Most developers don’t really know any computer language
What does it mean to know a language? I can count to ten in half a dozen human languages, say please and thank you, tell people I’m English and a few other phrases that will probably help me get by; I don’t think anybody would claim that I knew any of these languages.
It is my experience that most developers’ knowledge of the programming languages they use is essentially template based; they know how to write a basic instances of the various language constructs such as loops, if-statements, assignments, etc and how to define identifiers to have a small handful of properties, and they know a bit about how to glue these together.
There are many developers who can skilfully weave together useful programs from the hodgepodge of coding knowledge they happen to know (proving that little programming knowledge is needed to write useful programs).
The purpose of this post is not to complain about developers’ lack of knowledge of the programming languages they use; I appreciate that time spent learning about the application domain often gives a better return on investment compared to learning more about a language. The purpose is to suggest that the programming language community (e.g., teachers and tool producers) acknowledge how languages are primarily used and go with the flow rather than maintaining the fiction that developers know anything much about the languages they use and that they should acquire this knowledge to expert level; students should be taught the commonly encountered templates, not the general language rules, developers should be encouraged to use just the common templates (this will also have the side effect of reducing the effort needed to follow other peoples code since the patterns of usage will be familiar to many).
I suspect that many readers will disagree with the statement in this post’s title, and I need to provide more evidence before proposing (in another post) how we might adapt to the reality to be found in development teams.
The only evidence I can offer is my own experience; not a very satisfactory situation; a possible measurement approach discussed below. So what is this experience based evidence (I only claim to ‘know’ the handful of language I have written compiler front ends for, with other languages my usage follows the template form just like everybody else)?
- discussions with developers: individuals and development groups invariably have their own terminology for programming language constructs (my use of terminology appearing in the language definition usually draws blank stares and I have to make a stab at guessing what the local terms mean and using them if I want to be listened to); asking about identifier scoping or type compatibility rules (assuming that either of the terms ‘scope’ or ‘type compatibility’ is understood) usually results in a vague description of specific instances (invariably the commonly encountered situations),
- books that claim to teach a language often provide superficial coverage of the language semantics and concentrate on usage examples (because that is what is useful to their readers). Those books claiming to give insight into the depths of a language often contains many mistakes; perhaps the most well known example is Herbert Schildt’s “The Annotated ANSI C Standard”, Clive Feather’s review of the 1995 edition and Peter Seebach’s review of later versions,
- the word ‘Advanced’ has to appear in programming courses for professional developers with 3–10 years of experience because potential customers think they have reached an advanced level. In practice, such courses teach the basics and get away with it because most of the attendees don’t know them. My own experiences of teaching such courses is that outside of the walking people through the slides, the real teaching is about trying to undo some of the bad habits and misconceptions individuals have picked up over the years.
Recent graduate think they are an expert in the language used on their course because they probably have not met anybody who knows a lot more; some professional developers think they are language experts because the have lots of years of experience, in practice they tend to have spent those years essentially using what they originally learned and are now very adept with that small subset.
How might we measure the program language knowledge of the general developer population?
Software development question/answer sites such as Stack Overflow contain a wealth of information. I think I could write a function that did a reasonably good job of deducing the programming language, if any, being used in the question. Given the language definition (in some cases this might not exist, e.g., Perl and PHP) and the answers to the question of how do I figure out the language expertise of the person who wrote the answer?
First, we need to filter out those questions that are application related, with code being incidental. Latent Semantic Indexing could be used to locate the strongest connections between parts of the language specification and the non-source code answer text. If strong connections are found, the question would be assumed to be programming language related.
Developers only need surface knowledge to sprinkle any answer with phrases related to the language referred to; more in depth analysis is needed.
One idea is to process any code in the question/answer with a compiler capable of generating references to those parts of the language definition used during its semantic processing (ideally ‘part’ would be the sentence level, but I would settle for paragraph level or perhaps couple of paragraph level). A non-trivial overlap between the ‘parts’ references returned by the two searches would be a good indicator of programming language question. The big problem with this idea is complete lack of compilers supporting this language reference functionality (somebody please prove me wrong).
I am currently stumped for a practical technique for a non-superficial way of measuring developer language expertise. The 2013 Mining Software Repositories challenge is based on a dump of the questions/answers from Stack Overflow, I’m looking forward to seeing what useful information researchers extract from it.
