Creating a map showing land covered by rising sea levels
I joined the climate Hackathon this weekend at the Hub Westminster (my favorite venue for Hackathons). While the organizers had lots of enthusiasm they had very little in the way of data for us to work on. No problem, ever since the Flood-relief hackathon I have wanted to use the SRTM ‘whole Earth’ elevation data on a flood related hack. Since this was a climate change related hack the obvious thing to do was to use the data to map the impact of any increases in sea level (try it, with wording for stronger believers).
The hacking officially started Friday evening at 19:00, but I only attended the evening event to meet people and form a team. Rob Finean was interested in the idea of mapping the effects of sea a rise in level (he also had previous experience using leaflet, a JavaScript library for interactive maps) and we formed a team, Florian Rathgeber joined us on Saturday morning.
I downloaded all the data for Eurasia (5.6G) when I got home Friday night and arriving back at the hackthon on Saturday morning started by writing a C program to convert the 5,876 files, each 1-degree by 1-degree squares on the surface of the Earth, to csv files.
The next step was to fit a mesh to the data and then locate constant altitude contours, at 0.5m and 1.5m above current sea level. Fitting a 2-D mesh to the data was easy (I wanted to use least squares rather than splines so that errors in the measurements could be taken into account), as was plotting and drawing contours, but getting the actual values for the contour lat/long proved to be elusive. I got bogged down looking at Python code, Florian knew a lot more Python than me and started looking for a Python solution while I investigated what R had to offer. Given the volume of data a Python solution looked like the best fit for the work-flow.
By late afternoon no real progress had been made and things were not looking good. Google searches on the obvious keywords returned lots of links to contour plotting libraries and papers claiming to have found a better contour evaluation algorithm, but no standalone libraries. I was reduced to downloading the source code of R to search for the code it used to calculate contours, with a view to extracting the code for my own use.
Rob wanted us to produce kml (Keyhole Markup Language) that his front end could read to render an overlay on a map.
At almost the same time Florian found that GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) could convert hgt files (the raw SRTM file format) to kml and I discovered the R contourLines function. Florian had worked with GDAl before but having just completed his PhD had to leave to finish a paper he was working on, leaving us with instruction on the required options.
The kml output by GDAL was great for displaying contours, but did not fill in the enclosed area. The output I was generating using R filled the area enclosed by the contours but contained lots of noise because independent contours were treated having a connection to each other. I knew a script could be written to produce the desired output from the raw data, but did not know if GDAL had options to do what we wanted.
Its all very well being able to write a script to produce the desired output, but what is the desired output? Rob was able to figure out how the contour fill data had to be formatted in the kml file and I generated this using R, awk, sed, shell scripts and around six hours of cpu time on my laptop.
Rob’s front end uses leaflet with mapping data from Openstreetmap and the kml files to create a fantastic looking user-configurable map showing the effect of 0.5m and 1.5 rises in sea level.
The sea level data on the displayed map only shows the south of England and some of the north coast of Europe because loading any more results in poor performance (it is all loaded statically). Support is needed for dynamically loading of data on an as required basis. All of the kml files for Eurasia with 1.5 sea level rise are up on Github (900M+ of data). At the moment the contour data is only at the most detailed level of resolution and less detailed resolution is needed for when users zoom out. R’s contourLines
function has no arguments for changing the resolution of which it returns; if you know of a better contour library please let me know.
The maps show average sea level. When tides are taken into account the sea level at certain times of the day may be a lot higher in some areas. We did not have access to tide data and would not have had time to make use of it anyway, so the effects of tide on sea level are not included.
Some of the speckling in the overlays may be noise caused by the error bounds of the SRTM data (around 6m for Eurasia; an accuracy level that makes our expectation of a difference between 0.5m and 1.5m contours problematic).
Is Early parsing now practical?
Language parsing was once a hot topic within computing research. The discovery of LALR parsing, quickly followed by yacc becoming available on Unix, resulted in this approach to language parsing dominating developer mind-share (helped by the first half of most compiler books being devoted to the theory of LR parsing). Until maybe 10 years ago the received wisdom was to implement parsers using Bison (the GNU successor to yacc); this process automatically creates arrays of values that are read by a parser to decide how to process the tokens fed to it by a lexer. The accepted wisdom has now shifted to creating hand written recursive decent parsers (or some variant), where the developer writes code that decides what to do next based on the current token(s); developers are back doing things the way they were done before yacc was written in 1970.
