Tool for tuning the use of floating-point types
A common problem when writing code that performs floating-point arithmetic is figuring out which of the available three (usually) possible floating-point types to use (e.g., float
, double
or long double
). Some language ‘solve’ this problem by only having one possibility (e.g., R) and some implementations of languages that offer three types use the same representation for all of them (e.g., 32 bits).
The type float
often represents the least precision/range of values but occupies the smallest amount of storage and operations on it have traditionally been the fastest, type long double
often represents the greatest precision/range of values but occupies the most storage and operations on it are generally the slowest. Applying the Goldilocks principle the type double
is very often selected.
Anyone who has worked with floating-point values will be familiar with some of the ways they can bite very hard. Once a function that uses floating-point types is written the general advice is to leave it alone.
Precimonious is an interesting new tool that searches for possible performance/accuracy trade-offs; it randomly selects a floating-point declaration, changes the type used, executes the resulting program and compares the output against that produced by the original program. Users of the tool specify the maximum error (difference in output values) they are willing to accept and Precimonious searches for a combination of changes to the floating-point types contained within a program that result in a faster program that does not exceed this maximum error.
The performance improvements cited in the paper (which includes the doyen of floating-point in its long list of authors) cluster around zero and worthwhile double figure percentage (max 41.7%); sometimes no improvements were found until the maximum error was reduced from to
Perhaps a combination of Precimonious and a tool that attempts to improve accuracy is the next step 🙂
There is resistance to using search based methods to fix faults. Perhaps tools like Precimonious will help developers get used to the idea of search assisted software development.
I wonder how long it will be before we see commentary in bug reports such as the following:
- that combination of values was not in the Precimonious test set,
- Precimonious cannot find a sufficiently optimized program within the desired error tolerance for that rarely seen combination of values. Won’t fix.
Changes in the API/non-API method call ratio with program size
Amount of code is the fundamental metric of software engineering. How do things change as the amount of code changes and often just as interestingly what does not change with code size?
Most languages include some kind of base library functionality. Languages such as Java and C++ not only include a very large library but also a huge, widely used, collection of third-party libraries.
Let’s count every method call in lots of Java programs and for each program divide these calls into two groups, calls to methods in well-known libraries (call these the API methods) and all other method calls (i.e., calls to methods written by the developers who wrote each of the programs measured; call these the non-API methods).
I would expect the ratio of API to non-API method calls to be independent of program size.
Yes, the number of possible different API calls is fixed while the number of possible non-API calls increases with program size, but I don’t see why a changing ratio of unique calls should change the ratio of total calls.
Yes, larger programs are likely to contain more architectural stuff whose code is more likely to contain calls to non-API methods, but the percentage of architectural code is very small and unlikely to have much impact on the overall numbers.
The authors of the paper: Large-scale, AST-based API-usage analysis of open-source Java projects made their data available and so I got to check out my thinking 🙂
The plot below shows everything going to plan until around 10,000 method calls (about 50,000 lines of code). Why that sudden kink in the line (code and data)?
One possibility is that once a program gets to a size of around 50,000 lines the developers decide to invest in one or more wrapper packages which create a purpose built interface to an API (programs often have their own requirements and needs that existing an existing API interface does not quite meet); this would cause API calls to decrease and non-API calls to increase. If this pattern of usage occurred there would be a permanent change in the API/non-API ratio, and in practice the ratio change appears to be temporary.
I’m a bit stumped by this behavior. Suggestions on possible mechanisms welcome.
I wish I had the time to investigate, but I have a book to finish.
A prediction for 2014
When I first started writing this blog I used to make prediction for the coming year. After a couple of years I stopped doing this, the world of computer languages changes very slowly, i.e., I was mostly proved wrong.
I recently realised that Facebook had not yet launched their own general programming language; such an event must be a sure fire prediction for 2014.
Stop trying to argue that the world does not need a new programming language. The reason companies launch their own language is self image (in the way Hollywood superstars launch their own perfumes and fashion lines).
Back in the day IBM launched PL/1, we had Ada from the US DOD, C# and F# from Microsoft, Google has Go and Mozilla has Rust.
Facebook has a software platform and I’m sure they feel something is missing. It must really gall their engineers to hear people from Google, Mozilla and even that old fogy Microsoft talking about ‘their’ language.
New languages are easy to invent, PhD students do it all the time. Implementing them is also cheap, a good engineer can put together a compiler and interpreter in about a year; these days, thanks to LLVM, the cost of building a machine code generator for a new language has dropped significantly (GCC is still intimidating). Libraries, where a large percentage of the work used to go, can be copied from a multitude of places (not a problem if everything is open sourced, which new language implementations tend to be these days).
One end of year tit-bit is that Google now seem to be taking Dart more seriously than just techy swagger.
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