Academic recognition for creating and supporting software
A scientific paper is supposed to contain enough information that somebody skilled in the field can perform the experiment(s) described therein (issues around the money needed to obtain access to the necessary equipment tend to be side stepped). In addition to the skills generally taught within a field, every niche has its specific skill set, which for leading edge research may only be available in one lab.
Bespoke software has become an essential component of many research projects, and the ability to reimplement the necessary software is rarely considered to be a necessary skill. Some researchers consider software to be “just code” whose creation is not really a skill that is worth investing in acquiring.
There is a widespread belief in academic circles that the solution to the issues created by bespoke software is for researchers to release the source code of the software they create.
Experienced developers will laugh at the idea that once the source code is available, running it is straight forward. Figuring out how to run somebody else’s code can be a very time-consuming process, particularly when the person who wrote it is relatively inexperienced.
This post is about the social issues around the bespoke research code being made available, and not the technical issues likely to be encountered in building it on another researcher’s computer.
Lots of researchers do make their code available, without being asked, and some researchers actively promote the software they have written. In a few cases, active software ecosystems have sprung up around a research topic, e.g., Astropy and SunPy.
However, a lot of code never gets released. Based on my own experience of asking for code (in the last 10 years, most of my requests have been for data), reasons given by researchers for not making the code they have written available to others, include:
- not replying to email requests for the code,
- not sure that they still have the all code, which is taken as a reason for not sending what they have. This may also be a cover story for another reason they don’t want to admit to,
- they don’t want the hassle of supporting other users of the code. Having received some clueless requests for help on software I have released, I have sympathy for this position. Sometimes pointing out that I am an experienced developer who does not need support, works, other times it just changes the reason given,
- they think the code is poorly written, and that this poor of quality will make them look bad. Pointing out that research code is leading edge (rare true, it’s an attempt to stroke their ego), and not supposed to be polished, rarely works for me. Some people are just perfectionists, with a strong aversion to showing others anything that has not been polished to death,
- a large investment was made to create the software, and they want to reap all the benefits. I have a lot of sympathy with this position. Some research fields are very competitive, or sometimes the researcher just wants to believe that they really will get another grant to work on the subject.
Researchers who create and support research software complain that they don’t get any formal recognition for this work; which begs the question: why are you working on this software when you know that you are unlikely to receive any recognition?
How might researchers receive recognition for writing, supporting and releasing code?
Citations to published papers are a commonly used technique for measuring the worth of the work done by a researcher (this metric is used when evaluating people for promotion, awarding grants, and evaluating departments), and various organizations are promoting the use of citations for software.
Some software provides enough benefits that the authors can write a conventional paper about it, e.g., a paper on Astropy (which does not cite any of the third-party packages used in its own implementation). But a lot of research software does not have sufficient general appeal to warrant a paper.
Are citations for software a good idea?
An important characteristic of any evaluation metric is how hard it is to fake a good score.
Research papers are rated by the journal in which they are published, with each journal having its own rating (a short-term metric), and the number of times the paper is cited (a longer-term metric). Papers are reviewed, with many failing to be accepted (at least by the higher quality journals; there are so-called predatory journals that will publish anything for a fee).
While there are a few journals where source code may be an integral component of a paper, most research software is published on sites having minimal acceptance criteria, e.g., Github.
Will citations to software become as commonplace as citations to other papers?
I regularly read software papers that cites software packages, but this practice is a long way from being common.
Will those awarding job promotions and grants start to include software creation as having a status comparable to published papers? We will have to wait and see.
Will the lure of recognition via citations increase the quantity of source being released?
I don’t think it will have any impact until the benefits of software citations are seen to be worthwhile (which may be many years away).
Evidence-based SE groups doing interesting work, 2021 version
Who are the research groups currently doing interesting work in evidenced-base software engineering (academics often use the term empirical software engineering)? Interestingness is very subjective, in my case it is based on whether I think the work looks like it might contribute something towards software engineering practices (rather than measuring something to get a paper published or fulfil a requirement for an MSc or PhD). I last addressed this question in 2013, and things have changed a lot since then.
