained the same number of reported faults, the plotted line would have the form of the blue line below.
Two things need to occur for a fault to be experienced. A mistake has to appear in the code, and the code has to be executed with the ‘right’ input values.
Code that is never executed will never result in any fault reports.
In a function containing 100 lines of executable source code, say, 30 lines are rarely executed, they will not contribute as much to the final total number of reported faults as the other 70 lines.
How does the average percentage of executed LOC, in a function, vary with its length? I have been rummaging around looking for data to help answer this question, but so far without any luck (the llvm code coverage report is over all tests, rather than per test case). Pointers to such data very welcome.
Statement execution is controlled by if-statements, and around 17% of C source statements are if-statements. For functions containing between 1 and 10 executable statements, the percentage that don’t contain an if-statement is expected to be, respectively: 83, 69, 57, 47, 39, 33, 27, 23, 19, 16. Statements contained in shorter functions are more likely to be executed, providing more opportunities for any mistakes they contain to be triggered, generating a fault experience.
Longer functions contain more dependencies between the statements within the body, than shorter functions (I don’t have any data showing how much more). Dependencies create opportunities for making mistakes (there is data showing dependencies between files and classes is a source of mistakes).
The previous analysis makes a large assumption, that the mistake generating a fault experience is contained in one function. This is true for 70% of reported faults (in AspectJ).
What is the distribution of reported faults against function/method size? I don’t have this data (pointers to such data very welcome).
The plot below shows number of reported faults in C++ classes (not methods) containing a given number of lines (from a paper by Koru, Eman and Mathew; code+data):
It’s tempting to think that those three curved lines are each classes containing the same number of methods.
What is the conclusion? There is one good reason why shorter functions should have more reported faults, and another good’ish reason why longer functions should have more reported faults. Perhaps length is not important. We need more data before an answer is possible.
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