Learning useful stuff from the Reliability chapter of my book
What useful, practical things might professional software developers learn from my evidence-based software engineering book?
Once the book is officially released I need to have good answers to this question (saying: “Well, I decided to collect all the publicly available software engineering data and say something about it”, is not going to motivate people to read the book).
This week I checked the reliability chapter; what useful things did I learn (combined with everything I learned during all the other weeks spent working on this chapter)?
A casual reader skimming the chapter would conclude that little was known about software reliability, and they would be right (I already knew this, but I learned that we know even less than I thought was known), and many researchers continue to dig in unproductive holes.
A reader with some familiarity with reliability research would be surprised to see that some ‘major’ topics are not discussed.
The train wreck that is machine learning has been avoided (not forgetting that the data used is mostly worthless), mutation testing gets mentioned because of some interesting data (the underlying problem is that mutation testing assumes that coding mistakes are local to one line, but in practice coding mistakes often involve multiple lines), and the theory discussions don’t mention non-homogeneous Poisson process as the basis for software fault models (because this process is not capable of solving the questions asked).
What did I learn? My highlights include:
- Anne Choa‘s work on population estimation. The takeaway from this work is that if people want to estimate the number of remaining fault experiences, based on previous experienced faults, then every occurrence (i.e., not just the first) of a fault needs to be counted,
- Phyllis Nagel and Janet Dunham’s top read work on software testing,
- the variability in the numeric percentage that people assign to probability terms (e.g., almost all, likely, unlikely) is much wider than I would have thought,
- the impact of the distribution of input values on fault experiences may be detectable,
- really a lowlight, but there is a lot less publicly available data than I had expected (for the other chapters there was more data than I had expected).
The last decade has seen fuzzing grow to dominate the headlines around software reliability and testing, and provide data for people who write evidence-based books. I don’t have much of a feel for how widely used it is in industry, but it is a very useful tool for reliability researchers.
Readers might have a completely different learning experience from reading the reliability chapter. What useful things did you learn from the reliability chapter?
Prompt Parking near Buckingham Palace
I was at the Urban Data Hack at the weekend run by Data Science London (doing their usual excellent job of feeding and watering us). Team Prompt Parking (me, Manoj, Lusine and Bob {of team Outlier fame}) created an App (try it) that gives drivers directions to the closest locations, in Westminster, most likely to have an empty parking space, taking into account preferences for space actually being available, distance to drive and probability of experiencing vehicle/personal crime close to the parking bay.
The default starting location is the official London residence of the Queen, which is in Westminster (most of the data came from Westminster City Council), and can be changed by entering latitude/longitude at the top of the page; in practice it would use the current location reported by the phone gps.
How does the App work? Based on your current location, day of week and time of day, it obtains data on ‘close’ parking bays (precomputed data; see below), applies the user preferences to the bay data to obtained a weighted preference for each bay, picks the four bay locations with the highest weight and feeds these locations into Google maps to draw the route.
The precomputed data included (code and data):
- mean number of empty parking spaces within every 15 minute window of a given day of the week (the week was assumed to be the only parking related cycle). The parking dataset included every parking transaction in Westminster between April 2013 to January 2014; the 861 megabyte file containing 6,967,793 transactions was boiled down to 49M using
to split the data up, one file per parking location, making it practical to run anR
script on each file to do the averaging (we also calculated a standard deviation which never got integrated into the weighting), - likelihood of crime against vehicles and people. The crime data included a lat/long and the ‘influence’ of each recorded crime (i.e., the likelihood of another crime being committed nearby) was assumed to have a gaussian distribution having a mean of 200 meters (chosen by a couple of white guys staring at the ceiling). The crime data was monthly and sparse (good for citizens but bad for data analysis) and ended up being amalgamated to an overall number per parking location per year (i.e., the gaussians for each crime ‘influence’ were summed over the area of Westminster),
- the distance, along streets (not flying crows), to every parking bay was calculated from 50 ‘red spots’ (these spots were chosen to be well distributed over major routes within Westminster). The App takes the user’s location and calculates the closest red spot to use for parking bay distance information.
- the data included parking cost information but we did not get around to including that in the App
The hack had prizes for various categories. Team Prompt Parking received 1st Prize for Urban Data Integration, which surprised me as I thought we were the best in some of the other categories. My heart sank when I saw the Team DeTile App (the team’s Italian accent may have thrown my spelling) which combined crime data with a property company’s API to produce a flat (apartment in the US) finder recommender running on a phone; they deserved to win the Best App category.
Team Prompt Parking did not consider how money might be made from the App; our submission report included crowd pleasing concepts such as reducing CO2 emissions and accident rates by reducing driving time to find an empty parking space. Having drivers look at ads displayed in the App would probably increase accidents.
A more promising money making App, using this data, would target traffic wardens; the data shows a higher empty bay rate than that experienced by the central London drivers I spoke to at the weekend (some obvious human biases spring to mind here). There is an opportunity here for a startup to offer traffic wardens routes tailored to maximize the number of parking tickets per hour; the company would take a percentage of the warden’s earnings.
The main lesson learned was not to create large databases in the cloud during a short hack. While one database containing all the data is a good idea in theory, in a 24 hour hackathon there is not a lot of time to iterate when database creation goes wrong (which everybodies did, several times). It is better to do as much as possible on local laptops (I split the 860M data file into smaller chunks using a local awk script rather than load it into a cloudy sql database that I then had to access remotely).
We had a separate database for each dataset, making it quick to iterate changes to each dataset and not creating dependencies that held up testing using the other datasets.
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