
Posts Tagged ‘fault model’

Deep dive looking for good enough reliability models

February 23, 2025 (5 weeks ago) No comments

A previous post summarised the main highlights of my trawl through the software reliability research papers/reports/data, which failed to find any good enough models for estimating the reliability of a software system. This post summarises a deep dive into the technical aspects of the research papers.

I am now a lot more confident that better than worst case models for calculating software reliability don’t yet exist (perhaps the problem does not have a solution). By reliability, I mean the likelihood that a fault will be experienced during 1-hour of operation (1-hour is the time interval often used in safety critical standards).

All the papers assume that time to next new fault experience can be effectively modelled using timing information on the previously discovered distinct faults. Timing information might be cpu time, or elapsed time during testing or customer use, or even number of tests. Issues of code coverage and the correspondence between tests and customer usage are rarely mentioned.

Building a model requires making assumptions about the world. Given the data used, all the models assume that there is a relationship connecting the time between successive distinct faults, e,g, the Jelinski-Moranda model assumes that the time between fault experiences has an exponential distribution and that the exponent is the same for all faults. While the Jelinski-Moranda model does not match the behavior seen in the available datasets, it is widely discussed (its simplicity makes it a great example, with the analysis being straightforward and the result easy to explain).

Much of the fault timing data comes from the test process, with the rest coming from customer usage (either cpu or elapsed; like today’s cloud usage, mainframe time usage was often charged). What connection does a model fitted to data on the faults discovered during testing have with faults experienced by customers using the software? Managers want to minimise the cost of testing (one claimed use case for these models is estimating the likelihood of discovering a new fault during testing), and maximising the number of faults found probably has a higher priority than mimicking customer usage.

The early software reliability papers (i.e., the 1970s) invariably proposed a new model and then checked how well it fitted a small dataset.

While the top, must-read paper on software fault analysis was published in 1982, it has mostly remained unknown/ignored (it appeared as a NASA report written by non-academics who did not then promote their work). Perhaps if Nagel and Skrivan’s work had become widely known, today we might have a practical software reliability model.

Reliability research in the 1980s was dominated by theoretical analysis of the previously proposed models and their variants, finding connections between them and building more general models. Ramos’s 2009 PhD thesis contains a great overview of popular (academic) reliability models, their interconnections, and using them to calculate a number.

I did discover some good news. Researchers outside of software engineering have been studying a non-software problem whose characteristics have a direct mapping to software reliability. This non-software problem involves sampling from a population containing subpopulations of varying sizes (warning: heavy-duty maths), e.g., oil companies searching for new oil fields of unknown sizes. It looks, perhaps (the maths is very hard going), as-if the statisticians studying this problem have found some viable solutions. If I’m lucky, I will find a package implementing the technical details, or find a gentle introduction. Perhaps this thread will have a happy ending…

An aside: When quickly deciding whether a research paper is worth reading, if the title or abstract contains a word on my ignore list, the paper is ignored. One consequence of this recent detailed analysis is that the term NHPP has been added to my ignore list for software reliability issues (it has applicability for hardware).

Example of an initial analysis of some new NASA data

January 19, 2025 2 comments

For the last 20 years, the bug report databases of Open source projects have been almost the exclusive supplier of fault reports to the research community. Which, if any, of the research results are applicable to commercial projects (given the volunteer nature of most Open source projects and that anybody can submit a report)?

The only way to find out if Open source patterns are present in closed source projects is to analyse fault reports from closed source projects.

The recent paper Software Defect Discovery and Resolution Modeling incorporating Severity by Nafreen, Shi and Fiondella caught my attention for several reasons. It does non-trivial statistical analysis (most software engineering research uses simplistic techniques), it is a recent dataset (i.e., might still be available), and the data is from a NASA project (I have long assumed that NASA is more likely than most to reliable track reported issues). Lance Fiondella kindly sent me a copy of the data (paper giving more details about the data)!

Over the years, researchers have emailed me several hundred datasets. This NASA data arrived at the start of the week, and this post is an example of the kind of initial analysis I do before emailing any questions to the authors (Lance offered to answer questions, and even included two former students in his email).

It’s only worth emailing for data when there looks to be a reasonable amount (tiny samples are rarely interesting) of a kind of data that I don’t already have lots of.

This data is fault reports on software produced by NASA, a very rare sample. The 1,934 reports were created during the development and testing of software for a space mission (which launched some time before 2016).

