Searching for the source line implementing 3n+1
I have been doing some research on the variety of ways that different developers write code to implement the same specification and have been lucky enough to obtain the source code of approximately 6,000 implementations of a problem based on the 3n+1 algorithm. At some point this algorithm requires multiplying a value by three and adding one, e.g., n=3*n+1;
While I expected some variation in the coding of many parts of the algorithm I did not expect to see much variation in the n=n*3+1;
. I was in for a surprise, the following are some of the different implementations I have seen so far:
n = n + n + n + 1 ;
n += n + n + 1;
n = (n << 1) + n + 1;
n += (n << 1) + 1;
n *= 3; n++;
t = (n << 1) ; n = t + n + 1;
n = (n << 2) - n + 1;
I was already manually annotating the source and it was easy for me to locate the line implementing
I mentioned this search problem over drinks after a talk I gave at the Oxford branch of the ACCU last week and somebody (Huw ???) suggested that perhaps the code generated by gcc would be the same no matter how 3n+1 was implemented. I could see lots of reasons why this would not be the case, but the idea was interesting and worth investigation.
At the default optimization level the generated x86 code is different for different implemenetations, but optimizing at the “-O 3” level results in all but one of the above expressions generating the same evaluation code:
leal 1(%rax,%rax,2), %eax |
The exception is (n << 2) - n + 1
which results in shift/subtract/add. Perhaps I should report this as a bug in gcc :-)
I was surprised that gcc exhibited this characteristic and I plan to carry out more tests to trace out the envelope of this apparent "same generated code for equivalent expressions" behavior of gcc.
Will language choice converge to a few?
Will the number of commonly used programming languages converge to a few that remain commonly used for ever, will there be many relatively common languages in use, or will the (relatively) commonly used languages change over time?
There are plenty of advantages to having one programming language that everybody uses for ever. English+local dialects seems to be heading towards becoming the World’s one native language, but the programming language world seems to be moving in the direction of diversification and perhaps even experiencing changing popularity of those in common use.
What are the forces that drive programing language usage?
Existing code. If a company wants to maintain and update its software products it needs to hire people to use the language they are written in. This is a force that maintains the status quo.
Existing programmer skills. When given the task of writing new software where language usage is not specified, developers are likely to pick a language they already know. In the case of group development the choice is made by group leaders. This is a force that maintains the status quo.
Fashion. Every field has fashions and programming language usage is no exception. Using a particular language can be seen as sexy, leading-edge, innovative, the next big-thing, etc. Given the opportunity some developers will chose to learn and write code in this language.
Desire to learn a new language. Some developers like to learn new things and this includes programming languages. Given the opportunity such developers will sometimes chose to learn and write code in a language they find interesting.
The cost of creating and implementing a new language continues to be within the reach of one individual who is willing to invest the considerable effort required. Hundreds, if not thousands of new languages have been created every year almost since computers were first invented. The only change here over the last 40 years is probably an increase in the number of new languages.
What has changed in the last 15 years is ease of transmission (e.g., a ubiquitous computing platform and the Internet) and the growth of the fashion industry (e.g., book publishers).
Computing is bathed in newness. New products, new chips, new gadgets, new software, new features, new and improved, the latest. What self respecting developer would want to be caught dead using a language invented before they were born?
Publishers need a continuous stream of new subjects that will drive customers to buy books. What better subject than a hot new programming language?
At the moment we seem to be living through a period of programming language usage divergence. Will this evolutionary trend continue or are we currently in the Cambrian explosion period of software engineering evolution?
What are the forces acting against the use of new languages? At the moment the only significant forces acting against the use of new languages are existing source and existing developer expertise. There are weaker forces, for instance, the worry that in the years to come it will be difficult to find developers to maintain existing software written in what has become an obscure language, but most software has a short lifetime and in many application domains this is not an issue. Whether the fashion for newness will eventually diminish enough to significantly slow the take-up of new languages remains to be seen.
Dimensional analysis of source code
The idea of restricting the operations that can be performed on a variable based on attributes appearing in its declaration is actually hundreds of years old and is more widely known as dimensional analysis. Readers are probably familiar with the concept of type checking where, for instance, a value having a floating-point type is not allowed to be added to a value having a pointer type. Unfortunately, many of those computer languages that support the functionality I am talking about (e.g., Ada) also refer to it as type checking and differentiate it from the more common usage by calling it strong typing. The concept would be much easier for people to understand if a different term were used, e.g., unit checking or even dimension checking.
