Empirical SE groups doing interesting work, 2013 version
Various people have asked me about who is currently doing interesting work in empirical software engineering and the following is an attempt to help answer this question. Interestingness is very subjective, in my case it is based on whether I think the work can contribute something towards my book on empirical software engineering.
To keep this list manageable I am restricting myself to groups of researchers (a group is two or more people) and giving priority to those who make their data publicly available.
Some background for those with no experience of academic research. Over a period of 4-5 years a group can go from having published nothing on a research topic to publishing some very interesting stuff to not publishing anything on the topic. Reasons for this include funding appearing/disappearing, the arrival/departure of very productive people (departure may be to other jobs or moving from research into management), or the researcher loosing interest and moving onto other things. A year from now any of the following groups may be disbanded or moved on to other research areas.
The conferences to check out are: Mining Software Repositories, Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, perhaps 1 in 2.5 of CREST Open Workshop and International Conference on Software Maintenance.
General sources of raw data include: promisedata and FLOSSmole is a firehose of bytes.
Who is the biggest group of researchers? In my mind it is the Canadians (to be exact the groups at Queen’s and Waterloo and the Ptidel project), now the empirical group at Microsoft would probably point out that they are not separated by several hundred miles and all work for the same company; this may be true but looking from Europe the Canadians look real close to each other on a map and all share a domain name ending in ca. In practice members of all three groups write papers together and spend time visiting/interning with each other. Given how rapidly things change I am not going to bother calculating an accurate number 1 for today.
Around the world (where there is no group page to link to I have used an individual’s page):
UK (theory in groups, practice by individuals; Brunel would warrant a link if they put some effort into maintaining a web presence and made their data available for download; come on guys)
USA (Devanbu, Grechanik, Kemerer, Menzies, SEMERU + TODO; Binkley for identifier semantics)
Some researchers leave a group to set up their own group and I know that some people in the above lists have done this. I wish them luck. If their group starts publishing interesting stuff they will be on any future version of this list.
Sitting here typing away I have probably missed out some obvious candidates. Pointers to obvious omissions welcome (remember this is about groups not individuals).
Survey of instruction selection
A well written survey of compiler instruction selection has just become available, the first major survey of this topic in 30 years! The academic outlook of the author is given away by the evaluation “…the technique appears to have had very limited impact as the citation count for the paper is low.” and coverage for the last 10 years does tend to thin out (but that could fill another 100 pages). Whatever your interest in compilers this survey is well worth a read.
Anybody reading a compiler book could be forgiven for thinking that instruction set selection was a minor issue; Gabriel Hjort Blindell counted 160 pages devoted to the topic out of 4,600 pages in seven well known compiler books. In a production compiler it is the parsing and semantics that consume 3% of the code with optimization and code generation making up the other 97%.
A 100 page survey of register allocation is also overdue (20 pages is a bit short).
Instruction set selection is one quarter of code generation, another quarter being register allocation and the remaining half being how these two are woven together (Hjort Blindell lists instruction scheduling as a third component and we could all argue for hours about whether this is another optimization, something that is spread over instruction selection/register allocation or a distinct component).
For a given choice of registers there are algorithms that will select the optimal code and for a given sequence of code there are algorithms that will select the optimal registers to use. Papers covering the optimal selection of both registers and instructions are thin on the ground; this is something of a black art that is picked up by building a production compiler.
Apps in Space Hackathon
I went along to the Satellite Applications hackathon last weekend. As a teenager I was very much into space flight and with this event being only 30 miles away how could I not attend. Around 25 or so hackers turned up, supported by seven or so knowledgeable and motivated people from the organizers/sponsors. Excellent food+drink, including sending out for Indian/Chinese for dinner. The one important item in short supply was example data to experiment with; the organizers are aware of this and plan to have a lot more data available at the next event.
The rationale for the event is to encourage the creation of business activities in the UK around the increasing amount of data beamed to Earth from satellites. At the moment a satellite image costs something like £100 if its in the back catalog and £10,000 if you want them to take one just for you; the price of images in the back catalog is about to plummet (new satellites coming on stream) and a company is being set up to act as a one stop shop+good user interface for pics (at the moment customers have to talk to a variety of suppliers to find see what’s available). I was excited to hear that I could have my own satellite launched for £100,000, the catch being that they are a bit more expensive to build.
Making use of satellite data requires other data plus support software. Many of the projects people decided to work on needed access to mapping data, e.g., which road is closest to this latitude/longitude. Open Streetmap is the obvious source of mapping data, the UK’s Ordinance Survey have also made some data freely available for public/commercial use. The current problem with this data is the lack of support libraries designed to handle satellite related queries (e.g., return nearest road, town, etc), the existing APIs are good for creating mapping images and dealing with routing.
Support for very large images is one area where existing tools are going to need an upgrade; by very large I mean single image files measured in gigabytes. I did not manage to view any gigabyte image files on my laptop (with 4G of ram), even after going for a coffee and sitting talking to somebody waiting for it to cool before drinking it, still a black rectangle. If the price of satellite images plummets and are easy to buy online, then I can imagine them becoming a discretionary item that people buy for a bit of fun and will then want to view using the devices they already own; telling them that this is not sensible is the wrong answer, the customer is always right and it has to be made to work.
One area where there is good software tool support is working out where satellites will appear in the sky; this is really an astronomical application and there are lots of astronomical tools out there. The Python crowd will be happy to know that scientific-grade astronomy routines are available in Pyephem.
For the most part the hacks created are bullet points of ideas and things to do. The team working on calculating the satellite beam likely to have the strongest signal at a given point on the Earth’s surface made a lot more progress than anybody else. This is because they had an existing Python library to use and ‘only’ needed to apply the trigonometry that we all learn in school.
