2023 in the programming language standards’ world
Two weeks ago I was on a virtual meeting of IST/5, the committee responsible for programming language standards in the UK. IST/5 has a new chairman, Guy Davidson, whose efficiency is very unstandard’s like.
It’s been 18 months since I last reported on the programming language standards’ world, what has been going on?
2023 is going to be a bumper year for the publication of revised Standards of long-established programming language: COBOL, Fortran, C, and C++ (a revised Standard for Ada was published last year).
Yes, COBOL; a new COBOL Standard was published in January. Reports of its death were premature, e.g., my 2014 post suggesting that the latest version would be the last version of the Standard, and the closing of PL22.4, the US Cobol group, in 2017. There has even been progress on the COBOL front end for gcc, which now supports COBOL 85.
The size of the COBOL Standard has leapt from 955 to 1,229 pages (around new 200 pages in the normative text, 100 in the annexes). Comparing the 2014/2023 documents, I could not see any major additions, just lots of small changes spread throughout the document.
Every Standard has a project editor, the person tasked with creating a document that reflects the wishes/votes of its committee; the project editor sends the agreed upon document to ISO to be published as the official ISO Standard. The ISO editors would invariably request that the project editor make tiresome organizational changes to the document, and then add a front page and ISO copyright notice; from time to time an ISO editor took it upon themselves to reformat a document, sometimes completely mangling its contents. The latest diktat from ISO requires that submitted documents use the Cambria font. Why Cambria? What else other than it is the font used by the Microsoft Word template promoted by ISO as the standard format for Standard’s documents.
All project editors have stories to tell about shepherding their document through the ISO editing process. With three Standards (COBOL lives in a disjoint ecosystem) up for publication this year, ISO editorial issues have become a widespread topic of discussion in the bubble that is language standards.
Traditionally, anybody wanting to be actively involved with a language standard in the UK had to find the contact details of the convenor of the corresponding language panel, and then ask to be added to the panel mailing list. My, and others, understanding was that provided the person was a UK citizen or worked for a UK domiciled company, their application could not be turned down (not that people were/are banging on the door to join). BSI have slowly been computerizing everything, and, as of a few years ago, people can apply to join a panel via a web page; panel members are emailed the CV of applicants and asked if “… applicant’s knowledge would be beneficial to the work programme and panel…”. In the US, people pay an annual fee for membership of a language committee ($1,340/$2,275). Nobody seems to have asked whether the criteria for being accepted as a panel member has changed. Given that BSI had recently rejected somebodies application to join the C++ panel, the C++ panel convenor accepted the action to find out if the rules have changed.
In December, BSI emailed language panel members asking them to confirm that they were actively participating. One outcome of this review of active panel membership was the disbanding of panels with ‘few’ active members (‘few’ might be one or two, IST/5 members were not sure). The panels that I know to have survived this cull are: Fortran, C, Ada, and C++. I did not receive any email relating to two panels that I thought I was a member of; one or more panel convenors may be appealing their panel being culled.
Some language panels have been moribund for years, being little more than bullet points on the IST/5 agenda (those involved having retired or otherwise moved on).
First understand the structure of a standard, then read it
Extracting useful information from the text in an ISO programming language standard first requires an understanding of the stylized English in which it is written.
I regularly encounter people who cite wording from the C Standard to back up their interpretation of a particular language construct. My first thought when this happens is: Do I want to spend the time explaining how the standard ‘works’ to get to the point of dealing with the topic being discussed?
I am not aware of any “How to read the C Standard” guide, or such a guide for any language.
Explaining enough detail to have a sensible conversation about the text takes, maybe, 10-30 minutes. The interpretation of text in any standard can depend on the section in which it occurs, and particular phrases can be specified to have different interpretations in different contexts. For instance, in the C Standard, a source code construct that violates a “shall” requirement specified in a “Constraints” section is about as serious as things get (i.e., it’s a mandatory compile time error), while violating a “shall” requirement specified outside a “Constraints” is undefined behavior (i.e., the compiler can do what it likes, including nothing).
New readers also get hung up on footnotes, which are a great source of confusion. Footnotes have no normative meaning; technically, they are classified as informative (their real use is providing the committee a means to include wording in the document to satisfy some interested party, without the risk of breaking the standard {because this text has no normative status}).
