The Norden-Rayleigh model: some history
Since it was created in the 1960s, the Norden-Rayleigh model of large project manpower has consistently outperformed, or close runner-up, other models in benchmarks (a large project is one requiring two or more man-years of effort). The accuracy of the Norden-Rayleigh model comes with a big limitation: a crucial input value to the calculation is the time at which project manpower peaks (which tends to be halfway through a project). The model just does not work for times before the point of maximum manpower.
Who is the customer for a model that predicts total project manpower from around the halfway point? Managers of acquisition contracts looking to evaluate contractor performance.
Not only does the Norden-Rayleigh model make predictions that have a good enough match with reality, there is some (slightly hand wavy) theory behind it. This post delves into Peter Norden’s derivation of the model, and some of the subsequent modifications. Norden work is the result of studies carried out at IBM Development Laboratories between 1956 and 1964, looking for improved methods of estimating and managing hardware development projects; his PhD thesis was published in 1964.
The 1950s/60s was a period of rapid growth, with many major military and civilian systems being built. Lots of models and techniques were created to help plan and organise these projects, two that have survived the test of time are the critical path method and PERT. As project experience and data accumulated, techniques evolved.
Norden’s 1958 paper “Curve Fitting for a Model of Applied Research and Development Scheduling” describes how a project consists of overlapping phases (e.g., feasibility study, deign, implementation, etc), each with their own manpower rates. The equation Norden fitted to cumulative manpower was: , where
is project elapsed time,
is total project manpower, and
, and
are fitted constants. This is the logistic equation with added tunable parameters.
By the early 1960s, Norden had brought together various ideas to create the model he is known for today. For an overview, see his paper (starting on page 217): Project Life Cycle Modelling: Background and Application of the Life Cycle Curves.
The 1961 paper: “The decisions of engineering design” by David Marples was influential in getting people to think about project implementation as a tree-like collection of problems to be solved, with decisions made at the nodes.
The 1958 paper: The exponential distribution and its role in life testing by Benjamin Epstein provides the mathematical ideas used by Norden. The 1950s was the decade when the exponential distribution became established as the default distribution for hardware failure rates (the 1952 paper: An Analysis of Some Failure Data by D.J. Davis supplied the data).
Norden draws a parallel between a ‘shock’ occurring during the operation of a device that causes a failure to occur and a discovery of a new problem to be solved during the implementation of a task. Epstein’s exponential distribution analysis, along with time dependence of failure/new-problem, leads to the Weibull distribution. Available project manpower data consistently fitted a special case of the Weibull distribution, i.e., the Rayleigh distribution (see: Project Life Cycle Modelling: Background and Application of the Life Cycle Curves (starts on page 217).
The Norden-Rayleigh equation is: , where:
is work completed,
is total manpower over the lifespan of the project,
is time of maximum effort per unit time (i.e., the Norden/Rayleigh equation maximum value), and
is project elapsed time.
Going back to the original general differential equation, before a particular solution is obtained, we have: , where
is the amount of work left to do (it’s sometimes referred to as the learning curve). Norden assumed that:
The 1980 paper: “An alternative to the Rayleigh curve model for software development effort” by F.N. Parr argues that the assumption of work remaining being linear in time is unrealistic, rather that because of the tree-like nature of problem discovery, the work still be to done, , is proportional to the work already done, i.e.,
, leading to:
, where:
is some fitted constant.
While the Norden-Rayleigh equation looks very different from the Parr equation, they both do a reasonable job of fitting manpower data. The following plot fits both equation to manpower data from a paper by Basili and Beane (code+data):
A variety of alternative forms for the quantity have been proposed. An unpublished paper by H.M. Hubey discusses various possibilities.
Some researchers have fitted a selection of equations to manpower data, searching for the one that gives the best fit. The Gamma distribution is sometimes found to provide a better fit to a dataset. The argument for the Gamma distribution is not based on any theory, but purely on the basis of being the best fitting distribution, of those tested.
Putnam’s software equation debunked
The implementation of a project has a lifecycle that starts and finishes with zero people working on it. Between starting and finishing, the number of staff quickly grows to a peak before slowly declining. In a series of very hard to obtain papers during the early 1960s (chapter 5), Peter Norden created a large project staffing model described by the Rayleigh equation. This model was evangelized by Lawrence Putnam in the 1970s, who called it the Norden/Rayleigh model, while others sometimes now call it the Norden/Putnam, Putnam/Rayleigh, or some combination of names; Putnam’s papers can be hard to obtain.
The Norden/Rayleigh equation is:
where: is work completed,
is total manpower over the lifespan of the project,
is time of maximum effort per unit time (i.e., the Norden/Rayleigh equation maximum value, which Putnam calls project development time), and
is project elapsed time.
Norden’s model is only applicable to large projects (e.g., 2+ man-years), and Putnam points out that the staffing of small projects is usually a square wave, i.e., a number of staff are allocated at the start and this number remains the same until project completion.
