Type compatibility the hard way

January 14, 2012 No comments

When writing in assembly language it is possible to operate on a sequence of bits as if it were an unsigned integer one moment and a floating-point number the next; it is the developer’s responsibility to ensure that a given sequence of bits is operated on in a consistent manner. The concept of type was initially introduced into computer languages to provide information to compilers, enabling them to generate the appropriate instructions for values having the specified type and where necessary to convert values from the representation used by one type to the representation used by a different type. At this early stage language designers tended to keep things simple and to think in terms of what made sense at the machine representation level when deciding which type conversions to permit (PL/1 was a notable exception and the convolutions that occurred to perform some type conversions are legendary).

It took around 10 years for high level languages to evolve to the point where developers had the ability to create their own named types; Pascal being an early, very well known and stand out example. Once developers could create their own types it became necessary to come up with general rules specifying when a compiler must treat two different types as compatible (i.e., be required to generate code to support some set of operations between variables having these two different types).

Most language designers chose the simple option; a type is compatible with another type if it has the same name (scoping/namespace/lookup rules effectively meant that “same name” was effectively the same as “same definition”). This simple option generally included various exceptions for the arithmetic types; developers did not like having to insert explicit casts for what they considered to be obvious conversions (languages such as Ada/CHILL provided a mechanism for developers to specify that a newly defined arithmetic type really was a completely new type that was not compatible with any other arithmetic type, an explicit cast could change this).

One of the few languages which took a non-simple approach to type compatibility was CHILL, a language for which I once spent over a year writing the semantics phase of a compiler. CHILL uses what is known as structural compatibility, i.e., essentially two types are compatible if they have the same layout in memory (the language definition actually uses the terms similar and equivalent rather than compatible and uses mode rather than type, here I will follow modern general terminology). This has obvious advantages when there is a need to overlay types used in different parts of a program onto the same location in storage (note, no requirements on the fields being the same). CHILL definitions look like a mixture of C and Pascal, unless you know PL/1 they can look odd to the uninitiated (I think I’ve got them right, my CHILL is very rusty), T_1 and T_2 are compatible:

T_1 = struct (               T_2 = struct (
      f1 :int;                     f3 :int;
      f2 :int;                     f4 :int;
      );                           );

Structural compatibility enables the creation some rather unusual compatible types, such as the following three types all being pair-wise compatible (the keyword ref is use to specify pointer types):

T_3 = struct (               T_4 = struct (             T_5 = struct (
      f1 :int;                     f4 :int;                   f7 :int;
      f2 :ref T_3;                 f5 :ref T_4;               f8 :ref T_5;
      f3 :ref T_4;                 f6 :ref T_3;               f9 :ref T_5;
      );                           );                         );

Because types can be recursive it is possible for the compatibility checking code in the compiler to end up having to type check the type it is currently checking. The solution adopted by many CHILL compilers (not that there were ever many) was to associate an is_currently_being_checked flag with every type’s symbol table entry, if during compatibility checking this flag has value TRUE for both types then they are both compatible otherwise the flag is set to TRUE for both types and checking continues (all flags are set to FALSE at the end of compatibility checking).

To check T_3 and T_4 In the above code set the is_currently_being_checked flag to TRUE and iterate over the fields in each record. The first field pair have the same type, the second field pair are pointers to types we are already checking and therefore compatible, as are the third field pair, so the types are compatible. Checking T_3 and T_5 requires a second iteration through T_5 because of the pointer to T_4 which does not yet have its is_currently_being_checked flag set.

Yours truely discovered that one flag was not sufficient to do fully correct compatibility checking. It is necessary to maintain a stack of locations (e.g., the structure field or procedure parameter where compatibility checking has to recurse to check a user defined type) in the two types being compared in order to detect that some types were not compatible. In the following example (involving pointer to procedure types; which is longer than I remember the actual instance I first discovered being, but I had to create it again from vague memories and my CHILL expertise has faded; suggestions welcome) types A and B would be considered compatible using the is_currently_being_checked flag approach because by the time the last parameter is checked both symbol table flags have been set. You can see by inspection that types X and Y are not compatible (they have a different number of parameters to start with). Looking at the stack of previous compatibility checks for A/B would show that no X/Y compatibility check had yet been made and one would be needed for the third parameter (which would fail):

A = proc(X, Y,            X);
B = proc(C, proc(A, int), Y);
C = proc(E);
D = proc(A);
E = proc(proc(X, proc(A, int), X));
X = proc(D);
Y = proc(A, int);

The potential for complexity created by the use of structural compatibility is one reason why its use is rare. While it is possible to rationalize that CHILL was targeted at embedded telecommunication systems containing lots of code where memory costs can be significant, I suspect that those involved had a hardware mentality and a poor grasp of practical software engineering issues.