Is this change of implementation choice driven by fashion (despite heroic efforts nobody has been able to produce an industrial strength LALR based parser for C++; all C++ compilers that I am aware of use recursive descent and, sad to say, C++ is a trend setter), existing languages outgrowing existing parsing technology or just developers forgetting what a maintenance nightmare recursive descent can be?
I’m a fan of using tools and the big advantage parser generators have over hand written parsers is that they warn about ambiguities in the syntax, i.e., potential faults in the specification or implementation. Hand written recursive decent is just code that does what is written.
The big disadvantage of LALR parsing are restrictions on the form of the grammars that are accepted (in practice the tools usually complain that an ambiguity cannot be resolved and make use of some default behavior to handle it). Transforming a grammar into a form acceptable to tools, such as Bison, without too many warnings being generated, can take a lot of work by an experienced compiler developer. I once spent a month creating a workable LALR grammar for all of SQL-92 and could have written a recursive decent parser in less time (grammar transformations are a potential source of faults as much as hand written parsers are).
Introductions to parsing sometimes mention how much easier life would be using Early parsing, if only its performance was not so appalling. It turns out that a linear algorithm for Early parsing was published in 1991, followed by various useful refinements in 2001 (all discussed in what is effectively the encyclopedia of parsing sitting on my shelf waiting to be read). Theory will sit on the shelf until somebody implements it and a few days ago I found out about Marpa, a linear time Early parser.
So why does Early parsing make life so much easier, at least for those implementing parsers, than LALR parsing? Early parsing has far fewer restrictions on the form of the grammars it accepts. This means no more spending a month transforming a grammar into something acceptable to the tool being used (at least in theory, I have not tried any large grammars yet; somebody has written one for C).
Another benefit from using an Early parser is the potential for improved syntax error recovery, the drive to reduce the size of the arrays generated by yacc/Bison resulted in information essential for good error recovery being thrown away (the original LALR theory threw some useful information away and over the years several PhDs were awarded to researchers who figured out how to throw even more away). When things go wrong Early parsers have lots of useful information to them.
To check out the hype I’m jumping in at the deep end with the grammar for C++14, can I really cut-and-paste the grammar from the appendix, add in some Marpa syntax and start parsing C++? I will let you know whether I sink or swim.
undefined behavior: pay up or shut up
Academia recently discovered undefined behavior in C, twenty five years after industry tool vendors first started trying to help developers catch the problems it causes. Some of the tools that are now being written are doing stuff that we could only dream about back in the day.
The forces that morph occurrences of undefined behavior in source code to unwanted behavior during program execution have changed over the years.
- When developers paid for their compilers there was an incentive for compiler writers to try to be nice to developers by doing the right thing for undefined behaviors. Twenty five years ago there were lots of commercial compilers all having slightly different views about what the right thing might be; a lot of code was regularly ported to different compilers and got to encounter different compiler writer’s views.
- These days there is widespread use of open source compilers, which developers don’t pay for, removing the incentive for compilers writers to be nice to developers. Paying customers want support for new processors, enhancements to existing generated code quality and the sexy topic for PhDs is code optimization; what better climate for treating source containing undefined behavior as road kill. Now developers only need to upgrade to a later release of the compiler they are using to encounter an unexpected handling of undefined behavior.
A recent blog post, authored by some of the academics alluded to above, proposes adding a new option to gcc: -std=friendly-c
. If developers feel that this kind of option needs to be supported then they should contribute to a crowdfunding campaign (none exists at the time of writing) to raise, say, $500,000 towards supporting the creation and ongoing support for the functionality behind this option. Of course one developer’s friendly is another developer’s unfriendly, so we could end up with multiple funds each promoting an option that supports a view of the world that is specific to one target environment.
At the moment, in response to user complaints, Open source compiler vendors lamely point out that the C standard permits them to handle source containing undefined behaviors the way they do; they stop short of telling people to quit complaining and that they are getting the compiler for free.
