Estimating the quality of a compiler implemented in mathematics
How can you tell if a language implementation done using mathematical methods lives up to the claims being made about it, without doing lots of work? Answers to the following questions should give you a good idea of the quality of the implementation, from a language specification perspective, at least for C.
- How long did it take you to write it? I have yet to see any full implementation of a major language done in less than a man year; just understanding and handling the semantics, plus writing the test cases will take this long. I would expect an answer of at least several man years
- Which professional validation suites have you tested the implementation against? Many man years of work have gone into the Perennial and PlumHall C validation suites and correctly processing either of them is a non-trivial task. The gcc test suite is too light-weight to count. The C Model Implementation passed both
- How many faults have you found in the C Standard that have been accepted by WG14 (DRs for C90 and C99)? Everybody I know who has created a full implementation of a C front end based on the text of the C Standard has found faults in the existing wording. Creating a high quality formal definition requires great attention to detail and it is to be expected that some ambiguities/inconsistencies will be found in the Standard. C Model Implementation project discoveries include these and these.
- How many ‘rules’ does the implementation contain? For the C Model Implementation (originally written in Pascal and then translated to C) every if-statement it contained was cross referenced to either a requirement in the C90 standard or to an internal documentation reference; there were 1,327 references to the Environment and Language clauses (200 of which were in the preprocessor and 187 involved syntax). My C99 book lists 2,043 sentences in the equivalent clauses, consistent with a 70% increase in page count over C90. The page count for C1X is around 10% greater than C99. So for a formal definition of C99 or C1X we are looking for at around 2,000 language specific ‘rules’ plus others associated with internal housekeeping functions.
- What percentage of the implementation is executed by test cases? How do you know code/mathematics works if it has not been tested? The front end of the C Model Implementation contains 6,900 basic blocks of which 87 are not executed by any test case (98.7% coverage); most of the unexecuted basic blocks require unusual error conditions to occur, e.g., disc full, and we eventually gave up trying to figure out whether a small number of them were dead code or just needed the right form of input (these days genetic programming could be used to help out and also to improve the quality of coverage to something like say MC/DC, but developing on a PC with a 16M hard disc does limit what can be done {the later arrival of a Sun 4 with 32M of RAM was mind blowing}).
Other suggested questions or numbers applicable to other languages most welcome. Some forms of language definition do not include a written specification, which makes any measurement of implementation conformance problematic.
Simple generator for compiler stress testing source
Since writing my C book I have been interested in the problem of generating source that has the syntactic and semantic statistical characteristics of human written code.
Generating code that obeys a language’s syntax is straight forward. Take a specification of the syntax (say is some yacc-like form) and ‘generate’ each of the terminals/nonterminals on the right-hand-side of the start symbol. Nonterminals will lead to rules having right-hand-sides that in turn need to be ‘generated’, a random selection being made when a nonterminal has more than one possible rhs rule. Output occurs when a terminal is ‘generated’.
For the code to mimic human written code it is necessary to bias the random selection process; a numeric value at the start of each rhs rule can be used to specify the percentage probability of that rule being chosen for the corresponding nonterminal.
