Benchmarking fuzzers
Fuzzing has become a popular area of research in the reliability & testing community, with a stream of papers claiming to have created a better tool/algorithm. The claims of ‘betterness’, made by the authors, often derive from the number of previously unreported faults discovered in some collection of widely used programs.
Developers in industry will be interested in using fuzzing if it provides a cost-effective means of discovering coding mistakes that are likely to result in customers experiencing a serious fault. This requirement roughly translates to: minimal cost for finding maximal distinct mistakes (finding the same mistake more than once is wasted effort); whether a particular coding mistake is likely to produce a serious customer fault is a decision decided by people.
How do different fuzzing tools compare, when benchmarking the number of distinct mistakes they each find, for a given amount of cpu time?
TL;DR: I don’t know, and this approach is probably not a useful way of comparing fuzzers.
Fuzzing researchers are currently competing on the number of previously unreported faults discovered, i.e., not listed in the fuzzed program’s database of fault reports. Most research papers only report the number of distinct faults discovered in each program fuzzed, the amount of wall clock hours/days used (sometimes weeks), and the characteristics of the computer/cluster on which the campaign was run. This may be enough information to estimate an upper bound on faults per unit of cpu time; more detailed data is rarely available (I have emailed the authors of around a dozen papers asking for more detailed data).
A benchmark based on comparing faults discovered per unit of cpu time only makes sense when the new fault discovery rate is roughly constant. Experience shows that discovery time can vary by orders of magnitude.
Code coverage is a fuzzer performance metric that is starting to be widely used by researchers. Measures of coverage include: statements/basic blocks, conditions, or some object code metric. Coverage has the advantage of providing defined fuzzer objectives (e.g., generate input that causes uncovered code to be executed), and is independent of the number of coding mistakes present in the code.
How is a fuzzer likely to be used in industry?
The fuzzing process may be incremental, discovering a few coding mistakes, fixing them, rinse and repeat; or, perhaps fuzzing is run in a batch over, say, a weekend when the test machine is available.
The current research approach is batch based, not fixing any of the faults discovered (earlier researchers fixed faults).
Not fixing discovered faults means that underlying coding mistakes may be repeatedly encountered, which wastes cpu time because many fuzzers terminate the run when the program they are testing crashes (a program crash is a commonly encountered fuzzing fault experience). The plot below shows the number of occurrences of the same underlying coding mistake, when running eight fuzzers on the program JasPer; 77 distinct coding mistakes were discovered, with three fuzzers run over 3,000 times, four run over 1,500 times, and one run 62 times (see Green Fuzzing: A Saturation-based Stopping Criterion using Vulnerability Prediction by Lipp, Elsner, Kacianka, Pretschner, Böhme, and Banescu; code+data):
I have not seen any paper where the researchers attempt to reduce the number of times the same root cause coding mistake is discovered. Researchers are focused on discovering unreported faults; and with around 98% of fault discoveries being duplicates, appear to have resources to squander.
If developers primarily use a find/fix iterative process, then duplicate discoveries will be an annoying drag on cpu time. However, duplicate discoveries are going to make it difficult to effectively benchmark fuzzers.
Payback time-frame for research in software engineering
What are the major questions in software engineering that researchers should be trying to answer?
A high level question whose answer is likely to involve life, the universe, and everything is: What is the most cost-effective way to build software systems?
Viewing software engineering research as an attempt to find the answer to a big question mirrors physicists quest for a Grand Unified Theory of how the Universe works.
Physicists have the luxury of studying the Universe at their own convenience, the Universe does not need their input to do a better job.
Software engineering is not like physics. Once a software system has been built, the resources have been invested, and there is no reason to recreate it using a more cost-effective approach (the zero cost of software duplication means that manufacturing cost is the cost of the first version).
Designing and researching new ways of building software systems may be great fun, but the time and money needed to run the realistic experiments needed to evaluate their effectiveness is such that they are unlikely to be run. Searching for more cost-effective software development techniques by paying to run the realistic experiments needed to evaluate them, and waiting for the results to become available, is going to be expensive and time-consuming. A theory is proposed, experiments are run, results are analysed; rinse and repeat until a good-enough cost-effective technique is found. One iteration will take many years, and this iterative process is likely to take many decades.
Very many software systems are being built and maintained, and each of these is an experiment. Data from these ‘experiments’ provides a cost-effective approach to improving existing software engineering practices by studying the existing practices to figure out how they work (or don’t work).
Given the volume of ongoing software development, most of the payback from any research investment is likely to occur in the near future, not decades from now; the evidence shows that source code has a short and lonely existence. Investing for a payback that might occur 30-years from now makes no sense; researchers I talk to often use this time-frame when I ask them about the benefits of their research, i.e., just before they are about to retire. Investing in software engineering research only makes economic sense when it is focused on questions that are expected to start providing payback in, say, 3-5 years.
Who is going to base their research on existing industry practices?
Researching existing practices often involves dealing with people issues, and many researchers in computing departments are not that interested in the people side of software engineering, or rather they are more interested in the computer side.
Algorithm oriented is how I would describe researchers who claim to be studying software engineering. I am frequently told about the potential for huge benefits from the discovery of more efficient algorithms. For many applications, algorithms are now commodities, i.e., they are good enough. Those with a career commitment to studying algorithms have a blinkered view of the likely benefits of their work (most of those I have seen are doing studying incremental improvements, and are very unlikely to make a major break through).
The number of researchers studying what professional developers do, with an aim to improving it, is very small (I am excluding the growing number of fake researchers doing surveys). While I hope there will be a significant growth in numbers, I’m not holding my breadth (at least in the short term; as for the long term, Planck’s experience with quantum mechanics was: “Science advances one funeral at a time”).
The aims of software engineering research
Physics researchers aim to explain the workings of the universe (technically they build models whose behavior mimics that of the universe we can measure), biologists the workings of biological systems, and psychologists the working of the human mind.
What are researchers in software engineering aiming to do?
Talking to academics, the answer is that they aim to do research that can be published in a high impact journal.
What do those involved in commercial software development think software engineering researchers should be aiming to achieve?
Most of the commercial developers I have asked have never thought about the subject; hardly surprising, they have plenty of other issues to think about.
Those who pay for software, rather than create it, want it to be cheaper and delivered faster.
Vendors are under some pressure to reduce costs and deliver sooner. But since its inception, software has been a sellers market, which means the customer pressure does not have the impact it has in other industries.
The very large organizations who pay lots of money for software for their own use (e.g., the U.S. Department of Defence) recognise that research into software production may well save them lots of money, and at one time interesting things were being discovered, but then funding got rerouted to people with an aversion to actual software engineering, i.e., academics.
Cheaper and faster will always be of interest, and will start to become a hot topic in software engineering research once software starts to becoming a buyers market.
Maintaining existing systems continues its growth to dominating what nearly every software developer does. Dependencies on the rest of the software world (e.g., libraries and compilers) is starting to consume a large percentage of maintenance costs. Managers want to know which packages are likely to have a long and stable lifetime, and which are likely to be short-lived. An understanding of the evolution of software ecosystems is a pressing need. This is really cheaper and faster over the long term.
Cheaper and faster (short term for development, long term for maintenance) covers everything.
It’s tempting to list personnel selection, i.e., who is likely to make the best software developer. But why should the process of selecting software developers be any different from the processes used to select people to become doctors, lawyers and other professions? I’m sure that those involved in the various professions would like a magic wand that points to the appropriate people (for some definition of appropriate), this magic wand is no more likely to exist for software developers than any other profession.
What do you think the aims of software engineering research should be?
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