This post focuses on groups (i.e., multiple active researchers), and by “currently doing” I’m looking for multiple papers published per year in the last few years.
As regular readers will know, I think that clueless button pushing (a.k.a. machine learning) in software engineering is mostly fake research. I tend to ignore groups that are heavily clueless button pushing oriented.
Like software development groups, research groups come and go, with a few persisting for many years. People change jobs, move into management, start companies based on their research, new productive people appear, and there is the perennial issue of funding. A year from now, any of the following groups may be disbanded or moved on to other research areas.
Some researchers leave a group to set up their own group (even moving continents), and I know that many people in the 2013 survey have done this (many in the Microsoft group listed in 2013 are now scattered across the country). Most academic research is done by students studying for a PhD, and the money needed to pay for these students comes from research grants. Some researchers are willing to spend their time applying for grants to build a group (on average, around 40% of a group’s lead researcher’s time is spent applying for grants), while others are happy to operate on a smaller scale.
Evidence-based research has become mainstream in software engineering, but this is not to say that the findings or data have any use outside of getting a paper published. A popular tactic employed by PhD students appears to be to look for what they consider to be an interesting pattern in code appearing on Github, and write a thesis that associated this pattern with an issue thought to be of general interest, e.g., predicting estimates/faults/maintainability/etc. Every now and again, a gold nugget turns up in the stream of fake research.
Data is being made available via personal Github pages, figshare, osf, Zenondo, and project or personal University (generally not a good idea, because the pages often go away when the researcher leaves). There is no current systematic attempt to catalogue the data.
There has been a huge increase in papers coming out of Brazil, and Brazilians working in research groups around the world, since 2013. No major Brazilian name springs to mind, but that may be because I have not noticed that they are Brazilian (every major research group seems to have one, and many of the minor ones as well). I may have failed to list a group because their group page is years out of date, which may be COVID related, bureaucracy, or they are no longer active.
The China list is incomplete. There are Chinese research groups whose group page is hosted on Github, and I have failed to remember that they are based in China. Also, Chinese pages can appear inactive for a year or two, and then suddenly be updated with lots of recent information. I have not attempted to keep track of Chinese research groups.
Organized by country, groups include (when there is no group page available, I have used the principle’s page, and when that is not available I have used a group member page; some groups make no attempt to help others find out about their work):
Belgium (I cite the researchers with links to pdfs)
Brazil (Garcia, Steinmacher)
Canada (Antoniol, Data-driven Analysis of Software Lab, Godfrey and Ptidel, Robillard, SAIL; three were listed in 2013)
China (Lin Chen, Lu Zhang, Minghui Zhou)
Germany (Chair of Software Engineering, CSE working group, Software Engineering for Distributed Systems Group, Research group Zeller)
Greece (listed in 2013)
Italy (listed in 2013)
Japan (Inoue lab, Kamei Web, Kula, and Kusumoto lab)
Spain (the only member of the group listed in 2013 with a usable web page)
Sweden (Chalmers, KTH {Baudry and Monperrus, with no group page})
Switzerland (SCG and REVEAL; both listed in 2013)
USA (Devanbu, Foster, Maletic, Microsoft, PLUM lab, SEMERU, squaresLab, Weimer; two were listed in 2013)
Sitting here typing away, I have probably missed out some obvious candidates (particularly in the US). Suggestions for omissions welcome (remember, this is about groups, not individuals).
Looking for a measurable impact from developer social learning
Almost everything you know was discovered/invented by other people. Social learning (i.e., learning from others) is the process of acquiring skills by observing others (teaching is explicit formalised sharing of skills). Social learning provides a mechanism for skills to spread through a population. An alternative to social learning is learning by personal trial and error.
When working within an ecosystem that changes slowly, it is more cost-effective to learn from others than learn through trial and error (assuming that experienced people are available to learn from, and the learner is capable of identifying them); “Social Learning” by Hoppitt and Layland analyzes the costs and benefits of using social learning.