Sometimes a person familiar with the C++ Standard applies the interpretation rules they have learned to the C Standard. This can work in limited cases, but the fundamental differences between how the two documents are structured requires a reorientation of thinking. For instance, the C Standard specifies the behavior of source code (from which the behavior of implementations has to be inferred), while the C++ Standard specifies the behavior of implementations (from which the behavior of source code constructs has to be inferred), and the C++ Standard does not contain “Constraints” sections.
The general committee response, at least in WG14, to complaints that the language standard requires effort to understand, is that the standard is not intended as a tutorial. At least there is a prose document to read, there are forms of language specification that don’t provide this luxury. At a minimum, a language standard first needs to be read two or three times before trying to answer detailed questions.
In general, once somebody has learned to interpret one ISO Standard, the know-how does not transfer to other ISO language standards, but they have an appreciation of the need for such an understanding.
In theory, know-how is supposed to be transferable; part 2 of the ISO directives, Principles and rules for the structure and drafting of ISO and IEC documents, “… stipulates certain rules to be applied in order to ensure that they are clear, precise and unambiguous.” There are also the technical reports: Guidelines for the Preparation of Conformity Clauses in Programming Language Standards (published in 1990), which I suspect few people have read, even within the standards’ programming language community, and Guidelines for the preparation of programming language standards (unchanged since the fourth edition in 2003).
In practice: The Fortran and Cobol standards were written before people had any idea which rules might be appropriate; I think the Pascal standard appeared just before the rules were formalised. Also, all three standards were created by National bodies (US, US, and UK respectively) as National standards, and then ‘promoted’ as-is to be ISO standards. ADA was a DoD standard that got ‘promoted’, and very much did its own thing with regard to stylized English.
The post-1990 language standards visually look as if they follow the ISO rules in force at the time they were first written (Directives, part 2 is on its ninth edition), i.e., the titles of clauses match the clause numbering scheme specified by ISO rules, e.g., clause 3 specifies “Terms and definitions”. However, readers are going to need some cultural background on the use of the language by its community, to figure out the intent of the text. For instance, the 1990 revision of the Pascal Standard contains extensive use of “shall”, but it is not clear how this is to be interpreted; I used Pascal extensively for 10-years, but never studied its ISO standard, and reading it now with my C Standard expertise is a strange experience, e.g., familiar language “constraints” do not appear to be specified in the text, and the compiler does not appear to be required to flag anything.
Two of the pre-1990 language standards, Fortran and Cobol, were initially written in the 1960s, and read like they are from another age (probably because of the way they are laid out, and the fonts used). The differences are so obvious that any readers with prior experience are likely to understand that they are going to have to figure out the structure from scratch. The formatting of post-1990 Fortran Standards lacks the 1960s vibe.
Enthusiasm on the Fortran standards committee
The Fortran language standards committee, SC22/WG5, has an unusual situation on its hands. Two people have put themselves forward to chair the committee, when the current chairman’s three year term ends. What is unusual is that it is often difficult to find anybody willing to do the job.
The two candidates are the outgoing chair (the person who invariably does the job, until they decide they have had enough, or can arm wrestle someone else to do it), and a scientist at Los Alamos; I don’t know either person.
SC22 (the ISO committee responsible for language standards), and INCITS (the US Standards body; the US is the Fortran committee secretariate) will work something out.
I had heard that the new guy was ruffling some feathers, and I thought good for him (committees could do with having their feathers ruffled every now and again). Then I read the running for convenor announcement; oh dear. Every committee has a way of working: the objectives listed in this announcement would go down really well with the C++ committee (which already does many of the points listed), but the Fortran committee don’t operate this way.
The language standards world appears to be very similar to the open source world, in that they are both driven by the people who do the work. One person can have a big impact in the open source world, simply by doing the work, but in the language standards world there is voting (people can vote in the open source world by using software or not). One person can write papers and propose lots of additions to a standard, but the agreement of committee members is needed before any wording is added to a draft standard, which eventually goes out for a round of voting by national bodies.