If this undefined behavior issue starts to gain substantial publicity, but insufficient funding, open source compiler vendors will need to start putting a positive spin on the decisions they make. Not being in marketing I might have a problem keeping a straight face when giving the following positive messages:
- We are helping to save the world: optimized programs use less power (ok, every now and again they can use more). Do you really want to stop us adding more optimizations just because you cannot find the time to fix a mistake in your code?
- We are helping your application gain market share. Applications that are not actively maintained are less and less likely to continue to work with every release of the compiler.
Self-driving cars, is it safer on the inside or the outside?
The UK Department for Transport: Seeks views on a regulatory framework for the safe testing of self-driving cars on UK roads.
I was driving home one Christmas and saw an obviously drunk man trying to work up the momentum to cross the road. I honked my horn and flashed my lights, he fell backwards into a large puddle on the muddy grass. It is unlikely that a self-driving car would have acted as I did, perhaps the drunk would have stepped out in front of the car when it was too close to brake to a stop before colliding with him.
What should the default behavior of self-driving cars be when somebody steps out in front of them, when breaking while driving in the same direction will result in a collision?
The simplest technical solution is to collide with the pedestrian.
If the road is clear, an improved solution is to include ‘change direction’ to the list of possible actions for the car to take. This could still result in an accident, but one that only damaged the car and not any people.
What if the road is not clear, perhaps there is a large lorry coming towards us and lots of large trees on my side of the road. In this case, I don’t want ‘change direction’ included in the list of possible actions.
What if a couple of school children step in front of my self-driving car and it is not safe for the car to change direction? Does the government require the car software to make a cost/benefit decision about who gets priority in the minimize pain and suffering calculation? I don’t fancy my chances against a couple of school children in that calculation. I can see the government delaying implementation of that feature until self-driving cars become established.
There is a positive benefit to having cars make cost/benefit decisions about life/death/serious injury, it will reduce traffic by encouraging people to share cars (sharing increases the human value of the car contents, making it less likely that they are the ones to suffer).
What about user options. Will I be able to show the car picture of family members and instruct it to give higher priority to them than non-family? The people in the car coming in the opposite direction that I collided with to avoid hitting a family member might be a bit put out that it only happened because I had changed the default collision priorities.
You have until 11:45pm on 19 September 2014 to send the Department for Transport your views.
The government are obviously keen on this idea; they are offering funding “… to towns or cities to develop testing grounds for driverless cars.” Plenty of opportunities for cutting youth unemployment here.
Evidence for the benefits of strong typing, where is it?
It is often claimed that writing software using a strongly typed programming language bestows worthwhile benefits. Those making the claims can sometimes be rather vague about exactly what the benefits are, while at other times appear willing to claim almost any benefit. What does the empirical evidence have to say (let’s ignore the what languages are strongly typed elephant in the room)?
Until recently there had been two empirical studies (plus a couple of language comparison experiments; one of the better ones involves the researcher timing himself implementing various algorithms in various languages; Zislis “An Experiment in Algorithm Implementation”), while in the last few years a group has been experimenting away in Germany (three’ish published data sets).
Measuring changes in developer performance caused by the use of different programming languages is very hard, some of the problems include:
- every person is different: a way needs to be found to take account of differences in subject ability/knowledge/characteristics,
- every problem is different: it may be easier to write a program to solve a problem using language X than using language Y,
- it is difficult to obtain experimental subjects.
The experimental procedure adopted by all the experiments discussed here is to:
- select two different languages or the same language modified to not support some type constructs,
- get students (mostly upper-undergraduates+graduates) to volunteer as experimental subjects,
- have each subject use one language to solve a problem and then use the other language to solve the same problem. Each subject is randomly assigned to a group using a given language order (the experiments start out with an equal number of subjects in each group, but not all subjects complete every problem),
- in some cases the previous step is repeated for new problems.
Having subjects solve the same problem twice creates the opportunity for learning to occur during the implementation of the first program and for this learning to improve performance during the second implementation. The experimental procedures employed generate information that can be used during the analysis of the data (in my case using a mixed-model in R; download code and all data) to factor this ordering effect into the created model.
So what are the results? In chronological order we have (if you know of anymore published work please tell me):
- Gannon “An Experimental Evaluation of Data Type Conversions”: Implemented compilers for two simple languages (think BCPL and BCPL+a string type and simple structures; by today’s standards one language is not quiet as weakly typed as the other). One problem had to be solved and this was designed to require the use of features available in both languages, e.g., a string oriented problem (final programs were between 50-300 lines). The result data included number of errors during development and number of runs needed to create a working program (this all happened in 1977, well before the era of personal computers, when batch processing was king).
