Confidence intervals: my one recommended practice
What recommended practices should developers/managers follow when analysing data they have collected/available?
The scientific approach to data analysis mandates specifying a hypothesis before gathering the data, let alone analysing it. This approach has proven workable when researchers are familiar with an evidence-based body of knowledge. In this environment it’s acceptable, even required, to criticise anyone who analyses data without having a hypothesis and just follow along where ever the data appears to lead.
In fields lacking an evidence-based body of knowledge, such as software engineering (which does have an extensive body of folklore), it can be difficult to articulate a reasonable set of hypothesis to test against, before analysing the date. Time and cost are the incentives that push developers/managers in to simply following the data where ever it leads them:
- understandably, they are only interested in solving their own local problem, not building global theories of software engineering practices,
- as occasional data analysts, developers/managers probably have little or no experience in formulating hypothesis, and don’t have the time to become familiar with the existing evidence around the processes of interest,
- formulating a hypothesis, along with its associated model of the world, can require a surprising amount of work, often involving many interacting factors to consider (an ad-hoc approach based on an evolving analysis of data can appear to need a lot less effort).
Following the data can feel like the agile approach to data analysis. However, thoughtlessly following the data is fraught with dangers, particularly with small sample sizes (while there are often copious quantities of source, the human side of software engineering often involves miniscule sample sizes). It has always been difficult to get developers to slow down and think when writing code, it seems unrealistic to expect habits to change for data analysis.
I take a somewhat schizophrenic approach in my workshop for software developers, with many slides illustrating the dangers of just jumping in, along with other slides showing how to quickly find patterns in data (the main topic of conversation during the hands-on sessions).
My one recommended practice is that confidence intervals be calculated and included in the presented results. Why just one recommendation? I think recommendations involving sample size, hypothesis, thinking hard, etc will be ignored. Results showing wide confidence intervals highlight a range of possible problems: insufficient sample sizes, along with marginal effects and other uncertainties.
The scientific recommendation approach would be to use p-values. The problem with these is that they will probably have to be explained to developers/managers, who will have little idea about how to interpret them.
The presence of confidence intervals in a summary of results is a major step up from current practices. My experiences with developer/manager driven data analysis include:
- using data, that happens to be available, that has no connection to the questions of interest,
- collecting data, but fail to extract much information (because primitive analysis techniques were used). This situation is also very common in software engineering research papers,
- selling an idea, not the results, sometimes blatantly going against the direction implied by the data analysis (not so common in research papers),
- getting lucky/unlucky with subject performance, in a tiny sample, and claim certainty in the results.
Scientific management of software production
When Frederick Taylor investigated the performance of workers in various industries, at the start of the 1900’s, he found that workers organise their work to suit themselves; workers were capable of producing significantly more than they routinely produced. This was hardly news. What made Taylor’s work different was that having discovered the huge difference between actual worker output and what he calculated could be achieved in practice, he was able to change work practices to achieve close to what he had calculated to be possible. Changing work practices took several years, and the workers did everything they could to resist it (Taylor’s The principles of scientific management is an honest and revealing account of his struggles).
Significantly increasing worker output pushed company profits through the roof, and managers everywhere wanted a piece of the action; scientific management took off. Note: scientific management is not a science of work, it is a science of the management of other people’s work.
The scientific management approach has been successfully applied to production where most of the work can be reduced to purely manual activities (i.e., requiring little thinking by those who performed them). The essence of the approach is to break down tasks into the smallest number of component parts, to simplify these components so they can be performed by less skilled workers, and to rearrange tasks in a way that gives management control over the production process. Deskilling tasks increases the size of the pool of potential workers, decreasing labor costs and increasing the interchangeability of workers.
Given the almost universal use of this management technique, it is to be expected that managers will attempt to apply it to the production of software. The software factory was tried, but did not take-off. The use of chief programmer teams had its origins in the scarcity of skilled staff; the idea is that somebody who knows what they were doing divides up the work into chunks that can be implemented by less skilled staff. This approach is essentially the early stages of scientific management, but it did not gain traction (see “Programmers and Managers: The Routinization of Computer Programming in the United States” by Kraft).
