
Posts Tagged ‘actual time’

Rounding in reported task implementation time

November 26, 2023 3 comments

There is lots of evidence that people often pick a round number when estimating the time needed to implement a task. Parkinson’s law suggests that reported actual implementation time will often also be a round number, e.g., report 30 minutes for a task that actually took 28 minutes.

If a task is estimated to take 1-hour, what is the distribution of reported implementations times? The analysis in this article uses the SiP task dataset, and similar patterns occur in other datasets.

The plot below shows the number of tasks having a given reported implementation time, for tasks estimated to take 1-hour, with main peaks labelled in red (reported times rounded to one decimal place and quarter hours; code+data):

Number of tasks reported to have taken a given amount of time, for tasks estimated to take 1-hour.

With 1-hour estimates, there is limited scope for a wide range of actual times (at least for times less than estimates). The labelled peaks contain 89% of 1-hour estimate tasks (1,525 tasks, 21% less than estimate, 44% equal estimate, 24% greater than estimate).

Tasks with larger estimated times are likely to take longer, creating more possible rounding peaks in the implementation time distribution. The plot below shows the number of tasks having a given reported implementation time, for tasks estimated to take 7-hour (i.e., 1-day), with main peaks labelled in red (reported times rounded to one decimal place and quarter hours; code+data):

Number of tasks reported to have taken a given amount of time, for tasks estimated to take 7-hours.

As expected, there are more peaks and implementation times are distributed over a larger range of values.

These plots suggest that many actual times are being rounded to 15-minute intervals. The plot below is based on the minute portion of the reported time (i.e., the hour part is ignored), and shows the fraction of tasks, for estimates of 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 14 hours, whose minute component of reported time has a given value (code+data):

Number of tasks having a given minute component of total implementation time.

For estimates of a few hours, around 90% of reported task time is on a 15-minute mark, while for 7- and 14-hour tasks the percentage drops to 80%.

If staff are manually entering task finish times, then some degree of rounding is to be expected. When the finish time is indirectly calculated, based on the submission of a completed form, there will be some fuzziness to the rounding number process.

Actual implementation times are often round numbers

August 8, 2021 No comments

To what extent do developers consciously influence the time taken to actually complete a task?

If the time estimated to complete a task is rather generous, a developer has the opportunity to follow Parkinson’s law (i.e., “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”), or if the time is slightly less than appears to be required, they might work harder to finish within the estimated time (like some marathon runners have a target time)?

The use of round numbers are a prominent pattern seen in task estimation times.

If round numbers appeared more often in the actual task completion time than would be expected by chance, it would suggest that developers are sometimes working to a target time. The following plot shows the number of tasks taking a given amount of actual time to complete, for project 615 in the CESAW dataset (similar patterns are present in the actual times of other projects; code+data):

Number of tasks taking a given amount of time to complete, for project 615.

The red lines are a fitted bi-exponential distribution to the ‘spike’ (i.e., round numbers, circled in grey) and non-spike points (spikes automatically selected, see code for details), green and purple lines are the two components of the non-spike fit.

Tasks are not always started and completed in one continuous work session, work may be spread over multiple work sessions; the CESAW data includes the start/end time of every work session associated with each task (85% of tasks involve more than one work session, for project 615). The following plots are based on work sessions, rather than tasks, for tasks worked on over two (left) and three (right) sessions; colored lines denote session ordering within a task (code+data):

Number of sessions taking a given amount of time to complete, for project 615.

Shorter sessions dominate for the last session of task implementation, and spikes in the counts indicate the use of round numbers in all session positions (e.g., 180 minutes, which may be half a day).

Perhaps round number work session times are a consequence of developers using round number wall-clock times to start and end work sessions. The plot below shows (left) the number of work sessions starting at a given number of minutes past the hour, and (right) the number of work sessions ending at a given number of minutes past the hour; both for project 615 (code+data):

Rose diagrams for minutes past the hour of work session wall clock start (left) and end (right).

The arrow (green) shows the direction of the mean, and the almost invisible interior line shows that the length of the mean is almost zero. The five-minute points have slightly more session starts/ends than the surrounding minute values, but are more like bumps than spikes. The start of the hour, and 30-minutes, have prominent spikes, which might be caused by the start/end of the working day, and start/end of the lunch break.

Five-minutes is a convenient small rounding interval to either expand implementation time, or to target as a completion time. The following plot shows, for each of the 47 individuals working on project 615, the number of actual session times and the number exactly divisible by five. The green line shows the case where every actual is divisible by five, the purple line where 20% are divisible by five (expected for unbiased timing), the dashed purple lines show one standard deviation, the blue/green line is a fitted regression model (0.4*Actual^{0.94 pm 0.04}) (code+data):

Number of sessions against number of sessions whose actual time is divisible by five, for 47 people working on project 615.

It appears that on average, five-minute session times occur twice as often as expected by chance; two individuals round all their actual session times (ok, it’s not that unlikely for the person with just two sessions).

Does it matter that some developers have a preference for using round numbers when recording time worked?

The use of round numbers in the recording of actual work sessions will inflate the total actual time for most tasks (because most tasks involve more than one session, and assuming that most rounding is not caused by developers striving to meet a target). The amount of error introduced is probably a lot less than the time variability caused by other implementation factors (I have yet to do the calculation).

I see the use of round numbers as a means of unpicking developer work habits.

Given the difficulty of getting developers to record anything, requiring them to record to minute-level accuracy appears at best optimistic. Would you work for a manager that required this level of effort detail (I know there is existing practice in other kinds of jobs)?