Recent formal methods and C papers (Sep 2015)
I have been catching up on my reading of papers from this year’s Programming Language Design and Implementation conference (whose organizers have not yet figured out that linking to pdfs of the papers might be useful).
Needless to say there are a few papers on formal methods and C:
- “A Formal C Memory Model Supporting Integer-Pointer Casts” is a truly awful paper. It starts out: “The ISO C standard famously does not give semantics to a significant subset of syntactically valid C programs.” and goes down hill from there. As far as I know only one language, Algol 68, defines semantic requirements using syntax, all other languages specify a syntax which is a very large superset of the set of semantically valid programs. The paper goes on to define a C-like language that is also Java-like, C#-like and *-like most languages created in the last 20 years. I have no idea why this paper got accepted, is PLDI now a third tier conference?
- Defining the undefinedness of C from the C-semantics guys. I could only find a version from 2012 online. Come on guys, you’re letting down one of your cheer-leaders. Update: pdf now available.
- A Formal C Memory Model for Separation Logic (not at PLDI, but popped up on arXiv today). This is one of those annoying papers that could have been great, but shoots itself in the foot. The first 20 pages shows that the author is aware of some of the complications involved in modeling C’s behavior. This is followed by pages and pages of definitions, a scattering of lemmas and Facts; at page 51 The Theorems start, blah, blah, blah. Then we are almost done, there is a discussion of related work.
Where is it shown that any of this stuff is connected to the requirements contained in the C Standard? The source of the implementation is provided, lets look at that; hmmm, no cross references to the C Standard here (in fact it is almost comment free). What about testing, processing source code to see what happens. The only mention of testing appears while discussing what the competition do (C-semantics; those pesky Americans again, not only not using Coq but testing their formal tools, don’t they know that anything written using mathematics must be correct).
The author’s draft PhD thesis says something about testing; but I get the feeling that he only says something about it because the competition does, even mostly using their+others tests rather than coming up with lots of his own.
While this work (part of the CH2O project) has clearly created a system that handles a chunk of real C, I don’t think it is anywhere close to being a very accurate model of C semantics. The author appears to be so much more interested in doing interesting mathematical stuff and finds it rather tiresome that the realities of C semantics disrupt the idealism.
Showing that they have clearly not learned how things are done in the formal semantics community, those pesky Americans have gone and produced a formal semantics for Javascript and tested it against the ECMAScript 5.1 conformance test suite (passing all 2,782 core language tests, Chrome V8 is the only other implementations that does this).
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