The production of software is different in that once the first copy has been created, the cost of reproduction is virtually zero. The human effort invested in creating software systems is primarily cognitive. The division between management and workers is along the lines of what they think about, not between thinking and physical effort.
Software systems can be broken down into simpler components (assuming all the requirements are known), but can the implementation of these components be simplified such that they can be implemented by less skilled developers? The process of simplification is practical when designing a system for repetitive reproduction (e.g., making the same widget again and again), but the first implementation of anything is unlikely to be simple (and only one implementation is needed for software).
If it is not possible to break down the implementation such that most of the work is easy to do, can we at least hire the most productive developers?
How productive are different developers? Programmer productivity has been a hot topic since people started writing software, but almost no effective research has been done.
I have no idea how to measure programmer productivity, but I do have some ideas about how to measure their performance (a high performance programmer can have zero productivity by writing programs, faster than anybody else, that don’t do anything useful, from the client’s perspective).
When the same task is repeatedly performed by different people it is possible to obtain some measure of average/minimum/maximum individual performance.
Task performance improves with practice, and an individual’s initial task performance will depend on their prior experience. Measuring performance based on a single implementation of a task provides some indication of minimum performance. To obtain information on an individual’s maximum performance they need to be measured over multiple performances of the same task (and of course working in a team affects performance).
Should high performance programmers be paid more than low performance programmers (ignoring the issue of productivity)? I am in favour of doing this.
What about productivity payments, e.g., piece work?
This question is a minefield of issues. Manual workers have been repeatedly found to set informal quotas amongst themselves, i.e., setting a maximum on the amount they will produce during a shift (see “Money and Motivation: An Analysis of Incentives in Industry” by William Whyte). Thankfully, I don’t think I will be in a position to have to address this issue anytime soon (i.e., I don’t see a reliable measure of programmer productivity being discovered in the foreseeable future).
A 1948 viewpoint on developer vs. computer time
For a long time now developer time has been a lot more expensive than computer time. The idea that developers should organize what they do, so as to maximize the efficiency of computer time rather than their own time, is considered to be an echo from a bygone age.
Until recently, I thought the transition from this bygone age, when computer time was considered more important than developer time, started in the late 1960s. Don’t ask me why I thought this, put it down to personal bias.
I was recently reading A Survey of Eniac Operations and Problems: 1946-1952, published in 1952, and what did I find:
“Early in 1948, R. F. Clippinger and some of his associates, in the course of coding the solution of …, were forced to adopt a different method of using the Eniac in order to fit their problem on the machine. …. The experience with this method (first discussed in reference 1), led J. von Neumann to suggest the use of a serial code for control of the Eniac. Such a code was devised and employed with the Eniac beginning in March 1948. Operation of the Eniac with this code was several times slower than either the original method of direct programming or the code for parallel operation. However, the resulting simplification of coding techniques and other advantages far outweighed this disadvantage.”
In other words, in 1948, the people using one of the few computers in the world, which clocked at 100KHz, considered developer time to be more important than computer time.
Filters to help decide who might be a software developer
How do you find people who are likely to be good software developers?
I use the filter approach: start with whoever is available, filter out those who are not likely candidates and go with those that are left (if any).
The first filter is a question: which language do you like to program in?
This question is positive, in that it assumes the other person is a developer; asking for the name of a language makes it a difficult to dodge question for those who don’t know any language. The language itself is irrelevant, apart from as a lead in to further discussion.
Learning to program is easy and a fun thing to do, at least if you are the kind of person likely to become a good developer. Cheap computing hardware has been available since the 1980s, the extra ingredients are a desire to write software and some degree of the necessary skills.
The next filter is a discussion about the largest software system they have written.
The theme of the discussion is how they solved the problems encountered during the implementation. Do the problems sound like something a developer of the person’s experience ought to find a problem? How much perseverance was shown in solving the problems, were they flexible in trying alternatives, what was their approach to problem solving?