There was a small language difference in number of errors/batch submissions; the difference was about half the size of that due to the order in which languages were used by subjects, both of which were small in comparison to the variation due to subject performance differences. While the language effect was small, it exists. To what extent Can the difference be said to be due to stronger typing rather than only one language having built in support for a string type? Who knows, no more experiments like this were performed for 20 years
- Prechelt & Tichy A Controlled Experiment to Assess the Benefits of Procedure Argument Type Checking: Used two C compilers, one K&R C (i.e., no argument checking of function calls) and the other ANSI C, with subjects solving one problem using both compilers; available output data was time taken by subjects to solve the problem.
Using the no argument checking compiler slowed implementation time by around 10%, about five times smaller than the variation in subject performance (there was an ordering effect of around 30%).
- Mayer, Kleinschmager & Hanenberg: Two experiments used different languages (Java and Groovy) and multiple problems; result data was time for subjects to complete the task (Do Static Type Systems Improve the Maintainability of Software Systems? An Empirical Study and An Empirical Study of the Influence of Static Type Systems on the Usability of Undocumented Software). No significant difference due to just language (surprisingly) but differences due to language order, but big differences due to language/problem interaction with some problems solved more quickly in Java and other more quickly in Groovy. Again large variation due to subject performance.
Another experiment used a single language (Java) and multiple problems involving making use of either Java’s generic types or non-generic types (“Do Developers Benefit from Generic Types?”). Again the only significant language difference effects occurred through interaction with other variables in the experiment (e.g., the problem or the language ordering) and again there were large variations in subject performance.
In summary, when a language typing/feature effect has been found its contribution to overall developer performance has been small.
I think some reasons that the effects of typing have been so small, or non-existent, include (I should declare my belief that strong typing is useful):
- the use of students as subjects. Most students have very little programming experience relative to professional developers (i.e., under 100 hours vs. thousands of hours). I can easily imagine many student subjects often finding the warnings produced by the type system more confusing than helpful. More experienced developers are in a position to make full use of what a type system offers, and researchers should try to use professional developers as subjects (it is not that hard to obtain such volunteers)
- the small size of the problems. Typing comes into its own when used to organize and control large amounts of code. I understand the constraints of running an experiment limit the amount of code involved.
C++14 is now in, C++11 is out and C++17 is on the horizon
C++11 is now so yesterday; ISO have just ratified C++14 as the new C++ standard. However, don’t let the sudden halt to the exponential growth in page count with each revision (1334 pages in C++11 to 1366 in C++14) lull you into thinking that the size of C++ has stabilized. These days the page growth market is Technical Reports (e.g., ISO/IEC TR 18015 – C++ Performance and TR 19768 – C++ Library Extensions).
What next, are the C++ committee taking a well earned rest from their twice yearly (only recently reduced from four times a year) jetset around the world to attend week long meetings with 100+ other like-minded folk?
Of course not, they are having too much fun the world needs C++17 (yes, work has already started). And lets not forget the economy, which is still limping along. Can we risk the economic consequences of lots of highly paid consultants being unemployed, of compiler writers running out of new features to implement, of hotels having no more “Latest features in C++” seminars/workshops/conferences to host?
In there really enough work for everybody to do revising C++14? Better be safe and request permission from ISO to start work on new Technical Reports covering: C++ Extensions for Transactional Memory, C++ Extensions for Library Fundamentals and C++ Extensions for Parallelism (there is ongoing work/talk of others, such as C++ — File System Technical Specification, C++ Extensions for Concurrency and C++ Extensions for Concepts).
If the number of new things to add does start to run low, there are always the known bugs in the existing documents could always do with some attention: Core Language Active Issues and the Standard Library Issues List.
Success: Software engineering data is starting to become very dull
A few years ago it was unusual for the author(s) of a paper in software engineering to make their data public (and on top of that it was rare to encounter a paper that actually made use of empirical data). The situation now is that I am having trouble keeping up with all the papers that include a link to downloadable data. Part of the problem is that I will pay a lot more attention to papers that come with data, having lived through a long famine I have not yet adjusted to the greater abundance. I’m sure that journal editors and referees are in the same boat and are being lured by accompanying data to accept paper for publication that they would otherwise have rejected.