Some suggestions for the organizers:
- put lightening talks on existing technologies and some of their uses on the agenda (the brief presentation given on SAR was eye opening),
- make some good example data public, i.e., downloadable for all to use. This is the only way to get lots of library support written,
- create cut-down datasets that are usable on laptops. At a Hackathon people can only productively use what they know well and requiring them to use something unfamiliar, such as a virtual machine, is a major road block,
- allow external users to take part, why limit your potential customer base to what can be fitted into a medium size room?
Hiring experts is cheaper in the long run
The SAMATE (Software Assurance Metrics And Tool Evaluation) group at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology recently started hosting a new version of test suites for checking how good a job C/C++/Java static analysis tools do at detecting vulnerabilities in source code. The suites were contributed by the NSA‘s Center for Assured Software.
Other test suites hosted by SAMATE contain a handful of tests and have obviously been hand written, one for each kind of vulnerability. These kind of tests are useful for finding out whether a tool detects a given problem or not. In practice problems occur within a source code context (e.g., control flow path) and a tool’s ability to detect problems in a wide range of contexts is a crucial quality factor. The NSA’s report on the methodology used looked good and with the C/C++ suite containing 61,387 tests it was obviously worth investigating.
Summary: Not a developer friendly test suite that some tools will probably fail to process because it exceeds one of their internal limits. Contains lots of minor language infringements that could generate many unintended (and correct) warnings.
Recommendation: There are people in the US who know how to write C/C++ test suites, go hire some of them (since this is US government money there are probably rules that say it has to go to US companies).
I’m guessing that this test suite was written by people with a high security clearance and a better than average knowledge of C/C++. For this kind of work details matter and people with detailed knowledge are required.
Another recommendation: Pay compiler vendors to add checks to their compilers. The GCC people get virtually no funding to do front end work (nearly all funding comes from vendors wanting backend support). How much easier it would be for developers to check their code if they just had to toggle a compiler flag; installing another tool introduces huge compatibility and work flow issues.
I had this conversation with a guy from GCHQ last week (the UK equivalent of the NSA) who are in the process of spending £5 million over the next 3 years on funding research projects. I suspect a lot of this is because they want to attract bright young things to work for them (student sponsorship appears to be connected with the need to pass a vetting process), plus universities are always pointing out how more research can help (they are hardly likely to point out that research on many of the techniques used in practice was done donkey’s years ago).
Some details
Having over 379,000 lines in the main
function is not a good idea. The functions used to test each vulnerability should be grouped into a hierarchy; main
calling functions that implement say the top 20 categories of vulnerability, each of these functions containing calls to the next level down and so on. This approach makes it easy for the developer to switch in/out subsets of the tests and also makes it more likely that the tool will not hit some internal limit on function size.
The following log string is good in theory but has a couple of practical problems:
printLine("Calling CWE114_Process_Control__w32_char_connect_socket_03_good();"); CWE114_Process_Control__w32_char_connect_socket_03_good(); |
C89 (the stated version of the C Standard being targeted) only requires identifiers to be significant to 32 characters, so differences in the 63rd character might be a problem. From the readability point of view it is a pain to have to check for values embedded that far into a string.
Again the overheads associated with storing so many strings of that length might cause problems for some tools, even good ones that might be doing string content scanning and checking.
The following is a recurring pattern of usage and has undefined behavior that is independent of the vulnerability being checked for. The lifetime of the variable shortBuffer
terminates at the curly brace, }
, and who knows what might happen if its address is accessed thereafter.
data = NULL; { /* FLAW: Point data to a short */ short shortBuffer = 8; data = &shortBuffer; } CWE843_Type_Confusion__short_68_badData = data; |
A high quality tool would report the above problem, which occurs in several tests classified as GOOD, and so appear to be failing (i.e., generating a warning when none should be generated).
The tests contain a wide variety of minor nits like this that the higher quality tools are likely to flag.
Data cleaning: The next step in empirical software engineering
Over the last 10 years software engineering researchers have gone from a state of data famine to being deluged with data. Until recently these researchers have been acting like children at a birthday party, rushing around unwrapping all the presents to see what is inside and quickly moving onto the next one. A good example of this are those papers purporting to have found a power law relationship between two constructs by simply plotting the data using log axis and drawing a straight line through the data; hey look, a power law, isn’t that interesting? Hopefully, these days, reviewers are starting to wise up and insist that any claims of a power law be checked.
Data cleaning is a very important topic that unfortunately appears to be missing from many researchers’ approach to data analysis. The quality of a model built from data is only as good as the quality of the data used to build it. Anybody who is interested in building models that connect to the real world of software engineering, rather than just getting another paper published, has to consider the messiness that gets added to data by the software developers who are intimately involved in the processes that generated the artifacts (e.g., source code, bug reports).
I have jut been reading a paper containing some unsettling numbers (It’s not a Bug, it’s a Feature: On the Data Quality of Bug Databases). A manual classification of over 7,000 issues reported against various large Java applications found that 42.6% of the issues were misclassified (e.g., a fault report was actually a request for enhancement), resulting in a change of status of 39% of the files once thought to contain a fault to not actually containing a fault (any fault prediction models built assuming the data in the fault database was correct now belong in the waste bin).
What really caught my eye about this research was the 725 hours (90 working days) invested by the researchers doing the manual classification (one person + independent checking by another). Anybody can extracts counts of this that and the other from the many repositories now freely available, generate fancy looking plots from them and add in some technobabble to create a paper. Real researchers invest lots of their time figuring out what is really going on.
These numbers are a wakeup call for all software engineering researchers. The data you are using needs to be thoroughly checked and be prepared to invest a lot of time doing it.
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