Over the years I have seen several people on a standards committee starting out very enthusiastic, writing proposals and expounding them at meetings; then after a year or two becoming despondent because nothing has happened. If committee members don’t like your proposal (or choose to spend their time on other proposals), they do nothing. A majority doing nothing is enough to stop something happening.
Once a language has become established, many of its users want the committee to move slowly. Compiler vendors don’t want to spend all their time keeping up with language updates (which rarely help sell more product), and commercial users don’t want the hassle of having to spend time working out how a new standard might impact them (having zero impact on existing is a common aim of language committees).
The young, the enthusiastic, and magazines looking to sell clicks are excited by change. An ISO language committee is generally not the place to find it.
INCITS have nominated the current chair for the next three-year term.
PCTE: a vestige of a bygone era of ISO standards
The letters PCTE (Portable Common Tool Environment) might stir vague memories, for some readers. Don’t bother checking Wikipedia, there is no article covering this PCTE (although it is listed on the PCTE acronym page).
The ISO/IEC Standard 13719 Information technology — Portable common tool environment (PCTE) —, along with its three parts, has reached its 5-yearly renewal time.
The PCTE standard, in itself, is not interesting; as far as I know it was dead on arrival. What is interesting is the mindset, from a bygone era, that thought such a standard was a good idea; and, the continuing survival of a dead on arrival standard sheds an interesting light on ISO standards in the 21st century.
PCTE came out of the European Union’s first ESPRIT project, which ran from 1984 to 1989. Dedicated workstations for software developers were all the rage (no, not those toy microprocessor-based thingies, but big beefy machines with 15 inch displays, and over a megabyte of memory), and computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools were going to provide a huge productivity boost.
PCTE is a specification for a tool interface, i.e., an interface whereby competing CASE tools could provide data interoperability. The promise of CASE tools never materialized, and they faded away, removing the need for an interface standard.
CASE tools and PCTE are from an era where lots of managers still thought that factory production methods could be applied to software development.
PCTE was a European-funded project coordinated by a (at the time) mainframe manufacturer. Big is beautiful, and specifications with clout are ISO standards (ECMA was used to fast track the document).
At the time Ada was the language that everybody was going to be writing in the future; so, of course, there is an Ada binding (there is also a C one, cannot ignore reality too much).
Why is there still an ISO standard for PCTE? All standards are reviewed every 5-years, countries have to vote to keep them, or not, or abstain. How has this standard managed to ‘live’ so long?
One explanation is that by being dead on arrival, PCTE never got the chance to annoy anybody, and nobody got to know anything about it. Standard’s committees tend to be content to leave things as they are; it would be impolite to vote to remove a document from the list of approved standards, without knowing anything about the subject area covered.
The members of IST/5, the British Standards committee responsible (yes, it falls within programming languages), know they know nothing about PCTE (and that its usage is likely to be rare to non-existent) could vote ABSTAIN. However, some member countries of SC22 might vote YES, because while they know they know nothing about PCTE, they probably know nothing about most of the documents, and a YES vote does not require any explanation (no, I am not suggesting some countries have joined SC22 to create a reason for flunkies to spend government money on international travel).
Prior to the Internet, ISO standards were only available in printed form. National standards bodies were required to hold printed copies of ISO standards, ready for when an order to arrive. When a standard having zero sales in the last 5-years, came up for review a pleasant person might show up at the IST/5 meeting (or have a quiet word with the chairman beforehand); did we really want to vote to keep this document as a standard? Just think of the shelf space (I never heard them mention the children dead trees). Now they have pdfs occupying rotating rust.
NWIP for Monochrome inkjet yield
As a member of IST/5, the British Standards’ programming language committee, I receive a daily notification of relevant documents that have arrived at BSI. The email arrives just before midnight and contains a generous helping of acronyms, such as: N13344 SC 28 ISO-IECJTC1-SC28 N2051 NWIP for Monochrome inkjet yield.
The line break on the above line resulted in “Monochrome inkjet yield” appearing at the start of a line and it caught my attention, so I downloaded the document.
SC28 is the ISO committee for office equipment and this NWIP (New Work Item Proposal) is for WG2 (the Working Group responsible for consumables) to create a new ISO Standard with the title: “Method for the Determination of Ink Cartridge Yield for Monochrome Inkjet Printers and Multifunction Devices that Contain Printer Components”. Voting, on whether or not work should start on this proposal, closes on July 12.