Incidentally, the design of the llvm type checking system relies on using an equality test to check for type equality. While this decision will increase the difficulty of integrating languages that use structural type compatibility into llvm, these languages are probably sufficiently rare that it is much more cost effective to make it simple to implement the more common languages.

Where did type compatibility go next? Well, over the last 20 years the juggernaut of object oriented design has pretty much excluded sophisticated non-OO type systems from mainstream languages (e.g., C++ and Java), but that is a topic for another article.

Initial impressions of RangeLab

December 30, 2011 No comments

I was rummaging around in the source of R looking for trouble, as one does, when I came across what I believed to be a less than optimally accurate floating-point algorithm (function R_pos_di in src/main/arithemtic.c). Analyzing the accuracy of floating-point code is notoriously difficult and those having the required skills tend to concentrate their efforts on what are considered to be important questions. I recently discovered RangeLab, a tool that seemed to be offering painless floating-point code accuracy analysis; here was an opportunity to try it out.

Installation went as smoothly as newly released personal tools usually do (i.e., some minor manual editing of Makefiles and a couple of tweaks to the source to comment out function calls causing link errors {mpfr_random and mpfr_random2}).

RangeLab works by analyzing the flow of values through a program to produce the set of output values and the error bounds on those values. Input values can be specified as a range, e.g., f = [1.0, 10.0] says f can contain any value between 1.0 and 10.0.

My first RangeLab program mimicked the behavior of the existing code in R_pos_di:

f=[1.0, 10.0];
 res = 1.0;
 if n < 0,
    n = -n;
    f = 1 / f;
 while n ~= 0,
    if (n / 2)*2 ~= n,
       res = res * f;
    n =  n / 2;
    if n ~= 0,
       f = f*f;

and told me that the possible range of values of res was:

ans = 
       float64: [1.000000000000001E-10,1.000000000000000E0]
         error: [-2.109423746787798E-15,2.109423746787799E-15]

Changing the code to perform the divide last, rather than first, when the exponent is negative:

f=[1.0, 10.0];
 res = 1.0;
 is_neg = 0;
 if n < 0,
    n = -n;
    is_neg = 1
 while n ~= 0,
    if (n / 2)*2 ~= n,
       res = res * f
    n =  n / 2;
    if n ~= 0,
       f = f*f
 if is_neg == 1, res = 1 / res end

and the error in res is now:

ans = 
       float64: [1.000000000000000E-10,1.000000000000000E0]
         error: [-1.110223024625156E-16,1.110223024625157E-16]

Yea! My hunch was correct, moving the divide from first to last reduces the error in the result. I have reported this code as a bug in R and wait to see what the R team think.

Was the analysis really that painless? The Rangelab language is somewhat quirky for no obvious reason (e.g., why use ~= when everybody uses != these days and if conditionals must be followed by a character why not use the colon like Python does?) It would be real useful to be able to cut and paste C/C++/etc and only have to make minor changes.

I get the impression that all the effort went into getting the analysis correct and user interface stuff was a very distant second. This is the right approach to take on a research project. For some software to make the leap from interesting research idea to useful tool it is important to pay some attention to the user interface.

The current release does not deserve to be called 1.0 and unless you have an urgent need I would suggest waiting until the usability has been improved (e.g., error messages give some hint about what is wrong and a rough indication of which line the problem occurs on).

RangeLab has shown that there is simpler method of performing useful floating-point error analysis. With some usability improvements RangeLab would be an essential tool for any developer writing code involving floating-point types.

