Coding guidelines should specify what constructs can be used
There is a widespread belief that an important component of creating reliable software includes specifying coding constructs that should not be used, i.e., coding guidelines. Given that the number of possible coding constructs is greater than the number of atoms in the universe, this approach is hopelessly impractical.
A more practical approach is to specify the small set of constructs that developers that can only be used. Want a for-loop, then pick one from the top-10 most frequently occurring looping constructs (found by measuring existing usage); the top-10 covers 70% of existing C usage, the top-5 55%.
Specifying the set of coding constructs that can be used, removes the need for developers to learn lots of stuff that hardly ever gets used, allowing them to focus on learning a basic set of techniques. A small set of constructs significantly simplifies the task of automatically checking code for problems; many of the problems currently encountered will not occur; many edge cases disappear.
Developer coding mistakes have two root causes:
- what was written is not what was intended. A common example is the conditional in the if-statement:
if (x = y)
, where the developer intended to writeif (x == y)
. This kind of coding typo is the kind of construct flagged by static analysis tools as suspicious.People make mistakes, and developers will continue to make this kind of typographical mistake in whatever language is used,
- what was written does not have the behavior that the developer believes it has, i.e., there is a fault in the developers understanding of the language semantics.
Incorrect beliefs, about a language, can be reduced by reducing the amount of language knowledge developers need to remember.
Developer mistakes are also caused by misunderstandings of the requirements, but this is not language specific.
Why do people invest so much effort on guidelines specifying what constructs not to use (these discussions essentially have the form of literary criticism)? Reasons include:
- providing a way for developers to be part of the conversation, through telling others about their personal experiences,
- tool vendors want a regular revenue stream, and product updates flagging uses of even more constructs (that developers could misunderstand or might find confusing; something that could be claimed for any language construct) is a way of extracting more money from existing customers,
- it avoids discussing the elephant in the room. Many developers see themselves as creative artists, and as such are entitled to write whatever they think necessary. Developers don’t seem to be affronted by the suggestion that their artistic pretensions and entitlements be curtailed, probably because they don’t take the idea seriously.
A book of wrongheadedness from O’Reilly
Writers of recommended practice documents usually restrict themselves to truisms, platitudes and suggestions that doing so and so might not be a good idea. However, every now and again somebody is foolish enough to specify limits on things like lines of code in a function/method body or some complexity measure.
The new O’Reilly book “Building Maintainable Software Ten Guidelines for Future-Proof Code”
(free pdf download until 25th January) is a case study in wrongheaded guideline thinking; probably not the kind of promotional vehicle for the Software Improvement Group, where the authors work, that was intended.
A quick recap of some wrongheaded guideline thinking:
- if something causes problems, recommend against it,
- if something has desirable behavior, recommend use it,
- ignore the possibility that any existing usage is the least worst way of doing things,
- if small numbers are involved, talk about the number 7 and human short term memory,
- discuss something that sounds true and summarize by repeating the magical things that will happen developer people follow your rules.
Needless to say, despite a breathless enumeration of how many papers the authors have published, no actual experimental evidence is cited as supporting any of the guidelines.
Let’s look at the first rule:
Limit the length of code units to 15 lines of code
Various advantages of short methods are enumerated; this looks like a case of wrongheaded item 2. Perhaps splitting up a long method will create lots of small methods with desirable properties. But what of the communication overhead of what presumably is a tightly coupled collection of methods? There is a reason long methods are long (apart from the person writing the code not knowing what they are doing), having everything together in one place can be more a more cost-effective use of developer resources than lots of tiny, tightly coupled methods.
This is a much lower limit than usually specified, where did it come from? The authors cite a study of 28,000 lines of Java code (yes, thousand not million) found that 95.4% of the methods contained at most 15 lines. Me thinks that methods with 14 or fewer lines came in just under 95%.
Next chapter/rule:
Limit the number of branch points per unit to 4
I think wrongheaded items 2, 3 & 5 cover this.
Do not copy code
Wrongheaded item 1 & 3 for sure. Oh, yes, there is empirical research showing that most code is never changed and cloned code contains fewer faults (but not replicated as far as I know).
Limit the number of parameters per unit to at most 4
Wrongheaded item 2. The alternatives are surely much worse. I have mostly seen this kind of rule applied to embedded systems code where number of parameters can be a performance issue. Definitely not a top 10 guideline issue.
Next…: left as an exercise for the reader…
What were the authors thinking when they wrote this nonsense book?
Of course any thrower of stones should give the location of his own glass house. Which is 10 times longer, measures a lot more than 28k of source and cites loads of stuff, but only manages to provide a handful of nebulous guidelines. Actually the main guideline output is that we know almost nothing about developer’s cognitive functioning (apart from the fact that people are sometimes very different, which is not very helpful) or the comparative advantages/disadvantages of various language constructs.
