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1970s: the founding decade of software reliability research

August 25, 2024 (4 weeks ago) Leave a comment Go to comments

Reliability research is a worthwhile investment for very large organizations that fund the development of many major mission-critical software systems, where reliability is essential. In the 1970s, the US Air Force’s Rome Air Development Center probably funded most of the evidence-based software research carried out in the previous century. In the 1980s, Rome fell, and the dark ages lasted for many decades (student subjects, formal methods, and mutation testing).

Organizations sponsor research into software reliability because they want to find ways of reducing the number of coding mistakes, and/or the impact of these mistakes, and/or reduce the cost of achieving a given level of reliability.

Control requires understanding, and understanding reliability first requires figuring out the factors that are the primarily drivers of program reliability.

How did researchers go about finding these primary factors? When researching a new field (e.g., software reliability in the 1970s), people can simply collect the data that is right in front of them that is easy to measure.

For industrial researchers, data was collected from completed projects, and for academic researchers, the data came from student exercises.

For a completed project, the available data are the reported errors and the source code. This data be able to answer questions such as: what kinds of error occur, how much effort is needed to fix them, and how common is each kind of error?

Various classification schemes have been devised, including: functional units of an application (e.g., computation, data management, user interface), and coding construct (e.g., control structures, arithmetic expressions, function calls). As a research topic, kinds-of-error has not attracted much attention; probably because error classification requires a lot of manual work (perhaps the availability of LLMs will revive it). It’s a plausible idea, but nobody knows how large an effect it might be.

Looking at the data, it is very obvious that the number of faults increases with program size, measured in lines of code. These are two quantities that are easily measured and researchers have published extensively on the relationship between faults (however these are counted) and LOC (counted by function/class/file/program and with/without comments/blank lines). The problem with LOC is that measuring it appears to be too easy, and researchers keep concocting more obfuscated ways of counting lines.

What do we now know about the relationship between reported faults and LOC? Err, … The idea that there is an optimal number of LOC per function for minimizing faults has been debunked.

People don’t appear to be any nearer understanding the factors behind software reliability than at the end of the 1970s. Yes, tool support has improved enormously, and there are effective techniques and tools for finding and tracking coding mistakes.

Mistakes in programs are put there by the people who create the programs, and they are experienced by the people who use the programs. The two factors rarely researched in software reliability are the people building the systems and the people using them.

Fifty years later, what software reliability books/reports from the 1970s have yet to be improved on?

The 1987 edition (ISBN 0-07-044093-X) of “Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application” by Musa, Iannino, and Okumoto is based on research done in the 1970s (the 1990 professional edition is not nearly as good). Full of technical details, but unfortunately based on small datasets.

The 1978 book Software Reliability by Thayer, Lipow and Nelson, remains a go-to source for industrial reliability research data.

A good example of the industrial research funded by the Air Force is the 1979 report Software Data Baseline Analysis by D. L. Fish and T. Matsumoto. This is worth looking at just to learn how few rows of data later researchers have been relying on.

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