Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language systems
The spectrum of models of the human mind run from it being a general purpose computer to it being a collection of integrated specialist modules (each performing one function, e.g., speech or language). The Modularity of mind hypothesis offers a halfway house.
ChatGPT sits at the general purpose computer end of the spectrum; there is a single ‘processor’ that accepts a particular kind of input and produces a particular kind of output.
While predict-the-next-token systems like ChatGTP have proven to be good at analysing and constructing sentences, they are often unable to carry out the actions described by these sentences; for instance, they are capable of describing mathematical operations that they are incapable of performing (unless the answer happens to be in their training).
A Modular Reasoning, Knowledge and Language system (MRKL; the suggested pronunciation is miracle), is, as the name suggests, a system built from specialist modules. In this approach, a large language model (LLM), such as ChatGTP, is the language processing module.
In a MRKL system, the input is processed (by an LLM) to figure out which specialist modules have to be queried to obtain the information needed to answer the question, the appropriate text (generated by an LLM) is fed as input to the corresponding modules, and the module outputs are collected and fed to an LLM to generate an answer to the question.
A user question may involve querying multiple modules in some sequence. For instance, the question “What is the average age of the last five British Prime ministers?” might involve querying Google/Alexa answers to obtain a list of previous Prime ministers, followed by extracting individual ages from Wikipedia, followed by querying a maths module to obtain the average of the five ages obtained.
The extent to which an application using an LLM might be said to be a MRKL system is a matter of degree. The following shell script is unlikely to qualify:
curl \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer '{$OPENAI_API_KEY} \ -d '{ "model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Say I found The Shape of Code to be an interesting blog", "temperature": 0 }' |
The OpenAI API focuses on how to drive their various language models, along with lots of examples. There is no API offering a higher level abstraction or functionality.
An API designed for building MRKL systems, that is starting to gain traction, is langchain; a collection of Python packages, with JavaScript libraries playing catchup.
langchain Module categories include: LLM interaction (e.g., specifying which LLM to use, API keys, and changing default values), document loaders (e.g., readers for pdf, HTML, Gitbook, and Microsoft Word), Agents (these use an LLM to process the input text to find out what actions need to be performed, and to create the input actions that the selected modules need to perform), Memory (store information from previous interactions; other modules can be stateless), and Chat (handle the mechanics of holding a conversation).
What does langchain offer that is making it attractive to a growing number of developers?
- Making use of an LLM within an application will involve some subset of the functionality provided by langchain. The advantage of using langchain is that it provides a framework, MRKL, along with a (sometimes skeleton) existing implementation,
- first mover advantage for an Open source implementation has enabled langchain to attract a growing number of active contributors; it also helps that the core developers have been making regular updates (almost daily), and half-decent documentation is available.
Given the current volume of discussion around LLMs, why has there been so little written about MRKL systems?
Building a MRKL system requires coding ability, and developers are a small percentage of those contributing to the discussion avalanche.
Building a MRML system takes a lot of time and work. Being able to break down a question into subcomponents that can be answered by the available modules, and sequencing them appropriately is a non-trivial problem.
Once Apps solving real-world problems start becoming widely used, and the novelty of generic chat systems wears off, the discussion will switch to more grounded issues.
Modular vs. monolithic programs: a big performance difference
For a long time now I have been telling people that no experiment has found a situation where the treatment (e.g., use of a technique or tool) produces a performance difference that is larger than the performance difference between the subjects.
The usual results are that differences between people is the source of the largest performance difference, successive runs are the next largest (i.e., people get better with practice), and the smallest performance difference occurs between using/not using the technique or tool.
This is rather disheartening news.
While rummaging through a pile of books I had not looked at in many years, I (re)discovered the paper “An empirical study of the effects of modularity on program modifiability” by Korson and Vaishnavi, in “Empirical Studies of Programmers” (the first one in the series). It’s based on Korson’s 1988 PhD thesis, with the same title.
There were four experiments, involving seven people from industry and nine students, each involving modifying a 900(ish)-line program in some way. There were two versions of each program, they differed in that one was written in a modular form, while the other was monolithic. Subjects were permuted between various combinations of program version/problem, but all problems were solved in the same order.
The performance data (time to complete the task) was published in the paper, so I fitted various regressions models to it (code+data). There is enough information in the data to separate out the effects of modular/monolithic, kind of problem and subject differences. Because all subjects solved problems in the same order, it is not possible to extract the impact of learning on performance.
The modular/monolithic performance difference was around twice as large as the difference between subjects (removing two very poorly performing subjects reduces the difference to 1.5). I’m going to have to change my slides.
Would the performance difference have been so large if all the subjects had been experienced developers? There is not a lot of well written modular code out there, and so experienced developers get lots of practice with spaghetti code. But, even if the performance difference is of the same order as the difference between developers, that is still a very worthwhile difference.
Now there are lots of ways to write a program in modular form, and we don’t know what kind of job Korson did in creating, or locating, his modular programs.
There are also lots of ways of writing a monolithic program, some of them might be easy to modify, others a tangled mess. Were these programs intentionally written as spaghetti code, or was some effort put into making them easy to modify?
The good news from the Korson study is that there appears to be a technique that delivers larger performance improvements than the difference between people (replication needed). We can quibble over how modular a modular program needs to be, and how spaghetti-like a monolithic program has to be.
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