As well as evangelizing Norden’s model, Putnam also created his own model; an equation connecting delivered lines of code, total manpower and project duration. The usually cited paper for this work is: “A General Empirical Solution to the Macro Software Sizing and Estimating Problem”, which can sometimes be found as a free download. I had always assumed that people did not take this model seriously, and it was not worth my time debunking it. The paper makes conjures hand-wavy connections between various equations which don’t seem to go anywhere, and eventually connects together a regression equation fitted to nine data points with an observation+assumption about another regression equation to create what Putnam calls the software equation: , where
is delivered source code statements, and
is a constant.
I recently read a 2014 paper by Han Suelmann debunking Putnam’s software equation, which led me to question my assumption about people not using Putnam’s model. Google Scholar shows 1,411 citations, with 133 since 2020. It looks like the software equation is still being taken seriously (or researchers are citing it because everybody else does; a common practice).
Why isn’t Putnam’s software equation worth treating seriously?
First, Putnam’s derivation of the software equation reads like a just-so story based on a tiny amount of data, and second a larger independent dataset does not show the pattern seen in Putnam’s data.
The derivation of the software equation starts by defining productivity as the number of delivered source code statements divided by the total manpower consumed to produce them, . Ok.
There is more certainty to a line fitted to a set of points that roughly follow a straight line, than to fit a line to points that follow a curve (because there are usually many ‘curve’ equations to choose from). The Norden/Rayleigh equation can be transformed to a form that is amenable to fitting a straight line, i.e., dividing by time and taking logs, as follows (which plugs in the value of ):
Putnam noticed (or perhaps it was the authors of the cited prepublication paper “Software budgeting model” by G. E. P. Box and L. Pallesen, which I cannot locate a copy of) that when plotting against
: “If the number
was small, it corresponded with easy systems; if the number was large, it corresponded with hard systems and appeared to fall in a range between these extremes.” Notice that in the screenshot of a figure from Putnam’s paper below, the y-axis is labelled “Difficulty”, not with the quantity actually plotted.

Based on an observation about easy/hard systems (it is never explained how easy/hard is measured) something called difficulty is defined to be: . No explanation is given for dropping the log scaling, or the possibility that some other relationship might hold.
The screenshot below is of a figure from Putnam’s paper, which plots the values of against
for 13 projects. The fitted regression lines (the three lines are fitted using, 9, 2 and 2 points of the 13 projects) have the form
, i.e.,
(I extracted the points and fitted
; code+extracted data):
With a bit of algebra, the two equations: and
, can be combined to create the software equation.
Yes, Putnam’s software equation was hand-waved into existence by plucking a “difficulty” component from an observation about the behavior of projects in a regression model and equating it to a regression line fitted to nine points.
Are the patterns seen by Putnam found in other projects?
In the 1987 paper “Time-Sensitive Cost Models in the Commercial MIS Environment” D. Ross Jeffery used data from 47 projects to investigate the effort/time relationships used by Putnam to derive his software equation.
The plot below, of log(Difficulty) vs log(Productivity), shows what appears to be a random scattering of points, confirmed by failing to fit a regression model (code+extracted data):
No. The patterns seen by Putnam are not present in these projects. I don’t think that the difference in application domain is relevant (Putnam’s projects were for Military systems and Jeffery’s are for commercial projects). Norden’s model is not specific to software projects.
Jeffery’s uses a regression model to find: , the corresponding Putnam equation is:
(the paper does not include the plot needed to extract the required data). The
exponent might be claimed to be close enough, but the
exponent is very different.
Jeffery’s paper includes a plot of against
, and the plot below shows the extracted data (44 points), plus fitted regression line (code+extracted data):
The regression line has the form . This relationship further undermines assumptions made by Putnam, e.g., smaller systems are easier.
The Han Suelmann paper that triggered this post takes a very different approach to debunking Putnam’s model (he uses simulation to show that random data, drawn from a suitable distribution, can produce the patterns seen by Putnam).
Indented vs non-indented if-statements: performance difference
To non-developers discussions about the visual layout of source code can seem somewhat inconsequential. Layout probably ought to be inconsequential, being based on experimental studies that discovered how source should be visually organised to minimise the cognitive effort consumed by developers while processing it.
In practice software engineering is not evidence-based. There are two kinds of developers: those willing to defend to the death the layout they use, and those that have moved on.
In its simplest form visual layout involves indenting code some number of spaces from the left margin. Use of indentation has not always been widespread, and people wrote papers extolling the readability benefits of indenting code.
My experience with talking to developers about indentation is that they are heavily influenced by the indentation practices adopted by those around them when first learning a language. Layout habits from any prior language tend to last awhile, depending on the amount of time spent with the prior language.
As far as I know, I have had zero success arguing that the Gestalt principles of perception provide a useful framework for deciding between different code layouts.
