Census of general purpose computers installed in the 1960s
In the 1960s a small number of computer manufacturers sold a relatively small number of general purpose computers (IBM dominated the market). Between 1962 and 1974 the magazine Computers and Automation published a monthly census listing the total number of installed, and unfilled orders for, general purpose computers. A pdf of all the scanned census data is available on Bitsavers.
Over the last 10-years, I have made sporadic attempts to convert the data in this pdf to csv form. The available tools do a passable job of generating text, but the layout of the converted text is often very different from the visible layout presented by a pdf viewer. This difference is caused by the pdf2text
tools outputting characters in the order in which they occur within the pdf. For example, if a pdf viewer shows the following text, with numbers showing the relative order of characters within the pdf file:
1 2 6 3 7 4 5 8 |
the output from pdf2text
might be one of the four possibilities:
1 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 5 4 3 3 6 5 4 5 4 7 6 6 5 8 7 7 6 8 8 7 8 |
One cause of the difference is the algorithm pdf2text
uses to decide whether characters occur on the same line, i.e., do they have the same vertical position on the same page, measured in points ( inch, or ≈ 0.353 mm)?
When a pdf is created by an application, characters on the same visual line usually have the same vertical position, and the extracted output follows a regular pattern. It’s just a matter of moving characters to the appropriate columns (editor macros to the rescue). Missing table entries complicate the process.
The computer census data comes from scanned magazines, and the vertical positions of characters on the same visual line are every so slightly different. This vertical variation effectively causes pdf2text
to output the discrete character sequences on a variety of different lines.
A more sophisticated line assignment algorithm is needed. For instance, given the x/y position of each discrete character sequence, a fuzzy matching algorithm could assign the most likely row and column to each sequence.
The mupdf
tool has an option to generate html, and this html contains the page/row/column values for each discrete character sequence, and it is possible to use this information to form reasonably laid out text. Unfortunately, the text on the scanned pages is not crisply sharp and mupdf
produces o instead of 0, and l not 1, on a regular basis; too often for me to be interested in manually correctly the output.
Tesseract is the ocr tool of choice for many, and it supports the output of bounding box information. Unfortunately, running this software regularly causes my Linux based desktop to reboot.
I recently learned about Amazon’s Textract service, and tried it out. The results were impressive. Textract doesn’t just map characters to their position on the visible page, it is capable of joining multiple rows within a column and will insert empty strings if a column/row does not contain any characters. For instance, in the following image of the top of a page:
the column names are converted to "NAME OF MANUFACTURER","NAME OF COMPUTER"
, etc., and the empty first column/row are mapped to ""
The conversion is not quiet 100% accurate, but then the input is not 100% accurate; a few black smudges are treated as a single-quote or decimal point, and comma is sometimes treated as a fullstop. There were around 20 such mistakes in 11,000+ rows of numbers/names. There were six instances where two lines were merged into a single row, when the lines should have each been a separate row.
Having an essentially accurate conversion to csv available, does not remove the need for data cleaning. The image above contains two examples of entries that need to be corrected: the first column specifies that it is a continuation of a column on the previous page (over 12 different abbreviated forms of continued are used) Honeywell (cont'd) -> Honeywell
, and other pages use a slightly different name for a particular computer DATA-matic 1000 -> Datamatic 1000
. There are 350+ cleaning edits in my awk script that catch most issues (code+data).
How useful is this data?
Early computer census data in csv form is very rare, and now lots of it is available. My immediate use is completing a long-standing dataset conversion.
Obtaining the level of detail in this census, on a monthly basis, requires some degree of cooperation from the manufacturer. June 1967 appears to be the last time that IBM supplied detailed information, and later IBM census entries are listed as round estimates (and only for a few models).
The plot below shows the growth in the number of IBM 360 installations, for various models (unfilled orders date back to May 1964; code+data):
My book’s pdf generation workflow
The process used to generate the pdf of my evidence-based software engineering book has been on my list of things to blog about, for ever. An email arrived this afternoon, asking how I produced various effects using Asciidoc; this post probably contains rather more than N. Psaris wanted to know.
It’s very easy to get sucked into fiddling around with page layout and different effects. So, unless I am about to make a release of a draft, I only generate a pdf once, at the end of each month.
At the end of the month the text is spell checked using aspell, and then grammar checked using Language tool. I have an awk script that checks the text for mistakes I have made in the past; this rarely matches, i.e., I seem to be forever making different mistakes.
The sequencing of tools is: R (Sweave) -> Asciidoc -> docbook -> LaTeX -> pdf
; assorted scripts fiddle with the text between outputs and inputs. The scripts and files mention below are available for download.
R generates pdf files (via calls to the Sweave
function, I have never gotten around to investigating Knitr; the pdfs are cropped using scripts/
) and the ascii
package is used to produce a few tables with Asciidoc markup.
Asciidoc is the markup language used for writing the text. A few years after I started writing the book, Stuart Rackham, the creator of Asciidoc, decided to move on from working and supporting it. Unfortunately nobody stepped forward to take over the project; not a problem, Asciidoc just works (somebody did step forward to reimplement the functionality in Ruby; Asciidoctor has an active community, but there is no incentive for me to change). In my case, the output from Asciidoc is xml (it supports a variety of formats).
Docbook appears in the sequence because Asciidoc uses it to produce LaTeX. Docbook takes xml as input, and generates LaTeX as output. Back in the day, Docbook was hailed as the solution to all our publishing needs, and wonderful tools were going to be created to enable people to produce great looking documents.