The following example generates a subset of C expressions; nonterminals in lowercase, terminals in uppercase and implemented as a call to a function having that name:
%grammar first_rule : def_ident " = " expr " ;n" END_EXPR_STMT ; def_ident : MK_IDENT ; constant : MK_CONSTANT ; identifier : KNOWN_IDENT ; primary_expr : 30 constant | 60 identifier | 10 " (" expr ") " ; multiplicative_expr : 50 primary_expr | 40 multiplicative_expr " * " primary_expr | 10 multiplicative_expr " / " primary_expr ; additive_expr : 50 multiplicative_expr | 25 additive_expr " + " multiplicative_expr | 25 additive_expr " - " multiplicative_expr ; expr : START_EXPR additive_expr FINISH_EXPR ; |
A 250 line awk program (awk only because I use it often enough for simply text processing that it is second nature) translates this into two Python lists:
productions = [ [0], [ 1, 1, 1, # first_rule 0, 5, [2, 1001, 3, 1002, 1003, ], ], [ 2, 1, 1, # def_ident 0, 1, [1004, ], ], [ 4, 1, 1, # constant 0, 1, [1005, ], ], [ 5, 1, 1, # identifier 0, 1, [1006, ], ], [ 6, 3, 0, # primary_expr 30, 1, [4, ], 60, 1, [5, ], 10, 3, [1007, 3, 1008, ], ], [ 7, 3, 0, # multiplicative_expr 50, 1, [6, ], 40, 3, [7, 1009, 6, ], 10, 3, [7, 1010, 6, ], ], [ 8, 3, 0, # additive_expr 50, 1, [7, ], 25, 3, [8, 1011, 7, ], 25, 3, [8, 1012, 7, ], ], [ 3, 1, 1, # expr 0, 3, [1013, 8, 1014, ], ], ] terminal = [ [0], [ STR_TERM, " = "], [ STR_TERM, " ;n"], [ FUNC_TERM, END_EXPR_STMT], [ FUNC_TERM, MK_IDENT], [ FUNC_TERM, MK_CONSTANT], [ FUNC_TERM, KNOWN_IDENT], [ STR_TERM, " ("], [ STR_TERM, ") "], [ STR_TERM, " * "], [ STR_TERM, " / "], [ STR_TERM, " + "], [ STR_TERM, " - "], [ FUNC_TERM, START_EXPR], [ FUNC_TERM, FINISH_EXPR], ] |
which can be executed by a simply interpreter:
def exec_rule(some_rule) : rule_len=len(some_rule) cur_action=0 while (cur_action < rule_len) : if (some_rule[cur_action] > term_start_base) : gen_terminal(some_rule[cur_action]-term_start_base) else : exec_rule(select_rule(productions[some_rule[cur_action]])) cur_action+=1 productions.sort() start_code() ns=0 while (ns < 2000) : # Loop generating lots of test cases exec_rule(select_rule(productions[1])) ns+=1 end_code() |
Naive syntax-directed generation results in a lot of code that violates one or more fundamental semantic constraints. For instance the assignment (1+1)=3
is syntactically valid in many languages, which invariably specify a semantic constraint on the lhs of an assignment operator being some kind of modifiable storage location. The simplest solution to this problem is to change the syntax to limit the kinds of constructs that can be generated on the lhs of an assignment.
The hardest semantic association to get right is the connection between variable declarations and references to those variables in expressions. One solution is to mimic how I think many developers write code, that is to generate the statements first and then generate the required definitions for the appropriate variables.
A whole host of minor semantic issues require the syntax generated code to be tweaked, e.g., division by zero occurs more often in untweaked generated code than human code. There are also statistical patterns within the semantics of human written code, e.g., frequency of use of local variables, that need to be addressed.
A few weeks ago the source of Csmith, a C source generator designed to stress the code generation phase of a compiler, was released. Over the years various people have written C compiler stress testers, most recently NPL implemented one in Java, but this is the first time that the source has been released. Imagine my disappointment on discovering that Csmith contained around 40 KLOC of code, only a bit smaller than a C compiler I had once help write. I decided to see if my ‘human characteristics’ generator could be used to create a compiler code generator stress tester.
The idea behind compiler code generator stress testing is to generate a program containing some complicated sequence of code, compile and run it, comparing the value produced against the value that is supposed to be produced.
I modified the human characteristics generator to produce pairs of statements like the following:
i = i_3 * i_6 & i_2 << i_7 ; chk_result(i, 3 * 6 & 2 << 7, __LINE__); |
the second argument to chk_result
is the value that i
should contain (while generating the expression to assign to i
the corresponding constant expression with the variables replaced by their known values is also created).
