Performing a non-local return in R
In most languages return
is a statement, but in R it is a function (in fact R does not really have statements, it only has expressions). This function-like behavior of return is useful for figuring out the order in which operations are performed, e.g., the value returned by return(1)+return(2)
tells us that binary operators are evaluated left to right.
R also supports lazy evaluation, operands are only evaluated when their value is required. The question of when a value might be required is a very complicated rabbit hole. In R’s case arguments to function calls are lazy and in the following code:
ret_a_b=function(a, b) { if (runif(1, -1, 1) < 0) a else b } helpless=function() { ret_a_b(return(3), return(4)) return(99) } |
a call to helpless
results in either 3 or 4 being returned.
This ability to perform non-local returns is just what is needed to implement exception handling recovery, i.e., jumping out of some nested function to a call potentially much higher up in the call tree, without passing back up through the intervening function called, when something goes wrong.
Having to pass the return-blob to every function called would be a pain, using a global variable would make life much simpler and less error prone. Simply assigning to a global variable will not work because the value being assigned is evaluated (it does not have to be, but R chooses to not to be lazy here). My first attempt to get what I needed into a global variable involved delayedAssign, but that did not work out. The second attempt made use of the environment created by a nested function definition, as follows:
# Create an environment containing a return that can be evaluated later. set_up=function(the_ret) { ret_holder=function() { the_ret } return(ret_holder) } # For simplicity this is not nested in some complicated way do_stuff=function() { # if (something_gone_wrong) get_out_of_jail() return("done") } get_out_of_jail=0 # Out friendly global variable control_func=function(a) { # Set up what will get called get_out_of_jail <<- set_up(return(a)) # do some work do_stuff() return(0) } control_func(11) |
and has the desired effect 🙂
Prompt Parking near Buckingham Palace
I was at the Urban Data Hack at the weekend run by Data Science London (doing their usual excellent job of feeding and watering us). Team Prompt Parking (me, Manoj, Lusine and Bob {of team Outlier fame}) created an App (try it) that gives drivers directions to the closest locations, in Westminster, most likely to have an empty parking space, taking into account preferences for space actually being available, distance to drive and probability of experiencing vehicle/personal crime close to the parking bay.
The default starting location is the official London residence of the Queen, which is in Westminster (most of the data came from Westminster City Council), and can be changed by entering latitude/longitude at the top of the page; in practice it would use the current location reported by the phone gps.
How does the App work? Based on your current location, day of week and time of day, it obtains data on ‘close’ parking bays (precomputed data; see below), applies the user preferences to the bay data to obtained a weighted preference for each bay, picks the four bay locations with the highest weight and feeds these locations into Google maps to draw the route.
The precomputed data included (code and data):
- mean number of empty parking spaces within every 15 minute window of a given day of the week (the week was assumed to be the only parking related cycle). The parking dataset included every parking transaction in Westminster between April 2013 to January 2014; the 861 megabyte file containing 6,967,793 transactions was boiled down to 49M using
to split the data up, one file per parking location, making it practical to run anR
script on each file to do the averaging (we also calculated a standard deviation which never got integrated into the weighting), - likelihood of crime against vehicles and people. The crime data included a lat/long and the ‘influence’ of each recorded crime (i.e., the likelihood of another crime being committed nearby) was assumed to have a gaussian distribution having a mean of 200 meters (chosen by a couple of white guys staring at the ceiling). The crime data was monthly and sparse (good for citizens but bad for data analysis) and ended up being amalgamated to an overall number per parking location per year (i.e., the gaussians for each crime ‘influence’ were summed over the area of Westminster),
- the distance, along streets (not flying crows), to every parking bay was calculated from 50 ‘red spots’ (these spots were chosen to be well distributed over major routes within Westminster). The App takes the user’s location and calculates the closest red spot to use for parking bay distance information.
- the data included parking cost information but we did not get around to including that in the App
The hack had prizes for various categories. Team Prompt Parking received 1st Prize for Urban Data Integration, which surprised me as I thought we were the best in some of the other categories. My heart sank when I saw the Team DeTile App (the team’s Italian accent may have thrown my spelling) which combined crime data with a property company’s API to produce a flat (apartment in the US) finder recommender running on a phone; they deserved to win the Best App category.
Team Prompt Parking did not consider how money might be made from the App; our submission report included crowd pleasing concepts such as reducing CO2 emissions and accident rates by reducing driving time to find an empty parking space. Having drivers look at ads displayed in the App would probably increase accidents.