Since its inception, much of software engineering has been constantly changing. In a rapidly changing ecosystem, the experience of established members may suggest possible solutions that do not deliver the expected results in a changed world, i.e., social learning may not be a cost-effective way of building a skill set applicable within the new ecosystem.
Opportunities for social learning occur wherever developers tend to congregate.
When I started writing software people, developers would print out a copy of their code to take away and correct/improve/add-to (this was when 100+ people were time-sharing on a computer with 256K words of memory, running at 1 MHz). People would cluster around the printer, which ran sufficiently slowly that it was possible, in real-time, to read the code and figure out what was going on; it was possible to learn from others code (pointing out mistakes in programs that people planned to hand in was not appreciated). Then personal computers became available, along with low-cost printers (e.g., dot matrix), which were often shared, and did not print so fast that an experienced developer could not figure things out in real-time. Then laser printers came along, delivering a page at a time every 15 seconds, or so; experiencing the first print out from a Laser printer, I immediately knew that real-time code reading was a thing of the past (also, around this time, full-screen editors achieved the responsiveness needed to enthral developers, paper code listings could not compete). A regular opportunity for social learning disappeared.
Mentoring and retrospectives are intended as explicit (perhaps semi-taught) learning contexts, in which social learning opportunities may be available.
The effectiveness of social learning is dependent on being able to select a good enough source of expertise to learn from. Choosing the person with the highest prestige is a common social selection technique; selecting web pages appearing on the first page of a Google search is actually a form of conformist learning (i.e., selecting what others have chosen).
It is possible to point at particular instances of social learning in software engineering, but to what extent does social learning, other than explicit teaching, contribute to developer skills?
Answering this question requires enumerating all the non-explicitly taught skills a developer uses to get the job done, excluding the non-developer specific skills. A daunting task.
Is it even possible to consistently distinguish between social learning (implicit or taught) and individual learning?
For instance, take source code indentation. Any initial social learning is likely to have been subsequently strongly influenced by peer pressure, and default IDE settings.
Pronunciation of operator names is a personal choice that may only ever exist within a developer’s head. In my head, I pronounce the ^
operator as up-arrow, because I first encountered its use in the book Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs which used the symbol ↑
, which appears as the ^ character on modern keyboards. I often hear others using the word caret, which I have to mentally switch over to using. People who teach themselves to program have to invent names for unfamiliar symbols, until they hear somebody speaking code (the widespread availability of teach-yourself videos will make it rare to need for this kind of individual learning; individual learning is giving way to social learning).
The problem with attempting to model social learning is that much of the activity occurs in private, and is not recorded.
One public source of prestigious experience is Stack Overflow. Code snippets included as part of an answer on Stack Overflow appear in around 1.8% of Github repositories. However, is the use of this code social learning or conformist transmission (i.e., copy and paste)?
Explaining social learning to people is all well and good, but having to hand wave when asked for a data-driven example is not good. Suggestions welcome.
Two failed software development projects in the High Court
When submitting a bid, to be awarded the contract to develop a software system, companies have to provide information on costs and delivery dates. If the costs are significantly underestimated, and/or the delivery dates woefully optimistic, one or more of the companies involved may resort to legal action.
Searching the British and Irish Legal Information Institute‘s Technology and Construction Court Decisions throws up two interesting cases (when searching on “source code”; I have not been able to figure out the patterns in the results that were not returned by their search engine {when I expected some cases to be returned}).
The estimation and implementation activities described in the judgements for these two cases could apply to many software projects, both successful and unsuccessful. Claiming that the system will be ready by the go-live date specified by the customer is an essential component of winning a bid, the huge uncertainties in the likely effort required comes as standard in the software industry environment, and discovering lots of unforeseen work after signing the contract (because the minimum was spent on the bid estimate) is not software specific.