LaTeX is the obvious tool for anybody wanting to produce lovely looking books and articles; tex/ESEUR.tex
is the top-level LaTeX, which includes the generated text. Yes, LaTeX is a markup language, and I could have written the text using it. As a language I find LaTeX too low level. My requirements are not complicated, and I find it easier to write using a markup language like Asciidoc.
The input to Asciidoc and LuaTeX (used to generate pdf from LaTeX) is preprocessed by scripts (written using sed and awk; see scripts/mkpdf
). These scripts implement functionality that Asciidoc does not support (or at least I could see how to do it without modifying the Python source). Scripts are a simple way of providing the extra functionality, that does not require me to remember details about the internals of Asciidoc. If Asciidoc was being actively maintained, I would probably have worked to get some of the functionality integrated into a future release.
There are a few techniques for keeping text processing scripts simple. For instance, the cost of a pass over text is tiny, there is little to be gained by trying to do everything in one pass; handling the possibility that markup spans multiple lines can be complicated, a simple solution is to join consecutive lines together if there is a possibility that markup spans these lines (i.e., the actual matching and conversion no longer has to worry about line breaks).
Many simple features are implemented by a script modifying Asciidoc text to include some ‘magic’ sequence of characters, which is subsequently matched and converted in the generated LaTeX, e.g., special characters, and hyperlinks in the pdf.
A more complicated example handles my desire to specify that a figure appear in the margin; the LaTeX sidenotes
package supports figures in margins, but Asciidoc has no way of specifying this behavior. The solution was to add the word “Margin”, to the appropriate figure caption
option (in the original Asciidoc text, e.g., [caption="Margin ", label=CSD-95-887]
), and have a script modify the LaTeX generated by docbook so that figures containing “Margin” in the caption invoked the appropriate macro from the sidenotes
There are still formatting issues waiting to be solved. For instance, some tables are narrow enough to fit in the margin, but I have not found a way of embedding this information in the table information that survives through to the generated LaTeX.
My long time pet hate is the formatting used by R’s plot
function for exponentiated values as axis labels. My target audience are likely to be casual users of R, so I am sticking with basic plotting (i.e., no calls to ggplot
). I do wish the core R team would integrate the code from the magicaxis
package, to bring the printing of axis values into the era of laser printers and bit-mapped displays.
Ideas and suggestions welcome.
Converting graphs in pdf files to csv format
Looking at a graph displayed as part of a pdf document is so tantalizing; I want that data as a csv!
One way to get the data is to email the author(s) and ask for it. I do this regularly and sometimes get the apologetic reply that the data is confidential. But I can see the data! Yes, but we only got permission to distribute the paper. I understand their position and would give the same reply myself; when given access to a company’s confidential data, explicit permission is often given about what can and cannot be made public with lists of numbers being on the cannot list.
The Portable Document Format was designed to be device independent, which means it contains a description of what to display rather than a bit-map of pixels (ok, it can contain a bit-map of pixels (e.g., a photograph) but this rather defeats the purpose of using pdf). It ought to be possible to automatically extract the data points from a graph and doing this has been on my list of things to do for a while.
I was mooching around the internals of a pdf last night when I spotted the line: /Producer (R 2.8.1)
; the authors had used R to generate the graphs and I could look at the R source code to figure out what was going on :-). I suspected that each line of the form: /F1 1 Tf 1 Tr 6.21 0 0 6.21 135.35 423.79 Tm (l) Tj 0 Tr
was a description of a circle on the page and the function PDF_Circle
in the file src/library/grDevices/src/devPS.c
told me what the numbers meant; I was in business!
I also managed to match up other lines in the pdf file to the output produced by the functions PDF_Line
and PDFSimpleText
; it looked like the circles were followed by the axis tick marks and the label on each tick mark. Could things get any easier?
In suck-it-and-see projects like this it is best to use very familiar tools, this allows cognition to be focused on the task at hand. For me this meant using awk to match lines in pdf files and print out the required information.
Running the pdf through an awk script produced what looked like sensible x/y coordinates for circles on the page, the stop/start end-points of lines and text labels with their x/y coordinates. Now I needed to map the page x/y coordinates to within graph coordinate points.
After the circle coordinates in the output from the script were a series of descriptions of very short lines which looked like axis tick marks to me, especially since they were followed by coordinates of numbers that matched what appeared in the pdf graphs. This information is all that is needed to map from page coordinates to within graph coordinates. The graph I was interested in (figure 6) used logarithmic axis, so things were made a bit complicated by the need to perform a log transform.
Running the output (after some cut and pasting to removed stuff associated with other graphs in the pdf) from the first script through another awk script produced a csv file that could be fed into R’s plot
to produce a graph that looked just like the original!
I would say it is possible to extract the data points from any graph, generated using R producing pdf or ps, contained within a pdf file.
The current scripts are very specific to the figure I was interested in, this is more to do with my rough and ready approach to solving the problem which makes assumptions about that is in the data; a more sophisticated version could handle common variations on the theme and with a bit of elbow grease point-and-click might be made to work.
It is probably also possible to extract data points in graphs produced by other tools, ‘all’ that is needed is information on the encoding used.
Extracting data from graphs generated to an image format such as png or jpg are going to need image processing software such as that used to extract data from images of tables.
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