Initial impressions of RangeLab
I was rummaging around in the source of R looking for trouble, as one does, when I came across what I believed to be a less than optimally accurate floating-point algorithm (function R_pos_di
in src/main/arithemtic.c
). Analyzing the accuracy of floating-point code is notoriously difficult and those having the required skills tend to concentrate their efforts on what are considered to be important questions. I recently discovered RangeLab, a tool that seemed to be offering painless floating-point code accuracy analysis; here was an opportunity to try it out.
Installation went as smoothly as newly released personal tools usually do (i.e., some minor manual editing of Makefiles and a couple of tweaks to the source to comment out function calls causing link errors {mpfr_random
and mpfr_random2
RangeLab works by analyzing the flow of values through a program to produce the set of output values and the error bounds on those values. Input values can be specified as a range, e.g., f = [1.0, 10.0]
says f
can contain any value between 1.0
and 10.0
My first RangeLab program mimicked the behavior of the existing code in R_pos_di
n=-10; f=[1.0, 10.0]; res = 1.0; if n < 0, n = -n; f = 1 / f; end while n ~= 0, if (n / 2)*2 ~= n, res = res * f; end n = n / 2; if n ~= 0, f = f*f; end end |
and told me that the possible range of values of res
res ans = float64: [1.000000000000001E-10,1.000000000000000E0] error: [-2.109423746787798E-15,2.109423746787799E-15] |
Changing the code to perform the divide last, rather than first, when the exponent is negative:
n=-10; f=[1.0, 10.0]; res = 1.0; is_neg = 0; if n < 0, n = -n; is_neg = 1 end while n ~= 0, if (n / 2)*2 ~= n, res = res * f end n = n / 2; if n ~= 0, f = f*f end if is_neg == 1, res = 1 / res end end |
and the error in res
is now:
res ans = float64: [1.000000000000000E-10,1.000000000000000E0] error: [-1.110223024625156E-16,1.110223024625157E-16] |
Yea! My hunch was correct, moving the divide from first to last reduces the error in the result. I have reported this code as a bug in R and wait to see what the R team think.
Was the analysis really that painless? The Rangelab language is somewhat quirky for no obvious reason (e.g., why use ~=
when everybody uses !=
these days and if conditionals must be followed by a character why not use the colon like Python does?) It would be real useful to be able to cut and paste C/C++/etc and only have to make minor changes.
I get the impression that all the effort went into getting the analysis correct and user interface stuff was a very distant second. This is the right approach to take on a research project. For some software to make the leap from interesting research idea to useful tool it is important to pay some attention to the user interface.
The current release does not deserve to be called 1.0 and unless you have an urgent need I would suggest waiting until the usability has been improved (e.g., error messages give some hint about what is wrong and a rough indication of which line the problem occurs on).
RangeLab has shown that there is simpler method of performing useful floating-point error analysis. With some usability improvements RangeLab would be an essential tool for any developer writing code involving floating-point types.
Update: The R team, in the form of Martin Maechler, resolved my report in just over 14 hours! The function R_pos_di
is not called, the pow
function from the C library (which takes two double
arguments rather than a double
and an int
) has been found to be more accurate. Martin says this usage is not less accurate even for n=3
, which I find surprising; I agree it should be more accurate for large values of n
is one of the more complicated maths functions, involving finding a log, a multiply and then returning the exponent of this result. There are lots of boundary values that need to be checked and the code goes on for a while. I will wait for the usability of RangeLab to improve before attempting to compare its accuracy against the simpler algorithm for integer powers. Looking at the SunOracle library sources, if both arguments have integral values the ‘integer power’ algorithm is used (with the divide performed last).
Licensing to decide the result of gcc vs llvm?
I was not surprised to hear today that Nvidia are halting development of their in-house C/C++ compiler and switching to one of the Open Source compilers. It is a lot cheaper to have one or two people looking after a company’s interests in a compiler developed by somebody else than having an in-house development group. It will be interesting to see how much longer Intel continues to fund their in-house compiler.
Nvidia chose llvm and gave a variety of technical reasons why this was the best choice over gcc.
One advantage (from Nvidia’s point of view) not mentioned is that llvm is licensed under a BSD style agreement. This means Nvidia don’t have to release the source code of any modifications or additions they make (they said these will be kept closed source); gcc is licensed under the GNU General Public License which requires source to be released. Arch rivals AMD (well, the ATI bit of AMD that does graphics hardware) also promote llvm, and I’m sure Nvidia does not want to help them in any way.
The licensing difference between gcc and llvm has the potential to make a big difference to the finances of both development teams.
My understanding of gcc funding is that most of it comes from back-end work (i.e., a company pays to have gcc work or do a better job on some [I imagine their] processor). Given a choice, would these companies rather release the source they paid to have written/modified or keep it closed? Some probably don’t care and hope that by making the source available others will help find and fix problems (i.e., there is a benefit to making it available), on the other hand companies introducing processors with fancy new features will want to minimise any technology that competitors can get for free.
In the years to come, it is possible that gcc will loose a significant amount of this back-end income to llvm because of licensing.