For Open source projects, it’s long been known that many (40%) reported faults are actually requests for enhancements. Is this a consequence of allowing anybody to submit a fault report? It appears not. In this NASA dataset, 63% of the fault reports are change requests.

This data does not include any information on the amount of runtime usage of the software, so it is not possible to estimate the reliability of the software.

Software development practices vary a lot between organizations, and organizational information is often embedded in the data. Ideally, somebody familiar with the work processes that produced the data is available to answer questions, e.g., the SiP estimation dataset.

Dates form the bulk of this data, i.e., the date on which the report entered a given phase (expressed in days since a nominal start date). Experienced developers could probably guess from the column names the work performed in each phase; see list below:

    Date Created
    Date Assigned
    Date Build Integration
    Date Canceled
    Date Closed
    Date Closed With Defect
    Date In Test
    Date In Work
    Date on Hold
    Date Ready For Closure 
    Date Ready For Test
    Date Test Completed
    Date Work Completed

There are probably lots of details that somebody familiar with the process would know.

What might this date information tell us? The paper cited had fitted a Cox proportional hazard model to predict fault fix time. I might try to fit a multi-state survival model.

In a priority queue, task waiting times follow a power law, while randomly selecting an item from a non-prioritized queue produces exponential waiting times. The plot below shows the number of reports taking a given amount of time (days elapsed rounded to weeks) from being assigned to build-integration, for reports at three severity levels, with fitted exponential regression lines (code+data):

Number of reported faults having a given time between assigned to build-integration, for the three severity levels, with fitted exponential lines.

Fitting an exponential, rather than a power law, suggests that the report to handle next is effectively selected at random, i.e., reports are not in a priority queue. The number of severity 2 reports is not large enough for there to be a significant regression fit.

I now have some familiarity with the data and have spotted a pattern that may be of interest (or those involved are already aware of the random selection process).

As always, reader suggestions welcome.

Extracting information from duplicate fault reports

January 12, 2025 No comments

Duplicate fault reports (that is, reports whose cause is the same underlying coding mistake) are an underused source of information. I sometimes email the authors of a paper analysing fault data asking for information about duplicates. Duplicate information is rarely available, because the authors don’t bother to record it.

If a program’s coding mistakes are a closed population, i.e., no new ones are added or existing ones fixed, duplicate counts might be used to estimate the number of remaining mistakes.

However, coding mistakes in production software systems are invariably open populations, i.e., reported faults are fixed, and new functionality (containing new coding mistakes) is added.

A dataset made available by Sadat, Bener, and Miranskyy contains 18 years worth of information on duplicate fault reports in Apache, Eclipse and KDE. The following analysis uses the KDE data.

Fault reports are created by users, and changes in the rate of reports whose root cause is the same coding mistake provides information on changes in the number of active users, or changes in the functionality executed by the active users. The plot below shows, for 10 unique faults (different colors), the number of days between the first report and all subsequent reports of the same fault (plus character); note the log scale y-axis (code+data):

For ten faults, the number of days between the first report and all subsequent reports of the same base fault (for faults ranked 26-35 most number of duplicates).

Changes in the rate at which duplicates are reported are visible as changes in the slope of each line formed by plus signs of the respective color. Possible reasons for the change include: the coding mistake appears in a new release which users do not widely install for some time, 2) a fault become sufficiently well known, or workaround provided, that the rate of reporting for that fault declines. Of course, only some fault experiences are ever reported.

Almost all books/papers on software reliability that model the occurrence of fault experiences treat them as-if they were a Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP); in most cases, authors are simply repeating what they have read elsewhere.

Some important assumptions made by NHPP models do not apply to software faults. For instance, NHPP models assume that the probability of encountering a fault experience is the same for different coding mistakes, i.e., they are all equally likely. What does the evidence show about this assumption? If all coding mistakes had the same probability of producing a fault experience, the mean time between duplicate fault reports would be the same for all fault reports. The plot below shows the interval, in days, between consecutive duplicate fault reports, for the 392 faults whose number of duplicates was between 20 and 100, sorted by interval (out of a total of 30,377; code+data):

Mean time between duplicate fault reports.

The variation in mean time between duplicate fault reports, for different faults, is evidence that different coding mistakes have different probabilities of producing a fault experience. This behavior is consistent with the observation that mistakes in deeply nested if-statements are less likely to be executed than mistakes contained in less-deeply nested code. However, this observation invalidating assumptions made by NHPP models has not prevented them dominating the research literature.

