Proposal for a change of approach to programming language teaching
In a previous post I explained why I think developers don’t really know any computer language, and in this post I want to outline how I think we should adapt to this reality and radically change the approach taken to teaching students about using a computer language. First, a couple of points:
- The programming community needs to change its attitude towards language knowledge from being an end in itself to being something that is ok to acquire on an as needed basis. Developers don’t need to know much about the programming language they use in order to get their job done, get over it. Spending time learning the ins and outs of a language’s semantics rarely provides a worthwhile return on investment compared to time spent learning something else, such as the application domain or customer requirements,
- designing a new, ‘simpler’ programming language is not a solution; the existing languages in common use are not going away anytime soon and creating a new general purpose language is only going to overload developers with more stuff to learn and yet another runtime system to interface to,
- we need to concentrate on suggestions about what students and developers should be doing and not what they should not be doing. This is not only a good teaching principle it avoids the problem of having to come up with a good list of things not to do (coding standard recommendations are very rarely based on any evidence apart from the proposers own point of view and even the ones that make it through peer review are little more than group think or a waste of time).
The response to the existing state of affairs should be to approach the teaching of programming languages as an exercise in teaching students only what they need to know to do useful work, rather than acting on the belief that students should strive to be experts in the language they use and burdening them with lots of pointless language details. The exact minimum-set of knowledge could vary across different industries and application domains, so the set might need to be a bit larger than the minimum to be on the safe side.
Invariably some developers will need to know more than the minimum-set, so we also need to figure out what ‘template’ knowledge (or whatever term is used, an alternative is behavior patterns or patterns of behavior) should be included in the next level of language knowledge, this can be documented and made available to anybody who wants to read it; there may or may not be more levels before a developer is told to go and read a reference book or the language reference manual to figure out what they need to know.
This is minimum-set approach, with the opportunity to progress to successively more detailed levels, is often used for learning human languages, computer languages are not any different.
I would expect there to be some variation in the minimum-set between different languages, and would resist the temptation to try and create a ‘common minimum’ until some experience had been gained in teaching single languages.
How would the minimum-set of language knowledge be chosen? Simple. Students need to learn those construct they are likely to use most of the time, and that question can be answered by measuring a large amount of existing source code. Results from measurements that have been made typically show a small number of constructs are used a large percentage of the time. For instance, measurements of C source find that the 33.2% of for-loops have the form: for (assignment ; identifier < identifier ; identifier++)
, where identifier
might be two or more different identifiers; allowing the central test to have the form identifier < expression
takes the percentage to over 50%. I would expect the same pattern of usage to occur in source written in other languages but don't have any number to back up that assertion.
Perhaps the most important pattern of (developer) behavior is what its discoverer, Jorma Sajaniemi, calls the roles of variables (each variable is used to hold a particular kind of information, e.g., most wanted holder, stepper, container, etc).
One pattern of behavior that I am more or less completely in the dark about is class/package usage. There is the famous book on design patterns which the authors did a good job of promoting, but I have yet to see any empirical evidence showing the claimed benefits. The analysis of class/package behavioral usage is non-trivial, but it can be done.
Would I insist that developers only use constructs list in the suggested minimum-set (plus possible extras)? No. The purpose of this proposal is to help students and developers learn what they need to know to get a job done. Figuring out what language constructs, if any, should be avoided at all costs is a very tough problem which at the end of the day might not be worth solving.
A minimum-set knowledge of the language being used does not imply poor quality code. Most code is simple anyway, the complicated stuff invariably revolves around the algorithms that need to be used, and a skillful developer is one who uses straightforward language constructs to create easy to maintain code, not one who writes code that relies on detailed knowledge of some language feature.
I expect this proposal to adopt a minimum-set approach to language teaching will draw an angry reaction from the cottage industry that makes its living from writing and giving seminars on the latest trends in language-X. Don't panic guys, managers are well aware that this kind of knowledge rarely has any impact of developer performance and the actual motivation for sending employees on such seminars is to keep them happy (it can be a much more effective way of keeping staff than simply giving them a pay rise).
Generating code that looks like it is human written
I am very interested in understanding the patterns of developer behavior that lead to the human characteristics that can be found in code. To help me get some idea of how well I understand this behavior I have decided to build a tool that generates source code that appears to be written by human programmers. I hope to reach a point where I can offer a challenge to tell the difference between generated code and human written code.
The three main production techniques I plan to use are, in increasing order of relatedness to humans production techniques, are:
- Random generation based on percentage occurrence of language constructs obtained from measurements of existing source. This is the simplest approach and the one furthest away from common developer behavior; even so there are things that can be learned from this information. For instance, the theory that developers are more likely to create a function once code becomes heavily nested code implies that the probability of encountering an if-statement decreases as nesting depth increases; measurements show the probability of encountering an if-statement remaining approximately constant as depth of nesting increases.
- Behavior templates. People have habits in everyday life and also when writing software. While some habits are idiosyncratic and not encountered very often there are some that appear to be generally used. For instance, developers tend to assign a fixed role to every variable they define (e.g., stepper for stepping through a succession of values and most-recent holder holding the latest value encountered in going through a succession of values).
I am expecting/hoping that generation by behavioral templates will result in code having some of the probabilistic properties seen in human code, removing the need for purely random generation driven by low level language probability measurements. For instance, the probability of a local variable appearing in a function is proportional to the percentage of its previous occurrences up to that point in the source of the function (
percentage = occurrences_of_X / occurrences_of_all_local_variables
) and I am hoping that this property appears as emergent behavior from generating using the role of variable template. - Story telling. A program is like the plot of a story, it has a cast of characters (e.g., classes, functions, libraries) that perform various actions and interact with each other in order to achieve various goals, there are subplots (intermediate results are calculated, devices are initialized, etc), there are resource limits, etc.
While a lot of stories are application domain specific there are subplots common to many stories; also how a story is told can be heavily influenced by the language used, for instance Prolog programs have a completely different structure than those written in procedural languages such as Java. I want to stay away from being application specific and I don’t plan to tackle languages too far outside the common-or-garden procedural variety.
Researchers have created automatic story generators; the early generators were template based while more recent systems have used an agent based approach. Story based generation of code is my ideal, but I am a long way away from having enough knowledge of developer behavior to be more than template based.
In a previous post I described a system for automatically generating very simply C programs. I plan to build on this system to incrementally improve the ‘humanness’ of the generated code. At some point, hopefully before the end of this year, I will challenge people to tell the difference between automatically generated and human written code.
The language I have studied the most is C and this will be the main target. I don’t want to be overly C specific and am trying to decide on a good second language (i.e., lots of source available for measurement, used by lots of developers and not too different from C). JavaScript is the current front runner, it is a class-less object oriented language which is not ‘wildly’ OO (the patterns of usage in human written OO code continue to evolve at a rapid rate which can make a lot of human C++/Java code look automatically generated).
As well as being a test bed for understanding of human generated code other uses for an automatic generator include compiler stress testing and providing code snippets to an automated fault fixing tool.
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