Why was information about inkjet yield sent to a programming language list? Are SC28/WG2 having a membership drive and have been tipped off that our workload is declining? More importantly, are they following the C++ model of having regular meetings in Hawaii; the paperwork does not say. The standard for color injet printers appeared in 2009; was the production of this document such a traumatic event that it decimated committee membership and it has taken eight years to put together a skeleton group.
Attached to the proposal is a 20-page draft document; somebody has been busy.
So how is it proposed that monochrome inkjet yield be calculated? You need at least nine inkjet cartridges, three printers and a room at a temperature of 23 degrees (plus/minus 2 degrees, with readings taken every 15 minutes and an hourly running average calculated; “… temperature can have a profound effect on test results.”). Load “… a common medium weight paper and must conform to the printer’s list of approved papers.” into the three printers that have been “… temperature acclimated to the test room environment.” and count the number of pages printed by each printer (using at least three cartridges in each printer) before “…an end of life judgement.” Divide total number of pages printed by total number of cartridges used and there you go.
End of life? “The cartridge yield is determined by an end of life judgement, or signalled with either of two phenomena: fade, caused by depletion of ink in the cartridge or automatic printing stop caused by an Ink Out detection function.”
What is fade?
“3.1 Fade
A phenomenon where a significant reduction in uniformity occurs due to ink depletion.
NOTE In this test, fade is defined as a noticeably lighter, 3 mm or greater, gap located in the text, in the bar chart, or in the boxes around the periphery of the test page. The determination of the change in lightness is to be made referenced to the 25th page printed for each cartridge in testing. For examples of fade, please consult Annex A.”
And Annex A?
“Examples of Fade <future edit: add picture>”
Formula for calculating the standard deviation and a 90% confidence interval are given (the 90% confidence interval formula assumes a Normal distribution; I would have thought that the distribution of pages printed by a cartridge might be skewed and a bootstrap procedure would be more reliable).
It is daylight now and my interest in inkjet yield is satiated. But if you, dear reader, have a longing for more, then Ms. Michelle Pangborn (Hewlett-Packard), USA or Mr. Nobuaki Hamada (Epson), Japan are the people to contact.
Some printer test pages to add to your link collection.
Do languages evolve to minimise portability?
Governments promote standards because following them helps their citizens save money. The UK and US have contrasting positions, with the UK focusing on savings achieved through the repeated use of standardized items and the US focusing on the repeated use of skills people acquired through using a standardized item.
What benefit, if any, do product vendors receive from adhering to a standard? A few vendors may be in a position to use economies of scale to gain market share (by driving out of business less well funded competitors), other vendors follow a specified standard as a means of winning a contract with large customers, and the rest don’t care.
In the program language world, for 20 odd years, there were just the Cobol and Fortran standards. These started out idealistically driven because hardware vendors had to convince potential customers that it was commercially viable for them to write software for the products they were selling (i.e., the early computers). Once business started to take off, the computer industry’s compete/cooperate dynamic, mixed with large egos wanting their own way and the sales driven mandate to keep existing customers happy (i.e., don’t break existing code) took over. There was lots of infighting and progress was slow, but at least there were lots of people who thought it important enough to be involved.
In the mid-1980s there was a seismic shift in approach to language standards with Pascal and C becoming ISO standards, the first created by a group of mainly academics and the second by a group containing many small company consultants/vendors. The age of ‘activist’ language ISO standard creation had begun; which is not to say that anything changed in the Cobol and Fortran standards’ world. For a look back at this decade see: Computer Standards & Interfaces, volume 16, numbers 5 & 6, Sep 1994.
If you were to put somebody who knew nothing about computer languages in a room with the standard’s committees for Modula-2 and C++, I don’t think they would be able to tell them apart. Inside the bubble, it’s not possible to distinguish the language that died before its standard was published and the language that continues to grow like Topsy.
Activists want to get things done and will select the route of minimal bureaucratic resistance. These days this means that new language standards are often created locally and fed into the ISO process higher once they are done.