The layout issue that attracts the most discussion is probably the indentation of if-statements. What, if any, is the evidence around this issue?
Developer indentation discussions focus on which indentation is better than the alternatives (whatever better might be). A more salient question would be the size of the developer performance difference, or is the difference large enough to care about?
Researchers have used several techniques for measuring difference in developer performance, including: code comprehension (i.e., number of correct answers to questions about the code they have just read), subjective ratings (i.e., how hard did the subjects find the task), and time to complete a task (e.g., modify source, find coding mistake).
The subjects have invariably been a small sample of undergraduates studying for a computing degree, so the usual caveats about applicability to professional developers apply.
Until 2023, the most detailed work I know of is a PhD thesis from 1974 studying the impact of mnemonic/meaningless variable names plus none/some indentation (experiments 1, 2 and 9), and a 1983 paper which compared subject performance with indentation of none and 2/4/6 spaces (contains summary data only). Both studies used small programs.
The 2023 paper Indentation in Source Code: A Randomized Control Trial on the Readability of Control Flows in Java Code with Large Effects by J. Morzeck, S. Hanenberg, O. Werger, and V. Gruhn measured the time taken by 20 subjects to answer 12 questions about the value printed by a randomly generated program containing a nested if-statement. The following shows an example without/with indentation (values were provided for i
and j
if (i != j) { if (i != j) { if (j > 10) { if (j > 10) { if (i < 10) { if (i < 10) { print (5); print (5); } else { } else { print (10); print (10); } } } else { } else { print (12); print (12); } } } else { } else { if (i < 10) { if (i < 10) { print (23); print (23); } else { } else { print (15); print (15); } } } } |
A fitted regression model found that the average response time of 122 seconds (yes, very slow) for non-indented code decreased to 44 seconds (not quite as slow) for indented code, i.e., about three times faster (code+data). This huge performance improvement is very different from most software engineering experiments where the largest effect is the between subjects performance, with learning producing the next largest effect.
Evidence that indentation is very effective, but nobody doubted this. There has been a follow-up study, more on that another time.
Employment in the software business: we know nothing
Tens of millions of people get paid to work on the creation and maintenance of software systems, by companies employing thousands of developers to those employing a single developer (in the UK there are almost 300K registered software companies; 5% of registered companies).
This huge ecosystem is almost completely ignored by the software engineering research community. Academics in computing/software are more interested in technical issue, and industry is an ecosystem they rarely interact with (some claim that student employment keeps them in contact with industry).
There are researchers in business and economics departments who study employment, e.g., careers, organization of workers and companies. The scientific study of work started at the beginning of the 1900s, originally focused on the manufacturing and included office work as that grew to employ a significant percentage of the workforce. Until recently, the percentage of the workforce employed to create/maintain software was not large enough to attract the attention of these researchers, and even now it’s often lumped together with other jobs that mostly involve some form of intellectual activity.
Employee related issues of interest to those involved in managing work on software systems are heavily influenced by the characteristics of the business ecosystem in which they work. The software driven business ecosystems are continually changing, with companies growing, merging and going bust as new markets emerge, grow, saturate, and sometime disappear. This constant change creates employment uncertainty, and lots of opportunities for competent people (creating a staff retention problem). For more stable industries, it’s possible for researchers to model employee start/promotion/leaving transitions using Markov models (example of ChatGPT 1o-preview solving a recurrence model of the staffing relationships in a 3-level employment hierarchy). The book “Stochastic Models for Social Processes” by D. J. Bartholomew gives a practical introduction to the use of Markov models for this kind of analysis.
The evolution and constant introduction of new technologies can make it difficult to find people with the appropriate skills. Companies may tune the wording of job adverts to give the impress of using ‘modern’ technologies, or post fake job adverts (to increase their attractiveness and suggest a feeling of growth), and people tune their CV to appeal to employers (some out right lie about their skills; many managers have told me that around 90% of applicants don’t have the primary skill sought by the employer). Well paid jobs can attract lots of applicants, filtering/interviewing can be an expensive process (not least because the same job title can denote different seniority in different companies). Matching CVs to job requirements sounds like the perfect use case for LLMs. I suspect that LLM tuning of CVs/adverts will just increase costs/uncertainty.
The constant churn of technologies forces employees to make decisions about whether to happily spend many years being well paid to become an expert in a niche with decreasing industry demand, or to invest in starting again as a non-expert doing something new (and initially less well paid).
What is the best to organize engineering employees at a company-wide scale? Matrix management was once the standard answer, but these days, scaled agile is a fashionable answer. An evidence-based answer will have to wait until the lawyers in a large organization allow somebody with the necessary skills access to the appropriate data.
With the contents of job sites being scraped, along with LinkedIn, I’m optimistic that some meaningful employment data will slowly become available. Will the analysis of this data uncover patterns of practical use (other than interesting blog posts) to employers/employees? We will have to wait and see.
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