Obtaining source code for training LLMs
Training a large language model to be a coding assistant requires huge amounts of source code.
Github is a very well known publicly available repository of code, and various sites have created substantial collections of GitHub repos, e.g., GitTorrent, and Google’s BigQuery. Since 2017 the Software Heritage has been amassing the world’s source code, and now looks like it will become the default site for those seeking LLM source code training data. The benefits of using the Software_Heritage, include:
- deduplication at the file level for free. Files are organized using a cryptographic hash of their contents (i.e., a Merkle tree), which is user visible. GitHub may deduplicate internally, but the user visible data structure is based on individual repositories. One study found that 70% of code on GitHub are clones. Deduplication has been a major housekeeping task when creating a source code training dataset.
A single space character or newline is enough to cause a cryptographic hash to change and a file to be treated as different. Studies of file contents has found them differing by the presence/absence of a license at the start of the file, and other non-consequential differences. The LLM training dataset “The Stack v2” has further deduplicated the Software Heritage dataset, removing over 50% of files,
- accessed using AWS. The 11TiB of data can be bulk downloaded from the S3 bucket s3://softwareheritage/graph/. An Amazon Athena hosted version of the dataset can be queried using the Presto distributed SQL engine (filename suffix could be used to extract files likely to contain source in particular languages). Amazon also have an Azure Databricks hosted version.
Suggestions for the best way of accessing this data, for LLM training, welcome,
- Software_Heritage hosts more code than GitHub, although measurements from late 2021 suggests that at the time, over 95% originated on GitHub.
StarCoder2, released at the end of February, is an open weights model trained in partnership with the Software Heritage (a year ago, version 1 of StarCoder was trained using an order of magnitude less source).
How much source is available via the Software Heritage?
As of July 2023 the site hosted files.
Let’s assume 64 lines per file, and 26 non-whitespace characters per line, giving non-whitespace characters. How many tokens is this?
The most common statement is assignment, which typically contains 4 language tokens (e.g., a = b ;
). There is an exponential decline in language tokens per line (Fig 770.17). The question is how many LLM tokens per computer language identifier, which tend to be abbreviated; I have no idea how these map to LLM tokens.
Assuming 10 LLM tokens per line, we get: LLM tokens; this is 2.7 non-whitespace characters per token, which feels about right.
The Stack v2 Hugging Face page lists the deduplicated dataset as containing tokens. However, they only include files in the main branch (the Software Heritage dataset includes files containing branches and commits), and the total number of files in the full Stack v2 dataset is
, with the deduped training dataset containing
files (they do not train using copyleft files, which are approximately 20-25% of the files on GitHub).
My calculation probably overestimated the number of tokens on a line. LLM’s specifically trained on source code have tokenisers optimized for the characteristics of code, e.g., allowing tokens to span whitespace to allow for idioms such as import numpy as np
to be treated as single tokens.
Given the exponential growth of files available on the Software Heritage, it is possible that several orders of magnitude more tokens will eventually become available.
Licensing, in the form of the GPL, is a complication that hangs over the use of some public source code (maybe 25%). An ongoing class-action suit will likely take years to resolve, and it’s possible that model training will have improved to the extent that any loss of GPL’d code will not seriously impact model performance:
- When source is licensed under the GNU General Public License, do models that use it during training have themselves to be released under a GPL license? In November 2022 a class-action lawsuit was filed, challenging the legality of GitHub Copilot and related OpenAI products. This case has yet to reach jury trial, and after that there will no doubt be appeals. The resolution is years in the future,
- if the plaintiffs win, with models trained using GPL’d code required to release the weights under a GPL license. The different source files used to build a project sometimes have different, incompatible, Open source licenses. LLM training does not require complete sets of project source files, so the presence of GPL’d source is not contagious within a project. If the same file appears with different licenses, one of which is the GPL, the simplest option may be to exclude it. One study found the GPL-3 license present under 2,871 different filenames.
Given that around 50% of GitHub repos don’t specify any license, and around 30% specify an MIT license, not using GPL’d code for training does not look like it will affect the training of general coding models. However, these models will have problems dealing with issues that require interfacing to GPL’d code.
Many Butterfly collections are worthless
Github based Butterfly collecting continues to dominate research in evidence-based software engineering.