Dimensional analysis, as used in engineering and the physical sciences, relies on the fact that quantities are often expressed in terms of a small number of basic attributes, e.g., mass, length and time; velocity is calculated by dividing a length by a time, and area is calculated by multiplying two lengths, . Adding a length quantity to a velocity has no physical meaning and suggests that something is wrong with the calculation, while dividing velocity by time, , can be interpreted as acceleration. Dividing two quantities that have the same units results in what is known as a dimensionless number.
Dimensional analysis can be used to check a calculation involving physical quantities for internal consistency and as a method for trying to deduce the combinations of quantities that an unknown equation might contain based on the physical units the result is known to be represented in.
The frink language has units of measure checking built into it.
How might dimensional analysis be used to check source code for internal consistency? Consider the following code:
x = a / b; c = a; y = c / b; if (x + y ... ... z = x + b; |
is assigned a
‘s value and is therefore assumed to have the same units of measurement. The value assigned to y
is calculated by dividing c
by b
and the train of reasoning leading to the assumption that it has the same units of measurement as x
is easy to follow. Based on this analysis, there is nothing suspicious about adding x
and y
, but adding x
and b
looks wrong (it would be perfectly ok if all of the variables in this code were dimensionless).
A number of tools have been written to check source code expressions for internal consistency e.g., Fortran (Automated computation and consistency checking of physical dimensions and units in scientific programs), C++ (Applied Template Metaprogramming in SI units) and C (Annotation-less Unit Type Inference for C), but so far only one PhD.
Providing a mechanism for developers to add unit information to variable declarations would enable compilers to perform consistency checks and reduce the likelihood of false positives being reported (because dimensionless values can generally be combined in any way). It is too late in the day for such a major feature to be added to the next revision of the C++ standard; the C standard is also being revised, but the committee is currently being very conservative and insists that any proposed new constructs already be implemented in at least one compiler.
Assuming compilers are clever enough (part 1)
Developers often assume the compiler they use will do all sorts of fancy stuff for them. Is this because they are lazy and happy to push responsibility for parts of the code they write on to the compiler, or do they actually believe that their compiler does all the clever stuff they assume?
An example of unmet assumptions about compiler performance is the use of const
in C/C++, final
in Java or readonly
in other languages. These are often viewed as a checking mechanism, i.e., the developer wants the compiler to check that no attempt is made to, accidentally, change the value of some variable, perhaps via code added during maintenance.
The surprising thing about variables in source code is that approximately 50% of them don’t change once they have been assigned a value (A Theory of Type Qualifiers for C measurements and Automatic Inference of Stationary Fields for Java).
Developers don’t use const
qualifiers nearly as often as they could. Most modern compilers can deduce if a locally defined variable is only assigned a value once and make use of this fact during optimization. It takes a lot more resources to deduce this information for non-local variables; developers want their compiler to be fast and so implementors don’t won’t them waiting around while whole program analysis is performed.
Why don’t developers make more use of const
qualifiers? Is this usage, or lack of, an indicator that developers don’t have an accurate grasp of variable usage, or that they don’t see the benefit of using these qualifiers or perhaps they pass responsibility on to the compiler (program size seems to grow sufficiently fast that whole program optimization often consumes more memory than likely to be available; and when are motherboards going to break out of the 4G limit?)
The complexity of three assignment statements
Once I got into researching my book on C I was surprised at how few experiments had been run using professional software developers. I knew a number of people on the Association of C and C++ Users committee, in particular the then chair Francis Glassborow, and suggested that they ought to let me run an experiment at the 2003 ACCU conference. They agreed and I have been running an experiment every year since.
Before the 2003 conference I had never run an experiment that had people as subjects. I knew that if I wanted to obtain a meaningful result the number of factors that could vary had to be limited to as few as possible. I picked a topic which has probably been the subject of more experiments that any other topics, short term memory. The experimental design asked subjects to remember a list of three assignment statements (e.g., X = 5;
), perform an unrelated task that was likely to occupy them for 10 seconds or so, and then recognize the variables they had previously seen within a list and recall the numeric value assigned to each variable.