Update: The R team, in the form of Martin Maechler, resolved my report in just over 14 hours! The function R_pos_di is not called, the pow function from the C library (which takes two double arguments rather than a double and an int) has been found to be more accurate. Martin says this usage is not less accurate even for n=3, which I find surprising; I agree it should be more accurate for large values of n.

pow is one of the more complicated maths functions, involving finding a log, a multiply and then returning the exponent of this result. There are lots of boundary values that need to be checked and the code goes on for a while. I will wait for the usability of RangeLab to improve before attempting to compare its accuracy against the simpler algorithm for integer powers. Looking at the SunOracle library sources, if both arguments have integral values the ‘integer power’ algorithm is used (with the divide performed last).

Licensing to decide the result of gcc vs llvm?

December 17, 2011 No comments

I was not surprised to hear today that Nvidia are halting development of their in-house C/C++ compiler and switching to one of the Open Source compilers. It is a lot cheaper to have one or two people looking after a company’s interests in a compiler developed by somebody else than having an in-house development group. It will be interesting to see how much longer Intel continues to fund their in-house compiler.

Nvidia chose llvm and gave a variety of technical reasons why this was the best choice over gcc.

One advantage (from Nvidia’s point of view) not mentioned is that llvm is licensed under a BSD style agreement. This means Nvidia don’t have to release the source code of any modifications or additions they make (they said these will be kept closed source); gcc is licensed under the GNU General Public License which requires source to be released. Arch rivals AMD (well, the ATI bit of AMD that does graphics hardware) also promote llvm, and I’m sure Nvidia does not want to help them in any way.

The licensing difference between gcc and llvm has the potential to make a big difference to the finances of both development teams.

My understanding of gcc funding is that most of it comes from back-end work (i.e., a company pays to have gcc work or do a better job on some [I imagine their] processor). Given a choice, would these companies rather release the source they paid to have written/modified or keep it closed? Some probably don’t care and hope that by making the source available others will help find and fix problems (i.e., there is a benefit to making it available), on the other hand companies introducing processors with fancy new features will want to minimise any technology that competitors can get for free.

In the years to come, it is possible that gcc will loose a significant amount of this back-end income to llvm because of licensing.

PhD projects are the life-blood of new compiler optimization techniques and for many years source code from them has often ended up as the experimental version of a new optimization phase of gcc. Many students are firm believers in making source freely available and shy away from being involved in non-GPL projects. Will this deter them from using llvm in their research (there may be a growing trend favoring llvm over gcc in research, or the llvm people may be better than the gcc folk at marketing {not hard})?

If llvm does not get the new fancy optimizations for ‘free’ they are going to have to spend money doing the implementing themselves or have their performance slowly fall behind that of gcc. Will this cost be more or less than the additional income from closed source customers?

We are unlikely to know the impact that licensing has on the fortunes of both compilers until the end of this decade. Perhaps designing and building a new processor will not be economically worthwhile in 10 years, perhaps all the worthwhile optimizations will be done. We will have to wait and see.

Update 4 Jan 2012: Video (235M) of talk on status of effort to make llvm the default compiler in FreeBSD at LLVM 2011 Developer’s meeting.

Optimizing floating-point expressions for accuracy

December 15, 2011 3 comments

Floating-point arithmetic is one topic that most compiler writers tend to avoid as much as possible. The majority of programs don’t use floating-point (i.e., low customer demand), much of the analysis depends on the range of values being operated on (i.e., information not usually available to the compiler) and a lot of developers don’t understand numerical methods (i.e., keep the compiler out of the blame firing line by generating code that looks like what appears in the source).

There is a scientific and engineering community whose software contains lots of floating-point arithmetic, the so called number-crunchers. While this community is relatively small, many of the problems it works on attract lots of funding and some of this money filters down to compiler development. However, the fancy optimizations that appear in these Fortran compilers (until the second edition of the C standard in 1999 Fortran did a much better job of handling the minutia of floating-point arithmetic) are mostly about figuring out how to distribute the execution of loops over multiple functional units (i.e., concurrent execution).

The elephant in the floating-point evaluation room is result accuracy. Compiler writers know they have to be careful not to throw away accuracy (e.g., optimizing out what appear to be redundant operations in the Kahan summation algorithm), but until recently nobody had any idea how to go about improving the accuracy of what had been written. In retrospect one accuracy improvement algorithm is obvious, try lots of possible combinations of the ways in which an expression can be written and pick the most accurate.