Open source compilers have solved many of the source portability problems caused by language dialects, that standards were intended to solve, by dramatically shrinking the market of the compilers that supported those dialects.
Where has the user been in all this? Well, where-ever they are, they are rarely seen at language standard meetings.
These days, portability problems are caused by the multitude of languages, not by the multitude of dialects of a language.
C++14 is now in, C++11 is out and C++17 is on the horizon
C++11 is now so yesterday; ISO have just ratified C++14 as the new C++ standard. However, don’t let the sudden halt to the exponential growth in page count with each revision (1334 pages in C++11 to 1366 in C++14) lull you into thinking that the size of C++ has stabilized. These days the page growth market is Technical Reports (e.g., ISO/IEC TR 18015 – C++ Performance and TR 19768 – C++ Library Extensions).
What next, are the C++ committee taking a well earned rest from their twice yearly (only recently reduced from four times a year) jetset around the world to attend week long meetings with 100+ other like-minded folk?
Of course not, they are having too much fun the world needs C++17 (yes, work has already started). And lets not forget the economy, which is still limping along. Can we risk the economic consequences of lots of highly paid consultants being unemployed, of compiler writers running out of new features to implement, of hotels having no more “Latest features in C++” seminars/workshops/conferences to host?
In there really enough work for everybody to do revising C++14? Better be safe and request permission from ISO to start work on new Technical Reports covering: C++ Extensions for Transactional Memory, C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals and C++ Extensions for Parallelism (there is ongoing work/talk of others, such as C++ — File System Technical Specification, C++ Extensions for Concurrency and C++ Extensions for Concepts).
If the number of new things to add does start to run low, there are always the known bugs in the existing documents could always do with some attention: Core Language Active Issues and the Standard Library Issues List.
2013 in the programming language standards’ world
Yesterday I was at the British Standards Institute for a meeting of IST/5, the committee responsible for programming languages. Things have been rather quiet since I last wrote about IST/5, 18 months ago. Of course lots of work has been going on (WG21 meetings, C++ Standard, are attracting 100+ people, twice a year, to spend a week trying to reach agreement on new neat features to add; I’m not sure how the ability to send email is faring these days ;-).
Taken as a whole programming languages standards work, at the ISO level, has been in decline over the last 10 years and will probably decline further. IST/5 used to meet for a day four times a year and now meets for half a day twice a year. Chairman of particular language committees, at international and national levels, are retiring and replacements are thin on the ground.
Why is work on programming language standards in decline when there are languages in widespread use that have not been standardised (e.g., Perl and PHP do not have a non-source code specification)?
The answer is low hardware/OS diversity and Open source. These two factors have significantly reduced the size of the programming language market (i.e., there are far fewer people making a living selling compilers and language related tools). In the good old-days any computer company worth its salt had its own cpu and OS, which of course needed its own compiler and the bigger vendors had third parties offering competing compilers; writing a compiler was such a big undertaking that designers of new languages rarely gave the source away under non-commercial terms, even when this happened the effort involved in a port was heroic. These days we have a couple of cpus in widespread use (and unlikely to be replaced anytime soon), a couple of OSs and people are queuing up to hand over the source of the compiler for their latest language. How can a compiler writer earn enough to buy a crust of bread let alone attend an ISO meeting?
Creating an ISO language standard, through the ISO process, requires a huge amount of work (an estimated 62-person years for C99; pdf page 20). In a small market, few companies have an incentive to pay for an employee to be involved in the development process. Those few languages that continue to be worked on at the ISO level have niche markets (Fortran has supercomputing and C had embedded systems) or broad support (C and now C++) or lots of consultants wanting to be involved (C++, not so much C these days).
The new ISO language standards are coming from national groups (e.g., Ruby from Japan and ECMAscript from the US) who band together to get the work done for local reasons. Unless there is a falling out between groups in different nations, and lots of money is involved, I don’t see any new language standards being developed within ISO.