My no loops in R hair shirt
Being professionally involved with analyzing source code, I get to work with a much larger number of programming languages than most people. There is a huge difference between knowing the intricate details of the semantics of a language and being able to fluently program in a language like a native developer. There are languages whose semantics I probably know better than nearly all its users and yet can only code in like a novice, and there are languages whose reference manual I might have read once and yet can write fluently.
I try not to learn new languages in which to write programs, they just clutter my brain. It can be very embarrassing having somebody sitting next to me while I write an example and not be able to remember whether the language I am using requires a then
in its if-statement or getting the details of a print statement wrong; I am supposed to be a computer language expert.
Having decided to migrate from being a casual R user to being a native user (my current status is somebody who owns more than 10 books that make extensive use of R) I resolved to invest the extra time needed to learn how to write code the ‘R-way’ (eighteen months later I’m not sure that there is an ‘R way’ in the sense that could be said to exist in other languages, or if there is it is rather diffuse). One of my self-appointed R-way rules is that any operation involving every element of a vector should be performed using whole vector operations (i.e., no looping constructs).
Today I was analyzing the release history of the Linux kernel and wanted to get the list of release dates for the current version of the major branch; I had a list of dates for every release. The problem is that when a major release branch is started previous branches, now in support only mode, may continue to be maintained for some time, for instance after the version 2.3 branch was created the version 2.2 branch continued to have releases made for it for another five years.
The obvious solution to removing non-applicable versions from the release list is to sort on release date and then loop through the elements, removing those whose version number was less than the version appearing before them in the list. In the following excerpt the release of 2.3.0 causes the following 2.2.9 release to be removed from the list, also versions 2.0.37 and 2.2.10 should be removed.
Version Release_date 2.2.8 1999-05-11 2.3.0 1999-05-11 2.2.9 1999-05-13 2.3.1 1999-05-14 2.3.2 1999-05-15 2.3.3 1999-05-17 2.3.4 1999-06-01 2.3.5 1999-06-02 2.3.6 1999-06-10 2.0.37 1999-06-14 2.2.10 1999-06-14 2.3.7 1999-06-21 2.3.8 1999-06-22 |
While this is an easy problem to solve using a loop, what is the R-way of solving it (use the xyz
package would be the answer half said in jest)? My R-way rule did not allow loops, so a-head scratching I did go. On the assumption that the current branch version dates would be intermingled with releases of previous branches I decided to use simple pair-wise comparison (which could be coded up as a whole vector operation); if an element contained a version number that was less than the element before it, then it was removed.
Here is the code (treat step
parameter was introduced later as part of the second phase tidy up; data here):
ld=read.csv("/usr1/rbook/examples/regression/Linux-days.csv") ld$Release_date=as.POSIXct(ld$Release_date, format="%d-%b-%Y") ld.ordered=ld[order(ld$Release_date), ], step) { # Strip off the least significant value of the Version id v = substr($Version, 1, 3) # Build a vector of TRUE/FALSE indicating ordering of element pairs q = c(rep(TRUE, step), v[1:(length(v)-step)] <= v[(1+step):length(v)]) # Only return TRUE entries return ([q, ]) }, 1) |
This pair-wise approach only partially handles the following sequence (2.2.10 is greater than 2.0.37 and so would not be removed).
2.3.6 1999-06-10 2.0.37 1999-06-14 2.2.10 1999-06-14 2.3.7 1999-06-21 |
The no loops rule prevented me iterating over calls to
until there were no more changes.
Would a native R speaker assume there would not be many extraneous Version/Release_date pairs and be willing to regard their presence as a minor data pollution problem? If so, I have some way to go before I might be able to behave as a native.
My next line of reasoning was that any contiguous sequence of non-applicable version numbers would probably be a remote island in a sea of applicable values. Instead of comparing an element against its immediate predecessor, it should be compared against an element step
back (I chose a value of 5)., 5) |
The original vector contained 832 rows, which was reduced to 745 and then down to 734 on the second step.
Are there any non-loop solutions that are capable of handling a higher density of non-applicable values? Do tell if you can think of one.