This growing quantity of empirical software engineering data means we can now start thinking about what data is useful to have and what data is not so useful. Data is useful if it highlights a pattern of behavior that can be used to help reduce the resources needed to create/maintain software.
To get a handle on estimating data usefulness we need a model of research in software engineering. While many have used Physics as the model for software engineering research (i.e., a few simple universal laws that apply everywhere), I think Biology is a much better fit.
Software is written in different habitats environments (e.g., small teams, large teams) and targets different habitats environments (e.g., embedded, desktop, mobile, supercomputer) using different techniques and driven by different predators/prey market forces (e.g., release first/quickly, be reliable). Yes there are common drivers, just as the living things studied by biologists share a common need to eat, sleep and reproduce.
Like biology, the bulk of software engineering research is about the study of niche topics, with some small percentage of researchers trying to build theories that tie everything together at one level or another to create bigger pictures.
This model of software engineering research means estimating the usefulness of data probably requires some knowledge of the niche to which it applies. It also means that a particular data set might not be useful yet because it needs to be combined with other data, that does not yet exist (perhaps it was collected first because it was easier to do).
So in a space of a few years most software engineering data has gone from being very interesting (because it is rare) to being very dull (because it is harder to stand out in a crowd).
An ISO Standard for R (just kidding)
IST/5, the British Standards’ committee responsible for programming languages in the UK, has a new(ish) committee secretary and like all people in a new role wants to see a vision of the future; IST/5 members have been emailed asking us what we see happening in the programming language standards’ world over the next 12 months.
The answer is, off course, that the next 12 months in programming language standards is very likely to be the same as the previous 12 months and the previous 12 before that. Programming language standards move slowly, you don’t want existing code broken by new features and it would be a huge waste of resources creating a standard for every popular today/forgotten tomorrow language.
While true the above is probably not a good answer to give within an organization that knows its business intrinsically works this way, but pines for others to see it as doing dynamic, relevant, even trendy things. What could I say that sounded plausible and new? Big data was the obvious bandwagon waiting to be jumped on and there is no standard for R, so I suggested that work on this exciting new language might start in the next 12 months.
I am not proposing that anybody start work on an ISO standard for R, in fact at the moment I think it would be a bad idea; the purpose of suggesting the possibility is to create some believable buzz to suggest to those sitting on the committees above IST/5 that we have our finger on the pulse of world events.
The purpose of a standard is to create agreement around one way of doing things and thus save lots of time/money that would otherwise be wasted on training/tools to handle multiple language dialects. One language for which this worked very well is C, for which there were 100+ incompatible compilers in the early 1980s (it was a nightmare); with the publication of the C Standard users finally had a benchmark that they could require their suppliers to meet (it took 4-5 years for the major suppliers to get there).
R is not suffering from a proliferation of implementations (incompatible or otherwise), there is no problem for an R standard to solve.
Programming language standards do get created for reasons other than being generally useful. The ongoing work on C++ is a good example of consultant driven standards development; consultants who make their living writing and giving seminars about the latest new feature of C++ require a steady stream of new feature to talk about and have an obvious need to keep new versions of the standard rolling down the production line. Feeling that a language is unappreciated is another reason for creating an ISO Standard; the Modula-2 folk told me that once it became an ISO Standard the use of Modula-2 would take off. R folk seem to have a reasonable grip on reality, or have I missed a lurking distorted view of reality that will eventually give people the drive to spend years working their fingers to the bone to create a standard that nobody is really that interested in?
My first day developing for Google Glass
I was at the Google Glass Design Sprint & Workshop in London today. I don’t own a Google Glass and applied for one of the limited spaces available to developers who would be lent hardware for the day. Any idea I was harboring of Google recognizing me as an ace hackathon attendee were dashed at the start when we were told that the available slots had been filled by a random draw of applicants.
Vendor presentations at the start of hackathons tend to be either deadly dull or eye opening. Timothy Jordan explained why software written for Google Glass were not Apps, or rather should not be written with this mindset, but needed to be thought of in terms of enhancing the user’s experience in real time the moment; this really clicked with me. He also made some excellent points on user interface issues specific to the glass form factor which I think went over the head of most people present (this really needed its own slot).