Having the compiler evaluate the constant expression simplifies the stress tester and provides another check that the compiler gets things right (or gets two different things wrong in the same way, in which case we probably don’t get to see any failure message). The first gcc bug I found concerned this constant expression (in fact this same compiler bug crops up with alarming regularity in the generated code).
As previously mentioned connecting variables in expressions to a corresponding definition is a lot of work. I simplified this problem by assuming that an integer variable i
would be predefined in the surrounding support code and that this would be the only variable ever assigned to in the generated code.
There is some simple house-keeping that wraps everything within a program and provides the appropriate variable definitions.
The grammar used to generate full C expressions is 228 lines, the awk translator 252 lines and the Python interpreter 55 lines; just over 1% of Csmith in LOC and it is very easy to configure. However, an awful lot functionality needs to be added before it starts to rival Csmith, not least of which is support for assignment to more than one integer variable!
Assessing my predictions for 2009
I have been rather remiss in revisiting the predictions I made for 2009 to see how they fared. Only two out of the six predictions were sufficiently precise to enable an assessment one year later; the other four talking more about trends. What of these two predictions?
The LLVM project will die. Ok, the project is still going and at the end of December the compiler could build itself but the build is not yet in a state to self host (i.e., llvm compiler creates an executable of itself from its own source and this executable can build an executable from source that is identical to itself {modulo date/time stamps etc}). Self hosting is a major event and on some of the projects I have worked on it has been a contractual payment milestone.
Is llvm competition for gcc? While there might not be much commercial competition as such (would Apple be providing funding to gcc if it were not involved in llvm?), I’m sure that developers working on both projects want their respective compiler to be the better one. According to some llvm benchmarks they compile code twice as fast as gcc. If this performance difference holds up across lots of source how might the gcc folk respond? Is gcc compiler time performance an issue that developers care about or is quality of generated code more important? For me the latter is more important and I have not been able to find a reliable, recent, performance comparison. I understand that almost all gcc funding is targeted at code generation related development, so if compile time is an issue gcc may be in a hole.
I still don’t see the logic behind Apple funding this project and continue to think that this funding will be withdrawn sometime, perhaps I was just a year off. I do wish the llvm developers well and look forward to them celebrating a self hosted compiler.
Static analysis will go mainstream. Ok, I was overly optimistic here. There do not seem to have been any casualties in 2009 among the commercial vendors selling static analysis tools and the growth of PHP has resulted in a number of companies selling tools that scan for source security vulnerabilities (.e.g, SQL injection attacks).
I was hoping that the availability of Treehydra would spark the development of static analysis plugins for gcc. Perhaps the neatness of the idea blinded me to what I already knew; many developers dislike the warnings generated by the -Wall
option and therefore might be expected to dislike any related kind of warning. One important usability issue is that Treehydra operates on the abstract syntax tree representation used internally by gcc, GIMPLE. Learning about this representation requires a big investment before a plugin developer becomes productive.
One tool that did experience a lot of growth in 2009 was Coccinelle, at least judged by the traffic on its mailing list. The Coccinelle developers continue to improve it and are responsive the questions. Don’t be put off by the low version number (currently 0.2), it is much better than most tools with larger version numbers.
Why does Intel sell compilers?
Intel is a commercial company and the obvious answer to the question of why it sells compilers is: to make money. Does a company that makes billions of dollars in profits really have any interest in making a few million, I’m guessing, from selling compilers? Of course not, Intel’s interest in compilers is as a means of helping them sell more hardware.
How can a compiler be used to increase computer hardware sales? One possibility is improved performance and another is customer perception of improved performance. My company’s first product was a code optimizer and I was always surprised by the number of customers who bought the product without ever performing any before/after timing benchmarks; I learned that engineers are seduced by the image of performance and only a few are ever forced to get involved in measuring it (having been backed into a corner because what they currently have is not good enough).