I knew all about the factors that influenced memory performance for lists of words: word frequency, word-length, phonological similarity, how chunking was often used to help store/recall information and more. My variable names were carefully chosen to balance all of these effects and the information content of the three assignments required slightly more short term memory storage than subjects were likely to have.
The results showed none of the effects that I was expecting. Had I found evidence that a professional software developer’s brain really did operate differently than other peoples’ or was something wrong with my experiment? I tried again two years later (I ran a non-memory experiment the following year while I mulled over my failure) and this time a chance conversation with one of the subjects after the experiment uncovered one factor I had not controlled for.
Software developers are problem solvers (well at least the good ones are) and I had presented them with a problem; how to remember information that appeared to require more storage than available in their short term memories and accurately recall it shortly afterwards. The obvious solution was to reduce the amount of information that needed to be stored by simply remembering the first letter of every variable (which one of the effects I was controlling for had insured was unique) not the complete variable name.
I ran another experiment the following year and still did not obtain the expected results. What was I missing now? I don’t know and in 2008 I ran a non-memory based experiment. I still have no idea what techniques my subjects are using to remember information about three assignment statements that are preventing me getting the results I expect.
Perhaps those researchers out there that claim to understand the processes involved in comprehending a complete function definition can help me out by explaining the mental processes involved in remembering information about three assignment statements.
Code generation via machine learning
Commercial compiler implementors have to produce compilers that are capable of being used on a typical developer computer. A whole bunch of optimization techniques were known for years but could not be used because few computers had the available memory capacity (in the days when 2M was a lot of memory your author once attended a talk that presented some impressive results and was frustrated to learn that the typical memory footprint was 160M, who would ever imagine developers having so much memory to work within?) These days the available of gigabytes of storage has means that likely computer storage capacity is rarely a reason not to use some optimization technique, although the whole program optimization people are still out in the cold.
What is new these days is the general availability of multiple processors. The obvious use of multiple processors is to have make distribute the compilation load. The more interesting use is having the compiler apply different sets of optimizations techniques on different processors, picking the one that produces the highest quality code.
Optimizing code generation algorithms don’t appear to leave anything to chance and individually they generally don’t. However, selecting an order in which to apply individual optimization algorithms is something of a black art. In some cases code transformations made by one algorithm can interfere with the performance of another algorithm. In some cases the possibility of the interference is known and applies in one direction, choosing the appropriate relative ordering of the two algorithms solves the problem. In other cases the way in which two algorithms interfere with each other depends on the code being translated, now the ordering of the two algorithms becomes problematic. The obvious solution is to try both orderings and pick the one that produces the best result.
Several research groups have investigated the use of machine learning in compiler optimization. is a new project that aims to bring together groups interested in self-tuning adaptive computing systems based on statistical and machine learning techniques.
Commercial pressure is always forcing compiler implementors to produce faster code and use of machine learning techniques can produce some impressive results. Now that multi-processor systems are common it will not be long before compilers writers start to make use of the extra resources now available to them.
The safety critical people have problems trying to show the correctness of compiler output that has been generated by ‘fixed’ algorithms. It is not hard to envisage that in 10 years time all large production quality compilers will be using machine learning.
Finding the ‘minimum’ faulty program
A few weeks ago I received an inquiry about running a course/workshop on compiler writing. This does not does not happen very often and it reminded me that many years ago the ACCU asked if I would run a mentored group on compiler writing, I was busy writing a book at the time. The inquiry got me thinking it would be fun to run a compiler writing mentored group over a 6-9 month period and I emailed the general ACCU reflector asking if anybody was interested in joining such a group (any reader wanting to join the group has to be a member of the ACCU).
Over the weekend I had a brainwave for a project, automatic compiler test generation coupled with a program source code minimizer (I need a better name for this bit). Automatic test generation sounds great in theory but in practice whittling down the source code of those programs that result in a fault being exhibited, to create a usable sized test case that is practical for debugging purposes can be a major effort. What is needed is a tool to automatically do the whittling, i.e., a test case minimizer.