Update (a couple of days later)
Thanks to Charles Lowe, Wojtek and kaz_yos for their solutions using cummax
, a function that I was previously unaware of. This was a useful reminder that what other languages do in the syntax/semantics R surprisingly often does via a function call (I’m still getting my head around the fact that a switch-statement is implemented via a function in R); as a wannabe native R speaker I need to remove my overly blinked language approach to problems and learn a lot more about the functions that come as part of the base system
Using identifier prefixes results in more developer errors
Human speech communication has to be processed in real time using a cpu with a very low clock rate (i.e., the human brain whose neurons fire at rates between 10-100 Hz). Biological evolution has mitigated the clock rate problem by producing a brain with parallel processing capabilities and cultural evolution has chipped in by organizing the information content of languages to take account of the brains strengths and weaknesses. Words provide a good example of the way information content can be structured to be handled by a very slow processor/memory system, e.g., 85% of English words start with a strong syllable (for more details search for initial in this detailed analysis of human word processing).
Given that the start of a word plays an important role as an information retrieval key we would expect the code reading performance of software developers to be affected by whether the identifiers they see all start with the same letter sequence or all started with different letter sequences. For instance, developers would be expected to make fewer errors or work quicker when reading the visually contiguous sequence consoleStr
, startStr
, memoryStr
and lineStr
, compared to say strConsole
, strStart
, strMemory
and strLine
An experiment I ran at the 2011 ACCU conference provided the first empirical evidence of the letter prefix effect that I am aware of. Subjects were asked to remember a list of four assignment statements, each having the form id=constant;
, perform an unrelated task for a short period of time and then recall information about the previously seen constants (e.g., their value and which variable they were assigned to).
During recall subjects saw a list of five identifiers and one of the questions asked was which identifier was not in the previously seen list? When the list of identifiers started with different letters (e.g., cat
, mat
, hat
, pat
and bat
) the error rate was 2.6% and when the identifiers all started with the same letter (e.g., pin
, pat
, pod
, peg
, and pen
) the error rate was 5.9% (the standard deviation was 4.5% and 6.8% respectively, but ANOVA p-value was 0.038). Having identifiers share the same initial letter appears to double the error rate.
This looks like great news; empirical evidence of software developer behavior following the predictions of a model of human human speech/reading processing. A similar experiment was run in 2006, this asked subjects to remember a list of three assignment statements and they had to select the ‘not seen’ identifier from a list of four possibilities. An analysis of the results did not find any statistically significant difference in performance for the same/different first letter manipulation.
The 2011/2006 experiments throw up lots of questions, including: does the sharing a prefix only make a difference to performance when there are four or more identifiers, how does the error rate change as the number of identifiers increases, how does the error rate change as the number of letters in the identifier change, would the effect be seen for a list of three identifiers if there was a longer period between seeing the information and having to recall it, would the effect be greater if the shared prefix contained more than one letter?
Don’t expect answers to appear quickly. Experimenting using people as subjects is a slow, labour intensive process and software developers don’t always answer the question that you think they are answering. If anybody is interested in replicating the 2011 experiment the tools needed to generate the question sheets are available for download.
For many years I have strongly recommended that developers don’t prefix a set of identifiers sharing some attribute with a common letter sequence (its great to finally have some experimental backup, however small). If it is considered important that an attribute be visible in an identifiers spelling put it at the end of the identifier.
See you all at the ACCU conference tomorrow and don’t forget to bring a pen/pencil. I have only printed 40 experiment booklets, first come first served.
Criteria for knowing a language
What does it mean for somebody to claim to know a computer language? In the commercial world it means the person is claiming to be capable of fluently (i.e., only using knowledge contained in their head and without having to unduly ponder) reading, and writing code in some generally accepted style applicable to that language. The academic world generally sets a much lower standard of competence (perhaps because most of its inhabitants leave before any significant expertise is acquired). If I had a penny for every recent graduate who claimed to know a language and was incapable of writing a program that read in a list of integers and printed their sum (I know companies that set tougher problems, but they do not seem to have higher failure rates), I would be a rich man.
One experiment asked 21 postgraduate and academic staff which of the following individuals they would regard as knowing Java:
The results were:
A 21 0
B 18 3
C 16 5
D 8 13
E 0 21
These answers reflect the environment from which the subjects were drawn. When I wrote compilers for a living, I did not consider that anybody knew a language unless they had written a compiler for it, a point of view echoed by other compiler writers I knew.
I’m not sure that commercial developers would be happy with answer (E), in fact they could probably expand (E) into five separate questions that tested the degree to which a person was able to combine various elements of the language to create a meaningful whole. In the commercial world, stage (E) is where people are expected to start.
The criteria used to decide whether somebody knows a language depends on which group of people you talk to; academics, professional developers and compiler writers each have their own in-group standards. In a sense the question is irrelevant, a small amount of language knowledge applied well can be used to do a reasonable job of creating a program for most applications.
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