MyFloodPlan: The personalized flood plan App
I took part in the HackTheTownHall flood-relief hackathon at the weekend. Team MyFloodPlan (me, Manoj, Lusine, Anthony and Sanjeet) built an App (try it) that created personalised flood plans; tell us where you live and we tell you number of hours before the flood water reaches you, plus providing a list of recommended actions for that time frame, with the timing of the recommended actions being influenced by personal circumstances such as age (older people likely to take longer to do things than younger people), medical situation and risk aversion. The App has five prespecified users at various locations in the worst hit flooding areas around west London in February 2014. UK Government recommendations are basically to move things to higher ground (e.g., upstairs) and just as the water arrives at your door turn off the gas and electric.
The App used the Ordnance Survey Terrain 50 data (height above sea level of 50 meter squares covering the whole UK and accurate to 0.01 0.1 meters) to find the difference in height between the user’s location and the last reported local flood height (we faked this number), multiplied this by how fast the flood water is rising (we picked 100 10 cm per hour) to find out how many minutes it would take for the flood to reach the user’s location. In practice it would be easy to get the current flood height, the user could simply walk to the current edge of the flood and tell the App where it was; data on rate of height increase/decrease could come from the Environment agency flood warning site.
The Ordnance survey has height data at 5 meter square resolution and supplied a sample for an area near Bristol. The accuracy of GPS is nowhere near good enough for obtaining height data. Altitude data for most of the world is available thanks to the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission; the grid resolution is 30 meters in the US and 90 meters outside the US.
I thought of creating a 2-D equation that interpolated between all known points (using say, cubic splines), this would smooth out height discontinuities and probably improve the estimates for most locations. But given the large unknowns in rate of change of flood water height, interpolation seemed like over-kill (given how smooth the data is over much of the UK this approach might be away of reducing data storage/access).
The big unknown in all of this is modeling changes in flood water level. In February there were announcements that gave maximum levels. The ideal situation is for the Environment agency to provide a predicted flood water level time line API. They probably have the predictions, but given the degree of uncertainties present in all models I would understand any reluctance in making this information available in real time.
On the ground monitoring the progress of a flood would only take a few people on bikes to cover a whole town, reporting back to a local system that kept everybody updated. Real-time flood level tracking is not a big data problem (prediction and maintaining historical data are) and a handful of people using modest computer resources could easily provide a personalized flood warning service to locals.
Team MyFloodPlan was made up of Team prompt Parking (minus Bob), from a previous hackathon, plus two other people, and these provided a useful reminder of the mindset needed for a hackathon. Producing a working App in 24 hours requires keeping things simple and doing what needs to be done; sometimes outrageous simplifications have to be made and the most awful coding solutions have to be lived with. Our two new members (a business consultant and very clever technical guy) were into considering all the issues and how they connected, and looking to keep all potential customers happy; all good stuff to do when there is plenty of time and resources available, but fatal mistakes in a short hackathon. We spent all day going in circles around the original idea (team Prompt Parking are very laid back and prone to gossiping about tech with anybody who happens to wonder by), when the two left for the night the circling died down and within a few hours we had the basic core of the App coded and working.
The oversimplifications made by team PromptParking, along with our willingness to ignore ‘low volume’ customers left our two newbies exasperated and baffled. However, the aim is to produce the best minimum viable product, not an impressive report covering all the issues
How can flood data be monetized using an App? Floods are too rare for the MyFloodPlan App to provide a regular income. Perhaps during a flood it could cheer people up by displaying adds for holidays in sunny destinations, provide suggestions for new furniture, decorating ideas, etc and if the flood had not yet reached them the best place to sell their home.
The best money making App I could think of was one that provides flooding information to potential home buyers. The DoesThisLocationFlood App would show pictures of previous floods in the area (picture gathering would be so much easier if Twitter did not remove location information from posted pictures), along with height above local water features and distance from them. It would be great to tie in with online home purchase sites, but these make money from the seller and so are unlikely to see any added value in the DoesThisLocationFlood App.
The MyFloodPlan App came second, beaten by an App that allowed users to report and see events in a flood affected area (and made great use of text messaging). Our App was not very interactive, i.e., flood arrives in x hours, do these things. We should have been more adventurous; having been gone down the route planning rabbit hole before I shied away from figuring out which road were flooded and suggesting alternative routes (the route planners in OpenStreetMap do seem to be improving).
Thanks to Milverton for organizing the event and the knowledgeable and helpful people from the Environment agency and Ordnance survey.
A request for future events: A method of turning off the lights so people don’t have to sleep under the tables to stop the motion detectors turning the lights on.
C++ vs. Ada: Which language is more strongly typed?
Programming languages are sometimes categorized as being either weakly or strongly typed. I’m not going to join the often rabid debates over which category a particular language belongs to, but rather discuss the relative type strengths of two languages, C++ and Ada, to see if it is possible to claim that one of them is more strongly typed than the other.