A simple algorithm for whittling down the source of a large test program is to continually throw away that half/third/quarter of the code that is not needed for the fault to manifest itself. A compiler project that took as input source code, removed half/third/quarter of the code and generated output that could be compiled and executed is realistic. The input/reduce/output process could be repeated until the generated source was considered to have reached some minima. Ok, this will soak up some cpu time, but computers are cheap and people are expensive.
Where does the test source code come from? Easy, it is generated from the same yacc grammar that the compiler, written by the mentored group member, uses to parse its input. Fortunately such a generation tool is available and ready to use.
The beauty is using the same grammar to generate tests and parse input. This means there is no need to worry about which language subset to use initially and support for additional language syntax can be added incrementally.
Experience shows that automatically generated test programs quickly uncover faults in production compilers, even when working with language subsets. Compiler implementors are loath to spend time cutting down a large program to find the statement/expression where the fault lies, this project will produce a tool that does the job for them.
So to recap, the mentored group is going to write one or more automatic source code generators that will be used to stress test compilers written by other people (e.g., gcc and Microsoft). Group members will also write their own compiler that reads in this automatically generated source code, throws some of it away and writes out syntactically/semantically correct source code. Various scripts will be be written to glue this all together.
Group members can pick the language they want to work with. The initial subset could just include supports for integer types, if-statements and binary operators.
If you had trouble making any sense all this, don’t join the group.
A fault in the C Standard or existing compilers?
Software is not the only entity that can contain faults. The requirements listed in a specification are usually considered to be correct, almost by definition. Of course the users of software implementing a specification may be unhappy with the behavior specified and wish that some alternative behavior occurred. A cut and dried fault occurs when two requirements conflict with each other.
The C Standard can be read as a specification for how C compilers should behave. Despite over 80 man years of effort and the continued scrutiny of developers over 20 years, faults continue to be uncovered. The latest potential fault (it is possible that the fault actually occurs in many existing compilers rather than the C Standard) was brought to my attention by Al Viro, one of the Sparse developers.
The issue involved the following code (which I believe the standard considers to be strictly conforming, but all the compilers I have tried disagree):
int (*f(int x))[sizeof x]; // A prototype declaration int (*g(int y))[sizeof y] // A function definition { return 0; } |
These function declarations are unusual in that their return type is a pointer to an array of integers, a type rarely encountered in this context (the original question involved a return type of pointer to function returning … and was more complicated).
The specific issue was the scope of the parameter (i.e., x
and y
), is the declaration still in scope at the point that the second occurrence of the identifier is encountered?
As a principle I think that the behavior, whatever it turns out to be, should be the same in both cases (neither the C standard or its rationale state such a principle).
Taking the function prototype case first:
The scope of the parameter x “… terminates at the end of the function declarator.” (sentence 409).
and does function prototype scope include the return type (the syntax calls the particular construct a declarator and there are at least two of them, one nested inside the other, in a function prototype declaration)?
Sentence 1592 says Yes, but sentence 279 and 1845 say No.
None of these references are normative references (standardize for definitive).
Moving on to the function definition case:
Where does the scope of the parameter x
begin (sentence 418)?
“… scope that begins just after the completion of its declarator.”
and where does the scope end (sentence 408)?
“… which terminates at the end of the associated block.”
and what happens between the beginning and ending of the scope (sentence 412)?
“Within the inner scope, the identifier designates the entity declared in the inner scope;”
This looks very straight forward, there are no ‘gaps’ in the scope of the parameter definition appearing in a function definition. Consistency with the corresponding function prototype case requires that function declarator be interpreted to include the return type.
There is a related discussion involving a previous Defect Report 345 submitted a while ago.
The problem is that many existing compilers do not treat parameter scope in this way. They operate as-if there was a ‘gap’ in the parameter scope of function definition (probably because the code implementing this functionality is shared with that implementing function prototypes, which have been interpreted to not include the return type).
What happens next? Probably lots of discussion on the C Standard email reflector. Possible outcomes include somebody finding wording that requires a ‘gap’ in the scope of parameters in function definitions, it agreed that such a gap ought to be specified by the standard (because this is how existing code behaves because this is how compilers operate), or that the standard is correct as is and any compiler that behaves differently needs to be fixed.
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