There are lots of ways in which the operands in an expression can be paired together to be operated on; some of the ways of pairing the operands in a+b+c+d include (a+b)+(c+d), a+(b+(c+d)) and (d+a)+(b+c) (unless the source explicitly includes parenthesis compilers for C, C++, Fortran and many other languages (not Java which is strictly left to right) are permitted to choose the pairing and order of evaluation). For n operands (assuming the operators have the same precedence and are commutative) the number is combinations is C_n * n! where C_n is the n’th Catalan number. For 5 operands there are 1680 combinations of which 120 are unique and for 10 operands 1.76432*10^10 of which 4.66074*10^7 are unique.

A recent study by Langlois, Martel and Thévenoux analysed the accuracy achieved by all unique permutations of ten operands on four different data sets. People within the same umbrella project are now working on integrating this kind of analysis into a compiler. This work is another example of the growing trend in compiler research of using the processing power provided by multiple cores to use algorithms that were previously unrealistic.

Over the last six years or so there has been lot of very interesting floating-point work going on in France, with gcc and llvm making use of the MPFR library (multiple-precision floating-point) for quite a while. Something very new and interesting is RangeLab which, given the lower/upper bounds of each input variable to a program (a simple C-like language) computes the range of the outputs as well as ranges for the roundoff errors (the tool assumes IEEE floating-point arithmetic). I now know that over the range [800, 1000] the expression x*(x+1) is a lot more accurate than x*x+x.

Update: See comment from @Eric and my response below.

Christmas books for 2011

December 11, 2011 No comments

The following is my suggested list of books to consider buying somebody to celebrate Christmas or Isaac Newton’s birthday (in the Julian calendar which applied when he was born). To pad out the list I have added a few books from Christmas’s before I started this blog.

The Number sense by Stanislas Dehaene, the second edition is a significantly revised and expanded version of the 1997 first edition and is even better than the first. A very readable introduction to the brain structures involved in processing numbers along with lots of practical examples of how this processing effects our everyday handling of number related situations. If you regularly work with numbers you have to read this book.

Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud. Superficially about comics but really a master class on how to convey lots of information with the minimum of content. An indispensable read for anybody with an interest in writing source code or diagrams that can be understood by other people.

The Psychology of language by Trevor Harley (now in its third edition which I have not read, this recommendations applies to the second edition from 2001). This book is the perfect antidote to the Chomsky syntax/semantics nonsense that continues to permeate the software world. This book discusses linguistic behavior from the perspective of psychological processes elucidated from experimental evidence. Not such an easy read as my first two recommendations, but worth the investment.

R in a Nutshell by Joseph Adler. A handy quick reference to have sitting next to the keyboard. There is opportunity for improvement in this niche but in 2011 this is king of the hill.

Europe at War by Norman Davies. Broad brush view of World war II from a variety of perspectives. Lots of numbers and readable analysis. An eye-opener for anybody who thinks that Britain’s (and all other European allies) manpower contribution, in the overall scale of things, was significant.

Other suggestions welcome.

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Learning R as a language

November 30, 2011 2 comments

Books written to teach a general purpose programming language are usually organized according to the features of the language and examples often show how a particular language feature is interpreted by a compiler. Books about domain specific languages are usually organized in a way that makes sense in the corresponding application domain and examples usually illustrate how a particular domain problem can be solved using the language.

I have spent a lot of time using R over the last year and by dint of reading lots of R code and various introductions to the language I have managed to piece together a model of the language. I rarely have any trouble learning a general purpose language from its reference manual, but users of domain specific languages are rarely interested in language details and so these reference manuals are usually only intended to be read by people who know the language well (another learning problem is that domain specific languages often contain quirky features rarely seen in other languages; in the case of R I was not lucky enough to know enough other languages to cover all its quirky features).

I managed to one introduction to R written from the perspective of the programming language (and not the application domain): the original The Art of R Programming by Norman Matloff has been expanded and is now available as a book.