The term Butterfly collecting was first applied to Zoology researchers who spent their time amassing huge collections of various kinds of insects, with Butterfly collections being widely displayed (Butterfly collecting was once a common hobby). Theoretically oriented researchers, in many disciplines, often disparage what they consider to be pointless experimental work as Butterfly collecting.
While some of the data from software engineering Butterfly collections may turn out to be very useful in validating theories of software processes, I suspect that many of the data collections are intrinsically worthless. My two main reasons for suspecting they are worthless are:
- the collection is the publishable output from a series of data analysis fishing expeditions, i.e., researchers iterate over: 1) create a hypothesis, 2) look for data that validates it, 3) rinse and repeat until something is found that looks interesting enough to be accepted for publication.
The problem is the focus of the fishing expedition (as a regular fisher of data, I am not anti-fishing). Simply looking for something that can be published strips off the research aspect of the work. The aim of software engineering research (from the funders’ perspective) is to build a body of knowledge that makes practical connections to industrial practices.
Researchers running a medical trial are required to preregister their research aims, i.e., specify what data they plan to collect and how they are going to analyse it, before they collect any data. Preregistration does not prevent fishing expeditions, but it does make them very visible; providing extra information for readers to evaluate the significance of any findings.
Conference organizers could ask the authors of submitted papers to provide some evidence that the paper is not the product of a fishing expedition. Some form of light-weight preregistration is one source of evidence (some data repositories offer preregistration functionality, e.g., Figshare).
- the use of simplistic statistical analysis techniques, whose results are then used to justify claims that something of note has been discovered.
The simplistic analysis usually tests the hypothesis: “Is there a difference?” A more sophisticated analysis would ask about the size of any difference. My experience from analysing data from these studies is that while a difference exists, it is often so small that it is of little practical interest.
The non-trivial number of papers containing effectively null results could easily be reduced by conferences and Journals requiring the authors of submitted papers to estimate the size of any claimed difference, i.e., use non-simplistic analysis techniques.
Github is an obvious place to mine for software engineering data; it offers a huge volume of code, along with many support tools and processes to mine it. When I tell people that I’m looking for software engineering data, Github is invariably their first suggestion. Jira repos are occasionally analysed, it’s a question of finding a selection that make their data public.
Github contains so much code, it’s hard to argue that it is not representative of a decent amount of industrial code. There’s lots of software data that is rarely publicly available on Github (e.g., schedules and estimates), but this is a separate issue.
I see Github being the primary site for mining software engineering related data for many years to come.
Software research is 200 years behind biology research
Evidence-based software research requires access to data, and Github has become the primary source of raw material for many (most?) researchers.
Parallels are starting to emerge between today’s researchers exploring Github and biologists exploring nature centuries ago.
Centuries ago scientific expeditions undertook difficult and hazardous journeys to various parts of the world, collecting and returning with many specimens which were housed and displayed in museums and botanical gardens. Researchers could then visit the museums and botanical gardens to study these specimens, without leaving the comforts of their home country. What is missing from these studies of collected specimens is information on the habitat in which they lived.
Github is a living museum of specimens that today’s researchers can study without leaving the comforts of their research environment. What is missing from these studies of collected specimens is information on the habitat in which the software was created.
Github researchers are starting the process of identifying and classifying specimens into species types, based on their defining characteristics, much like the botanist Carl_Linnaeus identified stamens as one of the defining characteristics of flowering plants. Some of the published work reads like the authors did some measurements, spotted some differences, and then invented a plausible story around what they had found. As a sometime inhabitant of this glasshouse I will refrain from throwing stones.
Zoologists study the animal kingdom, and entomologists specialize in the insect world, e.g., studying Butterflys. What name might be given to researchers who study software source code, and will there be specialists, e.g., those who study cryptocurrency projects?
The ecological definition of a biome, as the community of plants and animals that have common characteristics for the environment they exist in, maps to the end-user use of software systems. There does not appear to be a generic name for people who study the growth of plants and animals (or at least I cannot think of one).
There is only so much useful information that can be learned from studying specimens in museums, no matter how up to date the specimens are.
Studying the development and maintenance of software systems in the wild (i.e., dealing with the people who do it), requires researchers to forsake their creature comforts and undertake difficult and hazardous journeys into industry. While they are unlikely to experience any physical harm, there is a real risk that their egos will be seriously bruised.