A more promising money making App, using this data, would target traffic wardens; the data shows a higher empty bay rate than that experienced by the central London drivers I spoke to at the weekend (some obvious human biases spring to mind here). There is an opportunity here for a startup to offer traffic wardens routes tailored to maximize the number of parking tickets per hour; the company would take a percentage of the warden’s earnings.
The main lesson learned was not to create large databases in the cloud during a short hack. While one database containing all the data is a good idea in theory, in a 24 hour hackathon there is not a lot of time to iterate when database creation goes wrong (which everybodies did, several times). It is better to do as much as possible on local laptops (I split the 860M data file into smaller chunks using a local awk script rather than load it into a cloudy sql database that I then had to access remotely).
We had a separate database for each dataset, making it quick to iterate changes to each dataset and not creating dependencies that held up testing using the other datasets.
Adverts during compilation; the future for gcc and llvm?
Many of the larger open source projects have most of their manpower supplied by commercial companies. Companies pay developers to work on open source projects because it is in their interest to do so. The current level of funding will not last forever and some open source projects will either have to significantly slim down their operations or find other revenue streams.
For the last few years (and probably the next few) Mozilla obtained most of its funding from Google through a licensing agreement (Google is the default search engine in the search box). No company wants to be dependent on a single source for a large chunk of its income and Mozilla is no exception. But where are the review streams for open source companies? Training and consulting are the obvious choices for technical products, but web browsers are supposed to user friendly, not technical. Another option is advertising and Mozilla has indicated an intent to go down this path.
How are open source compilers funded? A lot of the work on gcc used to be done by the folk at Code Sourcery, which is not owned by Mentor Graphics, and I was told their income primarily came from companies interested in ports to new processors and platforms. I have no idea how the gcc group is funded inside Mentor Graphics, but the long term prognosis does not look good; there is a long history of large tech companies buying compiler outfits and closing them down some years later (because the income they produce is not worth the hassle). The LLVM project, I’m told, gets most of its funding from Apple and one of my predictions for 2009 was that this funding would go away and LLVM would die; ok I was wrong about the year, but eventually Apple will stop funding this project.
Advertising is a possible revenue stream for compiler vendors; compilers could show adverts while compiling. Anybody who has used a commercial compiler will be familiar with the copyright notices that appear at the start of every compilation, so having a text message appear at the start of every compile is not new. Advertising could take the form of product placement “This version of gcc is brought to you by Wizzo Wash” or display material downloaded during compilation.
Adverts during compilation are not going to be popular with developers. One solution is to offer a subscription service for an ads free version of the compiler. It will certainly be necessary to make it much more difficult to build the compiler from source.
This form of revenue generation will have to be sold to developers; a group not known for its willingness to pay for tools (new tool vendors quickly learn to sell to management and ignore developers) combined with compiler writers not being known for having any selling ability.
Honking the horn for go faster memory (over go faster cpus)
I have been doing some analysis of computer performance, as measured by the results of the SPEC 2006 int benchmark (i.e, no floating point). As the following plot shows, computers are continuing to get faster (code and data):
I think the widening spread of results might have a lot to do with companies slowly migrating to the newer benchmark, increasing the range of test cases; there mus also be an element of an increasing range of computer performance on offer from vendors now we have reached the good-enough point.
In the last century the increase in performance was strongly correlated with increasing cpu clock speed. As the following plot shows, this century is different (in years to come the first few years, where this correlation quickly died out, will be treated as a round-off error); performance is more likely to be higher at a higher clock rate, but far from guaranteed:
One of the reasons for this change is that, for many tasks, cpus are now seriously performance limited by memory bandwidth, and so these days a lot of the performance improvement is coming from faster memory (yes, it is really about shifting more bytes per clock tick, but a common faster/slower vocabulary keeps things simpler). The following plot uses PC2 (blue) and PC3 (red) module numbers:
Making use of go faster memory is not as straight-forward as using a go faster cpu. Memory chip configuration includes more tuning options than cpus, which just need a faster clock. That spread in performance, for a given memory rate can probably be traced to use of different options and of course cpu caches play an important part in improving performance. The SPEC results do contain lots of descriptive details about cache characteristics, but extracting it will be fiddly and analysing this kind of stuff always makes my head hurt.
The computer buying public have learned that higher clock rate is better. Unfortunately they still think this applies to cpus when they should now be asking about memory speed. When I ask people about the speed of memory in their computer I am usually told how many gigabytes it has, or get the same kind of look I used to get many years ago when asking about cpu speed.
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