
Archive for March, 2009

Finding the ‘minimum’ faulty program

March 17, 2009 No comments

A few weeks ago I received an inquiry about running a course/workshop on compiler writing. This does not does not happen very often and it reminded me that many years ago the ACCU asked if I would run a mentored group on compiler writing, I was busy writing a book at the time. The inquiry got me thinking it would be fun to run a compiler writing mentored group over a 6-9 month period and I emailed the general ACCU reflector asking if anybody was interested in joining such a group (any reader wanting to join the group has to be a member of the ACCU).

Over the weekend I had a brainwave for a project, automatic compiler test generation coupled with a program source code minimizer (I need a better name for this bit). Automatic test generation sounds great in theory but in practice whittling down the source code of those programs that result in a fault being exhibited, to create a usable sized test case that is practical for debugging purposes can be a major effort. What is needed is a tool to automatically do the whittling, i.e., a test case minimizer.

A simple algorithm for whittling down the source of a large test program is to continually throw away that half/third/quarter of the code that is not needed for the fault to manifest itself. A compiler project that took as input source code, removed half/third/quarter of the code and generated output that could be compiled and executed is realistic. The input/reduce/output process could be repeated until the generated source was considered to have reached some minima. Ok, this will soak up some cpu time, but computers are cheap and people are expensive.

Where does the test source code come from? Easy, it is generated from the same yacc grammar that the compiler, written by the mentored group member, uses to parse its input. Fortunately such a generation tool is available and ready to use.

The beauty is using the same grammar to generate tests and parse input. This means there is no need to worry about which language subset to use initially and support for additional language syntax can be added incrementally.

Experience shows that automatically generated test programs quickly uncover faults in production compilers, even when working with language subsets. Compiler implementors are loath to spend time cutting down a large program to find the statement/expression where the fault lies, this project will produce a tool that does the job for them.

So to recap, the mentored group is going to write one or more automatic source code generators that will be used to stress test compilers written by other people (e.g., gcc and Microsoft). Group members will also write their own compiler that reads in this automatically generated source code, throws some of it away and writes out syntactically/semantically correct source code. Various scripts will be be written to glue this all together.

Group members can pick the language they want to work with. The initial subset could just include supports for integer types, if-statements and binary operators.

If you had trouble making any sense all this, don’t join the group.

Parsing ambiguous grammars (part 1)

March 4, 2009 No comments

Parsing a language is often much harder than people think, perhaps because they have only seen examples that use a simple language that has been designed to make explanation easy. Most languages in everyday use contain a variety of constructs that make the life of a parser writer difficult. Yes, there are parser generators, tools like bison, that automate the process of turning a grammar into a parser and a language’s grammar is often found in the back of its reference manual. However, these grammars are often written to make the life of the programmer easier, not the life of the parse writer.

People may have spotted technical term like LL(1), LR(1) and LALR(1); what they all have in common is a 1 in brackets, because they all operate by looking one token ahead in the input stream. There is a big advantage to limiting the lookahead to one token, the generated tables are much smaller (back in the days when these tools were first created 64K was considered to be an awful lot of memory and today simple programs in embedded processors, with limited memory, often use simple grammars to parse communication’s traffic). Most existing parser generators operate within this limit and rely on compiler writers to sweat over, and contort, grammars to make them fit.

A simple example is provided by PL/1 (most real life examples tend to be more complicated) which did not have keywords, or to be exact did not restrict the spelling of identifiers that could be used to denote a variable, label or procedure. This meant that in the following code:

IF x THEN y = z; ELSE = w;

when the ELSE was encountered the compiler did not know whether it was the start of the alternative arm of the previously seen if-statement or an assignment statement. The token appearing after the ELSE needed to be examined to settle the question.

In days gone-by the person responsible for parsing PL/1 would have gotten up to some jiggery-pokery, such as having the lexer spot that an ELSE had been encountered and process the next token before reporting back what it had found to the syntax analysis.

A few years ago bison was upgraded to support GLR parsing. Rather than lookahead at more tokens a GLR parser detects that there is more than one way to parse the current input and promptly starts parsing each possibility (it is usually implemented by making copies of the appropriate data structures and updating each copy according to the particular parse being followed). The hope is that eventually all but one of these multiple parsers will reach a point where they cannot successfully parse the input tokens and can be killed off, leaving the one true parse (the case where multiple parses continue to exist was discussed a while ago; actually in another context).

volatile handling sometimes overly volatile

March 2, 2009 1 comment

The contents of some storage locations, used by a program, might be modified outside of the control of that program, e.g., a real-time clock or the input port of a communications device. In some cases writing to particular storage locations has an external effect, e.g., a sequence of bits is sent down a communications channel. This kind of behavior commonly occurs in embedded systems

C and C++ support the existence of variables that have been mapped to such storage locations through the use of the volatile type qualifier.

volatile long flag;
volatile time_t timer;
struct {
                    int f1 : 2;
          volatile int f2 : 2;
                    int f3 : 3;
         } x;

When a variable is declared using volatile compilers must assume that its value can change in ways unknown to the compiler and that storing values into such a variable can have external effects. Consequently almost all optimizations involving such variables are off limits. Idioms such as timer = timer; are used to reset or refresh timers and are not dead code.

Volatile is a bit of an inconvenience for writers of code optimizers, requiring them to add checks to make sure the expression or statement they want to attempt to optimize does not contain a volatile qualified variable. In many environments the semantics of volatile are not applicable, which means that bugs in optimizers have a much smaller chance of being detected than faults in other language constructs.

There have been a number of research projects investigating the use of the const qualifier, but as far as I know only one that has investigated volatile. The ‘volatile’ project found that all of the compilers tested generated incorrect code for some of the tests. License agreements prevented the researchers giving details for some compilers. One interesting observation for gcc was that the number of volatile related faults increased with successive compiler releases; it looks like additional optimizations were being implemented and these were not checking for variables being volatile qualified.

One practical output from the project was a compiler stress tester targeting volatile qualified variables. The code generated by stress testers often causes compilers to crash and hang and the researchers reported the same experience with this tool.

There is one sentence in the C Standard whose overly broad wording is sometimes a source of uncertainty: What constitutes an access to an object that has volatile-qualified type is implementation-defined. This sentence applies in two cases: datatypes containing lots of bytes and bit-fields.

To save space/money/time/power some processors access storage a byte, or half-word, at a time. This means that, for instance, an access to a 32-bit storage location may occur as two separate 16-bit operations; from the volatile perspective does that constitute two accesses?

Most processors do not contain instructions capable of loading/storing a specified sequence of bits from a byte. This means that accesses to bit-fields involve one or more bytes being loaded and the appropriate bits extracted. In the definition of x above an access to field f1 is likely to result in field f2 (and f3) being accessed; from the volatile perspective does that constitute two accesses?

Unfortunately it is very difficult to obtain large quantities of source code for programs aimed at the embedded systems market. This means that it is not possible to obtain reliable information on common usage patterns of volatile variables. If anybody knows of any such code base please let me know.