Summary. If you know another language and want to quickly learn about the languages features of R I recommend this book. I have not taught raw beginners for over 30 years and have no idea if this book would be of any use to them.

This book does not attempt to teach you to think ‘R’, it is not about the art of R programming. The value of this book is as a single source for a broad coverage of lots of language features explained using lots of examples. Yes, more time could have been spent on the organization and fixing inconsistencies in the layout; these are not show stoppers.

Some people might tell you to buy “Software for Data Analysis” by John Chambers. Don’t; if you are a fan of Finnegans Wake and are nostalgic for the mainframe world of the 1970s you might like to give it a go. (I think Bertrand Meyer’s “Object-oriented Software Construction” is still the best book about the design of a language).

Meanderings. What books are good examples of “The Art of …” writing for domain specific languages? Two that spring to mind are: “Algorithms in Snobol 4” by James Gimpel (still spotted from time to time on second hand book sites) and more recently “SQL For Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming” by Joe Celko.

Yes, I know that R is not really a domain specific language but a language that is primarily used in one domain. Frink is an example of a language containing a major behavior feature that is specific to its intended application domain. I cannot think of any major language feature of R that is specific to statistics.

Software memory management

November 23, 2011 No comments

I recently wrote about how computer memory capacity limits were a serious constraint for compiler writers. One technique used to increase the amount of memory available to a compiler (back in the days when pointers usually contained 16-bits) is software based paged memory management. Yes, compiler writers were generally willing to take the runtime performance hit to increase effectively accessible memory by around a factor of 10-25 (e.g., a 2 byte number used as an index into an array of 20 to 50 byte records).

The code to iterate over a data structure stored under the control of a software memory manager looks like the following (taken from a C to Pascal translator):

	Flds    : Sw_Ptr;  (* in practice an integer *)
        T_Node  : Sw_Node; (* in practice a pointer to a record *)
While Flds <> Sw_Nil Do  (* Sw_Nil is the memory managers Nil value *)
  Sw_Node_Ref(Cpswfile, Flds, T_Node, Mm_Readonly);
    If T_Node.Pn^.Node_Is<>N_Is_Field Then
      Verify_Error(Ve_Cputils, Ve_Scan_Fld);
  Flds := T_Node.Pn^.Field_Node.Next;

Where Sw_Node_Ref is a procedure in the memory management package that ensures the record denoted by Flds (whose value was obtained by a previous called to Sw_New_Node) is available in memory and returned in T_Node. Had Mm_ReadWrite rather than Mm_Readonly been specified the memory manager would assume that the record had been modified and when the page containing the record was swapped out of main memory it would write the contents of the page containing it to the swapfile (specified by the first argument, Cpswfile).

A call to Sw_Node_Ref only guarantees that the record is at the returned location until the next memory management procedure is called. This takes advantage of common usage which is: read a record, do something with its contents and then move on to the next one. The procedure Sw_Node_Ptr is available for when a record needs to be held in main memory across multiple Sw_ calls; this procedure locks a record in the limited capacity memory pool until explicitly freed (a Pascal style Mark/Release system was also available).

Multiple records were overlayed on a page (invariably 512 bytes) of storage. Some implementations used a fancy tool to create the overlay while others did it manually. The size of the pool in main memory used to hold swapped-in pages was specified when the memory manager was initialized; the maximum number of records that could be created by a call to Sw_New_Node was only limited by the maximum value of an integer and available disk space.

I learned about this implementation technique while on secondment at Intermetrics in the early 1980s, and they told me it came from the PQCC project of the mid 1970s. There is a paper in the Proceedings of the 1982 SIGPLAN symposium describing the system/library used by Intermetrics, which rambles on about nothing in particular and fails to say anything about software memory management (it is too useful an idea for a commercial company to tell anybody else); I don’t know of any other published description. Everybody I know who left Intermetrics to work on other compilers created their own implementation of a software memory management package.

Compiling to reduce the impact of soft errors on program output

November 7, 2011 No comments

Optimizing compilers have traditionally made code faster and smaller (sometimes a choice has to be made between faster/larger and slower/smaller). The huge growth in the use of battery power devices has created a new attribute for writers of optimizers to target, finding code sequences that minimise power consumption (I previously listed this as a major growth area in the next decade). Radiation (e.g., from cosmic rays) can cause a memory or processor bit to flip, known as a soft error, and I have recently been reading about how code can be optimized to reduce the probability that soft errors will alter the external behavior of a running program.