Writing language standards is a cottage industry
In the beginning programming language standards were written by one country’s National Standards body (e.g., ANSI did C/Cobol/Fortran for the USA and BSI did Pascal for the UK) and other countries were free to write their own version, adopt the existing work or do nothing (I don’t know of any country writing their own version, a few countries sometimes stuck their own front page on an existing document and the majority did nothing; update 4 Dec 2012, thanks to David Muxworthy for pointing out that around 1974 the UK, US, Japan and ECMA were all independently developing a standard for BASIC, by 1982 this had evolved to just ANSI and ECMA).
The UK people who created the Pascal Standard wanted the rest of the world (i.e., the US) to adopt it, and the way to do this was to have it adopted as an ISO Standard. The experience of making this happen convinced the folk at BSI that in future, language standards should be produced as an international effort within ISO (those pesky Americans wanted changes made to the document before they would vote for it).
During the creation of the first C Standard various people from Europe joined the ANSI committee, X3J11, so they could take part. Initially the US members were not receptive to the European request for a mechanism to handle keyboards that did not contain certain characters (e.g., left/right square brackets) but responded promptly on hearing that those (pesky) Europeans planned to publish an ISO C Standard that would contain those changes to the ANSI Standard needed to support trigraphs; the published ANSI Standard included support for trigraphs. The C ANSI committee were very receptive to the idea of future work being done at the ISO level; Bill Plauger/Tom Plum did a lot of good work to ensure it happened.
The C++ language came along and long story short an ISO committee was set up to create an ISO Standard for it, then Java came along and the Java Study Group failed to become an ISO committee and then various non-specific language committees happened.
A look at the SC22 website shows that ISO Standards exist for Forth and ECMAscript (it has not yet been updated to include Ruby) with no corresponding ISO committees. What is going on?
One could be cynical and say that special interests are getting a document of their choosing accepted by ECMA and then abusing the ISO fast track procedure to sidestep the need to set up an international committee that has the authority to create a document of its choosing. The reality is that unless a language is very widely used by lots of people (e.g., in the top five or so most commonly used languages) there are unlikely to be enough people (or employers) willing and able to commit the time and money needed to be actively involved in an ISO Standard committee.
Once a document has been fast tracked to become ISO Standard, any updates to it are supposed to be carried out under ISO rules (i.e., an ISO committee). In practice this is not happening with ECMAscript which continues to be very active (I don’t know what is happening with Forth or how the Ruby people plan to handle any updates), holding bi-monthly meetings; over the years they have fast tracked two revisions to the original fast tracked document (the UK did raise the issue during balloting but nothing came of it, I don’t think anybody really cares).
Would moving the ECMAscript development work from ECMA to ISO make a worthwhile difference? There might be a few people out there who would attend an ISO meeting who are not currently attending ECMA meetings (to join ECMA companies with five or fewer employees pay an annual fee of 3,500 Swiss francs {about the same number of US dollars} and larger companies pay a lot more) but I suspect the number would not be large enough to make up for the extra hassle of running an ISO committee (e.g., longer ISO balloting timescales).
Production of programming language standards is really a cottage industry that relies on friends in high places (e.g., companies with an existing membership of ECMA or connections into the local country standards’ body) for them to appear on the international stage.
A free pdf that is not the C++ Standard
One of the most annoying things about working on programming language standards is to see the exorbitant price ISO charge for the final published document created by experts toiling away for free over many years. This practice is unlikely to change.
Once a document has been through a successfully ballot (i.e., accepted for publication as a Standard) ISO has very strict rules about what changes can be made to it prior to actual publication (only typos of the most very innocuous kind can be fixed). Of course programming language committees live on after the publication of a Standard by ISO and it is very useful for them if the document they start deliberating on is one that has had all the typos corrected, not just the really innocuous ones.
The list of typos in the 2011 C++ Standard have been fixed in the freely down loadable committee document N3337 that is not the official C++ Standard, however uncannily similar it may look (no ISO gobbledygook at the front for instance). The equivalent committee document for C is not yet available on the WG14 site.
If you really do need a copy of the C++ Standard the 2011 (i.e., latest) document in pdf form is available for $30 from ANSI; the 2011 C Standard is also available for the same price. Don’t worry about the ANSI version being dated 2012 rather than 2011; National Standards bodies must sell the ISO version at ISO prices but are allowed to publish localized versions for which they can set their own price (so you pay less and get various US specific acronyms and verbiage printed on the front cover).
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