Good enough reliability models: still an unknown

December 15, 2024 No comments

Estimating the likelihood that a software system will operate as intended, for some period of time, is one of the big problems within the field of software reliability research. When software does not operate as intended, a fault, or bug, or hallucination is said to have occurred.

Three events need to occur for a user of a software system to experience a fault:

Modelling each kind of event and their interaction is a huge undertaking. Researchers in one of the major subfields of software reliability take a global approach, e.g., they model time to next fault experience, using data on the number of faults experienced per given amount of cpu/elapsed time (often obtained during testing). Modelling the fault data obtained during testing results in a model of the likelihood of the next fault experienced using that particular test process. This is useful for doing a return-on-investment calculation to decide whether to do more testing. If the distribution of inputs used during testing is similar to the distribution of customer inputs, then the model can be of use in estimating the rate of customer fault experiences.

Is it possible to use a model whose design was driven by data from testing one or more software systems to estimate the rate of fault experiences likely when testing other software systems?

The number of coding mistakes will differ between systems (because they have different sizes, and/or different developer abilities), and the testers’ ability will be different, and the extent to which mistaken behavior percolates through code will differ. However, it is possible for there to be a general model for rate of fault experiences that contains various parameters that need to be fitted for each situation.

Since that start of the 1970s, researchers have been searching for this general model (the first software reliability model is thought to be: “Program errors as a birth-and-death process” by G. R. Hudson, Report SP-3011, System Development Corp., 1967 Dec 4; please send me a copy, if you have one).

The image below shows the 18 models discussed in the 1987 book “Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application” by Musa, Iannino, and Okumoto (later editions have seriously watered down the technical contents, and lack most of the tables/plots). It’s to be expected that during the early years of a new field, many different models will be proposed and discussed.

Table of 18 software reliability models, from 1987 book.

Did researchers discover a good-enough general model for rate of fault experiences?

It’s hard to say. There is not enough reliability data to be confident that any of the umpteen proposed models is consistently better at predicting than any other. I believe that the evidence-based state of the art has not yet progressed beyond the 1982 report Software Reliability: Repetitive Run Experimentation and Modeling by Nagel and Skrivan.

Fitting slightly modified versions of existing models to a small number of tiny datasets has become standard practice in this corner of software engineering research (the same pattern of behavior has occurred in software effort estimation). The image below shows 16 models from a 2021 paper.

Nearly all the reliability data used to create these models is from systems built in the 1960s and 1970s. During these decades, software systems were paid for organizations that appreciated the benefits of collecting data to build models, and funding the necessary research. My experience is that few academics make an effort to talk to people in industry, which means they are unlikely to acquire new datasets. But then researchers are judged by papers published, and the ecosystem they work within is willing to publish papers extolling the virtues of another variant of an existing model.

Table of 16 software reliability models, from 2021 paper.

The various software fault datasets used to create reliability models tends to be scattered in sometimes hard to find papers (yes, it is small enough to be printed in papers). I have finally gotten around to organizing all the public data that I have in one place, a Reliability data repo on GitHub.

If you have a public fault dataset that does not appear in this repo, please send me a copy.

Many coding mistakes are not immediately detectable

December 20, 2020 1 comment

Earlier this week I was reading a paper discussing one aspect of the legal fallout around the UK Post-Office’s Horizon IT system, and was surprised to read the view that the Law Commission’s Evidence in Criminal Proceedings Hearsay and Related Topics were citing on the subject of computer evidence (page 204): “most computer error is either immediately detectable or results from error in the data entered into the machine”.

What? Do I need to waste any time explaining why this is nonsense? It’s obvious nonsense to anybody working in software development, but this view is being expressed in law related documents; what do lawyers know about software development.

Sometimes fallacies become accepted as fact, and a lot of effort is required to expunge them from cultural folklore. Regular readers of this blog will have seen some of my posts on long-standing fallacies in software engineering. It’s worth collecting together some primary evidence that most software mistakes are not immediately detectable.

A paper by Professor Tapper of Oxford University is cited as the source (yes, Oxford, home of mathematical orgasms in software engineering). Tapper’s job title is Reader in Law, and on page 248 he does say: “This seems quite extraordinarily lax, given that most computer error is either immediately detectable or results from error in the data entered into the machine.” So this is not a case of his words being misinterpreted or taken out of context.

Detecting many computer errors is resource intensive, both in elapsed time, manpower and compute time. The following general summary provides some of the evidence for this assertion.