The soft error rate is usually quoted in FITs (Failure in Time), with 1 FIT corresponding to 1 error per 10^9 hours per megabit, or 10^-15 errors per bit-hour. A PC with 4 GB of DRAM (say 1000 FIT/Mb which increases with altitude and is 10 times greater in Denver, Colorado) has a MTBF (mean time between failure) of 1000 * 10^-15 * 4.096 * 10^9 * 8 = 3.2 10^-2 hours, around once every 33 hours. Calculating the FIT for processors is complicated.

Uncorrected soft errors place a limit on the maximum number of computing nodes that can be usefully used by one application. At around 50,000 nodes, a system will be spending half its time saving checkpoints and restarting from previous checkpoints after an error occurs.

Why not rely on error correcting memory? Super computers containing terabytes are built containing error correcting memory, but this does not make the problem go away, it ‘only’ reduces it by around two orders of magnitude. Builders of commodity processors don’t use much error correction circuitry because it would increase costs/power consumption/etc for an increased level of reliability that the commodity market is not interested in; vendors of high-end processors add significant amounts of error correction circuitry.

Most of the compiler research I am aware of involves soft errors occurring on the processor, and this topic is discussed below; there has been some work on assigning variables deemed to be critical to a subset of memory that is protected with error correcting hardware. Pointers to other compiler research involving memory soft errors welcome.

A commonly used technique for handling hardware faults is redundancy, usually redundant hardware (e.g., three processors performing the same calculating and a majority vote used to decide which of the outputs to accept). Software only approaches include the compiler generating two or more independent machine code sequences for each source code sequence whose computed values are compared at various check points and running multiple copies of a program in different threads and comparing outputs. The
Shoestring compiler (based on llvm) takes a lightweight approach to redundancy by not duplicating those code sequences that are less affected by register bit flips (e.g., the value obtained from a bitwise AND that extracts 8 bits from a 32-bit register is 75% less likely to deliver an incorrect result than an operation that depends on all 32 bits).

The reliability of single ‘thread’ generated code can be improved by optimizing register lifetimes for this purpose. A value is loaded into a register and sometime later it is used one or more times. A soft error corrupting register contents after the last use of the value it contains has no impact on program execution, the soft error has to occur between the load and last use of the value for it to possibly influence program output. One group of researchers modified a compiler (Trimaran) to order register usage such that the average interval between load and last usage was reduced by 10%, compared to the default behavior.

Developers don’t have to wait for compiler or hardware support, they can improve reliability by using algorithms that are robust in the presence of ‘faulty’ hardware. For instance, the traditional algorithms for two-process mutual exclusion are not fault-tolerant; a fault-tolerant mutual exclusion algorithm using 2f+1 variables, where a single fault may occur in up to f variables is available.

Abramowitz and Stegun mark II

November 2, 2011 No comments

Like me I imagine many readers have owned a copy of Handbook of Mathematical Functions (or to use its more well known name “Abramowitz and Stegun”, after its two editors). Some time ago I heard that an updated handbook was being created, time passed and last year the “NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions” was published, the companion web site has been slowing evolving over the years.

I did not hear anybody raving about the updated handbook and it was priced at more than twice that of the original (whose copyright was in the public domain and thus open to Dover to print a low cost edition {and others to make available online}, NIST are claiming copyright over the updated version which is published by Cambridge University press), so did not rush out to buy a copy.

I recently placed a large order with Amazon US and was tempted by a temporary price reduction to buy the NIST handbook (tip for Europeans: it is often possible to make big savings by ordering from amazon.com, which seems to ship from Germany and arrives a few days later than orders placed with amazon.co.uk),

Summary recommendation:

  • Should somebody who has the original handbook buy the update? Probably not.
  • If somebody had a choice of either, which should they pick? I would go for the original handbook.