Most programming languages support variables having more than one type (e.g., integer and float are two very common types) and have rules specifying which combinations of differently typed values/variables are permitted to occur in a given context, e.g., C++ allows a value of type int
to be assigned to a variable of type float
(an implicit conversion is performed), but Ada not perform this implicit conversion and the integer value has to be explicit converted to float before it can be assigned (otherwise a compile time error will be generated).
The more implicit type conversions a language supports the weaker its type system is said to be.
C++ supports more implicit conversions than Ada (others include boolean
and char
) and loose type strength points because of this (there is plenty of scope for debate about whether some implicit conversions are more evil than others, but cost/benefit debates are harder to come by).
While C++/Ada differ in their support for implicit conversions they are pretty equal in their support for explicit conversions (e.g., in Ada the code float(23)
would convert the integer 23 to a float type). In some cases Ada requires that various hoops be jumped through to make the conversion happen (representation clauses are a great topic to bring up when being lectured about how type safe Ada is, a bit like telling somebody being snobbish that they go to the bathroom like everybody else).
The underlying idea is that the compilation errors generated by these ‘undesirable’ attempted implicit conversions alert the developer to a possible mistake in what they have written. These kinds of messages from the compiler have certainly caught errors in my code, but often the error has been a failure to write the required explicit conversion; every now and again a ‘real’ error is flagged. But I digress, this discussion is about what weak/strong typing is, not about what its costs and benefits might be.
Does Ada have any other feature that increases its type strength with respect to C++?
Both languages allow names to be given to existing types: typedef length_t int;
in C++ and subtype length_t is integer;
in Ada both define length_t
to be a synonym for the integer type, but without resulting in any extra type checks occurring. However, Ada supports a kind of type definition mechanism that does result in extra checks being made by the compiler. In the following code:
subtype length_t is integer; type time_t is integer; a : integer; b : length_t; c : time_t; begin a := b; -- OK a := c; -- Error, type mismatch a := integer(c); -- OK, explicit conversion |
is defined to have a type that is not compatible with integer
, even although its underlying representation is the same as the integer type. Mixing variables having types integer
and time_t
results in a compile time error.
The intended purpose for defining a ‘new’ type and creating variables having that type is to restrict operations on those variables to being with other variables having the same type, e.g., assignment and addition between any variables having type time_t
is fine but involving other types results in a compile time error (there are special rules that allow integer literals to general get mixed in). I find that the errors flagged by this kind of checking are mostly very useful.
It is also possible to achieve the same kind of type checking in C++ using template metaprogramming, e.g., the SIunits library. In fact using this technique enables C++ to support a much more general and user friendly range of of ‘strong type’ functionality than is supported by the built-in Ada functionality (it is also possible to use general language functionality in Ada to implement the kind of checking possible in C++, however prior to the 2012 Ada standard the checks occurred at runtime but it now looks like there is a mechanism for doing them at compile time {because it is often possible to switch off runtime checks some people consider them to be weaker than compile time checks})
Fans of subranges (I dearly miss this feature when using C-like languages) can get their fix here.
Is there a rule that extra type strength points are given if a language contains explicit type creation syntax (Ada contains a menagerie of syntax and semantics for doing this kind of stuff), compared to languages that require the use of constructs having many other uses? I don’t see why there should be. The fact that template metaprogramming makes a lot of C++ developers’ head’s hurt means that many will limit themselves to using what others have created, rather than growing project specific libraries; but since when have usability and frequency of use been a major issue in the weak/string type debate?
The score so far is that C++ has lots points to Ada because of its greater support for implicit type conversions, but has held its ground everywhere else.
Can either language pick up any more points?
There is the culture angle. Ada developers have a culture of making use of the type checking functionality provided by the language; this is a skill that has to be learned, you get some type checking for free but the rest has to be designed into the code. C++ developers also have a culture of making use of the type checking functionality provided by the language, i.e., most do not use add-on packages like SIunits.
I am not aware of any studies that have investigated the extent to which developers make use of type checking functionality; pointers to such studies welcome. If there is more ‘strongly typed’ C++ than Ada code out there it is only because there is a lot more C++ code out there.
It is my experience that culture and existing code do color developers’ position on where to draw the line in the weak/strong debate, but don’t effect relative language orderings.
The conclusion is that Ada is more strongly typed than C++, but how much more strongly typed remaines an open question. Both languages require effort from the developer to make full use of the typing functionality that is available.
The Shattered Windows App: How much will an asteroid impact cost you?
I was at the Space Apps Challenge in London yesterday. I was part of a group of people interested in the Asteroid challenges with my subgroup (i.e., me) trying to estimate the financial consequences of an impact of a given size at a given location. These open ended hackathons involve a lot of upfront data collection, which for this problem required engineering/physics knowledge and my fellow asteroid enthusiasts included an undergraduate and four web developers (finding one good one is usually hard and here I was surrounded by them).