Two events need to occur for a fault experience to occur when running software:

  • a mistake has been made when writing the source code. Mistakes include: a misunderstanding of what the behavior should be, using an algorithm that does not have the desired behavior, or a typo,
  • the program processes input values that interact with a coding mistake in a way that produces a fault experience.

That people can make different mistakes is general knowledge. It is my experience that people underestimate the variability of the range of values that are presented as inputs to a program.

A study by Nagel and Skrivan shows how variability of input values results in fault being experienced at different time, and that different people make different coding mistakes. The study had three experienced developers independently implement the same specification. Each of these three implementations was then tested, multiple times. The iteration sequence was: 1) run program until fault experienced, 2) fix fault, 3) if less than five faults experienced, goto step (1). This process was repeated 50 times, always starting with the original (uncorrected) implementation; the replications varied this, along with the number of inputs used.

How many input values needed to be processed, on average, before a particular fault is experienced? The plot below (code+data) shows the numbers of inputs processed, by one of the implementations, before individual faults were experienced, over 50 runs (sorted by number of inputs needed before the fault was experienced):

Number of inputs processed before particular fault experienced

The plot illustrates that some coding mistakes are more likely to produce a fault experience than others (because they are more likely to interact with input values in a way that generates a fault experience), and it also shows how the number of inputs values processed before a particular fault is experienced varies between coding mistakes.

Real-world evidence of the impact of user input on reported faults is provided by the Ultimate Debian Database, which provides information on the number of reported faults and the number of installs for 14,565 packages. The plot below shows how the number of reported faults increases with the number of times a package has been installed; one interpretation is that with more installs there is a wider variety of input values (increasing the likelihood of a fault experience), another is that with more installs there is a larger pool of people available to report a fault experience. Green line is a fitted power law, faultsReported=1.3*installs^{0.3}, blue line is a fitted loess model.

Number of inputs processed before particular fault experienced

The source containing a mistake may be executed without a fault being experienced; reasons for this include:

  • the input values don’t result in the incorrect code behaving differently from the correct code. For instance, given the made-up incorrect code if (x < 8) (i.e., 8 was typed rather than 7), the comparison only produces behavior that differs from the correct code when x has the value 7,
  • the input values result in the incorrect code behaving differently than the correct code, but the subsequent path through the code produces the intended external behavior.

Some of the studies that have investigated the program behavior after a mistake has deliberately been introduced include:

  • checking the later behavior of a program after modifying the value of a variable in various parts of the source; the results found that some parts of a program were more susceptible to behavioral modification (i.e., runtime behavior changed) than others (i.e., runtime behavior not change),
  • checking whether a program compiles and if its runtime behavior is unchanged after random changes to its source code (in this study, short programs written in 10 different languages were used),
  • 80% of radiation induced bit-flips have been found to have no externally detectable effect on program behavior.

What are the economic costs and benefits of finding and fixing coding mistakes before shipping vs. waiting to fix just those faults reported by customers?

Checking that a software system exhibits the intended behavior takes time and money, and the organization involved may not be receiving any benefit from its investment until the system starts being used.

In some applications the cost of a fault experience is very high (e.g., lowering the landing gear on a commercial aircraft), and it is cost-effective to make a large investment in gaining a high degree of confidence that the software behaves as expected.

In a changing commercial world software systems can become out of date, or superseded by new products. Given the lifetime of a typical system, it is often cost-effective to ship a system expected to contain many coding mistakes, provided the mistakes are unlikely to be executed by typical customer input in a way that produces a fault experience.

Beta testing provides selected customers with an early version of a new release. The benefit to the software vendor is targeted information about remaining coding mistakes that need to be fixed to reduce customer fault experiences, and the benefit to the customer is checking compatibility of their existing work practices with the new release (also, some people enjoy being able to brag about being a beta tester).

  • One study found that source containing a coding mistake was less likely to be changed due to fixing the mistake than changed for other reasons (that had the effect of causing the mistake to disappear),
  • Software systems don't live forever; systems are replaced or cease being used. The plot below shows the lifetime of 202 Google applications (half-life 2.9 years) and 95 Japanese mainframe applications from the 1990s (half-life 5 years; code+data).

    Number of software systems having a given lifetime, in days

Not only are most coding mistakes not immediately detectable, there may be sound economic reasons for not investing in detecting many of them.

Learning useful stuff from the Reliability chapter of my book

September 13, 2020 No comments

What useful, practical things might professional software developers learn from my evidence-based software engineering book?

