Many Butterfly collections are worthless
Github based Butterfly collecting continues to dominate research in evidence-based software engineering.
The term Butterfly collecting was first applied to Zoology researchers who spent their time amassing huge collections of various kinds of insects, with Butterfly collections being widely displayed (Butterfly collecting was once a common hobby). Theoretically oriented researchers, in many disciplines, often disparage what they consider to be pointless experimental work as Butterfly collecting.
While some of the data from software engineering Butterfly collections may turn out to be very useful in validating theories of software processes, I suspect that many of the data collections are intrinsically worthless. My two main reasons for suspecting they are worthless are:
- the collection is the publishable output from a series of data analysis fishing expeditions, i.e., researchers iterate over: 1) create a hypothesis, 2) look for data that validates it, 3) rinse and repeat until something is found that looks interesting enough to be accepted for publication.
The problem is the focus of the fishing expedition (as a regular fisher of data, I am not anti-fishing). Simply looking for something that can be published strips off the research aspect of the work. The aim of software engineering research (from the funders’ perspective) is to build a body of knowledge that makes practical connections to industrial practices.
Researchers running a medical trial are required to preregister their research aims, i.e., specify what data they plan to collect and how they are going to analyse it, before they collect any data. Preregistration does not prevent fishing expeditions, but it does make them very visible; providing extra information for readers to evaluate the significance of any findings.
Conference organizers could ask the authors of submitted papers to provide some evidence that the paper is not the product of a fishing expedition. Some form of light-weight preregistration is one source of evidence (some data repositories offer preregistration functionality, e.g., Figshare).
- the use of simplistic statistical analysis techniques, whose results are then used to justify claims that something of note has been discovered.
The simplistic analysis usually tests the hypothesis: “Is there a difference?” A more sophisticated analysis would ask about the size of any difference. My experience from analysing data from these studies is that while a difference exists, it is often so small that it is of little practical interest.
The non-trivial number of papers containing effectively null results could easily be reduced by conferences and Journals requiring the authors of submitted papers to estimate the size of any claimed difference, i.e., use non-simplistic analysis techniques.
Github is an obvious place to mine for software engineering data; it offers a huge volume of code, along with many support tools and processes to mine it. When I tell people that I’m looking for software engineering data, Github is invariably their first suggestion. Jira repos are occasionally analysed, it’s a question of finding a selection that make their data public.
Github contains so much code, it’s hard to argue that it is not representative of a decent amount of industrial code. There’s lots of software data that is rarely publicly available on Github (e.g., schedules and estimates), but this is a separate issue.
I see Github being the primary site for mining software engineering related data for many years to come.
Fishing for software data
During 2021 I sent around 100 emails whose first line started something like: “I have been reading your interesting blog post…”, followed by some background information, and then a request for software engineering data. Sometimes the request for data was specific (e.g., the data associated with the blog post), and sometimes it was a general request for any data they might have.
So far, these 100 email requests have produced one two datasets. Around 80% failed to elicit a reply, compared to a 32% no reply for authors of published papers. Perhaps they don’t have any data, and don’t think a reply is worth the trouble. Perhaps they have some data, but it would be a hassle to get into a shippable state (I like this idea because it means that at least some people have data). Or perhaps they don’t understand why anybody would be interested in data and must be an odd-ball, and not somebody they want to engage with (I may well be odd, but I don’t bite :-).
Some of those who reply, that they don’t have any data, tell me that they don’t understand why I might be interested in data. Over my entire professional career, in many other contexts, I have often encountered surprise that data driven problem-solving increases the likelihood of reaching a workable solution. The seat of the pants approach to problem-solving is endemic within software engineering.
Others ask what kind of data I am interested in. My reply is that I am interested in human software engineering data, pointing out that lots of Open source is readily available, but that data relating to the human factors underpinning software development is much harder to find. I point them at my evidence-based book for examples of human centric software data.
In business, my experience is that people sometimes get in touch years after hearing me speak, or reading something I wrote, to talk about possible work. I am optimistic that the same will happen through my requests for data, i.e., somebody I emailed will encounter some data and think of me 🙂
What is different about 2021 is that I have been more willing to fail, and not just asking for data when I encounter somebody who obviously has data. That is to say, my expectation threshold for asking is lower than previous years, i.e., I am more willing to spend a few minutes crafting a targeted email on what appear to be tenuous cases (based on past experience).
In 2022 I plan to be even more active, in particular, by giving talks and attending lots of meetups (London based). If your company is looking for somebody to give an in-person lunchtime talk, feel free to contact me about possible topics (I’m always after feedback on my analysis of existing data, and will take a 10-second appeal for more data).
Software data is not commonly available because most people don’t collect data, and when data is collected, no thought is given to hanging onto it. At the moment, I don’t think it is possible to incentivize people to collect data (i.e., no saleable benefit to offset the cost of collecting it), but once collected the cost of hanging onto data is peanuts. So as well as asking for data, I also plan to sell the idea of hanging onto any data that is collected.
Fishing tips for software data welcome.
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