I want to do what I can to prevent evidence-based software engineering from just being about mining Github. So I have a new policy for dealing with PhD/MSc student email requests for data (previously I did my best to point them at the data they sought). From now on, I will tell students that they need to behave like real researchers (e.g., Charles Darwin) who study software development in the wild. Charles Darwin is a great role model who should appeal to their sense of adventure (alternative suggestions welcome).
EDG and Github are both logical purchases for Microsoft
It looks like my prediction that Microsoft buys Github may be about to come true.
Microsoft has been sluggish in integrating their LinkedIn purchase into their identity management system. Lots of sites have verify identity using Github options (or at least the kind of sites I visit do), so perhaps LinkedIn identity will be trialed via Github.
A Github purchase will also allow Microsoft to directly connect lots of developers to Azure. Being able to easily build and execute Github code on Azure is the bait, customer data is where the money is; making Github more data friendly is an obvious first priority for new owners.
Who else should Microsoft buy? As a protective move, I think they should snap up Edison Design Group (EDG) before somebody else does. Readers outside of the compiler/static analysis/C++ standards world are unlikely to have heard of EDG. They sell C/C++ front ends (plus other languages) that support all the historical features/warts supported by other C/C++ compilers. The features only found in Microsoft’s compilers is what make it very costly/time-consuming for many companies to port their applications to other platforms; developer use of Microsoft compiler dependent features is a moat that makes it difficult for many companies to leave the Microsoft ecosystem. EDG have been in the business a long time and have built up an extensive knowledge of vendor specific compiler features; the kind of knowledge that can only be obtained by having customers tell you what language constructs they are using that your current product does not handle (and what those constructs actually mean).
What would happen if a very large company bought EDG, and open sourced its code (to make it easier for Windows developers to switch platforms, not to make any money off compiler related tools)? Somebody would have to bolt on a back-end, to generate code; but that would not be hard (EDG have designed their product to make this easy). A freely available compiler, supporting all/most of the foibles of the Microsoft C++ compiler, would tempt many Windows only developers to give it a go. A free compiler removes management from the loop, developers can try things out as a side project, without having to get management approval to spend money on a compiler (from practical experience I know how hard it is to sell compatible compiler products, i.e., there is no real money to be made by anybody doing this commercially).
Is this risk, to Microsoft, really worth the (relatively) low cost of buying EDG? The EDG guys are not getting any younger, why wouldn’t they be willing sell?
Long tail licensing
Team ‘Long Tail Licensing’ (Richard, Pavel, Gary and yours truly) took part in the Fintech startupbootcamp hackathon at the weekend.
As the team name suggests the plan was to implement a system of payment and licensing for products in the long tail, i.e., a large number of low value products. Paypal is good for long tail payment but does not provide a way for third parties to verify that a transaction has occurred (in fact Paypal does its best to keep transactions secret from everybody except those directly involved).
Our example use case was licensing of individual Github repositories. Most of today’s 3.4 million developers with accounts on Github would rather add more features to their code than try to sell it; the 16.7 million repositories definitely qualifies as a long tail of low value products (i.e., under £100). Yes, Paypal could be (and is) used as a method of obtaining payment, but there is no friction-free method for handling licensing (e.g., providing proof of licensing to third parties).
Long Tail Licensing’s implementation used cryptocurrency for both payment and proof of licensing (by storing license information in the blockchain). For the hackathon we set up out own private Bitcoin blockchain to act as a test rig, supply fast mining and provide near instantaneous response.
To use Long Term Licensing a developer creates the file .cryptolicense in the top level directory of their repo; this file contain information on the amount to pay, cryptocurrency account details and text of licensing terms. A link in the file points at our server, which validates the .cryptocurrency file and sets up a payment transaction from the licensee’s Bitcoin wallet; the licensee confirms the transaction and the payment is made.
The developer’s chosen license information is included in the transactions blockchain, providing the paperwork that third-parties can view to verify what has been licensed. This licensing information could be in plain text or use public key encryption to restrict who can read it (e.g., eBay could publish a public key that third parties could encrypt information so that only eBay’s compliance department could read it).
The implementation code includes links to private servers and other stuff that it should not be be; hackathon code is rarely written with security in mind. So those involved would rather it not be pushed to Github (perhaps it will get tidied up and made suitable for public consumption at a later date).
We did not win any of the prizes :-(. Well done to Manoj (a frequent hackathon collaborator) and his team for winning the $100k of Google cloud time prize.
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