The major difference between the handbooks are that the substantial number of precomputed tables of values of functions are not included in the update and there are 12 new chapters covering subjects not included (or not given much prominence) in the original. A not so important difference is the switch from black&white to color in the update, this works well in the online version (on the CD shipped with the book) but works poorly in print form; if a book is intended to be printed its color usage needs to be optimized for reflected light which has different characteristics than the transmitted light of a display..

The argument for removing the tables of values is that software packages can now be used to obtain these. In practice I rarely use the tables of values for this purpose; I use the tables to find the range of function input values that will generate a given rang of output values, or to see how output values change with changes in input values. For me omitting these tables in the update was a big mistake; ok the number of significant digits could have been reduced (to say five) to save some paper. The new chapters often contain various tables of numbers, but they are not extensive, but a conscious decisions seems to have been made to remove tables from existing chapters.

From a user interface point of view I don’t like the glossy paper used in the update, presumably caused by the switch to color which does not work well in the printed version; the angle of the page has to be constantly shifted to reduce glare from overhead lights and the handbook is noticeably heavier even though the page count is down by around 20% (886 vs 1030, excluding index which is substantially improved in the update).

The original has lots of tables, matte pages that don’t glare and is surprisingly light for such a big book. Time will tell whether I find the new chapters useful.

Predictive Modeling: 15th COW workshop

October 26, 2011 No comments

I was at a very interesting workshop on Predictive Modelling and Search Based Software Engineering on Monday/Tuesday this week, and I am going to say something about the talks that interested me. The talks were recorded, and the videos will appear on the website in a few weeks. The CREST Open Workshop (COW) runs roughly once a month and the group leader, Mark Harman, is always on the lookout for speakers, do let him know if you are in the area.

  • Tim Menzies talked about how models built from one data set did well on that dataset but often not nearly as well on another (i.e., local vs global applicability of models). Academics papers usually fail to point out that any results might not be applicable outside the limited domain examined, in fact they often give the impression of being generally applicable.

    Me: Industry likes global solutions because it makes life simpler and because local data is often not available. It is a serious problem if, for existing methods, data on one part of a companies’ software development activity is of limited use in predicting something about a different development activity in the same company and completely useless at predicting things at a different company.

  • Yuriy Brun talked about something that is so obviously a good idea, it is hard to believe that it had not been done years ago. The idea is to have your development environment be aware of what changes other software developers have made to their local copies of source files you also have checked out from version control. You are warned as soon your local copy conflicts with somebody else’s local copy, i.e., a conflict would occur if you both check in your local copy to the central repository. This warning has the potential to save lots of time by having developers talk to each about resolving the conflict before doing any more work that depends on the conflicting change.

    Crystal is a plug-in for Eclipse that implements this functionality, and Visual Studio support is expected in a couple of releases time.

    I have previously written about how multi-core processors will change software development tools, and I think this idea falls into that category.

  • Martin Shepperd presented a very worrying finding. An analysis of the results published in 18 papers dealing with fault prediction found that the best predictor (over 60%) of agreement between results in different papers was co-authorship. That is, when somebody co-authored a paper with another person, any other papers they published were more likely to agree with other results published by that person than with results published by somebody they had not co-authored a paper with. This suggests that each separate group of authors is doing something different that significantly affects their results; this might be differences in software packages being used, differences in configuration options or tuning parameters, so something else.

    It might be expected that agreement between results would depend on the techniques used, but Shepperd et al’s analysis found this kind of dependency to be very small.

    An effect is occurring that is not documented in the published papers; this is not how things are supposed to be. There was lots of interest in obtaining the raw data to replicate the analysis.

  • Camilo Fitzgerald talked about predicting various kinds of feature request ‘failures’ and presented initial results based on data mined from various open source projects; possible ‘failures’ included a new feature being added and later removed and significant delay (e.g., 1 year) in implementing a requested feature. I have previously written about empirical software engineering only being a few years old and this research is a great example of how whole new areas of research are being opened up by the availability of huge amounts of data on open source projects.

    One hint for PhD students: It is no good doing very interesting work if you don’t keep your web page up to date, so people can find out more about it

I talked to people who found other presentations very interesting. They might have failed to catch my eye because my interest or knowledge of the subject is low or I did not understand their presentation (a few gave no background or rationale and almost instantly lost me); sometimes the talks during coffee were much more informative.