The first case is huge (BSkyB/Sky won the case and EDS had to pay £200+ million): (1) BSkyB Limited (2) Sky Subscribers Services Limited: Claimants – and (1) HP Enterprise Services UK Limited (formerly Electronic Data Systems Limited) (2) Electronic Data systems LLC (Formerly Electronic Data Systems Corporation: Defendants. The amount bid was a lot less than £200 million (paragraph 729 “The total EDS “Sell Price” was £54,195,013 which represented an overall margin of 27% over the EDS Price of £39.4 million.” see paragraph 90 for a breakdown).
What can be learned from the judgement for this case (the letter of Intent was subsequently signed on 9 August 2000, and the High Court decision was handed down on 26 January 2010)?
- If you have not been involved in putting together a bid for a large project, paragraphs 58-92 provides a good description of the kinds of activities involved. Paragraphs 697-755 discuss costing details, and paragraphs 773-804 manpower and timing details,
- if you have never seen a software development contract, paragraphs 93-105 illustrate some of the ways in which delivery/payments milestones are broken down and connected. Paragraph 803 will sound familiar to developers who have worked on large projects: “… I conclude that much of Joe Galloway’s evidence in relation to planning at the bid stage was false and was created to cover up the inadequacies of this aspect of the bidding process in which he took the central role.” The difference here is that the money involved was large enough to make it worthwhile investing in a court case, and Sky obviously believed that they could only be blamed for minor implementation problems,
- don’t have the manager in charge of the project give perjured evidence (paragraph 195 “… Joe Galloway’s credibility was completely destroyed by his perjured evidence over a prolonged period.”). Bringing the law of deceit and negligent misrepresentation into a case can substantially increase/decrease the size of the final bill,
- successfully completing an implementation plan requires people with the necessary skills to do the work, and good people are a scarce resource. Projects fail if they cannot attract and keep the right people; see paragraphs 1262-1267.
A consequence of the judge’s finding of misrepresentation by EDS is a requirement to consider the financial consequences. One item of particular interest is the need to calculate the likely effort and time needed by alternative suppliers to implement the CRM System.
The only way to estimate, with any degree of confidence, the likely cost of implementing the required CRM system is to use a conventional estimation process, i.e., a group of people with the relevant domain knowledge work together for some months to figure out an implementation plan, and then cost it. This approach costs a lot of money, and ties up scarce expertise for long periods of time; is there a cheaper method?
Management at the claimant/defence companies will have appreciated that the original cost estimate is likely to be as good as any, apart from being tainted by the perjury of the lead manager. So they all signed up to using Tasseography, e.g., they get their respective experts to estimate the amount of code that needs to be produce to implement the system, calculate how long it would take to write this code and multiply by the hourly rate for a developer. I would loved to have been a fly on the wall when the respective IT experts, all experienced in provided expert testimony, were briefed. Surely the experts all knew that the ballpark figure was that of the original EDS estimate, and that their job was to come up with a lower/high figure?
What other interpretation could there be for such a bone headed approach to cost estimation?
The EDS expert based his calculation on the debunked COCOMO model (ok, my debunking occurred over six years later, but others have done it much earlier).
The Sky expert based his calculation on the use of function points, i.e., estimation function points rather than lines of code, and then multiply by average cost per function point.
The legal teams point out the flaws in the opposing team’s approach, and the judge does a good job of understanding the issues and reaching a compromise.
There may be interesting points tucked away in the many paragraphs covering various legal issues. I barely skimmed these.
The second case is not as large (the judgement contains a third the number of paragraphs, and the judgement handed down on 19 February 2021 required IBM to pay £13+ million): SCIS GENERAL INSURANCE LIMITED: Claimant – and – IBM UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED: Defendant.
Again there is lots to learn about how projects are planned, estimated and payments/deliveries structured. There are staffing issues; paragraph 104 highlights how the client’s subject matter experts are stuck in their ways, e.g., configuring the new system for how things used to work and not attending workshops to learn about the new way of doing things.
