Who are the famous academics in software engineering?
Who are today’s ‘famous’ academics in software engineering?
Famous as in, you can mention their name when chatting with general software developers, and expect those present to have heard of them, or you have heard their names dropped into a conversation, say, at least 3+ times this year (I’m excluding academics who are famous within one specific niche of software engineering). Academic, as in, works in an institution of secondary or tertiary higher learning.
When I started out in industry, the works of Knuth and Dijkstra were cited (not always accurately), people would talk about Ted Codd’s latest position on how best to structure a database. Tony Hoare later became known through his books, and Leslie Lamport for distributed systems and perhaps LaTeX. In very large niches, William Kahan for numerical analysis, and Barbara Liskov for the Liskov substitution principle.
Anyone suggesting Kernighan and Ritchie, of C and Unix fame, is overlooking the fact they worked in an industrial research lab.
A book series continues to maintain Knuth’s fame, while Dijkstra kept himself in the news by being a source of controversial quotes for industry journalists, and for kicking off the Go-To statement considered harmful debate (the latter is likely the reason that anybody has heard of him today). Has Kahan escaped his niche, even though use of floating-point arithmetic is now perhaps even more niche than it used to be?
How might academics become famous?
Widely used algorithms/metrics/techniques named after a person generates a kind of anonymous name recognition. For instance, Halstead complexity metric and McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity metric, and from the 1990s Shor’s algorithm.
Some people achieve fame through their association with a language. Academic name/language pairs include: McCarthy/Lisp, Wirth/Pascal, Stroustrup/C++ (worked in industry, university, industry, university), Peyton Jones/Haskell (university, industrial research, industry), Leroy/OCaml, Meyer/Eiffel.
An influential book, or widely read blog can generate a kind of fame.
Many academics have written an ‘algorithms’ book, and readers may have fond memories of the particular book they used as an undergraduate. Barry Boehm wrote “Software Engineering Economics”, but is more likely to be known for the model he spent his life promoting, i.e., the COCOMO model.
Fred Brooks, author of one of the most famous books in software engineering The Mythical Man Month, was not an academic worked in industry and then academia.
I have always been surprised by how many Turing award winners I have never heard of, or while recognizing a name am completely unfamiliar with their work. I am less surprised by my failure to recognise around half the names in the Wikipedia category software engineering researchers.
A few people are known because of the widespread use of their software (Linus Torvalds has never been an academic). Richard Stallman, employed as an academic, originally became famous as the author of the GNU version of emacs and gcc; the fame from the Free Software Foundation came after copyleft took off.
Are there academics who have become ‘famous’ in software engineering this century? I’m not in a position to answer this because I don’t read introductory software books, and generally avoid bike-shed discussions.
Does the resurgence of interest in AI mean that Judea Pearl’s fame is no longer niche?
I do read recent academic papers, and the only person on the list of most frequently cited authors in my evidence-based software engineering book with any claim to fame, researches cognitive neuroscience, i.e., Stanislas Dehaene.
Is software engineering a field where it is possible for a person, academic or otherwise, to become famous?
If there are fame worthy discoveries waiting to be made, or fame worthy software engineering book waiting to be written, how likely is it that the people responsible will be academics? A lot of the advances in software engineering have been made and continue to be made by those working in industry.
Suggestions relating to (in)famous academics welcome.
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