I turned up with an App user enhancement experience reasonably well formed in my mind. The idea was to port the numbers tool to Android and have it scan the incoming camera image for numbers, information about the interesting ones being spoken into the users ear (e.g., that number of there is the rest mass of the electron).
On the day Google handled out a half a dozen brief biographies of potential Glass users and asked us to come up with ideas for software to enhance the lives of these people. I came up with the idea for helping the triathlete on the cycling leg of his competition. Having watched highlights from the Tour de France I knew that corners on the downhill stages of mountain routes presented a significant problem to riders traveling at up to 65 mph, i.e., how hard should they break to get safely around a corner whose curvature they could not see. My idea was for the corner curvature user experience to come to life when the riders speed exceeded, say, 45 mph and displayed a simple colored wiggly line that represented what lies around the bend.
Listening to other people at my table and in other groups I was surprised at how many were designing their idea as an App; that is, they wanted user to select from drop down menus and/or specify various numeric/literal values. My pointing out that they were designing Apps was met with blank stares.
Progress on writing actual code was hampered by lunch, having to leave at 17:30 and adb not working out of the box under Windows (this prevented any communication between the Android SDK running on Windows and Google glass). It took a while to figure out that the problem was adb/Windows (the Google folk had no idea it did not work since they all used Linux or Apple Macs). As usual an answer on Stackoverflow explained what changes needed to be made to the Google software. Asking around uncovered a few people with horror stories to tell about getting adb communication under Windows.
Microsoft Windows has significantly slipped in developer tool mind share over the last few years (I am even thinking of buying my first Mac next time I change my laptop). However, there are still a lot of Windows developers out there and Google will need to fix this problem if they want to attract lots and lots of developers.
But the biggest mistake Google need to fix is to make sure they don’t ever again run out of coffee mid-afternoon at an all day hackathon.
Reality in the world of programming language standards
I see a lot of steam being vented about the standards’ process as applied to programming languages and software related topics. Knowing something about how the process works might help people live calmer lives, at least once they have calmed down after reading this article. What I have to say applies to programming language standards because these are what I have been involved with, as a member and convener of various UK and international committtees, for 25+ years.
- ISO and your national standards’ body don’t care about the standard you are talking about.
These organizations are monopolies who are required to demonstrate that documented procedures are followed by all concerned. Can you think of any organizational structure that would create less incentives for those on the inside to listen to those on the outside?
Yes, these organizations do sell standards but the sales model is all about the long tail and no peak, to speak of, of best sellers. The real business model for running a standards’ organization is to either charge members a fee (your country pays membership dues for each Standards Committee it wants a say in; if your country has not paid to be a member of ISO JTC 1/SC22 you have no say in programming language standards. ANSI in the US charges people for the right to volunteer their time to attend meetings to work on a standard) and/or rely on government subsidy.
Not being cared about is actually a luxury that people who work in programming language standards should aspire to. The bureaucrats who work in standards hate us; here in the UK there has been at least one attempt to kill off work on programming language standards and I have heard of similar experiences in other countries. The problem is that the standards we produce don’t fit the mold that works for most other standards; programming language standards contain an order of magnitude more pages than the average standard (until recently there was a print run of new standards which then had to be stored until sold and the volume occupied by programming language standards was of note {so I’m reliably informed}), take longer to produce (i.e., more work for the bureaucrats) and all this cost is not justified by the sales figures (which are confidential and last time I saw them only just required me to take my shoes and socks off to count).
- Standards are created by the volunteers who regularly turn up at meetings.
It is only the enthusiasm of these volunteers that makes the process work. If you don’t turn up at meetings then what you think does not count (not quite true, something you write might influence the thinking of one of the worker bees who attends meetings resulting in wording in the standard).
If you really are interested in a standard then become an active member of the committee responsible for it, at least the national one and if you have the time the international one
- Committee documents can be made public.
There are no rules preventing a standards committee putting its documents on a website for Joe public to download. The issue is finding somebody willing to do the work of hosting the website (the programming language world is lucky to have Keld Simonsen) and a willingness of committee members to be open about all their documents.
Looking in from the outside it seems to me that many non-programming language committees want to maintain an aura of mystic and privileged access.
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