Every IT case needs claimant/defendant experts and their collection of magic spells. The IBM expert calculated that the software contained technical debt to the tune of 4,000 man hours of work (paragraph 154).
If you find any other legal software development cases with the text of the judgement publicly available, please let me know (two other interesting cases with decisions on the British and Irish Legal Information Institute).
Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures: book
Electronic Evidence and Electronic Signatures by Stephen Mason and Daniel Seng is not the sort of book that I would normally glance at twice (based on its title). However, at this start of the year I had an interesting email conversation with the first author, a commentator who worked for the defence team on the Horizon IT project case, and he emailed with the news that the fifth edition was now available (there’s a free pdf version, so why not have a look; sorry Stephen).
Regular readers of this blog will be interested in chapter 4 (“Software code as the witness”) and chapter 5 (“The presumption that computers are ‘reliable'”).
Legal arguments are based on precedent, i.e., decisions made by judges in earlier cases. The one thing that stands from these two chapters is how few cases have involved source code and/or reliability, and how simplistic the software issues have been (compared to issues that could have been involved). Perhaps the cases involving complicated software issues get simplified by the lawyers, or they look like they will be so difficult/expensive to litigate that the case don’t make it to court.
Chapter 4 provided various definitions of source code, all based around the concept of imperative programming, i.e., the code tells the computer what to do. No mention of declarative programming, where the code specifies the information required and the computer has to figure out how to obtain it (SQL being a widely used language based on this approach). The current Wikipedia article on source code is based on imperative programming, but the programming language article is not so narrowly focused (thanks to some work by several editors many years ago 😉
There is an interesting discussion around the idea of source code as hearsay, with a discussion of cases (see 4.34) where the person who wrote the code had to give evidence so that the program output could be admitted as evidence. I don’t know how often the person who wrote the code has to give evidence, but these days code often has multiple authors, and their identity is not always known (e.g., author details have been lost, or the submission effectively came via an anonymous email).
Chapter 5 considers the common law presumption in the law of England and Wales that ‘In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the courts will presume that mechanical instruments were in order. Yikes! The fact that this is presumption is nonsense, at least for computers, was discussed in an earlier post.
There is plenty of case law discussion around the accuracy of devices used to breath-test motorists for their alcohol level, and defendants being refused access to the devices and associated software. Now, I’m sure that the software contained in these devices contains coding mistakes, but was a particular positive the result of a coding mistake? Without replicating the exact conditions occurring during the original test, it could be very difficult to say. The prosecution and Judges make the common mistake of assuming that because the science behind the test had been validated, the device must produce correct results; ignoring the fact that the implementation of the science in software may contain implementation mistakes. I have lost count of the number of times that scientist/programmers have told me that because the science behind their code is correct, the program output must be correct. My retort that there are typos in the scientific papers they write, therefore there may be typos in their code, usually fails to change their mind; they are so fixated on the correctness of the science that possible mistakes elsewhere are brushed aside.
The naivety of some judges is astonishing. In one case (see 5.44) a professor who was an expert in mathematics, physics and computers, who had read the user manual for an application, but had not seen its source code, was considered qualified to give evidence about the operation of the software!
Much of chapter 5 is essentially an overview of software reliability, written by a barrister for legal professionals, i.e., it is not always a discussion of case law. A barristers’ explanation of how software works can be entertainingly inaccurate, but the material here is correct in a broad brush sense (and I did not spot any entertainingly inaccuracies).
Other than breath-testing, the defence asking for source code is rather like a dog chasing a car. The software for breath-testing devices is likely to be small enough that one person might do a decent job of figuring out how it works; many software systems are not only much, much larger, but are dependent on an ecosystem of hardware/software to run. Figuring out how they work will take multiple (expensive expert) people a lot of time.
Legal precedents are set when both sides spend the money needed to see a court case through to the end. It’s understandable why the case law discussed in this book is so sparse and deals with relatively simple software issues. The costs of fighting a case involving the complexity of modern software is going to be astronomical.
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