Building systems is all about solving problems. People who cannot solve problems will fail, those with problem solving abilities might succeed.
What about paper qualifications?
Demand for developers continues to outstrip supply, creating an opportunity for turkeys to fly.
When getting a university degree was intellectually challenging, it was a sign of cognitive firepower. The stated aim of the UK government is for 50% of 18-year olds to study for a degree, which means that courses requiring high cognitive firepower are dumbed down (otherwise the failure rate goes through the roof and a University’s ranking suffers). If the only option is a turkey shoot, a degree in a subject requiring lots mathematical thinking (e.g., physics, chemistry, some psychology subjects, …) is obviously a much better filter than Medieval French, Modern History, etc.
There are people whose path through life has kept them away from computers when they were younger and university when they were a bit older. Software carpentry seems to be doing good things for such people; I don’t have any direct experience of working with those who have gone that route, and so cannot say anything about it.
Will this filter approach work for you? Well, it depends on the characteristics required of a good developer in your line of work.
Perhaps you need a regular Joe, who does the job, nine-to-five, and sticks to the tried and trusted approached; a solid person who keeps systems reliably maintained and customers happy.
The independent, frontier, mentality that thrives in ‘new’ fields is becoming a less tolerated in software development. The frontier shrinks as more and more software becomes good-enough and those with money to pay for change, spend it on something else.
R recommended usage for professional developers
R is not one of those languages where there is only one way of doing something, the language is blessed/cursed with lots of ways of doing the same thing.
Teaching R to professional developers is easy in the sense that their fluency with other languages will enable them to soak up this small language like a sponge, on the day they learn it. The problems will start a few days after they have been programming in another language and go back to using R; what they learned about R will have become entangled in their general language knowledge and they will be reduced to trial and error, to figure out how things work in R (a common problem I often have with languages I have not used in a while, is remembering whether the if-statement has a then
keyword or not).
My Empirical software engineering book uses R and is aimed at professional developers; I have been trying to create a subset of R specifically for professional developers. The aims of this subset are:
- behave like other languages the developer is likely to know,
- not require knowing which way round the convention is in R, e.g., are 2-D arrays indexed in row-column or column-row order,
- reduces the likelihood that developers will play with the language (there is a subset of developers who enjoy exploring the nooks and crannies of a language, creating completely unmaintainable code in the process).
I am running a workshop based on the book in a few weeks and plan to teach them R in 20 minutes (the library will take a somewhat longer).
Here are some of the constructs in my subset:
- Use
to extract rows meeting some condition. Indexing requires remembering to do it in row-column order and weird things happen when commas accidentally get omitted. - Always call
with the
. Computers now have lots of memory and this factor nonsense needs to be banished to history. - Try not to use for loops. This will probably contain array/data.frame indexing, which provide ample opportunities for making mistakes, use the
functions (which have the added advantage of causing code to die quickly and horribly when a mistake is made, making it easier to track down problems). - Use
to remove the lastN
elements from an object, e.g.,head(x, -1)
returns x with the last element removed. Indexing with the length minus one is a disaster waiting to happen.
It’s a shame that R does not have any mechanism for declaring variables. Experience with other languages has shown that requiring variables to be declared before use catches lots of coding errors (this could be an optional feature so that those who want their ‘freedom’ can have it).
We now know that support for case-sensitive identifiers is a language design flaw, but many in my audience will not have used a language that behaves like this and I have no idea how to help them out.
There are languages in common use whose array bounds start at one. I will introduce R as a member of this club. Not much I can do to help out here, except the general suggestion not to do array indexing.
Suggestions based on reader’s experiences welcome.
Most developers don’t really know any computer language
What does it mean to know a language? I can count to ten in half a dozen human languages, say please and thank you, tell people I’m English and a few other phrases that will probably help me get by; I don’t think anybody would claim that I knew any of these languages.