Street cred has no place in guidelines for nuclear power stations
The UK Government recently gave the go ahead to build a new nuclear power station in the UK. On Friday I spotted the document COMPUTER BASED SAFETY SYSTEMS published by the UK’s Office for Nuclear Regulation.
This document does a good job of enumerating all of the important software engineering issues in short, numbered, sentences, until sentence 54 of Appendix 1; “A1.54 The coding standards should prohibit the following practices:-“. Why-o-why did the committee of authors choose to stray from the approach of providing a high level overview of all the major issues? I suspect they wanted to prove their street cred as real software developers. As usually happens in such cases the end result looks foolish and dated (1970-80s in this case).
The nuclear industry takes it procedures a lot more seriously than most other industries, which means some poor group of developers are going to have to convince a regulator with minimal programming language knowledge that they are following this rather nebulous list of prohibitions.
What does the following mean? “5 Multiple use of variables – variables should not be used for more than one function;”. It could be read to mean no use of global variables, but is probably intended to cover something like the role of variables idea.
How is ‘complicated’ calculated in the following? “9 Complicated calculation of indexes;”
Here is my favorite: “15 Direct memory manipulation commands – for example, PEEK and POKE in BASIC;”. More than one committee member obviously had a BBC Micro or Sinclair Spectrum as a teenager.
What should A1.54 say? Something like: “A coding guideline document listing the known problematic areas of the language(s) used along with details of how to handle each area will be written. All staff will be given training on the use of these guidelines.”
The regulator needs to let the staff hired following A1.4 do their job: “A1.4 Only reputable companies should be used in all stages of the lifecycle of computer based protection systems. Each should have a demonstrably good track record in the appropriate field. Such companies should only use staff with the appropriate qualifications and training for the activities in which they are engaged. Evidence that this is the case should be provided.”
After A1.54 has been considerably simplified, A1.55 needs to be deleted: “A1.55 The coding standards should encourage the following:-“. Either require it or not. I suspect the author of “6 Explicit initialising of all variables;” had one of a small number of languages in mind, those that support implicit initialization with a defined value: many don’t, illustrating how language specific coding guidelines need to be.
Following the links in the above document led to: Verification and Validation of Software Related to Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control which contained some numbers about Sizewell B I had not seen before in public documents: “The total size of the source code for the reactor protection functions, excluding comments, support software for the autotesters and communications to other systems, is around 100 000 unique lines. A typical processor contains between 10 000 and 40 000 lines of source code, of which about half are typically from common functions, and the remainder form application code. In addition to the executable code, the PPS incorporates around 100 000 lines of configuration and calibration data per guardline associated with the reactor protection functions.”
The most worthwhile R coding guidelines I know
Since my post questioning whether native R usage exists (e.g., a common set of R coding patterns) several people have asked about coding/style guidelines for R. My approach to style/coding guidelines is economic, adhering to a guideline involves paying a cost now for some future benefit. Obviously to be worthwhile the benefit must be greater than the cost, there is also the issue of who pays the cost and who reaps the benefit (why would anybody pay the cost if somebody else reaps the benefit?). The following three topics are probably where the biggest benefits are to be had and only the third is specific to R (and given the state of my R knowledge may be wrong).
Comment your code. Investing 5-10 seconds per few lines of code now could save substantially more time at some future date. Effective commenting is a skill that has to be learned, start learning now. Think of commenting as sending a text message or tweet to the person you will be in 6 months time (i.e., the person who can hum the tune but has forgotten the details).
Consistently use variable names that mean something to you. This should be a sub 2-second decision that is probably going to save you no more than 5-10 seconds, but in many cases you reap the benefit soon after the investment, without having to wait many months. Names evoke associations in your mind, take advantage of this associative lookup to reduce the cognitive load of working with your code. Effective naming is a skill that has to be learned, start learning now. There are people who ignore the evidence that different people’s linguistic preferences and associations can be very different and insist that everybody adhere to one particular naming convention; ignore them.
Code organization and structure. Experience shows that there are ways of organizing and structuring +1,000 line programs that have a significant impact on the effort needed to actively work on the code, the more code there is the greater the impact. R programs tend to be short, say around 100 lines (I dare say much longer ones exist). Apart from recommending that code be broken up into separate functions, I cannot think of any organizational/structural issue that is worth recommending for 100 lines of code (if you don’t appreciate the advantage of using separate functions you need some hands on training, not words in a blog post).
Is that it, are there no other worthwhile recommendations? There might be, I just don’t have enough experience using R to know. Does anybody else have enough experience to know? I suspect not; where would they have gotten the information needed to do the cost/benefit analysis? Even in the rare case where a detailed analysis is made for a language the results are rather thin on the ground and somewhat inconclusive.
What is the reason behind those R style guides/coding guideline documents that have been written? The following are some possibilities:
and no, I don’t have any empirical data to backup my guidelines 🙁