Once the book is officially released I need to have good answers to this question (saying: “Well, I decided to collect all the publicly available software engineering data and say something about it”, is not going to motivate people to read the book).

This week I checked the reliability chapter; what useful things did I learn (combined with everything I learned during all the other weeks spent working on this chapter)?

A casual reader skimming the chapter would conclude that little was known about software reliability, and they would be right (I already knew this, but I learned that we know even less than I thought was known), and many researchers continue to dig in unproductive holes.

A reader with some familiarity with reliability research would be surprised to see that some ‘major’ topics are not discussed.

The train wreck that is machine learning has been avoided (not forgetting that the data used is mostly worthless), mutation testing gets mentioned because of some interesting data (the underlying problem is that mutation testing assumes that coding mistakes are local to one line, but in practice coding mistakes often involve multiple lines), and the theory discussions don’t mention non-homogeneous Poisson process as the basis for software fault models (because this process is not capable of solving the questions asked).

What did I learn? My highlights include:

  • Anne Choa‘s work on population estimation. The takeaway from this work is that if people want to estimate the number of remaining fault experiences, based on previous experienced faults, then every occurrence (i.e., not just the first) of a fault needs to be counted,
  • Phyllis Nagel and Janet Dunham’s top read work on software testing,
  • the variability in the numeric percentage that people assign to probability terms (e.g., almost all, likely, unlikely) is much wider than I would have thought,
  • the impact of the distribution of input values on fault experiences may be detectable,
  • really a lowlight, but there is a lot less publicly available data than I had expected (for the other chapters there was more data than I had expected).

The last decade has seen fuzzing grow to dominate the headlines around software reliability and testing, and provide data for people who write evidence-based books. I don’t have much of a feel for how widely used it is in industry, but it is a very useful tool for reliability researchers.

Readers might have a completely different learning experience from reading the reliability chapter. What useful things did you learn from the reliability chapter?

New users generate more exceptions than existing users (in one dataset)

May 24, 2020 No comments

Application usage data is one of the rarest kinds of public software engineering data.

Even data that might be used to approximate application usage is rare. Server logs might be used as a proxy for browser usage or operating system usage, and number of Debian package downloads as a proxy for usage of packages.

Usage data is an important component of fault prediction models, and the failure to incorporate such data is one reason why existing fault models are almost completely worthless.

The paper Deriving a Usage-Independent Software Quality Metric appeared a few months ago (it’s a bit of a kitchen sink of a paper), and included lots of usage data! As far as I know, this is a first.

The data relates to a mobile based communications App that used Google analytics to log basic usage information, i.e., daily totals of: App usage time, uses by existing users, uses by new users, operating system+version used by the mobile device, and number of exceptions raised by the App.

Working with daily totals means there is likely to be a non-trivial correlation between usage time and number of uses. Given that this is the only public data of its kind, it has to be handled (in my case, ignored for the time being).

I’m expecting to see a relationship between number of exceptions raised and daily usage (the data includes a count of fatal exceptions, which are less common; because lots of data is needed to build a good model, I went with the more common kind). So a’fishing I went.

On most days no exception occurred (zero is the ideal case for the vendor, but I want lots of exception to build a good model). Daily exception counts are likely to be small integers, which suggests a Poisson error model.

It is likely that the same set of exceptions were experienced by many users, rather like the behavior that occurs when fuzzing a program.

Applications often have an initial beta testing period, intended to check that everything works. Lucky for me the beta testing data is included (i.e., more exceptions are likely to occur during beta testing, which get sorted out prior to official release). This is the data I concentrated my modeling.

The model I finally settled on has the form (code+data):

Exceptions approx uses^{0.1}newUserUses^{0.54}e^{0.002sqrt{usagetime}}AndroidVersion

Yes, newUserUses had a much bigger impact than uses. This was true for all the models I built using data for all Android/iOS Apps, and the exponent difference was always greater than two.

Why square-root, rather than log? The model fit was much better for square-root; too much better for me to be willing to go with a model which had usagetime as a power-law.

The impact of AndroidVersion varied by several orders of magnitude (which won’t come as a surprise to developers using earlier versions of Android).

There were not nearly as many exceptions once the App became generally available, and there were a lot fewer exceptions for the iOS version.

The outsized impact of new users on exceptions experienced is easily explained by developers failing to check for users doing nonsensical things (which users new to an App are prone to do). Existing users have a better idea of how to drive an App, and tend to do the kind of things that developers expect them to do.

As always, if you know of any interesting software engineering data, please let me know.