Giving engineers the freedom to create a customer lock-in Cloud
The Cloud looks like the next dominant platform for hosting applications.
What can a Cloud vendor do to lock customers in to their fluffy part of the sky?
I think that Microsoft showed the way with their network server protocols (in my view this occurred because of the way things evolved, not though any cunning plan for world domination). The EU/Microsoft judgment required Microsoft to document and license their server protocols; the purpose was to allow third-parties to product Microsoft server plug-compatible products. I was an advisor to the Monitoring trustee entrusted with monitoring Microsoft’s compliance and got to spend over a year making sure the documents could be implemented.
Once most the protocol documents were available in a reasonably presentable state (Microsoft originally considered the source code to be the documentation and even offered it to the EU commission to satisfy the documentation requirement; they eventually hire a team of several hundred to produce prose specifications), two very large hurdles to third party implementation became apparent:
- the protocols were a tangled mess of interdependencies; 100% compatibility required implementing all of them (a huge upfront cost),
- the specification of the error behavior (i.e., what happens when something goes wrong) was minimal, e.g., when something unexpected occurs one of the errors in
is returned (when I last checked, 10 years ago, this file contained over 30,000 identifiers).
Third party plugins for Microsoft server protocols are not economically viable (which is why I think Microsoft decided to make the documents public, they had nothing to loose and could claim to be open).
A dominant cloud provider has the benefit of size, they have a huge good-enough code base. A nimbler, smaller, competitor will be looking for ways to attract customers by offering a better service in some area, which means finding a smaller, stand-alone, niche where they can add value. Widespread use of Open Source means everybody gets to see and use most of the code. The way to stop smaller competitors gaining a foothold is to make sure that the code hangs together as a whole, with no relatively stand-alone components that can be easily replaced. Mutual interdependencies and complexity creates a huge barrier to new market entrants and is in the best interests of dominant vendors (yes it creates extra costs for them, but these are the price for detering competitors).
Engineers will create intendependencies between components and think nothing of it; who does not like easy solutions to problems and this one dependency will not hurt will it? Taking the long term view, and stopping engineers taking short cuts for short term gain, requires a lot of effort; who could fault a Cloud vendor for allowing mutual interdependencies and complexity to accumulate over time.
Error handling is a very important topic that rarely gets the attention it deserves, nobody likes to talk about the situation where things go wrong. Error handling is the iceberg of application development, while the code is often very mundane, its sheer volume (it can be 90% of the code in an application) creates a huge lock-in. The circumstances under which a system handles raises an error and the feasible recovery paths are rarely documented in any detail, it is something that developers working at the coal face learn by trial and error.
Any vendor looking to poach customers first needs to make sure they don’t raise any errors that the existing application does not handle and second any errors they do raise need to be solvable using the known recovery paths. Even if there is error handling information available to enable third-parties to duplicate responses, the requirement to duplicate severely hampers any attempt to improve on what already exists (apart from not raising the errors in the first place).
To create an environment for customer lock-in, Cloud vendors need to encourage engineers to keep doing what engineers love to do: adding new features and not worrying about existing spaghetti code.
R needs some bureaucracy
Writing a program in R is almost bureaucracy free: variables don’t need to be declared, the language does a reasonable job of guessing the type a value might need to be automatically be converted to, there is no need to create a function having a special name that gets called at program startup, the commonly used library functions are ready and waiting to be called and so on.
Not having a bureaucracy is all well and good when programs are small or short lived. Large programs need a bureaucracy to provide compartmentalization (most changes to X
need to be prevented from having an impact outside of X
, doing this without appropriate language support eventually burns out anybody juggling it all in their head) and long lived programs need a bureaucracy to provide version control (because R and its third-party libraries change over time).
Automatically installing a package from CRAN always fetches the latest version. This is all well and good during initial program development. But will the code still work in six months time? Perhaps the author of one of the packages used in the program submits a new version of that package to CRAN and this new version behaves slightly differently, breaking the previously working program. Once the problem is located the developer has either to update their code or manually install the older version of the package. Life would be easier if it was possible to specify the required package version number in the call to the library
Discovering that my code depends on a particular version of a CRAN package is an irritation. Discovering that two packages I use each have a dependency on different versions of the same package is a nightmare. Having to square this circle is known in the Microsoft Windows world as DLL hell.
There is a new paper out proposing a system of dependency versioning for package management. The author proposes adding a version
parameter to the library
function, plus lots of other potentially useful functionality.
Apart from changing the behavior of functions a program calls, what else can a package author do to break developer code? They can create new functions and variables. The following is some code that worked last week:
library("foo") # The function get_question is in this package library("bar") # The function give_answer_42 is in this package (the_question=get_question()) give_answer_42(the_question) |
between last week and today the author of package
(or perhaps the author of one of the packages that foo
has a dependency on) has added support for the function solve_problem_42
and it is this function that will now get called by this code (unless the ordering of the calls to library
are switched). What developers need to be able to write is:
library("foo", import=c("the_question")) # The function get_question is in this package library("bar", import=c("give_answer_42")) # The function give_answer_42 is in this package (the_question=get_question()) give_answer_42(the_question) |
to stop this happening.
The import
parameter enables developers to introduce some compartmentalization into my programs. Yes, R does have namespace management for packages, and I’m pleased to see that its use will be mandatory in R version 3.0.0, but this does not protect programs from functions the package author intends to export.
I’m not sure whether this import
suggestion will connect with R users (who look very laissez faire to me), but I get very twitchy watching a call to library
go off and install lots of other stuff and generate warnings about this and that being masked.
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