Good enough reliability models: still an unknown
Estimating the likelihood that a software system will operate as intended, for some period of time, is one of the big problems within the field of software reliability research. When software does not operate as intended, a fault, or bug, or hallucination is said to have occurred.
Three events need to occur for a user of a software system to experience a fault:
- a developer writes code that does not always behave as intended, i.e., a coding mistake,
- the user of the software feeds it input that causes the coding mistake to produce unintended behavior,
- the unintended behavior percolates through the system to produce a visible fault (sometimes an unintended behavior does not percolate very far, and does not produce any change of visible behavior).
Modelling each kind of event and their interaction is a huge undertaking. Researchers in one of the major subfields of software reliability take a global approach, e.g., they model time to next fault experience, using data on the number of faults experienced per given amount of cpu/elapsed time (often obtained during testing). Modelling the fault data obtained during testing results in a model of the likelihood of the next fault experienced using that particular test process. This is useful for doing a return-on-investment calculation to decide whether to do more testing. If the distribution of inputs used during testing is similar to the distribution of customer inputs, then the model can be of use in estimating the rate of customer fault experiences.
Is it possible to use a model whose design was driven by data from testing one or more software systems to estimate the rate of fault experiences likely when testing other software systems?
The number of coding mistakes will differ between systems (because they have different sizes, and/or different developer abilities), and the testers’ ability will be different, and the extent to which mistaken behavior percolates through code will differ. However, it is possible for there to be a general model for rate of fault experiences that contains various parameters that need to be fitted for each situation.
Since that start of the 1970s, researchers have been searching for this general model (the first software reliability model is thought to be: “Program errors as a birth-and-death process” by G. R. Hudson, Report SP-3011, System Development Corp., 1967 Dec 4; please send me a copy, if you have one).
The image below shows the 18 models discussed in the 1987 book “Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application” by Musa, Iannino, and Okumoto (later editions have seriously watered down the technical contents, and lack most of the tables/plots). It’s to be expected that during the early years of a new field, many different models will be proposed and discussed.

Did researchers discover a good-enough general model for rate of fault experiences?
It’s hard to say. There is not enough reliability data to be confident that any of the umpteen proposed models is consistently better at predicting than any other. I believe that the evidence-based state of the art has not yet progressed beyond the 1982 report Software Reliability: Repetitive Run Experimentation and Modeling by Nagel and Skrivan.
Fitting slightly modified versions of existing models to a small number of tiny datasets has become standard practice in this corner of software engineering research (the same pattern of behavior has occurred in software effort estimation). The image below shows 16 models from a 2021 paper.
Nearly all the reliability data used to create these models is from systems built in the 1960s and 1970s. During these decades, software systems were paid for organizations that appreciated the benefits of collecting data to build models, and funding the necessary research. My experience is that few academics make an effort to talk to people in industry, which means they are unlikely to acquire new datasets. But then researchers are judged by papers published, and the ecosystem they work within is willing to publish papers extolling the virtues of another variant of an existing model.
The various software fault datasets used to create reliability models tends to be scattered in sometimes hard to find papers (yes, it is small enough to be printed in papers). I have finally gotten around to organizing all the public data that I have in one place, a Reliability data repo on GitHub.
If you have a public fault dataset that does not appear in this repo, please send me a copy.
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