Intel are not the only company selling x86 chips, AMD and VIA have their own Intel compatible x86 chips. Intel compatible? Doesn’t that mean that programs compiled using the Intel compiler will execute just as quickly on the equivalent chip sold by competitors? Technically the answer is no, but the performance differences are likely to be small in most cases. However, I’m sure there are many developers who have been seduced by Intel’s marketing machine into believing that they need to purchase x86 chips from Intel to make sure they receive this ‘worthwhile’ benefit.
Where do manufacturer performance differences, for the same sequence of instructions, come from? They are caused by the often substantial internal architectural difference between the processors sold by different manufacturers, also Intel and its competitors are continually introducing new processor architectures and processors from the same company will have differences performance characteristics. It is possible for an optimizer to make use of information on different processor characteristics to tune the machine code generated for a particular high-level language construct, with the developer selecting the desired optimization target processor via compiler switches.
Optimizing code for one particular processor architecture is a specialist market. But let’s not forget all those customers who will be seduced by the image of performance and ignore details such as their programs being executed on a wide variety of architectures.
The quality of a compiler’s runtime library can have a significant impact on a program’s performance. The x86 instruction set has grown over time and large performance gains can be had by a library function that adapts to the instructions available on the processor it is currently executing on. The CPUID instruction provides all of the necessary information.
As well as providing information on the kind of processor and its architectural features the CPUID instruction can return information about the claimed manufacturer of the chip (some manufacturers provide a mechanism that allows users to change the character sequence returned by this instruction).
The behavior of some of the functions in Intel’s runtime library depends on the
character sequence returned by the CPUID instruction, producing better performance for the sequence “GenuineIntel”. The US Federal Trade Commission have filed a complaint alleging that this is anti-competitive (more details) and requested that this manufacturer dependency be removed.
I think that removing this manufacturer dependency will have little impact on sales. Any Intel compiler user who is not targeting Intel chips and who is has a real interest in performance can patch the runtime library, the Supercomputer crowd will want to talk to the kind of sophisticated processor/compiler engineers that Intel makes available and for everybody else it is about the perception of performance. In fact Intel ought to agree to a ‘manufacturer free’ runtime library pronto before too many developers have their delusions shattered.
CPUs also exhibit hardware faults
The cpu is the one element of a computing platform that people rarely treat as a source of error caused by physically malfunction, i.e., randomly flipping a bit in a register or instruction pipeline. I once worked on a compiler for the Mototola 88000 using a test platform that contained alpha silicon (i.e., not yet saleable components where some of the instructions were known not to work; the generated assembler code was piped through a sed script that mapped these instructions into an alternative instruction sequence that did work) and the cpus in a few of the hardware updates turned out to be temperature sensitive; some of the instructions changed their behavior when they got too hot. People who write compilers using alpha silicon learn to expect this sort of thing.
Quite a bit has been published on faults in other hardware components. Some of the best recent empirical hardware fault data and analysis I have seen is that published by Google engineers on hard disc and dram memory fault occurrences in their server farms. They might have a problem publishing such results for the cpus they use because these commodity items generally don’t have the ability to report any detailed fault data, they just die or one of the programs being executed crashes.
As device fabrication continues to shrink erroneous behavior caused by cosmic ray impact will become more and more common. Housing a computer farm at a high altitude might not be a good idea (at 7500 ft cosmic ray-induced neutrons that can lead to soft errors are 6.4 times more common than at sea level).
IBM’s Power4 chip (“Power4 System Design for High Reliability” by Bossen, Tendler and Reick) is one of the few that provides error checking of cache contents, while IBM’s System z9 is one of the very few that provide parity checking on the cpu registers (“Enhanced I/O subsystem recovery and availability on the IBM System z9” by Oakes et al).
One solution to the problem of unreliable cpu behavior is for the compiler to insert consistency checks into the generated code. Two such checking methods are:
- ‘Signature Analysis’ which performs consistency checks between signatures calculated at compile time and runtime. A signature is associated with every basic block with the current signature being derived from the execution history. This technique can detect spurious changes to the flow of control caused by a hardware glitch.
