Confidence intervals: my one recommended practice
What recommended practices should developers/managers follow when analysing data they have collected/available?
The scientific approach to data analysis mandates specifying a hypothesis before gathering the data, let alone analysing it. This approach has proven workable when researchers are familiar with an evidence-based body of knowledge. In this environment it’s acceptable, even required, to criticise anyone who analyses data without having a hypothesis and just follow along where ever the data appears to lead.
In fields lacking an evidence-based body of knowledge, such as software engineering (which does have an extensive body of folklore), it can be difficult to articulate a reasonable set of hypothesis to test against, before analysing the date. Time and cost are the incentives that push developers/managers in to simply following the data where ever it leads them:
- understandably, they are only interested in solving their own local problem, not building global theories of software engineering practices,
- as occasional data analysts, developers/managers probably have little or no experience in formulating hypothesis, and don’t have the time to become familiar with the existing evidence around the processes of interest,
- formulating a hypothesis, along with its associated model of the world, can require a surprising amount of work, often involving many interacting factors to consider (an ad-hoc approach based on an evolving analysis of data can appear to need a lot less effort).
Following the data can feel like the agile approach to data analysis. However, thoughtlessly following the data is fraught with dangers, particularly with small sample sizes (while there are often copious quantities of source, the human side of software engineering often involves miniscule sample sizes). It has always been difficult to get developers to slow down and think when writing code, it seems unrealistic to expect habits to change for data analysis.
I take a somewhat schizophrenic approach in my workshop for software developers, with many slides illustrating the dangers of just jumping in, along with other slides showing how to quickly find patterns in data (the main topic of conversation during the hands-on sessions).
My one recommended practice is that confidence intervals be calculated and included in the presented results. Why just one recommendation? I think recommendations involving sample size, hypothesis, thinking hard, etc will be ignored. Results showing wide confidence intervals highlight a range of possible problems: insufficient sample sizes, along with marginal effects and other uncertainties.
The scientific recommendation approach would be to use p-values. The problem with these is that they will probably have to be explained to developers/managers, who will have little idea about how to interpret them.
The presence of confidence intervals in a summary of results is a major step up from current practices. My experiences with developer/manager driven data analysis include:
- using data, that happens to be available, that has no connection to the questions of interest,
- collecting data, but fail to extract much information (because primitive analysis techniques were used). This situation is also very common in software engineering research papers,
- selling an idea, not the results, sometimes blatantly going against the direction implied by the data analysis (not so common in research papers),
- getting lucky/unlucky with subject performance, in a tiny sample, and claim certainty in the results.
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