So you found a bug in my compiler: Whoopee do
The hardest thing about writing a compiler is getting someone to pay you to do it. Having found somebody to pay you to write, update or maintain a compiler, why would you want to fix fault reported by some unrelated random Joe user?
If Random Joe is customer of a commercial compiler company he can expect a decent response to bug reports, because paying customers are hard to find and companies want to hold onto them.
If Random Joe is a user of an open source compiler, then what incentive does anybody paid to work on the compiler have to do anything about the reported problem?
The most obvious reason is reputation, developers want to feel that they are creating a high quality piece of software. Given that there are not enough resources to spend time investigating all reported problems (many are duplicates or minor issues), it is necessary to prioritize. When reputation is a major factor, the amount of publicity attached to a problem report has a big impact on the priority assigned to that report.
When compiler fuzzers started to attract a lot of attention, a few years ago, the teams working on gcc and llvm were quick to react and fix many of the reported bugs (Csmith is the fuzzer that led the way).
These days finding bugs in compilers using fuzzing is old news and I suspect that the teams working on gcc and llvm don’t need to bother too much about new academic papers claiming that the new XYZ technique or tool finds lots of compiler bugs. In fact I would suggest that compiler developers stop responding to researchers working toward publishing papers on these techniques/tools; responses from compiler maintainers is being becoming a metric for measuring the performance of techniques/tools, so responding just encourages the trolls.
Just because you have been using gcc or llvm since you wore short trousers does not mean they owe you anything. If you find a bug in the compiler and you care, then fix it or donate some money so others can make a living working on these compilers (I don’t have any commercial connection or interest in gcc or llvm). At the very least, don’t complain.
Estimating the reliability of compiler subcomponent
Compiler stress testing can be used for more than finding bugs in compilers, it can also be used to obtain information about the reliability of individual components of a compiler. A recent blog post by John Regehr, lead investigator for the Csmith project, covered a proposal to improve an often overlooked aspect of automated compiler stress testing (removing non-essential code from a failing test case so it is small enough to be acceptable in a bug report; attaching 500 lines of source to a report in a sure fire way for it to be ignored) triggered this post. I hope that John’s proposal is funded and it would be great if the researchers involved also received funding to investigate component reliability using the data they obtain.
One process for estimating the reliability of the components of a compiler, or any other program, is:
- divide the compiler into a set of subcomponents. These components might be a collection of source files obtained through cluster analysis of the source, obtained from a functional analysis of the implementation documents or some other means,
- count the number of times each component executes correctly and incorrectly (this requires associating bugs with components by tracing bug fixes to the changes they induce in source files; obtaining this information will consume the largest amount of the human powered work) while processing lots of source. The ratio of these two numbers, for a given component, is an estimate of the reliability of that component.
How important is one component to the overall reliability of the whole compiler? This question can be answered if the set of components is treated as a Markov chain and the component transition probabilities are obtained using runtime profiling (see Large Empirical Case Study of Architecture–based Software Reliability by Goševa-Popstojanova, Hamill and Perugupalli for a detailed discussion).
Reliability is a important factor in developers’ willingness to enable some optimizations. Information from a component reliability analysis could be used to support an option that only enabled optimization components having a reliability greater than a developer supplied value.
The one big threat to validity of this approach is that stress tests are not representative of typical code. One possibility is to profile the compiler processing lots of source (say of the order of a common Linux distribution) and merge the transition probabilities, probably weighted, to those obtained from stress tests.
A fault in the C Standard or existing compilers?
Software is not the only entity that can contain faults. The requirements listed in a specification are usually considered to be correct, almost by definition. Of course the users of software implementing a specification may be unhappy with the behavior specified and wish that some alternative behavior occurred. A cut and dried fault occurs when two requirements conflict with each other.
The C Standard can be read as a specification for how C compilers should behave. Despite over 80 man years of effort and the continued scrutiny of developers over 20 years, faults continue to be uncovered. The latest potential fault (it is possible that the fault actually occurs in many existing compilers rather than the C Standard) was brought to my attention by Al Viro, one of the Sparse developers.
The issue involved the following code (which I believe the standard considers to be strictly conforming, but all the compilers I have tried disagree):
int (*f(int x))[sizeof x]; // A prototype declaration int (*g(int y))[sizeof y] // A function definition { return 0; } |
These function declarations are unusual in that their return type is a pointer to an array of integers, a type rarely encountered in this context (the original question involved a return type of pointer to function returning … and was more complicated).
The specific issue was the scope of the parameter (i.e., x
and y
), is the declaration still in scope at the point that the second occurrence of the identifier is encountered?
As a principle I think that the behavior, whatever it turns out to be, should be the same in both cases (neither the C standard or its rationale state such a principle).
Taking the function prototype case first:
The scope of the parameter x “… terminates at the end of the function declarator.” (sentence 409).
and does function prototype scope include the return type (the syntax calls the particular construct a declarator and there are at least two of them, one nested inside the other, in a function prototype declaration)?
Sentence 1592 says Yes, but sentence 279 and 1845 say No.
None of these references are normative references (standardize for definitive).
Moving on to the function definition case:
Where does the scope of the parameter x
begin (sentence 418)?
“… scope that begins just after the completion of its declarator.”
and where does the scope end (sentence 408)?
“… which terminates at the end of the associated block.”
and what happens between the beginning and ending of the scope (sentence 412)?
“Within the inner scope, the identifier designates the entity declared in the inner scope;”
This looks very straight forward, there are no ‘gaps’ in the scope of the parameter definition appearing in a function definition. Consistency with the corresponding function prototype case requires that function declarator be interpreted to include the return type.
There is a related discussion involving a previous Defect Report 345 submitted a while ago.
The problem is that many existing compilers do not treat parameter scope in this way. They operate as-if there was a ‘gap’ in the parameter scope of function definition (probably because the code implementing this functionality is shared with that implementing function prototypes, which have been interpreted to not include the return type).
What happens next? Probably lots of discussion on the C Standard email reflector. Possible outcomes include somebody finding wording that requires a ‘gap’ in the scope of parameters in function definitions, it agreed that such a gap ought to be specified by the standard (because this is how existing code behaves because this is how compilers operate), or that the standard is correct as is and any compiler that behaves differently needs to be fixed.
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