- ‘Error Detection by Duplicated Instructions’ generates code which duplicates the behavior of some instruction sequence and compares the result calculated by both sequences, i.e., a source language construct is executed twice and an error raised if the results are different. The parallel instruction sequences use different sets of registers on the same cpu and ideally the instructions are scheduled to exploit instruction level parallelism
At the moment cosmic-ray induced hardware faults are probably very small change compared to faults in the code. Will code quality increase to the point where cosmic-ray faults become an issue or will devices get so small that they have to be lead lined to prevent background radiation corrupting them? Let the race begin.
Assuming compilers are clever enough (part 1)
Developers often assume the compiler they use will do all sorts of fancy stuff for them. Is this because they are lazy and happy to push responsibility for parts of the code they write on to the compiler, or do they actually believe that their compiler does all the clever stuff they assume?
An example of unmet assumptions about compiler performance is the use of const
in C/C++, final
in Java or readonly
in other languages. These are often viewed as a checking mechanism, i.e., the developer wants the compiler to check that no attempt is made to, accidentally, change the value of some variable, perhaps via code added during maintenance.
The surprising thing about variables in source code is that approximately 50% of them don’t change once they have been assigned a value (A Theory of Type Qualifiers for C measurements and Automatic Inference of Stationary Fields for Java).
Developers don’t use const
qualifiers nearly as often as they could. Most modern compilers can deduce if a locally defined variable is only assigned a value once and make use of this fact during optimization. It takes a lot more resources to deduce this information for non-local variables; developers want their compiler to be fast and so implementors don’t won’t them waiting around while whole program analysis is performed.
Why don’t developers make more use of const
qualifiers? Is this usage, or lack of, an indicator that developers don’t have an accurate grasp of variable usage, or that they don’t see the benefit of using these qualifiers or perhaps they pass responsibility on to the compiler (program size seems to grow sufficiently fast that whole program optimization often consumes more memory than likely to be available; and when are motherboards going to break out of the 4G limit?)
Code generation via machine learning
Commercial compiler implementors have to produce compilers that are capable of being used on a typical developer computer. A whole bunch of optimization techniques were known for years but could not be used because few computers had the available memory capacity (in the days when 2M was a lot of memory your author once attended a talk that presented some impressive results and was frustrated to learn that the typical memory footprint was 160M, who would ever imagine developers having so much memory to work within?) These days the available of gigabytes of storage has means that likely computer storage capacity is rarely a reason not to use some optimization technique, although the whole program optimization people are still out in the cold.
What is new these days is the general availability of multiple processors. The obvious use of multiple processors is to have make distribute the compilation load. The more interesting use is having the compiler apply different sets of optimizations techniques on different processors, picking the one that produces the highest quality code.
Optimizing code generation algorithms don’t appear to leave anything to chance and individually they generally don’t. However, selecting an order in which to apply individual optimization algorithms is something of a black art. In some cases code transformations made by one algorithm can interfere with the performance of another algorithm. In some cases the possibility of the interference is known and applies in one direction, choosing the appropriate relative ordering of the two algorithms solves the problem. In other cases the way in which two algorithms interfere with each other depends on the code being translated, now the ordering of the two algorithms becomes problematic. The obvious solution is to try both orderings and pick the one that produces the best result.
Several research groups have investigated the use of machine learning in compiler optimization. is a new project that aims to bring together groups interested in self-tuning adaptive computing systems based on statistical and machine learning techniques.
Commercial pressure is always forcing compiler implementors to produce faster code and use of machine learning techniques can produce some impressive results. Now that multi-processor systems are common it will not be long before compilers writers start to make use of the extra resources now available to them.
The safety critical people have problems trying to show the correctness of compiler output that has been generated by ‘fixed’ algorithms. It is not hard to envisage that in 10 years time all large production quality compilers will be using machine learning.
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