
Posts Tagged ‘clauses’

if statement conditions, some basic measurements

October 13, 2024 (3 days ago) No comments

The conditions contained in if-statements control all the decisions a program makes, yet relatively little is known about their characteristics.

A condition contains one or more clauses, for instance, the condition (a && b) contains two clauses that both need to be true, for the condition to be true. An earlier post modelled the number of clauses in Java conditions, and found an exponential decline (around 90% of conditions contained a single clause, for C this is around 85%).

The condition in a nested if-statement contains implicit decisions, because its evaluation depends on the conditions evaluated by its outer if-statements. I have long predicted that, on average, the number of clauses in a condition will decrease as if-statement nesting increases, because some decisions are subsumed by outer conditions. I have not seen any measurements on conditionals vs nesting, and this week this question reached the top of my to-do list.

I used Coccinelle to extract the text contained in each condition, along with the start/end line numbers of the associated if/else compound statement(s). After almost 20 years, Coccinelle is still the most flexible C source analysis tool available that does not require delving into compiler internals. The following is an example of the output (code and data):

sqlite-src-3460100/src/fkey.c;if;217;6;217;217;! zKey
sqlite-src-3460100/src/fkey.c;if;275;8;275;275;i == nCol
sqlite-src-3460100/src/fkey.c;if;1428;6;1428;1433;aChange == 0 || fkParentIsModified ( pTab , pFKey , aChange , bChngRowid )
sqlite-src-3460100/src/fkey.c;if;808;4;808;808;iChildKey == pTab -> iPKey && bChngRowid
sqlite-src-3460100/src/fkey.c;if;452;4;452;454;nIncr > 0 && pFKey -> isDeferred == 0

The conditional expressions (last column above) were reduced to a basic form involving simple variables and logical operators, along with operator counts. Some example output below (code and data):

v1 && v2,1,0,0
v1 || v2,0,1,0
v1 && v2 && v3,2,0,0
v1 || ( v2 && v3 ),1,1,0
( v1 && v2 ) || ( v3 && v4 ),2,1,0
( v1 ? dm1 : dm2 ),0,0,1

The C source code projects measured were the latest stable versions of Vim (44,205 if-statements), SQLite (27,556 if-statements), and the Linux kernel (version 6.11.1; 1,446,872 if-statements).

A side note: I was surprised to see the ternary operator appearing in some conditions; in effect, an if within an if (see last line of the previous example). The ternary operator usually appears as a component of a large conditional expression (e.g., x + ( v1 ? dm1 : dm2 ) > y), rather than itself containing clauses, e.g., ( v1 ? dm1 : dm2 ) && v2. I have not seen the requirements for this operator discussed in any analysis of MC/DC.

The plot below shows the number of if-statements occurring at a given nesting level, along with regression fits, of the form Occurrences approx e^{-0.66nestingLevel}, to the Vim and SQLite data; the Linux data was better fit by a power law (code+data):

Number of occurrences of if-statements at a given nesting level, with fitted regression lines.

I suspect that most of the deeply nested levels in Vim and SQLite are the results of long else if chains, which, while technically highly nested, could all have been written having the same nesting level, such as the following:

   if (strcmp(x, "abc"))
      ; // code
   else if (strcmp(x, "xyz"))
      ; // code
   else if (strcmp(x, "123"))
      ; // code

This if else pattern does not appear to be common in Linux. Perhaps ‘regularizing’ the if else sequences in Vim and SQLite will move the distribution towards a power law (i.e., like Linux).

Average nesting depth will also be affected by the average number of lines per function, with functions containing more statements providing the opportunity for more deeply nested if-statements (rather than calling a function containing nested if-statements).

The plot below shows the number of occurrences of conditions containing a given number of clauses. Neither the exponential and power law are good fits, and log-log axis are used because it shows the points are closer to forming a straight line (code+data):

Number of conditions containing a given number of clauses.

The plot below shows the nesting level and number of clauses in the condition for each of the 1,446,872 if-statements in the Linux kernel. Each value was ‘jittered’ to distribute points about their actual value, creating a more informative visualization (code+data):

For each if-statement n the Linux kernel, nesting level of condition and number of clauses in that condition.

As expected, the likelihood of a condition containing multiple clauses does decrease with nesting level. However, with around 85% of conditions containing a single clause, the fitted regression models essential predict one clause for all nesting levels.