I worked out a plan for calculating the financial consequences of an asteroid impact and found out lots of useful stuff, but did not get to write any code. So this is a paper implementation.
The Shattered Windows App deals with the impact of asteroids of the kind recently experienced by the Russians in Chelyabinsk Oblast. Most of the existing published work concentrates on the much larger global impact events, which are great for dramatic TV programs and films but make for a boring App (global catastrophes wiping out whole countries have limited scope for localizations that allow users to understand the consequences in their community).
Recently declassified military satellite data and data from the Infrasound network has shown that asteroid impacts generating kiloton airbursts are surprisingly common ( impacts per annum, where
is energy in kilotons; a megaton event around every 15 years or so).
The energy from an airburst (explosion in the air) generates a shock wave that travels through the atmosphere. The overpressure from this shock wave, if large enough, will smash things, including windows, roofs (the Chelyabinsk event took out a few of these) and complete buildings; people are remarkably resistant to overpressure. I decided to concentrate on windows since these are the most likely to be smashed and flying glass is a huge health hazard.
The Bishopsgate bombing is a good illustration of the impact of a blast on windows, in this case just over 1 ton of equivalent TNT breaking 500 tonnes of glass (£1.4 billion of damage in 2014 money).
The sequence of calculations needed to generate the information that can be fed into a web front end displaying a map of financial cost contours for an event at a given location include:
- Calculate likely asteroid mass and velocity. Asterank presents a stunning amount of information on known asteroids and all the code is available on github.
- Calculate the size of the airburst, in kilotons, generated by the impact of an asteroid having a given mass, velocity and angle of atmosphere entry. The paper Earth Impact Effects Program: A Web-based computer program for calculating the regional environmental consequences of a meteoroid impact on Earth follows the herd in discussing huge global events but contains the needed equations (ignore the stuff about crater size and seismic events).
- Calculate the overpressure at a given distance from the atmospheric airburst. The book The Effects of Nuclear Weapons contains the necessary charts and methods (starting around page 113). The Nuclear Weapons Frequently Asked Questions is also worth reading.
- Calculate the number of windows/area of glass present at a given distance from the airburst. My thinking here is population density data from the last census to estimate the number of dwellings in a given area and housing window data from the English Housing Survey (69% of dwellings have PVC-U double glazed units) to estimate window/glass totals per dwelling. I am currently assuming that commercial windows can be handled by multiplying the residential totals by some small value (this won’t work for large city centers like London). Pointers to commercial building window data welcome.
- Calculate value of smashed windows/glass. Previously cited sources give rough figures for the range of overpressures needed to break windows; more accurate information on overpressure needed to smash particular kinds of windows would be useful. A rough calculation can be made by combining all the above calculated information.
All that is needed now is a fancy web front end that allows users to select a known asteroid, select a location (the location reported by a phone’s gps being the default) and display an easy to digest damage map.
Data for other countries, e.g., the US, could also be added.
Thanks to the hosts who kept us well fed and watered. A note for future events: bigger tables would be good and comfier chairs for those not yet experienced enough to have developed the ninja skills needed to hack sitting for long period on hard plastic chairs.
Update: The folks at B612 have paper plans for a more upmarket App in mind; they want to nudge the asteroid so it misses the Earth. I wonder if they will sell ads on the side of the rocket?
Heartbleed: Critical infrastructure open source needs government funding
Like most vulnerabilities the colorfully named Heartbleed vulnerability in OpenSSL is caused by an ‘obvious’ coding problem of the kind that has been occurring in practically all programs since homo sapiens first started writing software; the only thing remarkable about this vulnerability is its potential to generate huge amounts of financial damage. Some people might say that it is also remarkable that such a serious problem has not occurred in OpenSSL before, I don’t think anybody would describe OpenSSL as the most beautiful of code.
As always happens when a coding problem generates some publicity, there have been calls for:
- More/better training: Most faults are simple mistakes that developers already know all about; training does not stop people making mistakes.
- Switch to a better language: Several lifetimes could be spent discussing this one and a short coffee break would be enough to cover the inconclusive empirical evidence on ‘betterness’. Switching languages also implies rewriting lots of code and there is that annoying issue of newly written code being more likely to contain faults than code that has been heavily used for a long time.
The fact is that all software contains faults and the way to improve reliability is to actively search for and fix these faults. This will cost money and commercial companies have an incentive to spend money doing this; in whose interest is it to fix faults in open source tools such as OpenSSL? There are lots of organizations who would like these faults fixed, but getting money from these organizations to the people who could do the work is going to be complicated. The simple solution would be for some open source programs to be classified as critical infrastructure and have governments fund the active finding and fixing of the faults they contain.
Some people would claim that the solution is to rewrite the software to be more reliable. However, I suspect the economics will kill this proposal; apart from pathological cases it is invariably cheaper to fix what exists that start from scratch.
On behalf of the open source community can I ask that unless you have money to spend please go away and stop bothering us about these faults, we write this code for free because it is fun and fixing faults is boring.
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