PhD projects are the life-blood of new compiler optimization techniques and for many years source code from them has often ended up as the experimental version of a new optimization phase of gcc. Many students are firm believers in making source freely available and shy away from being involved in non-GPL projects. Will this deter them from using llvm in their research (there may be a growing trend favoring llvm over gcc in research, or the llvm people may be better than the gcc folk at marketing {not hard})?
If llvm does not get the new fancy optimizations for ‘free’ they are going to have to spend money doing the implementing themselves or have their performance slowly fall behind that of gcc. Will this cost be more or less than the additional income from closed source customers?
We are unlikely to know the impact that licensing has on the fortunes of both compilers until the end of this decade. Perhaps designing and building a new processor will not be economically worthwhile in 10 years, perhaps all the worthwhile optimizations will be done. We will have to wait and see.
Update 4 Jan 2012: Video (235M) of talk on status of effort to make llvm the default compiler in FreeBSD at LLVM 2011 Developer’s meeting.
Optimizing floating-point expressions for accuracy
Floating-point arithmetic is one topic that most compiler writers tend to avoid as much as possible. The majority of programs don’t use floating-point (i.e., low customer demand), much of the analysis depends on the range of values being operated on (i.e., information not usually available to the compiler) and a lot of developers don’t understand numerical methods (i.e., keep the compiler out of the blame firing line by generating code that looks like what appears in the source).
There is a scientific and engineering community whose software contains lots of floating-point arithmetic, the so called number-crunchers. While this community is relatively small, many of the problems it works on attract lots of funding and some of this money filters down to compiler development. However, the fancy optimizations that appear in these Fortran compilers (until the second edition of the C standard in 1999 Fortran did a much better job of handling the minutia of floating-point arithmetic) are mostly about figuring out how to distribute the execution of loops over multiple functional units (i.e., concurrent execution).
The elephant in the floating-point evaluation room is result accuracy. Compiler writers know they have to be careful not to throw away accuracy (e.g., optimizing out what appear to be redundant operations in the Kahan summation algorithm), but until recently nobody had any idea how to go about improving the accuracy of what had been written. In retrospect one accuracy improvement algorithm is obvious, try lots of possible combinations of the ways in which an expression can be written and pick the most accurate.
There are lots of ways in which the operands in an expression can be paired together to be operated on; some of the ways of pairing the operands in a+b+c+d
include (a+b)+(c+d)
, a+(b+(c+d))
and (d+a)+(b+c)
(unless the source explicitly includes parenthesis compilers for C, C++, Fortran and many other languages (not Java which is strictly left to right) are permitted to choose the pairing and order of evaluation). For n
operands (assuming the operators have the same precedence and are commutative) the number is combinations is where
is the n’th Catalan number. For 5 operands there are 1680 combinations of which 120 are unique and for 10 operands
of which
are unique.
A recent study by Langlois, Martel and Thévenoux analysed the accuracy achieved by all unique permutations of ten operands on four different data sets. People within the same umbrella project are now working on integrating this kind of analysis into a compiler. This work is another example of the growing trend in compiler research of using the processing power provided by multiple cores to use algorithms that were previously unrealistic.
Over the last six years or so there has been lot of very interesting floating-point work going on in France, with gcc and llvm making use of the MPFR library (multiple-precision floating-point) for quite a while. Something very new and interesting is RangeLab which, given the lower/upper bounds of each input variable to a program (a simple C-like language) computes the range of the outputs as well as ranges for the roundoff errors (the tool assumes IEEE floating-point arithmetic). I now know that over the range [800, 1000] the expression x*(x+1)
is a lot more accurate than x*x+x
Update: See comment from @Eric and my response below.
Christmas books for 2011
The following is my suggested list of books to consider buying somebody to celebrate Christmas or Isaac Newton’s birthday (in the Julian calendar which applied when he was born). To pad out the list I have added a few books from Christmas’s before I started this blog.
The Number sense by Stanislas Dehaene, the second edition is a significantly revised and expanded version of the 1997 first edition and is even better than the first. A very readable introduction to the brain structures involved in processing numbers along with lots of practical examples of how this processing effects our everyday handling of number related situations. If you regularly work with numbers you have to read this book.
Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud. Superficially about comics but really a master class on how to convey lots of information with the minimum of content. An indispensable read for anybody with an interest in writing source code or diagrams that can be understood by other people.
The Psychology of language by Trevor Harley (now in its third edition which I have not read, this recommendations applies to the second edition from 2001). This book is the perfect antidote to the Chomsky syntax/semantics nonsense that continues to permeate the software world. This book discusses linguistic behavior from the perspective of psychological processes elucidated from experimental evidence. Not such an easy read as my first two recommendations, but worth the investment.
R in a Nutshell by Joseph Adler. A handy quick reference to have sitting next to the keyboard. There is opportunity for improvement in this niche but in 2011 this is king of the hill.
Europe at War by Norman Davies. Broad brush view of World war II from a variety of perspectives. Lots of numbers and readable analysis. An eye-opener for anybody who thinks that Britain’s (and all other European allies) manpower contribution, in the overall scale of things, was significant.
Other suggestions welcome.
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