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A new NASA software dataset from the 1970s

When modeling the process of software development, to optimise the creation of new projects, the best measurement data to use are those relating to whatever developers are doing today.

Unfortunately, measurement data for software engineering processes is very hard to find; few development groups record anything about what they do, and even when they do the files are rarely kept.

Anybody involved in evidence-based software engineering has to be willing to work with whatever data is available, even when it is for software systems built decades ago.

The usefulness of any measurement data, ancient or recent, is dependent on its relevance to the questions being analysed.

During a recent search for the DACS dataset, I found measurement data for 29 software projects contained in a 1981 NASA report. While the projects happened decades ago (1975-1981) for a niche application (software for spacecraft), the measurement data is much more extensive than usual, containing background information on many of the projects; given the rarity of software project data from this period, the 47 rows of data on each project, in Table 3.1-1, looked interesting enough to extract and analyse (output from Amazon’s usually robust Textract needed some hours of manual post-processing; code+data).

While this data is not of immediate use, I will invariably get involved in a discussion, or analysis, where this dataset will be a big improvement on nothing.

Are there any points to note?

  • there is a linear relationship between the totals of programmer hours and management hours, with an average of 4.4 programmer hours per management hour. This sounds low, but these projects are developing embedded software and there are likely to be many stakeholders,
  • the average percentage of time spent in each phase of the Waterfall process used was: Design 31%, Code-Test 29%, System testing 11%, Acceptance testing 10%, Cleanup 20%. Lots of testing is to be expected for spacecraft software,
  • the average number of project source lines was 34k. I don’t know whether this is high or low, NASA press releases invariably cite the total amount of code on the spacecraft.

It’s worth noting that this small dataset is of a size and project detail that was used by researchers in the 1970s/1980s to validate software theories that are still with us today, e.g., the COCOMO estimation model, the McCabe metrics were not validated on any data, and the Halstead metrics were checked using multiple datasets each of similar size. I suspect that many of these datasets also came from DOD or NASA projects.

  1. nemo
    July 24, 2024 19:49 | #1

    The September 1984 issue of CACM was devoted to various aspects of developing the STS s/w. Articles there discuss the processes carried out for background insight.

  2. July 26, 2024 12:58 | #2

    Thanks for the pointer. The article Design, Development, Integration: Space Shuttle Primary Flight Software System has an interesting plot of the number of change requests between 1976-1980; almost 2,000.

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