It is my experience that most developers’ knowledge of the programming languages they use is essentially template based; they know how to write a basic instances of the various language constructs such as loops, if-statements, assignments, etc and how to define identifiers to have a small handful of properties, and they know a bit about how to glue these together.
There are many developers who can skilfully weave together useful programs from the hodgepodge of coding knowledge they happen to know (proving that little programming knowledge is needed to write useful programs).
The purpose of this post is not to complain about developers’ lack of knowledge of the programming languages they use; I appreciate that time spent learning about the application domain often gives a better return on investment compared to learning more about a language. The purpose is to suggest that the programming language community (e.g., teachers and tool producers) acknowledge how languages are primarily used and go with the flow rather than maintaining the fiction that developers know anything much about the languages they use and that they should acquire this knowledge to expert level; students should be taught the commonly encountered templates, not the general language rules, developers should be encouraged to use just the common templates (this will also have the side effect of reducing the effort needed to follow other peoples code since the patterns of usage will be familiar to many).
I suspect that many readers will disagree with the statement in this post’s title, and I need to provide more evidence before proposing (in another post) how we might adapt to the reality to be found in development teams.
The only evidence I can offer is my own experience; not a very satisfactory situation; a possible measurement approach discussed below. So what is this experience based evidence (I only claim to ‘know’ the handful of language I have written compiler front ends for, with other languages my usage follows the template form just like everybody else)?
- discussions with developers: individuals and development groups invariably have their own terminology for programming language constructs (my use of terminology appearing in the language definition usually draws blank stares and I have to make a stab at guessing what the local terms mean and using them if I want to be listened to); asking about identifier scoping or type compatibility rules (assuming that either of the terms ‘scope’ or ‘type compatibility’ is understood) usually results in a vague description of specific instances (invariably the commonly encountered situations),
- books that claim to teach a language often provide superficial coverage of the language semantics and concentrate on usage examples (because that is what is useful to their readers). Those books claiming to give insight into the depths of a language often contains many mistakes; perhaps the most well known example is Herbert Schildt’s “The Annotated ANSI C Standard”, Clive Feather’s review of the 1995 edition and Peter Seebach’s review of later versions,
- the word ‘Advanced’ has to appear in programming courses for professional developers with 3–10 years of experience because potential customers think they have reached an advanced level. In practice, such courses teach the basics and get away with it because most of the attendees don’t know them. My own experiences of teaching such courses is that outside of the walking people through the slides, the real teaching is about trying to undo some of the bad habits and misconceptions individuals have picked up over the years.
Recent graduate think they are an expert in the language used on their course because they probably have not met anybody who knows a lot more; some professional developers think they are language experts because the have lots of years of experience, in practice they tend to have spent those years essentially using what they originally learned and are now very adept with that small subset.
How might we measure the program language knowledge of the general developer population?
Software development question/answer sites such as Stack Overflow contain a wealth of information. I think I could write a function that did a reasonably good job of deducing the programming language, if any, being used in the question. Given the language definition (in some cases this might not exist, e.g., Perl and PHP) and the answers to the question of how do I figure out the language expertise of the person who wrote the answer?
First, we need to filter out those questions that are application related, with code being incidental. Latent Semantic Indexing could be used to locate the strongest connections between parts of the language specification and the non-source code answer text. If strong connections are found, the question would be assumed to be programming language related.
Developers only need surface knowledge to sprinkle any answer with phrases related to the language referred to; more in depth analysis is needed.
One idea is to process any code in the question/answer with a compiler capable of generating references to those parts of the language definition used during its semantic processing (ideally ‘part’ would be the sentence level, but I would settle for paragraph level or perhaps couple of paragraph level). A non-trivial overlap between the ‘parts’ references returned by the two searches would be a good indicator of programming language question. The big problem with this idea is complete lack of compilers supporting this language reference functionality (somebody please prove me wrong).
I am currently stumped for a practical technique for a non-superficial way of measuring developer language expertise. The 2013 Mining Software Repositories challenge is based on a dump of the questions/answers from Stack Overflow, I’m looking forward to seeing what useful information researchers extract from it.
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