Searching code for a specific kind of calculation
I am currently involved in a project that requires locating the line(s) of code in a program that calculate(s) the value 3n+1 (and various other constructs associated with coding the 3n+1 problem). Since there are over 4,000 independently written programs, each containing this calculation, the search effort is non-trivial. The obvious solution is to use grep to search for the expression 3*n+1
(the actual regular expression is a bit more complicated since any whitespace needs to be handled and the identifier n
might have a different spelling).
This obvious solution works around 80% of the time (based on my manual analysis of the programs; searching for n*3+1
catches another 10%). For many of the authors of these 4,000+ programs simplicity does not seem to be an overriding goal and various alternative forms of the calculation are used (e.g., n+n+n
or (n<<2)+n+1
or n+= (n<<2); n++
or even n+=n+++n
). It looks like some authors have been unduly concerned with program performance.
The reason I am doing a manual search is that this problem is way beyond the capabilities of existing code search tools. Existing tools all require that the search pattern be specified in terms that are essential lexical. This would not be too much of a problem if I had a means of automatically enumerating a reasonable subset of the expressions that evaluate to 3n+1. (The problem of optimizing the sequence of operations needed to multiply a variable by a constant is a well known issue in compiler code generation and very good algorithms are known (papers+code and matrix multiplication)).
The existing abstract interpretation tools target complete programs, or at least complete functions, and aim to show that certain conditions are met and/or not violated. An abstract interpretation version of grep sounds like an interesting PhD.
After several thousand searches even the most obtuse methods rarely take me more than a few seconds to spot. I can also be easily ‘reprogrammed’ to search just as effectively for other code sequences having some simple result.
Contemplating the major problems that need to be solved before an automatic tool could perform a similar task I am starting to appreciate, once again, the vast gulf that exists between human and computer analysis of code.
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